
+ chartreuse (~chartreus@S0106f0f249dfd9c3.cg.shawcable.net)00:39
chartreuseIs there a more updated version of the system image repo? I was just rebuilding the kernel cause I wanted to enable zram and it wasn't included. Noticed that the mkkernel grabs a specific 5.11rc7 patch00:52
chartreuseI did manually change that and make a 5.13 kernel just fine after adjusting the one clock patch since that file had changed00:52
chartreuseBut my reform shipped with a 5.12.0 kernel on it and not the one the repo builds00:53
chartreuseDid also notice the kernel options had initrd enabled, though there doesn't seem to be any provision for that in the system otherwise, so everything is compiled in00:54
mntmnchartreuse: when did you pull?01:26
- V (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~v@anomalous.eu)01:28
chartreuseI think I pulled last week, but it was still showing that last I checked on the source section, last updated 5mo ago or such01:28
chartreuseOh merged 10 hours ago XD. I started the compilation before that so even if I did grab it I would have missed that01:29
chartreuseStarted looking at it maybe 16hr ago, and probably started the compile around 1301:30
mntmnchartreuse: check today's log, i just merged to main from sysimage-v201:31
chartreuseYeah noticed that, that wasn't there last night when I started. I'll do that and recompile with that before changing my kernel over01:32
chartreuseAnything preventing a 5.13 kernel from working? With the old version it compiled just fine after adjusting the patch that adds the PHY 27MHz clock01:33
chartreuseNot that I really need any of the changes01:33
mntmnhaven't tested, 5.13 didn't exist then01:38
mntmnbut if you find it works, we can upgrade on a sysimage-v3 branch.01:38
chartreuseSure thing, I'll give it a try and see if there's any need to adjust the patches. 01:39
mntmnat some point basic mnt reform dts will come in, it's already in linux-next01:39
mntmnbut without display support yet01:39
chartreuseFor instaling the kernel all I need to do is change out Image in / and presumably I need to put the DTS's somewhere01:39
mntmnyes, the dtbs also go into /01:39
chartreuseAh missed that they were also there01:40
chartreuseAt least if I mess up I can just change the system to boot back off the SD and restore the old ones01:40
mntmni was thinking for v3 to move them into /boot perhaps and make a .deb for em01:40
mntmnif we can move most things to debs then upgrading will be very easy01:41
chartreuseFeels kinda weird not having a boot manager like grub to select different kernels01:41
mntmnwell, possible as soon as someone brings up the display in uboot01:41
chartreuseYeah having a deb package for a new kernel would be nice, just a quick distupgrade to get a new one01:41
chartreuseI guess ideally everything reform specific should be in deb packages, so they get automatically upgraded01:42
mntmnso far we mostly have reform-tools and some custom builds of applications01:43
chartreusealright `rm -r linux/`01:44
chartreuseTime to start afresh again01:44
chartreuseLooking at also grabbing the ath9k user regd patch and seeing if that still works, would be nice to be on the correct power limits for my country rather than the world ones01:45
chartreuseWouldn't be a good idea to enable in an official image, but nice to have personally01:46
chartreuseWell at least one patch doesn't like 5.13 the swiotbl one won't work as swiotlb_tbl_sync_single() no longer is a function01:55
chartreuseThere's now swiotlb_sync_single_for_device and swiotlb_sync_single_for_cpu with similar names01:56
chartreuseBut I don't believe either are related as they don't contain orig_addr01:56
chartreuseSo something's been changed around with how that works01:57
chartreuseOkay found the patch where that was changed. Happened on march 16th https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/80808d273a3f075196d1a26463f65d4c9d2891c8#diff-8c612e37360795f240753e57797e289274c8506a4c5ad7622faff6166a8e05aa02:01
