
+ odnes (~odnes@109-178-137-160.pat.ren.cosmote.net)00:05
+ alex4nder (~alexander@c-73-240-236-237.hsd1.or.comcast.net)00:10
- odnes (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~odnes@109-178-137-160.pat.ren.cosmote.net)00:11
+ odnes (~odnes@109-178-137-160.pat.ren.cosmote.net)00:11
+ ephase (~ephase@2a01:e0a:482:9c50:1c87:6977:e9f1:f5fb)00:33
- Asmadeus (QUIT: Quit: breaking this machine again!) (~asmadeus@240b:13:8c80:d300:e:98c:8000:d300)00:38
ephasemntmn: have you tried to run qutebrowser on the Reform?00:40
mntmnephase: hm, just installed it, and it works00:42
ephaseDamned! I have a GL error here on sway00:43
mntmndo you have a non standard setup?00:43
mntmni am using sway as well00:43
ephaseI have only debian packages, no compilation00:44
mntmnah, you are using debian's mesa?00:45
mntmnand/or debian's sway?00:45
ephaseyes for all00:45
mntmnwow ok... and 3d works?00:46
mntmnis it debian testing or which channel?00:46
ephaseI don't have tried it for mow00:46
ephaseyes, Debian testing00:46
mntmnyou could try mesa / libgl* from experimental00:46
mntmni just saw they have a much newer version there00:47
mntmnthe one in testing is too old00:47
mntmnqutebrowser is surprisingly fast00:50
ephaseYes, i like this simple browser00:52
mntmnas i remember it didn't perform this well 1 or 2 years ago when i last tried it00:52
technomancyI wish I could use a non-mainstream browser without capitulating to webkit/blink monoculture00:52
mntmnwell, most of the web is made for those engines unfortunately00:53
technomancyusing them just feels like giving up and admitting defeat00:53
technomancyI guess it's inevitable since Mozilla laid off the servo team00:54
ephasetechnomancy: I'm agree, Firefox is my main browser, I wish qutebrowser with Firefox engine00:54
mntmnhmm, idk. webkit is still open source, but to each their own battles00:55
technomancyactually what I really want is for netsurf to somehow become usable00:55
technomancylike ... for them to finally acknowledge that keyboard shortcuts are a thing00:56
mntmnwhat do you think about gemini and such?00:56
technomancyI'd rather bring back HTML 2.000:57
technomancyI hate the idea of excluding normies intentionally00:57
technomancyseems to attract a certain sort of smug and self-satisfied minimalist. (not everyone, but enough to make me stay away)00:58
ephasemntmn: qutebrowser run with xcb 00:58
mntmnephase: xcb?00:59
mntmntechnomancy: i agree mostly00:59
ephasemntmn: with xwayland00:59
mntmnephase: ah you mean qt with x backend, not with wayland backend?01:00
mntmnephase: for me it works with wayland backend01:00
mntmnoh, so that makes it the first wayland-native webkit browser i can use01:00
technomancyI think there's a sense in which a lot of hackers give certain technologies (like webkit) a pass because they're open source but they're not open in any meaningful way that promotes user freedom.01:02
technomancylike, you can read the source, but it's far too complex for you to modify; if you make changes are you just going to maintain your own fork and somehow keep on top of security updates?01:03
mntmnephase: thanks for reminding me of qutebrowser, it's really cool01:03
mntmnyoutube also very performant01:03
mntmntechnomancy: hmm i don't agree, it is possible to modify it, but the question is if that makes a lot of sense to do01:04
mntmntechnomancy: it's a huge burden to maintain a browser01:04
mntmntechnomancy: i mean qutebrowser etc show that it's possible to work with these things01:04
mntmnso qutebrowser is def. much faster than firefox01:06
- bluerise (QUIT: Changing host) (~bluerise@pc19f8619.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)01:12
+ bluerise (~bluerise@user/bluerise)01:12
technomancyyeah, I'm talking about browser engines, not browsers01:13
technomancyif you want to make a fork of gecko you have to go the palemoon route, and I feel like that's been pretty thoroughly shown as a dead end01:14
