
- erlehmann (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~erle@dynamic-046-114-036-214.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)00:09
- chartreuse (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~chartreus@S0106f0f249dfd9c3.cg.shawcable.net)00:13
+ chartreuse (~chartreus@S0106f0f249dfd9c3.cg.shawcable.net)00:17
+ erlehmann (~erle@dynamic-046-114-032-154.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)00:21
- chartreuse (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~chartreus@S0106f0f249dfd9c3.cg.shawcable.net)00:42
+ chartreuse (~chartreus@S0106f0f249dfd9c3.cg.shawcable.net)00:42
- mjw (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~mark@herd.wildebeest.org)01:04
- S0rin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)01:12
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)01:15
chartreusemntmn: I just noticed that the cpu hinksink has a slight bow it it. Ended up taking it off because I was curious about it, and put some new Arctic MX-4 paste on it01:29
chartreuseI'm sure it doesn't quite need it but also noticed the mounting pressure isn't the most even, mainly due to no mounting in the one corner01:30
chartreuseTried bending it a bit flatter by hand to see if it improves it a bit01:31
chartreuseI think the bending is just from a lack of a third screw in the top left (by the SSD)01:34
chartreuseEr, fourth/fifth01:34
chartreuseAlso not entirely sold on the "coldplate" part of the heatsink having a textured finish. Not the best for making contact with the die01:36
khmthat's what the paste is for, surely01:38
chartreuseWell yes, but paste is worse than metal contact, ideally you want as little paste between the cpu and heatsink as possible01:39
chartreuseNormally a heatsink you'll have a very smooth machined surface to contact the die01:39
chartreuseIt's not like the MX8 is a super high thermal load, but perhaps future CPUs might be01:40
mntmnchartreuse: good point02:07
chartreuseI'm thinking now it might be my new kernel, but I'm noticing that the CPU thermal sensors seem to stop working shortly after booting now02:09
chartreuseMight be a regression in 5.1302:09
chartreuseThough the NVME temp is still showing just fine in sensors02:09
chartreuseDoes the LPC have access to a thermal sensor and can spit it out over UART? Or is it linux only though the CPU driver?02:12
mntmnsounds like a regression02:16
mntmnit was the case with older kernels02:16
mntmnlinux only, the temp sensor is inside of the SoC die02:16
mntmnso, in the olden tymes, i don't remember the kernel rev, i encountered the stuck temp thing; it went away with 5.10 maybe (???)02:17
chartreuseAlright, is it part of one of the patches? Or part of the stock kernel02:17
chartreuseOkay, I'll see what changed between 5.12 and 5.13 just need to track down the file02:18
mntmnah yeah it is qoriq temp something something02:18
mntmnfor some reason it's the same tech as in qoriq chips02:18
chartreuseLast commit to qoriq_thermal.c was in May last year :/02:20
mntmngonna hit the hay. will check what you found tomorrow!02:20
mntmnhmmm so maybe not directly related02:20
chartreuseAlright, catch you later. Hope I can find what broke XD02:20
chartreuseMight downgrade my custom kernel in the meantime XD02:20
chartreuseActually another test I can do is 5.14 is mainline now, I'll see if it got fixed again02:22
chartreuseOh forgot I manually applied the regd wireless patches since they were out of date XD02:31
- adjtm (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~adjtm@2a0c:5a80:1119:2c00:3343:c4bf:622f:c0ce)02:46
+ adjtm (~adjtm@2a0c:5a80:1119:2c00:3343:c4bf:622f:c0ce)02:47
cwebberI don't think the batteries work right on my reform04:31
cwebbernothing happens with the button pressed when unplugged and battery status is ??? and 0%04:31
cwebbersorry, ???%, 0.00A, 0.01V04:39
sbates@cwebber: are there voltages reported on the individual batteries? it sounds like the batteries might be discharged04:43
AsmadeusI can't recall, but if you bought a pre-assembled model there might be tape somewhere that prevented battery connection you might need to remove first? (assuming it's new and never worked)04:56
cwebberAsmadeus: ah... that's probably it :)04:58
cwebberyes it's new and never worked04:58
cwebberI need to install the wifi card still anyway04:58
cwebbertbh only had time to finally try out some things the last couple of days other than booting with the default sd card04:58
