
- mjw (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~mark@herd.wildebeest.org)03:46
- _Bnu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 250 seconds) (~beeanyew@89-160-120-72.cust.bredband2.com)06:31
ex-parrotStill grinding my way through LFS08:53
ex-parrotI’ve been doing a couple of hours every 2nd day or so. Few small aarch64 issues to fix along the way but I didn’t get stuck yet 08:53
mntmnex-parrot: at which point are you?09:15
chartreuseFor a silly project, just managed to get my hacked copy of the latest PuTTY running on NT4 on Dec Alpha XD09:17
chartreuseWay too much effort for a silly task, but fun to get it done09:18
mntmnyeah i saw, really neat09:24
mntmndoes the alpha feel special in any interesting way?09:25
chartreuseIt's special in that nothing works on it and is slow by modern standards XD09:29
chartreuseTo me it's more using the hardware (My DEC Multia), and the challenge of trying to use it. 09:30
chartreuseLike I know it's a failed platform (killed by the mess that was Itanium) but trying to make it work is neat09:32
chartreuseOne really neat thing it does have is FX!32 which is a dynamic recompiler that lets you run x86 NT programs on the Alpha, and it works really well09:32
chartreuseI guess in the end, the architecture normally doesn't matter from a user point of view if the software is the same09:34
chartreuseKinda like being on the Reform here as ARM linux vs x86 linux. It's not really that much different of an experiance09:35
mntmnoh, interesting09:47
ex-parrotmntmn: I have the chroot up, now building the “real system”10:24
+ erlehmann (~erle@dynamic-046-114-034-172.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)10:26
ex-parrothas required ~ 1.5 full battery charges to get to this point 10:28
chartreuseAre you doing this on the reform? Or something more sensilble for LFS?10:28
ex-parrotOn the reform :) on SSD with LUKS10:29
ex-parrotit’s not /terrible/ actually, the worst is gcc which takes about an hour 10:29
ex-parrotcompared to my work Ryzen machine where it’s more like 4 minutes 10:29
chartreuseI think the one time I tried it was in a VM on a Phenom II based system, though that vm could have also been on the previous Athlon XP system...10:30
ex-parrotI haven’t tried in years, last time I kept getting stuck on errors I couldn’t get past. My C building troubleshooting skills have improved a lot since then 10:30
chartreusePutty takes an hour to build on my DEC Multia that I was hacking at10:31
ex-parrotHad to track down a couple of aarch64 related issues etc so far but nothing major 10:31
chartreuseI don't remember having issues, but did stop at some point. Might have gotten to the point where I basically now have to compile all the programs I want10:31
ex-parrotthings like ls not recognising the host triplet and so not picking the appropriately 64 bit syscall etc 10:32
chartreuseBut that was because I would have been building on x86 32bit10:32
ex-parrotwho would want programs 10:32
ex-parrotwhen they have a perfectly nice empty Unix in front of them :P10:32
chartreuseJust run busybox and nothing else :P10:32
chartreuseOr better compile emacs and make it your init process XD10:32
mntmnchartreuse: i think i will try && solder some bigger caps on my headphone output today10:32
ex-parrotbash only took a few minutes to build 10:32
mntmnbut i'll try piggybacking more ceramics first to see how that sounds10:33
chartreuseAh nice, do use lots of flux as it's fiddly 10:33
mntmnceramic sound probably!!10:33
chartreuseYeah that might be easier, and less risky that the electrolytics10:33
mntmni'm just listening to a new album on beyerdynamic headphones and thinking that there should be more bass10:33
chartreuseYou probably won't notice much if you're using speakers as they'll have a higher impedence, but do try it with 16-32ohm headphones10:33
ex-parrotwhat are you listening to, mntmn ?10:34
chartreuseAh yeah, the stock really is lacking when driving headphones10:34
mntmnjust that new NIN-produced halsey thing10:34
chartreuse47uF is a 220Hz (-3db) high pass filter into 16ohm headphones10:34
ex-parrotah right, didn’t listen to that yet 10:34
mntmnmaybe they just did a very bass-less mix but i don't believe it :D10:34
ex-parrotI never understood how electrolytic capacitors can work in an audio output stage 10:34
mntmnheadphones are dt88010:35
ex-parrotBut it seems to be a thing 10:35
chartreuseIt is, and most outputs use them, the + side has a dc bias on it so it's always higher than the output10:35
mntmni have a new audio product now (zz9000ax for amiga) where i use a opamps+electrolytics for the reconstruction filter... i didn't try to connect headphones to that yet though10:35
chartreuseSo polarity is less of an issue10:35
ex-parrotOh right of course 10:35
ex-parrotHah I never considered the bias 10:36
chartreuseEven better are bipolar electrolytics for audio dc blocking, they're essentially two caps back to back internally10:36
mntmni'm still not super experienced with analog though10:36
mntmnchartreuse: interesting10:36