mntmnthe qutebrowser version in debian is pretty ancient according to the changelog though01:15
mntmni always forget that i want to try to get darker/dimmer backlight levels than currently possible01:16
technomancyI tried luakit a few weeks ago and it was markedly slower than firefox. I wonder what the difference is.01:18
ephaseI think I don't have any 3d acceleration... minetest is soooooo sloooooow01:21
mntmnephase: glxinfo01:22
mntmnglxinfo | grep Vendor01:22
mntmnOpenGL vendor string: etnaviv01:22
mntmnOpenGL renderer string: Vivante GC7000 rev 621401:22
mntmnOpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 21.2.0-devel (git-3c390e2eb6)01:22
mntmnyou should see something like this01:23
ephaseI don't : OpenGL Vendor String : Mesa/X.org01:23
mntmnephase: and renderer, OpenGL version?01:24
khmI regard the major browser engines as closed because it's impossible to influence them without working for whatever corporation controls them01:25
ephaseOpenGL renderer string: llvmpipe (LLVM 12.0.1_01:25
khmand I say this as someone who has tried in the past01:25
mntmnephase: yeah that's software rendering01:25
technomancykhm: I think honestly the easiest way is to get a job working at one of those companies01:26
ephaseI forgot to install a package...01:26
khmtechnomancy: I think that's the *only* way01:26
technomancywell, bribery, threats, etc... =)01:26
mntmnephase: which one?01:27
ephasegot it, libdrm-etnaviv01:27
khmafter years of interacting with the firefox project, I can claim two concrete results:  1) they ignored everything I ever said, including rewriting patches so the committer was @mozilla.org, and 2) they put me in the credits anyway01:27
mntmnephase: and that changed things?01:27
khmtruly bizarre01:27
mntmnkhm: huh01:28
ephasemntmn: I install it...01:28
technomancykhm: I opened a bug with chromium like a decade ago about their tab-switching key bindings on linux being inconsistent with everything else and I asked them if they had the fastest JS engine in the world why do they have something as simple as key bindings hard-coded in C++ and the response was they didn't want to deal with support issues from stupid users who changed their key bindings without realizing it.01:28
technomancyyou could tell they had a real contempt for their users01:29
mntmnephase: it is interesting that sway works for you but GLX doesn't. i guess you should also do a test that is wayland native... let me think01:29
khmmozilla has never been mean-spirited about it, but firefox is Extremely Owned By Mozilla01:29
khmtechnomancy: finally, something I can agree with google about01:30
technomancyanyway I tried recompiling chromium to change the tab switching keys like they recommended, and my laptop overheated after two and a half hours and shut itself off.01:30
technomancy"open source" yall01:30
mntmn./waf configure --platform=wayland01:31
khmtechnomancy: surely you can just use gce as your build host!01:31
mntmntechnomancy: yeah chromium needs a lot of resources to build, but i built it several times and also changed stuff in it for experiments01:31
mntmni also built firefox but it needs >4GB ram to link01:32
mntmnephase: i made a binary if interested: http://dump.mntmn.com/eglinfo01:33
mntmnif that also shows llvmpipe then something is very wrong01:34
ephasemntmn: thanks, i try this01:35
mntmnephase: the next step would be to try kmscube -D /dev/dri/card1 in console to see if you get a spinning cube01:35
technomancymntmn: btw since you seemed to have narrowed the cause of the standby issues to the GPU, do you have any further suggestions for how to debug further?01:36
mntmntechnomancy: not really narrowed, that is more like a hunch... i guess to confirm it one should try to run the desktop without GPU01:36
mntmni can try that real quick01:37
technomancyI feel like I'm slowly climbing maslow's hierarchy of computing. first I got emacs installed, then I got wifi fixed, then I got firefox keybindings working, now I can finally start to think about problems like "what if I didn't leave my computer running 100% of the day"01:37
