
+ erle (~erle@dynamic-046-114-037-084.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)00:38
- erlehmann (QUIT: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by erle!~erle@dynamic-046-114-037-084.46.114.pool.telefonica.de))) (~erle@dynamic-046-114-034-009.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)00:38
+ midfavila (~midfavila@
midfavilaOut of curiosity, what happened to the SATA connection on the alpha Reforms? I don't seem to recall any blogposts explaining where it went, but I might have missed one00:53
mntmnmidfavila: that was i.mx6. it has sata. i.mx8m hasn't00:55
mntmnls1028a has sata though.00:55
midfavilaAh, makes sense. I'll have to look into that SoC then. Would be cool if one could wire up a SATA and two expansion cards, instead of just the one and an M.2 drive.00:57
* erle -> erlehmann01:09
mntmnwith the ls1028a sata will be in the m.2 slot.01:13
midfavilaYeah, I figured. Otherwise the mainboard would have to be redesigned - still, I can dream! Looking at picking up a Reform soon regardless.01:14
chartreuseCould have been a nice future proofing if there was edge connector pins to spare. 4 pcie lanes to the nvme, as well as sata01:31
midfavilaWell, there's nothing saying that down the line alternative system boards couldn't be developed, I bet. The other day I was actually thinking about how cool it would be to have a desktop replacement-style board - if the standard model is like a slim, compact X200 ThinkPad, such a hypothetical board could be more like a W or old-school A-series. Of course, would take a lot longer than to design a SoM... getting the standard model out 01:34
midfavilafirst is a priority anyway01:34
mntmnyeah, remember the motherboard is OSHW, making variants is totally possible01:40
mntmnanyone can open the kicad file and edit those extra lanes in ^^01:41
midfavilaMhm! That's what's had me excited about it for the past few years. If I knew my way around a HDL I'd totally work on it myself01:41
midfavilaor, you know, electrical engineering in general, haha01:41
mntmnyeah, but depending on demand also group buys for modified versions are possible etc etc01:43
mntmnwe are only scratching the surface of possibilities atm01:43
midfavilaFor sure. Actually, it reminds me a lot of the Dragonbox systems - not sure if you guys have seen them?01:43
midfavilaYeah, and the Pandora.01:44
mntmnyeah i am following these a bit and i tried one of the models at the last CCC01:45
mntmnbefore the pandemic...01:45
midfavilaOh, nice! How was it?01:45
midfavilaThe CCC and the Pyra 01:45
mntmnmy memory of the pyra is a bit faded, it felt pretty decent, i think we were trying to figure out how to navigate the desktop with joysticks or something01:46
mntmnthe ccc was a blast ;_;01:46
mntmnhopefully we can have another one soon...01:46
midfavilaSounds about right. Iirc the left moves the cursor and the other is for omnidirectional scrolling - kind of a weird system01:47
midfavilaAnd yeah, everything I've seen about the CCC seems awesome01:47
mntmnthe pandemic is hurting us because a lot of networking and showing reform off opportunities were lost01:47
midfavilaThe 2020 one was kind of a let-down though... hopefully I can travel to Germany in the future. 01:47
midfavilaAnd I can only imagine! A lot of small businesses in my area have had to close shop because of it01:47
mntmnnaja at least we were able to focus on shipping01:48
mntmnand we were extremely lucky we got our parts orders in right before the shortage became really bad01:49
mntmnit started already when the displays were suddenly much more expensive01:49
midfavilaYeah, I was actually wondering how the silicon issues would impact the Reform. Good that you got in early01:49
midfavilaGood to hear you've been able to ship without too much trouble though01:51
midfavilaA lot of tech stuff ends up in development hell, which always sucks01:51
- mjw (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~mark@herd.wildebeest.org)02:15
- arminweigl (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~arminweig@sourcehut/user/arminweigl)09:25
+ arminweigl (~arminweig@sourcehut/user/arminweigl)09:26
mntmnwoah totally missed this https://community.mnt.re/t/enhanced-keyboard-oled-firmware/39810:02
KoodaYep, that’s cool :)10:04
- jfred (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~quassel@libera/sponsor/jfred)10:19
+ jfred (quassel@libera/sponsor/jfred)10:20
+ frank2 (~frank@
+ rasmus (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)12:50