cwebberran genode on the reform04:58
cwebberthat was interesting :)04:59
chartreuseOkay so 5.14 was a bit more work than 5.13, fair number of changes to the patch files had to be made and check if already fixed. Now time to configure and compile it 05:21
chartreuseSee if whatever temp sensor regression that was added between 5.12 and 5.13 has been fixed or if I have to track that down as well05:21
chartreusecwebber: In the kit at least there was tape over the connectors from the battery and they weren't plugged in to the motherboard05:23
chartreuseIf you see some yellow tape through the bottom that's probably it05:24
ex-parrotchartreuse: it doesn't just read 49 degrees anymore?05:26
chartreuseI built a custom 5.13 kernel and it just sticks at some value shortly after booting05:31
chartreuseI've had it showing 25C while it was very hot, and right now it shows 34 and has been stuck there since I booted XD05:31
chartreuseI don't think it was an issue when I was running the official kernel05:32
ex-parrothmm, on mntmn's kernel I'm just stuck on 49 all the time05:36
chartreuseOh okay, then perhaps the bug is still there in 4.12. mntmn was saying it went away after 5.10 or so earlier05:44
chartreuseI thought I did remember that after a day or two of uptime it would stick before05:44
chartreuseBut now it seems to be right away after booting, 05:44
chartreuseIf you restart your reform does it change, and work for more than a few minutes?05:44
- sbates (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~sbates@
chartreuseStill showing 34C as I compile a kernel at 100% load XD05:59
chartreuseOkay linux/unaligned/generic.h seems to have been removed in 5.14, got to figure out what that got changed to to fix this patch06:19
Asmadeuschartreuse: you want to include asm/unaligned.h instead06:23
chartreuseAh okay, was reading the patches that removed it and wasn't sure where it went to06:23
AsmadeusNot sure if there are other changes or if it's 100% compatible, see 803f4e1eab7a ("asm-generic: simplify asm/unaligned.h")06:24
chartreuseThat's what I was looking at06:24
chartreuseThis is in the file cdns-mhdp-common.c that one of the MNT patches adds for HDMI06:24
Asmadeusthe patches before it change a bunch of includes to use unaligned.h directly instead06:25
Asmadeus637be9183e04 ("asm-generic: use asm-generic/unaligned.h for most architectures")06:25
chartreuseYeah I'm seeing #include "asm/unaligned.h" in files06:26
chartreuseYep the functions used seem to be the ones in there. I'll adjust the patch file06:27
chartreuseOh that's funny it already includes that as well, well lets see if it breaks it06:28
AsmadeusThe rework probably just made the other file redundant06:29
chartreuseThanks for the help!06:29
+ rasmus (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)06:44
- rasmus (PART: !!unknown attribute: msg!!) (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)06:47
+ adjtm_ (~adjtm@
- adjtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~adjtm@2a0c:5a80:1119:2c00:3343:c4bf:622f:c0ce)07:09
ex-parrotDo either of you have your kernel work in a git repo I could look at?07:28
chartreuseThe stock 5.12 kernel is on source.mnt.re in the reform-system-image repo07:30
chartreuseI'll probably put my adjusted patches for 5.14 into a repo on the after I confirm they work07:31
chartreuseBut the only thing I did beyond what the default does is to patch the ath driver to ignore the default world regd that the card has07:31
chartreuseSo I can manually use the one just for my country, rather than both mixed07:32
ex-parrotAh nice 07:32
ex-parrotYeah I have the 5.12 sources 07:32
chartreuseJust finished building, so I'll see if I broke anything adjusting the patches for 5.1407:33
chartreuseWell it booted and the screen is working, so good sign I didn't break anything XD07:42
- arminweigl (QUIT: Ping timeout: 250 seconds) (~arminweig@sourcehut/user/arminweigl)07:47
chartreuseGoing to say thermal sensor still not working under 5.14. Guess I'd have to revert to 5.12 to see if it's actually working with that still08:02
chartreuseStarted at 49 after a restart with the new kernel, started a stress test, went to 52 and stopped there, even putting it down on a bed to reduce cooling didn't change it. Stopped stress test, put it on a laptop cooler, still at 52 5m later08:03
ex-parrotYeah I had “49” through the whole LFS build which took a good few hours 08:21
+ arminweigl (~arminweig@sourcehut/user/arminweigl)08:32