mntmntechnomancy: (weston --use-pixman makes a software rendered weston desktop)01:38
mntmntechnomancy: haha! do you have emacs with nativecomp? that makes it a lot faster01:38
- odnes (QUIT: Read error: No route to host) (~odnes@109-178-137-160.pat.ren.cosmote.net)01:39
technomancymntmn: oh, it's plenty fast for me; I haven't bothered looking into that01:39
technomancyACTION looks into what weston is01:39
mntmnnotmuch-emacs was too slow for me without01:39
mntmntechnomancy: weston is a wayland demo compositor01:39
technomancyI'm coming from a thinkpad X301... 1.6GHz core 2 duo with 4GB01:40
- alex4nder (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~alexander@c-73-240-236-237.hsd1.or.comcast.net)01:41
swivelnice, i lived with an x61s until a year or two ago... c2duo is so slow compared to anything nehalem or faster though01:41
ephasewith eglinfo Vivante is detected01:42
technomancyswivel: I liked everything about my X61 except for how dim the screen was. I can go retro to a certain extent, but not further back than LED backlighting.01:42
mntmnephase: that's good, so your problem is in Xwayland then01:42
mntmnephase: it is not using glamor or glamor is not working01:42
technomancyI guess there's aftermarket mods for that nowadays if you can track down the right shadowy hacker collective in a Shenzhen back alley01:43
ephaseHaaa kmscube said permission error mntmn 01:46
mntmnis your user in the video group?01:47
swiveltechnomancy: i had the sxga+ led mod, but kept cracking plastic bits in the frame and palmrest etc.. moved on to x220 and now x230, totally spoiled by 16G ram and i7 perf now01:48
ephasemntmn: yes, and brightnessctl work01:48
+ Asmadeus (~asmadeus@240b:13:8c80:d300:e:98c:8000:d300)01:49
mntmnephase: hmm maybe try something silly like chmod 777 /dev/dri/card101:49
mntmntechnomancy: i tested with software rendered weston and the first like 6 or 7 times wake worked, but then it froze again01:50
mntmnso i think it's not gpu01:51
ephasemntmn: doesn't work01:52
mntmnephase: humm. sudo kmscube -D /dev/dri/card1 ?01:52
mntmnbut anyway, GL works for you in wayland, just not in Xwayland01:52
mntmntechnomancy: no real progress regarding wake. the next step would be to debug via UART and put lots of debug prints in the kernel in the responsible routines02:00
mntmnit works more often than not, so there is a lot of hope for sure02:04
ephaseI'm really dumb.. tried to launch kmscube while running sway...02:07
mntmnah lol02:07
mntmnit happens!02:08
mntmnephase: maybe try to get xwayland from experimental... just a shot in the dark though02:09
mntmnnormally it should just work™ but maybe debian has weird compile options02:09
technomancyshoot... I think I misplaced my uart cable in my last move02:10
mntmntechnomancy: time to get a pack of fresh ones!02:10
ephasemntmn: I have a little spot on my reform screen since this night, it doesn't seems to be dead pixels but juste the plastic film02:22
mntmnephase: meh!02:22
ephaseIt seems not quite important for now, I see it on black screen, and it wasn'n here two hours ago02:24
ephaseFor GLES, firefox say : No GPU detected via PCI 02:28
_BnuAnd it's not some "render" group issue like on the Pi 4, I guess?02:34
mntmnephase: that's normal02:35
mntmnephase: because the GPU is not on PCI.02:35
ephasemntmn: ok02:35
mntmnephase: firefox is kind of tricky because it has multiple levels of using the GPU or not02:36
mntmnfor example, webrender cannot work on reform because it uses opengl 3.2+ or so02:36
mntmnlayer compositing can kind of work but it had glitches for me02:37
mntmnwebkit based stuff or chromium work best currently02:37
mntmnor qtwebengine like qutebrowser apparently02:38
mntmnephase: anyways, your problem is xwayland.02:38
mntmnephase: i would suggest to use the newest version available, for example from experimental02:39
mntmnor use the source/build from reform-system-image...02:39