+ mjw (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2487:f800:9e5c:8eff:fe8f:a440)12:52
+ adjtm (~adjtm@2a0c:5a80:3a13:df00:86fc:2d84:6644:d92f)13:06
+ adjtm_ (~adjtm@
- adjtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~adjtm@2a0c:5a80:3a13:df00:86fc:2d84:6644:d92f)13:35
- rasmus (PART: Disconnected: closed) (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)13:57
midfavilahasn't hackaday covered the MNT before, too?17:37
midfavila(well, the Reform)17:37
mntmni believe so, but not hands-on17:41
midfavilayeah, that's about what I remembered. cool that they came back for more17:42
mntmnusual complaints about 4GB of ram and cortex-a53 in the comments ;)17:43
mntmnfirst time i hear "lossy spring contacts" for the batteries LOL17:43
mntmnas if17:43
midfavilasmh my head17:44
midfavilai feel like anyone who complains about the specs at launch is missing the whole point of the device17:44
midfavilait's really more about the ecosystem 17:44
mntmnyeah, but that's maybe not easy to grasp17:46
mntmnalso, you can't buy the upgraded modules from us yet, so i can understand the criticism17:46
midfavilaYeah, no, I do too17:46
midfavilaIt'll take a year or two to really get things rolling17:47
midfavila(or so I imagine)17:47
mntmnyeah idk about how this shortage thing will play out17:48
mntmnthe LS1028A module with 8GB already exists (at least 1), and is currently in ddr4 bringup (after the engineers come back from vacation...)17:49
mntmnso if that works and everything checks out it will be a matter of getting that into production17:49
midfavilaCool. My only issue with the SoM design is that I can only use one, haha.17:50
midfavilaThe idea of a higher-end RISC module is just as tempting as the FPGA one. 17:51
jackhillI haven't had any problem with the specs, but maybe it's because my previous laptop had the same problems (4G memory, old opengl only, limited hardware video encode) :)17:54
mntmnyou just need more reforms obviously...17:54
midfavilaright, of course, the obvious solution17:55
midfavilaa reform for every room17:55
technomancyjackhill: yeah same here. I've been rocking 4GB since forever.17:56
technomancyit has twice as many cores as my prev machine =D17:56
midfavilawao, double the cores17:56
jackhilltechnomancy: yep, and none of this funny busines speculative execution bugs :)17:56
midfavilamy last machine only had four gigs and an L7500, and my current laptop's running an 800mhz dual-core, so there's not much competition, haha17:57
mntmna million psychedelic colours17:58
midfavila*and* a PCI bus!17:58
midfavilafancy that17:58
midfavilaI need to rewatch that movie soon.18:02
mntmnalways a good idea!18:05
+ rasmus (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)19:54
+ mark__ (~mark@herd.wildebeest.org)20:11
scopshmmm do someone know what the blog url of the "pocket reform" is?20:39
midfavilai wonder if it would be hard to alter such a device to function more like the old-school zaurus PDAs20:42
midfavilayou can't tell me that that wouldn't be awesome20:42
scopsghost.io! yey... thanks :)20:43
chartreuseSpeaking of old school, I think it'd be funny to use the fpga board to make the reform into a something running a vintage CPU. Portable 1GHz 8080 running CP/M :P21:20
chartreuseOr on the vein of MiSTer and running Atari ST or Amiga on it XD21:21
midfavilayeah man, I was thinking of trying that out with a Z8021:21
midfavilagetting CollapseOS running on the Reform would be really cool21:21
midfavilacould probably set the FPGA up with a hardware lisp interpreter and run something like Genera on it... 21:22
midfavilaso many options21:22
chartreuseProbably would get poor battery life, but so be it21:26
midfavilawell, getting it to work is a better first step than getting it to work well, you know?21:27
- rasmus (PART: Disconnected: closed) (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)22:19
mntmnchartreuse: i agree @ vintage22:26
khmthe fpga is clearly for video game console emulation.22:27
chartreuseKinda the best use for the FPGA, playing around with either new ideas, or things that don't make sense22:42
chartreuseLike an emulated 68040 unix worstation, or even a PDP-11 or VAXen22:42
chartreuseI should start saving up now for when that's available, and practice VHDL again22:43
midfavilaMIT 6.004 might help with that chartreuse 22:43
midfavilafreely-accessible hardware design course with (I think) VHDL 22:44
chartreuseYeah, though I do admit Verilog temps me with it's C like syntax22:45

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