chartreuseOkay so probably broken in all versions really. Will probably need some insight from mntmn as to if any version worked reliably08:35
chartreuseex-parrot, https://source.mnt.re/Chartreuse/reform-system-image  has my changes for a 5.14 kernel build08:35
chartreuseI didn't include the ath regd patches or my custom config with it, just made one that'd be clean to merge back08:36
chartreuseAnd if you want to mess with using user supplied regd then there's the branch https://source.mnt.re/Chartreuse/reform-system-image/-/tree/ath-user-reg08:41
chartreuseKeep in mind with that one you'll have to set your registry domain so you're in compliance for your country08:43
chartreuseEither iw reg set CA (or your country code here), or set REGDOMAIN=CA in /etc/default/crda08:45
chartreuseI think you need to install crda for the later08:46
chartreusemntmn: Just thought of something if you ever do a replacement heatsink, The current one is barely not touching the case at the back, perhaps it could be made thicker there, and ever so slightly larger so that it touches the case to spread heat to the frame09:06
chartreuseI'm thinking some of the thermal tape I have might be enough to bridge the current gap. Going to see if it has much of an effect09:06
chartreuseActually better, found my thermal pad material, forgot how annoyingly strong that thermal tape is09:07
chartreuseOh interesting. Loosening the MB screws the heatsink can be pressed right up to the case09:08
- ggoes (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~gregf@fsf/staff/ggoes)10:18
chartreuseOpened it up just to add a thermal pad between the cpu heatsink and case. Ended up lacing all the cables (and adding some threadlocker to the battery board screws)10:37
ex-parrotchartreuse: firstly the cable lacing looks amazing, I retweeted it 10:41
ex-parrotsecondly, good call wrt the heatsink and case, I think I’m going to slip a thermal pad in there too 10:41
ex-parrotthirdly, thank you for the kernel repo :)10:41
+ ggoes (~gregf@fsf/staff/ggoes)10:43
chartreuseNo problem!10:45
ex-parrotwhat’s going on in the wifi antenna area of your build?10:46
chartreuseI used a 0.5mm pad, but I think you could use slightly thinner even, though it squished in well10:47
ex-parrotI’ll be using whatever thickness I happen to have so I hope that fits 😂10:47
chartreuseI've got the Laird 2x2 antenna, as well as a third single antenna there10:47
chartreuse0.5mm was the only one I had handy :P10:47
ex-parrotDid you mount them on thicker blocks or is that an optical illusion?10:47
chartreuseSince I'm using a Wireless N card that can take 3 antennas10:47
chartreuseThey're just sitting on the acrylic block that came with the MNT10:48
chartreuseThe antennas have a foam pad for each of the active parts that raise them up slightly10:48
ex-parrotaha that’ll be what I’m seeing 10:48
ex-parrotI see the structure of it a bit more clearly now 10:48
ex-parrotI double-sided-foam-taped the acrylic to the motherboard on mine (avoiding any SMD parts so I don’t rip them off if I have to remove it), kind of thinking I should 3D print some spacers now to hold it against the case bottom mahbe 10:49
ex-parrotah yeah, that’s much clearer. Thanks 10:49
chartreuseI've just kapton taped mine down for now XD10:49
ex-parrotI saw that, seems smarter than what I did tbh, it’s gonna be a pain to remove 10:50
ex-parrotThat’s a high tech looking wifi antenna 10:50
chartreuseMight not be bad to move it closer to the acrylic, more spacing from the PCB should be helpful10:50
chartreuseYeah they're quite fancy. Before I had some cheap ebay flat ones designed for retrofitting into old laptops10:51
ex-parrotI wondered about that 10:51
ex-parrotthe Novena never had a really especially good place to mount the wifi antennas 10:51
ex-parrotmine ended up stuck to the case, my friend just never took the backing off the adhesive on his and had them flapping loose inside 10:51
chartreuseIdeal would be mounting them with the screen. But the entirely aluminum case doesn't help much10:51
ex-parrotI can imagine not…10:52
ex-parrotThat said the wifi on my unit works great so I probably don’t actually need to mess with it 10:52
chartreuseI only did it because the kit doesn't come with the antenna10:52
ex-parrotah right 10:52
chartreuseSo why not spend a couple dollars extra to get the laird rather than the molex one10:53
ex-parrotI bought the pre-built option 10:53
chartreuseSince it's supposed to be better10:53