mntmnephase: btw i documented some browser performance stuff and settings here now i want a 02:40
mntmnah, copy paste fail lol02:40
mntmnephase: link https://community.mnt.re/t/recordings-of-browsers-chromium-93-chromium-90-firefox-89/33902:40
ephasemntmn: I saw your post02:45
mntmnok ^^02:45
mntmnok gonna watch some ds9 and call it a day02:48
mntmnsee ya around!02:48
ephasegood night02:50
khmmntmn: https://i.imgur.com/PdyxD7J.png02:52
- ephase (QUIT: Quit: WeeChat 3.2) (~ephase@2a01:e0a:482:9c50:1c87:6977:e9f1:f5fb)03:42
technomancyhow far thru ds9 are you?05:08
lastebil_I'm thru like 3 episodes (: or 4 (:05:54
+ odnes (~odnes@109-178-137-160.pat.ren.cosmote.net)09:43
- odnes (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~odnes@109-178-137-160.pat.ren.cosmote.net)09:44
+ odnes (~odnes@109-178-137-160.pat.ren.cosmote.net)09:45
- odnes (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~odnes@109-178-137-160.pat.ren.cosmote.net)10:29
+ odnes (~odnes@109-178-211-148.pat.ren.cosmote.net)12:10
- odnes (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~odnes@109-178-211-148.pat.ren.cosmote.net)12:29
+ odnes (~odnes@109-178-211-148.pat.ren.cosmote.net)12:49
+ odnes_ (~odnes@109-178-139-91.pat.ren.cosmote.net)13:01
- odnes (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~odnes@109-178-211-148.pat.ren.cosmote.net)13:01
- odnes_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~odnes@109-178-139-91.pat.ren.cosmote.net)13:08
+ odnes (~odnes@109-178-139-91.pat.ren.cosmote.net)13:29
lastebil_mntmn: so I'm back on "me time" and would like to do things with my reform2 again (:  I _believe_ what I need is "just the kernel and modules" - which I can make via the sd card creation portions, correct?13:44
lastebil_(or is there a completely separate 'kernel and modules' area; or is there some firmware etc. that I should also be building?)13:44
lastebil_(the 'userland' (yes I know BSD term, Linux doesn't have that concept (: but you likely know what I mean.) I will be using is from Void, as that's what I use.)13:46
lastebil_oh I need to re-authenticat13:46
- lastebil_ (PART: !!unknown attribute: msg!!) (truck@
+ lastebil_ (truck@
* lastebil_ -> lastebil13:48
- odnes (QUIT: Read error: No route to host) (~odnes@109-178-139-91.pat.ren.cosmote.net)14:23
mntmnlastebil: you need u-boot, the kernel and a dtb. all of these can be built by scripts in the reform-system-image repo14:25
lastebilmntmn: oh yes, u-boot also. And we have patches to our u-boot that aren't in mainline, yes?14:46
lastebil(I have to build u-boot for some other things also so (:  )14:46
mntmnyep currently this is still a fork from the vendor's u-boot.14:47
mntmnbluerise has a more mainline u-boot but i haven't tested it with linux myself14:47
blueriseI should probably re-submit with USB support, now that mainline gained it like a week ago14:49
blueriseI'm a bit surprised the device tree submit stuff got 'archived'14:50
mntmndoesn't it just mean it's in the mailing list archive?14:51
blueriseok so shawnguo has it and I guess it'll head into linux soon14:52
mntmnyeah! need to get the internal pci refclk thing in there. in the latest reform-system-image, the patch for this is already minimal14:57
blueriseI'll resubmit once it's in linux + added USB support14:57
mntmnok cool14:57
blueriseyeah, that PCIe refclk thing is...14:57
mntmnthe clock part of it i moved to dts already14:58
blueriseI've been shipping an i.MX8MQ product for like two years already14:58
blueriseand BACK THEN there were already solutions/workarounds for PCIe14:58
blueriseand it's *still* not in mainline14:58
blueriseI mean wtf14:58
mntmnand this funny little gem https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-system-image/-/blob/main/reform2-imx8mq/template-kernel/patches/0001-nwl-dsi-fixup-mode-only-for-LCDIF-input-not-DCSS.patch15:08
+ odnes (~odnes@109-178-139-91.pat.ren.cosmote.net)15:12
- odnes (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~odnes@109-178-139-91.pat.ren.cosmote.net)15:41