chartreuseThough there's a recent commit to the kernel that seems to restore the desired behaviour that your patch is reverting : https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/5f89468e2f060031cd89fd4287298e0eaf246bf6#diff-8c612e37360795f240753e57797e289274c8506a4c5ad7622faff6166a8e05aa02:02
chartreuseWhich appears to be in 5.13 if I'm reading the tags right on github02:03
chartreuseSo that patch shouldn't be needed then for 5.1302:03
mntmnyeah hopefully the original bug was fixed02:39
ex-parrotIf you want to do eg a fat32 /boot on SD card or whatever the Debian “flash-kernel” package can be useful 04:17
chartreuseuboot can already understand ext4 presumably so why bother making it fat3204:36
chartreuseThough having a seperate boot partition would be nice04:37
ex-parrotYeah preferably don’t make it fat3205:27
ex-parrotI mean “:P”05:27
chartreusemntmn: The mkkernel script builds two dtb's the main one and a -hdmi one. While the system image has the main and a -dual-display and -single-display06:37
chartreuseIs the correct or is there supposed to be different dts files for the two display configurations?06:39
+ Asmadeus_ (~asmadeus@240b:13:8c80:d300:e:98c:8000:d300)06:45
- Asmadeus (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~asmadeus@240b:13:8c80:d300:e:98c:8000:d300)06:45
- doppler (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~doppler@user/doppler)06:45
+ doppler (~doppler@user/doppler)06:45
- hl (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~hl@user/hl)06:48
- skalk_ (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~skalk@vond.sysret.de)06:48
- _Bnu (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~beeanyew@89-160-120-72.cust.bredband2.com)06:48
- mrus (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~mrus@2001:19f0:5:1535:5400:3ff:fe7d:10ae)06:48
+ skalk (~skalk@vond.sysret.de)06:49
+ _Bnu (~beeanyew@89-160-120-72.cust.bredband2.com)06:49
+ mrus (~mrus@2001:19f0:5:1535:5400:3ff:fe7d:10ae)06:49
+ hl (~hl@user/hl)06:49
+ rasmus (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)07:18
- rasmus (PART: Disconnected: closed) (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)07:26
- mjw (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~mark@herd.wildebeest.org)09:34
+ mjw (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2487:f800:9e5c:8eff:fe8f:a440)09:46
- mjw (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2487:f800:9e5c:8eff:fe8f:a440)10:46
mntmnchartreuse: dual and single are the correct final names that the reform-display-config script expects10:48
mntmnchartreuse: the main dtb = single and hdmi = dual10:48
ex-parrothttps://img.hotplate.co.nz/4aMqfVIp decided to do a Linux from Scratch for my reform 10:48
ex-parrotso far so good but there is a lot of compiling in my future 10:49
mntmnex-parrot: oh cool :D quite the trip11:14
ex-parrotyeah. We are currently “sheltering in place”11:15
ex-parrotDue to COVID so it’s a race to see if we can get back to 0 cases before compilation finishes 11:15
ex-parrotNZ had had zero COVID for most of a year 11:17
ex-parrotSo it’s a bit of a change 11:17
ex-parrotAnd this seemed like a good project for being stuck at hone 11:19
+ mjw (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2487:f800:9e5c:8eff:fe8f:a440)11:24
blueriseSigh, would love to be in NZ11:34
blueriseon the other hand, I NZ people complaining about housing prices11:35
blueriseand complaining about people wanting to move to NZ :P11:35
+ rasmus (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)12:10
+ fsx (~fsx@durian.61924.nl)12:12
* Asmadeus_ -> Asmadeus12:22
- rasmus (PART: Disconnected: closed) (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)12:30
- Kooda (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~kooda@natsu.upyum.com)13:01
+ reform19451 (~stoege@
- reform19451 (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~stoege@
mntmnsomeone tried reform-chat.16:40
+ alexande1 (~alexander@wsip-24-252-227-101.sb.sd.cox.net)17:33
* alexande1 -> alex4nder17:33
- mjw (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2487:f800:9e5c:8eff:fe8f:a440)18:28
blueriseHOLY SCHMOLY19:02
bluerisethat one element there seems to be quite high19:03
bluerisemntmn: I think we need an adapter for the SoM :D19:04