ex-parrotyeah fair 10:53
chartreuseI noticed there was a reasonable bit of space under the battery boards. I've got an SPI NFC module that'd probably fit. But I doubt the signal would get through the case to the palm rests10:55
ex-parrotHmm yeah 10:55
ex-parrotI like the idea of being able to slip an NFC card under the front of the machine though 10:55
chartreuseIf doing it under is fine, probably could fit it near the trackball. Or if you have the trackpad then there's plenty of space there10:56
chartreuseFeeling a little heat transferring to the rear case. Would be nice to have working temps to see if it's having much of an effect11:04
chartreuseIt's on the farthest end of the heatsink from the cpu so won't be the strongest11:04
chartreuseGoing to leave it stressing for 30m+ to see how it responds11:04
- jvalleroy (QUIT: Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) (~quassel@user/jvalleroy)12:58
+ jvalleroy (~quassel@user/jvalleroy)12:58
+ mjw (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2487:f800:9e5c:8eff:fe8f:a440)13:03
+ sbates (~sbates@
- erlehmann (QUIT: Quit: Just say no, then the virus can not enter your body without your consent.) (~erle@dynamic-046-114-032-154.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)15:17
mntmngonna test some LPC sleep stuff now17:38
mntmnwatchdog timer reset works as expected, but not wakeup from it18:15
mntmnoh, got it to work now18:41
cwebberchartreuse: I didn't get the kit, but I do see the tape18:46
cwebberso that's probably it.18:46
sbatescwebber: the Handbook has some nice diagrams showing where to connect the battery cables: https://mntre.com/reform2/handbook/quickstart.html18:59
cwebbersbates: great, thanks :)19:03
- mjw (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2487:f800:9e5c:8eff:fe8f:a440)19:06
cwebberanyone have an idea about the compilation error at the bottom of: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-guix/2021-09/msg00030.html19:19
mntmncwebber: maybe some dependencies/environment missing for the makefile of u-boot to work correctly? looks like a macro is missing19:29
mntmni don't know anything about guix' build environment though19:29
mntmnchartreuse: i can now make the LPC go to deep sleep for a period of time and wake up from it and continue its business.19:30
cwebbermntmn: it might be19:31
cwebberand yes it does seem like something re: macro expansion is failing, but no idea why19:31
cwebberI'm not very C-world-literate19:31
+ erlehmann (~erle@dynamic-046-114-033-161.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)19:43
mntmnchartreuse: i just merged your keyboard power-down MR, and also merged it into this branch https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform/-/commits/wip-lpc-powersave20:25
mntmnchartreuse: which has the LPC powersave experiment20:25
mntmnwill now attempt to measure the power consumption with both LPC and keyboard sleeping20:28
mntmnbut i don't have high-resolution current measurement equipment (yet)20:28
erlehmanni have not yet set up my reform. who of you has a reform with full disk encryption and how did you set it up?20:31
mntmnme, for example20:32
erlehmannmntmn does the default install script handle it20:32
mntmnerlehmann: did you read the manual?20:32
erlehmannnot yet20:32
erlehmanni should RTFM first i guess20:32
erlehmannpls forgive me20:33
erlehmannthis just in “the customer is not always right”20:33
mntmnerlehmann: this is not up to date though! it is easier now https://mntre.com/reform2/handbook/advanced.html#encrypted-nvme20:33
mntmnerlehmann: basically, just set up the encrypted disk with gnome-disks and then use the reform-migrate script20:33
mntmnerlehmann: that just copies all data from the SD to the NVMe (which you have to unlock first)20:34
erlehmannmntmn, naisu20:34
mntmnerlehmann: finally, use reform-boot-config nvme20:34
erlehmanni usually set up encrypted disks swith “cryptsetup luksFormat”, i guess that is the same?20:35
erlehmanni think i have to use reform because minetest developers hate backwards compatibility20:35
mntmnerlehmann: ???20:35
erlehmannthey want to rewrite the rendering pipeline20:35
mntmnerlehmann: ah.20:35
erlehmannwhich will make it so that my main computer right now (thinkpad T60) will not be able to run it20:35
erlehmannbecause they will set openGL 2 as minimum20:35
mntmnerlehmann: btw, what about GLES2? debian doesn't ship minetest with gles2, right?20:36