- artfwo (QUIT: Ping timeout: 250 seconds) (~artfwo@2a02:8109:8500:26d0:adf7:350e:766b:41ee)16:04
+ artfwo (~artfwo@2a02:8109:8500:26d0:99c7:b083:5156:166a)16:16
- artfwo (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~artfwo@2a02:8109:8500:26d0:99c7:b083:5156:166a)16:36
+ artfwo (~artfwo@2a02:8109:8500:26d0:35f7:f3d8:2973:7308)16:48
+ ephase (~ephase@2a01:e0a:482:9c50:eb5b:d9f4:3aab:d5a1)16:59
ephasemntmn: I compiled glmark2, on wayland I have EGL acceleration, but not on Xwayland17:03
mntmnephase: yeah, as i said, did you try a newer xwayland?17:03
ephaseXwayland isn't on experimental repository, and I can't compile ir dues to protoinput dependencies17:04
mntmnah, sorry. you can easily get that missing dependency17:05
mntmnephase: https://github.com/freedesktop/inputproto17:05
ephasehaaa great17:05
mntmnsorry, correct link probably https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xorg/proto/inputproto17:06
mntmnwait, maybe you can just install x11proto-dev ?17:07
mntmn(debian package)17:07
mntmnephase: did you try apt install x11proto-dev ?17:07
ephaseyes I tried17:08
mntmnhmm inputproto is deprecated17:09
mntmnhow exactly do you build xwayland?17:10
ephasebut version is too old: found 2.3.2 but need >=
ephasemeson build -Dxorg=true -Dxwayland=true -Dglamor=true -Dxwayland_eglstream=false -Dxnest=false -Ddmx=false -Dxvfb=true -Dxwin=false -Dxephyr=false -Ddri3=true17:10
mntmnsorry i sent you down the wrong path with inputproto, this is now deprecated and it is now inside of https://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/proto/xorgproto/17:11
ephaseok thanks17:11
mntmnyeah this includes inputproto
mntmnephase: if you manage to build xwayland and install it, it will be in /usr/local/bin, but sway expects it hardcoded in /usr/bin i think... so i deleted the one in /usr/bin und replaced it with a link17:13
mntmni mean, if you use the sway from debian17:13
ephaseYes i saw tour build script :) thanks17:13
ephase-tour +your17:14
mntmnok :)17:15
ephaseHoo great it compile17:15
ephasethank you so much mntmn 17:16
mntmnno problem! i think there was a recent change in xserver where they did something with input, and this required the new dependency17:16
ephasemntmn: for the little stain in the screen, is it possible to order a replacement screen from you?17:20
ephaseon your shop17:21
mntmnephase: are you sure the screen itself is damaged, have you tried cleaning it off with a big of detergent or tiny bit of IPA? 17:21
+ odnes (~odnes@109-178-139-91.pat.ren.cosmote.net)17:21
ephasemntmn: yes with a bezel cloth17:23
ephaseXwayland work for now and found the vivante GPU \O/17:24
mntmnephase: awesome!17:24
mntmnephase: note that for some older applications you might need the one line patch from my buildscript... with glFinish()17:24
mntmnwe currently don't sell the displays because we have not yet tested all the displays in our inventory17:25
mntmnwe need to make sure we can deliver everything for the campaign etc17:25
mntmnbut then we will start selling them as well17:25
mntmnomg i just searched for N125HCE-GN1 on ebay.fr and the prices are insane17:26
ephasemntmn: ^^ ebay... I'll wait a little to order from mnt :) Stain is not so important and is visible on black screen17:27
mntmnok ^^17:27
ephaseSo qutebrowser doesn't display any content, just white pages17:33
ephaseI think I have to compile mesa17:34
ephaseor DRM module17:34
ephaseand on wayland It doesn't start at all17:37
mntmnold mesa probably yes17:38
mntmnbtw qutebrowser works for me without xwayland17:38
ephasewitch version of mesa have you mntmn?17:39
mntmnwith patch/MR 760317:41
mntmnah i see it was merged in the meantime https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/merge_requests/760317:42
mntmnephase: you will want a version of mesa that has this patch17:42
ephaseyes for sure, then I don't have to patch it :)17:44