blueriseon the other hand, I think you already had one in progress?19:04
blueriseAh, that was LS1028A19:05
mntmnyeah but i know about this chip ;)19:10
mntmnah solidrun announced the module now19:10
mntmncool cool19:10
mntmni had gotten a preview render of this...19:10
mntmnbluerise: no idea about how to do graphics though, except 2d with a fpga (and maybe llvmpipe for 3d)19:12
blueriseyeah, I know19:13
blueriseand there's no AMD GPU chip one can buy19:13
bluerisetoo bad19:13
blueriseThere are USB adapters, but,...19:13
blueriseit's USB after all...19:13
blueriseyes, not 3D, I know19:14
mntmnthere are some pci based 2d chips 19:14
mntmnsiliconmotion i think19:14
mntmnor one could use some MXM stuff. 19:15
mntmndon't know about TDP/thermals though.19:15
bluerisethat one?19:15
mntmnnot sure if there's a driver for 768 yet19:16
mntmnthere's a new zynq zu1 that has mali 19:17
mntmncould be added as pci endpoint device 19:17
mntmnthat could surely be wrestled into acting as a mini gpu19:17
mntmnand it's supposed to be "cost optimized"...19:18
- alex4nder (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~alexander@wsip-24-252-227-101.sb.sd.cox.net)19:51
- S0rin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)20:09
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)20:13
+ rasmus (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)20:28
- sknebel (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~quassel@v22016013254630973.happysrv.de)20:58
+ sknebel (~quassel@v22016013254630973.happysrv.de)20:59
+ mjw (~mark@herd.wildebeest.org)21:05
+ mark__ (~mark@herd.wildebeest.org)21:48
chartreuseI wonder if something could be done where basically you use a second SoM in a system as a gpu, somehow have both cpus talking to each other and passing on the rendering21:51
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~mark@herd.wildebeest.org)21:51
chartreuseWould be a bit of a power waste. 21:51
chartreuseI'm guessing though these SoM's have no way to do multi-chip multiprocessing though. That'd be neat 21:52
- rasmus (PART: Disconnected: closed) (~rasmus@c80-217-132-63.bredband.tele2.se)22:02
+ alex4nder (~alexander@ip98-182-18-230.sb.sd.cox.net)22:24
mntmnchartreuse: i think zynq ZU1 could be a good candidate for a gpu.22:32
chartreuseSure, though I imagine it'd be a lot of work to develop a 3d core for that, as well as adding stuff like h264 and h265 decompression (or something like VP9)23:01
chartreuseA 2d framebuffer would work, though that'd put much more load on the CPU, and even then you'd still want some accelerations for moving regions are the screen or such23:02
mntmnit has mali23:02
mntmnso you don't need to make another 3d core23:02
chartreuseOh I missed that part, that's handy23:02
mntmnand with 2ghz a72 you don't necessarily need hw video decode... depending on the target resolution23:03
chartreuseThough is a more closed GPU, but seems like someone recently got a reverse engineered driver for it23:03
chartreuseDoesn't need it sure, but it's handy at reducing the load so the CPU is free to do other things23:04
chartreuseLike on the reform I can play 1080p video fine in VLC (which should be using software decoding), but it would be nice to offload that23:04
chartreuseHaven't gotten around to recompling ffmpeg like your own forum post23:04
chartreuseThink one of the options listed there no longer exists23:05
chartreuseSince I did start but never finished due to some ./configure error23:05
chartreuseOh I was meaning to ask, right now the system image ships with dual-display and single-display dtb's in root, but the mkkernel setup only produces a -hdmi one, is that intended?23:06
chartreuseI can't see how the dual-display and single-display ones are made as there's no dts files for that23:06
mntmnchartreuse: hdmi = dual23:11
mntmnchartreuse: non-hdmi = single23:11
mntmnthey're just renamed.23:11
mntmnand single is the default.23:11
chartreuseAlright but there's only two dtb files now rather than 3 before?23:11
ex-parrotbluerise: I can confirm houses are too expensive 23:12
mntmnthat's how it works23:12