erlehmannsome ppl see a 3D problem and think “i make a shader”, now they have millions of problems, computed in parallel on their GPU20:36
mntmnerlehmann: anyway, reform has desktop OpenGL 2.120:36
technomancyhaha, wow, I was complaining at a recent game jam about the (2D, very basic) games which required opengl 3; I never expected to find someone complaining about requiring opengl 2 =D20:36
erlehmanni compiled minetest with opengl ES and was rewarted with for becoming black shadow and 2d overlay rendering being bugged https://mister-muffin.de/p/iUaG.png https://mister-muffin.de/p/ywVX.png20:37
mntmnall these newfangled technologies!!20:37
mntmnerlehmann: oh wow, now that's a glitch20:37
erlehmannalso 5 to 7 fps with OpenGL ES 2, 25 to 27 fps with OpenGL 1.4, 1 fps with software rendering20:38
erlehmann“was rewarded with fog becoming black shadow”20:39
erlehmannmntmn it's abstract art20:39
technomancylet's not even talk about mine*craft* turning completely capable, fast computers into abandoned paperweights20:39
erlehmannwell the thing is minecraft does not even run on the thinkpad i am writing you from20:40
technomancyI had to retire one of my kids i5 thinkpads because of that stupid "upgrade"20:43
erlehmannyou can just play minetest instead20:44
technomancywell, sure20:44
technomancybut they like both games20:44
erlehmanntechnomancy try this http://git.minetest.land/Mineclonia/Mineclonia20:44
technomancyyou don't have to convince me; you have to convince my kids =P20:45
erlehmanntechnomancy modding is easier https://rubenwardy.com/minetest_modding_book/en/index.html20:47
technomancyI know; I've written several mods20:47
erlehmanntechnomancy oh show and tell20:52
erlehmanni have made the icon for minetest20:52
erlehmannand made the original clouds and rails and … brick? cactus? it's been a long time20:52
erlehmannbookshelf definitely20:52
technomancyhttps://gitlab.com/technomancy/calandria this is the main one20:52
technomancyI gave up working on it because the UI was too limited; the textareas available reeeeeally sucked at the time20:53
technomancymaybe it's gotten better since then20:53
technomancyoh god the formspec language; having flashbacks. it was so bad.20:54
+ darth-cheney (~user@2603-7000-8b44-b000-06f0-21ff-fe91-034c.res6.spectrum.com)20:54
erlehmannno need to have flashbacks20:54
erlehmannit still is bad20:54
technomancy"here go ahead and build up a data structure by concatenating strings; it'll be fiiiiine"20:54
erlehmannlike you can check it out right now20:54
darth-cheneyhey all, should sound be working out of the box via the headphones port?20:54
erlehmanntechnomancy, have you met texture modifiers20:55
technomancydarth-cheney: you have to manually swap outputs when you insert headphones; it doesn't detect it for you20:55
technomancyerlehmann: never got to that, no20:55
darth-cheneyin the settings app the only sound output device listed is "dummy output" and, as you'd expect, 20:55
darth-cheneyNo sound20:55
technomancydarth-cheney: huh, ok that's different, but it doesn't surprise me20:55
darth-cheneytechnomancy: what's the best way to go about doing that?20:56
technomancydarth-cheney: when that happened to me on my thinkpad the only solution I could find was to uninstall pulseaudio and use alsa, because pulse was consistently fucking everything up. only downside is then you can't play audio in firefox and need to use mpv+youtube-dl for media.20:57
technomancyhaven't had it happen on my reform yet tho so I'm keeping an uneasy truce with pulse for now20:57
darth-cheneytechnomancy: yeah when I first got the reform the sound was definitely working. I remember listening to something from the speakers even20:57
technomancywell, here's the script I use to swap outputs: https://p.hagelb.org/toggle-pa.html20:58
mntmndarth-cheney: do a reboot, known bug20:58
technomancydunno if it will help with what you're seeing20:58
darth-cheneyjust hoping that my screwing around with the internals over and over didn't loosen something up20:58
technomancyhoping that pipewire eventually replaces pulse so we can just put all this shit behind us20:58
mntmnfor the record everyone, if someone complains about no sound, tell them to reboot20:58
mntmnit's just a reset bug with the wm896020:58
mntmnyou can see that in dmesg | grep wm896020:59
darth-cheneymntmn: I have rebooten several times but can give it another go. Maybe if I leave the headphones in?20:59
mntmndarth-cheney: oh well, then that's maybe something else.20:59