mntmnalso this sounds like xserver can theoretically work https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/issues/372117:49
+ rasmus (~rasmus@c83-253-223-217.bredband.tele2.se)18:12
ephaseSo, I compile mesa 21.2.0-rc318:15
ephaseI think a can have a cup of tea while waiting...18:16
mntmnhaha yes it can take a while18:21
ephaseSo, I'll be back this night18:28
ephasesee you18:28
- ephase (QUIT: Quit: WeeChat 3.2) (~ephase@2a01:e0a:482:9c50:eb5b:d9f4:3aab:d5a1)18:28
- artfwo (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~artfwo@2a02:8109:8500:26d0:35f7:f3d8:2973:7308)18:31
+ alex4nder (~alexander@c-73-164-208-201.hsd1.or.comcast.net)20:05
- rasmus (PART: Disconnected: timeout during receiving) (~rasmus@c83-253-223-217.bredband.tele2.se)20:12
+ rasmus (~rasmus@c83-253-223-217.bredband.tele2.se)20:13
technomancymy wifi is still cutting out randomly even when I'm less than 1m away from the base station20:18
technomancyany idea what could cause deauthenticating from fe:50:cd:b7:6d:85 by local choice (Reason: 3=DEAUTH_LEAVING)20:22
mntmnhmm try a different channel perhaps?20:31
- rasmus (PART: Disconnected: timeout during receiving) (~rasmus@c83-253-223-217.bredband.tele2.se)22:13
+ rasmus (~rasmus@c83-253-223-217.bredband.tele2.se)22:14
- odnes (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~odnes@109-178-139-91.pat.ren.cosmote.net)22:27
+ odnes (~odnes@109-178-139-91.pat.ren.cosmote.net)22:28
+ ephase (~ephase@2a01:e0a:482:9c50:d3e2:f3b3:515b:52c5)22:55
- odnes (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~odnes@109-178-139-91.pat.ren.cosmote.net)22:59
ephasemntmn:so I tried to compile drm, mesa, sway, wlroots, xwayland but qutebrowser refuse to start23:10
mntmnephase: what does it say?23:11
ephaseFailed to create OpenGL context for format QSurfaceFormat23:14
ephaseand Warning before : WARNING: QWaylandContext: failed to create EGLContext, error=300923:15
- rasmus (PART: Disconnected: closed) (~rasmus@c83-253-223-217.bredband.tele2.se)23:15
mntmnephase: strange23:17
mntmnephase: are you sure that your own GL libraries are being picked up?23:18
ephaseYes Mesa 21.2.0-rc323:19
mntmnephase: qutebrowser 2.0.2-2?23:22
mntmnephase: ah, and qutebrowser-qtwebengine, yes?23:22
ephaseyes to all23:23
mntmnephase: probably unrelated, but do you have ETNA_MESA_DEBUG=nir ?23:24
ephaseno, what does this env var?23:25
mntmnmaybe it is the default now, but if not, you need to set it, best before launching sway23:25
mntmnthis enables the NIR shader compiler23:25
mntmnwithout it, a lot of OpenGL stuff doesn't work right23:25
ephaseI try...23:25
mntmnyeah that is the reason23:26
mntmnwhen i unset that variable, qutebrowser doesn't work23:26
ephaseIT WORK!23:26
mntmnah! good :) sorry i forgot about this earlier23:26
mntmnthis is in the default bash profile in the reform-system-image23:27
mntmni wonder why it is not the default still23:27
ephasemntmn: no importance, now I became a great padaway learning how to compile stuff related to graphic stack on Linux ^^23:28
ephase-padaway +padawan23:28
mntmni also learned this only because i had to fix stuff for reform ^^23:28
ephasewebgl sample work better now :D23:29
ephase50 fps on metaballs23:29
mntmnin qutebrowser?23:29
ephaseyes mntmn 23:30
ephasewith default settings23:30
mntmnoh yeah it is also very fast here23:30
mntmnso qtwebengine seems to work well23:30
ephaseyes, advantage of webkit (sandbox...) without google stuff23:31
mntmnthere's also falkon23:32
mntmnsame performance and a more familiar interface maybe for people who don't want vim style controls23:33
mntmncc scops23:34
mntmnthere's also viper and otter browsers but those are not in debian. falkon is23:35
ephasenyxt seems great too23:36
mntmnephase: is there an aarch64 build?23:38
mntmnhmm but this is good, finally alternatives to chromium with decent performance23:39
ephasemntmn: I dont think so, but I'm thinking about trying to compile it23:40
mntmnephase: cool23:40
mntmnnow building openxcom ;323:59

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