chartreuseSo they're much larger that the standard ones10:36
ex-parrotI don’t currently have a machine with Quake set up but I got my NIN quake soundtrack LP out for the 25th anniversary 10:36
mntmnha! i've been eyeing that but don't even have a vinyl player at home10:37
ex-parrot“Quake on Reform”10:38
Lewis[m]Is there an open hardware scene for music related bits? Headphone amps, vinyl players, etc?10:38
mntmnhaha nice10:38
mntmnLewis[m]: good question, i haven't looked much, but there are oshw audio/dsp boards10:38
ex-parrotthe “chu moy” and “gainclone” amps were big and kind of de facto open hardware 10ish years ago 10:39
ex-parrotI haven’t kept up though 10:39
ex-parrotI think hifiberry is one I’ve seen recently 10:39
chartreusemntmn if you double up the 47uF, with 32ohm headphones (which I presume are they beyers you have), that 94uF will give a -3db cutoff of 53Hz10:41
chartreuseWhich should be improved a fair bit to the current10:41
mntmnthanks, gonna try that10:42
chartreuse3 will get you to 35Hz, but that'd be awkward and hard to install10:42
chartreuseI am still happy with my mod of 330uF, and don't want to touch that area anymore incase I mess up and somehow tear a pad XD10:43
chartreuse330uF is a 15Hz rolloff10:44
chartreuseBut doubling or trippling should work10:44
ex-parrotWhat headphones are you driving?10:45
chartreuseMe or mnt?10:45
ex-parrot(Just curious really)10:45
chartreuseThe ones I typically use are Sony MDR-XB950's which I'll admit are a bit heavy on bass as it is XD10:45
chartreuse24ohm impedence10:46
ex-parrotOh yeah the “extra bass” model :D10:46
ex-parrotI have a friend who swears by them 10:46
chartreuseThough with the bass mod it also sounds much better with my KZ-ATE earbuds, and other headphones I tried10:46
ex-parrotI sort of ended up collecting headphones10:46
chartreuseThey're great sounding, but could use a little less bass XD10:46
ex-parrotFor a while 10:46
ex-parrotI’ve had a couple of KZ earbuds but not the ATE I don’t think 10:47
chartreuseI think they're all quite similar in sound the KZ's10:48
ex-parrotACTION kicks off building Perl 10:48
chartreuseThe most important program10:49
ex-parrotit has a very friendly configure script 10:49
chartreuseJust listened to a few of those Halsey songs and yeah they'd sound a bit flat without the bass11:00
chartreuseThough it's kind of an accent in them11:00
mntmnok time to get some breakfast + head to the lab for some modding11:05
- emery (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~quassel@2a03:3b40:fe:ab::1)11:48
+ emery (~quassel@2a03:3b40:fe:ab::1)11:56
+ _Bnu (~beeanyew@89-160-120-72.cust.bredband2.com)11:58
mntmnchartreuse: piled one more 47uF on top, def. more bass13:29
mntmnok added one more pair of 47uFs...14:07
mntmnnow it's good ;)14:08
mntmnnow there's also some sub-bass in some tracks14:11
+ _rittchen (~rittchen@gateway/tor-sasl/rittchen)16:21
- _rittchen (QUIT: Ping timeout: 276 seconds) (~rittchen@gateway/tor-sasl/rittchen)17:33
- lexik (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~lexik@
+ lexik (~lexik@
- erlehmann (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~erle@dynamic-046-114-034-172.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)19:21
+ erlehmann (~erle@dynamic-046-114-034-172.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)19:23
+ rasmus (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)19:38
+ mjw (~mark@herd.wildebeest.org)20:41
- midfavila (PART: !!unknown attribute: msg!!) (~midfavila@
chartreusemntmn: glad to hear. Now you see why I went all out XD21:17
+ conky (~conky@cpe-75-185-67-183.cinci.res.rr.com)21:21
conkyHowdy folks, I'm looking for the SER1 serial port mentioned in the operators handbook on the reform motherboard, it seems like it is actually labeled S1?21:32
mntmnconky: oh yeah that is true21:33
mntmnit was relabeled21:34
conkyGotcha, thanks for the quick response!21:35
- rasmus (PART: Disconnected: closed) (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)21:45
conkyI'm looking to boot from an encrypted NVMe. To modify the U-Boot parameters without having to connect to the serial console it looks like I could modify https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-boundary-uboot/-/blob/bdcdce7434b9db19aabd59181014f24d66af0db8/board/boundary/nitrogen8m_som/nitrogen8m_som.c#L344 and rebuild flash.bin to achieve this, am I21:47
conkyunderstanding this correctly?21:47
mntmnconky: why do you want to change the u-boot parameters? (to what?)21:50
conkymntmn: I was looking at https://mntre.com/reform2/handbook/advanced.html#encrypted-nvme which describes modifying the u-boot parameters, but now I see they are the same as what is already defined in the source there21:59
mntmnconky: yeah it is not necessary except if you want to boot from eMMC->NVMe with no SD card at all21:59
conkymntmn: Got it, thanks22:00
- conky (QUIT: Quit: Client closed) (~conky@cpe-75-185-67-183.cinci.res.rr.com)22:06
+ conky (~conky@cpe-75-185-67-183.cinci.res.rr.com)23:33

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