mntmndarth-cheney: do you see wm8960 in dmesg?20:59
darth-cheneyyeah it says20:59
darth-cheney[    3.617501] wm8960 2-001a: Failed to issue reset21:00
mntmnthat's the known bug21:00
darth-cheneyBtw I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it, but I'm booting from nvm21:00
mntmnbut it should normally go away after 1x > sudo reboot21:00
darth-cheneyok I'll give it a go brb21:01
- darth-cheney (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~user@2603-7000-8b44-b000-06f0-21ff-fe91-034c.res6.spectrum.com)21:01
mntmni wonder if it's some sort of i2c race between wm8960 and the rtc21:01
technomancyanyone have a good solution for powering down the screen on idle?21:02
mntmntechnomancy: probably https://github.com/swaywm/swayidle21:03
+ darth-cheney (~user@2603-7000-8b44-b000-06f0-21ff-fe91-034c.res6.spectrum.com)21:05
mntmntechnomancy: here is a recipe https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Sway#Idle21:05
mntmndarth-cheney: do you have the audio back?21:06
darth-cheneymntmn: yeah it's back thanks21:07
mntmnok cool21:07
mntmndarth-cheney: i'm sure this is fixable with some kernel or dts patch but haven't gotten around to investigate in depth21:07
darth-cheneybtw thanks for the gitlab account. I have some silly Smalltalk tools for reform I've been working on. One of them is a live pixel editor for the keyboard oled 21:08
mntmndarth-cheney: oh cool. targeting robey's firmware?21:08
darth-cheneythe bitmap format for that OLED threw me off for a long time -- had to download and read the spec for the device21:09
mntmnoh ok!21:10
sbatestechnomancy: I saw your Reform review, via Mastodon, and I like the comparison to the Apple II. A computer I am very fond of and have an Apple IIe on my desk right now. It was a computer that was well made and designed to be modified and extended. There's still an active community of users. And I hope that Reform has a life like that!21:10
darth-cheneyAnyway I will push some Squeak package(s) to a repo there and probably post something to the forum21:10
mntmndarth-cheney: cool!21:10
mntmnsbates: technomancy: i missed that article i think, do you have a link?21:10
technomancymntmn: sure: https://technomancy.us/19521:12
technomancyso does swayidle work without sway? I forgot to mention I'm using a modified version of the reform-windowmaker script with Xwayland21:13
mntmngood question. maybe you have to explicitly set WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-0 or something before running it, so it knows that there is a wayland around it21:16
mntmnmaybe the dpms tool works just like that21:17
mntmnor it can be wired to whatever idle mechanism windowmaker has?21:17
technomancyI was using gnome-screensaver on my previous machine; maybe I could try that or the xfce one21:21
mntmnxscreensaver ;)21:27
Lewis[m]mntmn: is there a rough timeline on opening reform orders from the mtnmn shop site? No rush, I'm just wondering if I should plan for the expenditure this year. :)21:42
technomancyxscreensaver is cool but I am worried jwz will yell at me if I use it21:43
mntmnhaha 21:44
mntmnhe doesn't know that you're installing it...21:44
mntmnLewis[m]: i hope this week :) need to nail down the final pricing etc etc21:45
Lewis[m]oh wow, perfect. :) I'll continue refreshing the inventory page daily.21:45
+ mjw (~mark@herd.wildebeest.org)22:19
- darth-cheney (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~user@2603-7000-8b44-b000-06f0-21ff-fe91-034c.res6.spectrum.com)22:49
chartreusemntmn: Great news. I'll look into that code (and also fix the issue I created into multiple small linked ones)22:50
chartreuseAlso can't really quantify the numbers much without the thermal sensor, but left it running a stress test overnight with the added thermal pad. Does feel like it's a bit cooler on the bottom than it would normally be23:18
chartreuseAnd the back did get a fair bit warm where the pad was, spreading out to maybe the hinges23:18
chartreuseSo it's at least dissipating some heat outside of the case. SSD next to it got to 54C, so that'd be the air temp near the CPU23:19
chartreuseBut yeah, 5.14 doesn't fix the temp sensor either. And from other people 5.12 doesn't seem the best with it either. Was there an earlier kernel that was completely stable with the temperature updating?23:42
mntmnchartreuse: i believe the one in system image v1 was stable23:56

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