mntmnchartreuse: reform-display-config just copies either -single or -dual to the one with no extension.23:12
chartreuseAh okay, that makes sense. Thanks23:13
chartreuseWas confused at imx8mq-mnt-reform2.dtb, imx8mq-mnt-reform2-dual-display.dtb, imx8mq-mnt-reform2-single-display.dtb23:13
mntmnyes, imx8mq-mnt-reform2.dtb is the one that is loaded always.23:13
mntmnit's a copy of either of the two others23:13
chartreuseGood to learn. Not the most familiar with dtb's and the arm boot process so it's new to me23:14
mntmnu-boot loads the kernel and that dtb and hands the address of the dtb to the kernel.23:15
mntmn(address in memory)23:15
chartreuseSorry for all the questions, but is there a config file for uboot to set kernel options somewhere?23:15
chartreuseOr does that require flashing uboot to do so?23:16
mntmnno, it is currently just compiled in https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-boundary-uboot/-/blob/27c95cc64f43ed032a54b88f74089aaf319dcbc4/board/boundary/nitrogen8m_som/nitrogen8m_som.c#L33423:16
chartreuseAh okay, just would be nice to have something like that to change kernel module options since they're all compiled in without initramfs 23:16
mntmni agree. i just didn't find a comfy way to do that yet23:17
mntmnimho best would be just a text file23:17
chartreuseSince it's reading the sd card/emmc for the boot device file, should be possible to read another for kernel parameters23:17
mntmnthere is u-boot scripts (.scr) but they are kind of binary / need a tool to create them23:17
chartreuseMaybe I'll take a look into that as well23:17
mntmnyeah, would be cool. as long as it's plain text without signatures and stuff23:18
chartreuseYeah that'd be what I want too, just something like /reform-cmdline on the sd card or such23:18
mntmni mean, u-boot is easily extensible if there is no text file loading mechanism yet23:18
mntmnyes, agreed23:18
chartreuseWell somehow it's reading /reform-boot-medium so that should be possible23:19
chartreuseOr is that some weird init hack that changes out the kernel for one on the nvme?23:20
mntmnreform-boot-medium is read by reform-init23:21
mntmnwhich is run by the kernel23:21
mntmnso, that's long after u-boot23:21
mntmnit does not change out the kernel.23:21
chartreuseHuh alright, so is the kernel on the nvme drive never touched then? Only the SD card23:21
mntmnit does change out the / directory23:21
chartreuseAh okay, I was about to be quite confused when I swapped out image and nothing changed XD23:22
mntmnhaha sorry23:22
chartreuseJust a lot of stuff not quite documented enough for me being unfamiliar with ARM booting23:22
chartreuseNever did much hacking around with the Pi's kernel either23:23
- mark__ (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~mark@herd.wildebeest.org)23:36
chartreuseLooks like it's possible to read a text file into memory in uboot. Then it'd be a matter of reading that back to get the value with `mm`23:36
+ mjw (~mark@herd.wildebeest.org)23:36
chartreuseext4load 23:37
chartreuseSo should be possible from the source to do it, then sprintf it into a string or such for the bootargs string23:42
mntmnhmm > env import -t $loadaddr $filesize23:44
mntmn> You need to enable CONFIG_CMD_IMPORTENV23:44
mntmnnot sure if we have that atm23:44
chartreuseYeah I've seen some mention of people loading env from a uEnv.txt file23:45
chartreuseBut considering in the source at least you should have access to whatever routines that ext4load is making use of to read in a file23:45
chartreuseThough from a mailinglist post I saw kinda sounds like the default filesystem is fat23:47
chartreuseSeems kinda the idea without any extra custom implementations if it can work of ext4 23:49
chartreuseThough there's this single mailinglist post from 2013 with no replies where it seems to try and only get it from fat23:50
mntmnwhat's the problem with env import then?23:50
mntmnext4load + env import23:50
chartreuseSeems like it's probably fine https://e2e.ti.com/support/processors-group/processors/f/processors-forum/766818/linux-beaglebk-u-boot-env-import-export23:51

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