
- bluerise (QUIT: Changing host) (~bluerise@pc19f89b4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)01:13
+ bluerise (~bluerise@user/bluerise)01:13
+ odnes (~odnes@109-178-158-192.pat.ren.cosmote.net)06:34
+ ggoes (~gregf@user/ggoes)06:43
- artfwo (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~artfwo@2a02:8109:8500:26d0:cb00:c4a5:d98d:8f2d)07:07
- odnes (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~odnes@109-178-158-192.pat.ren.cosmote.net)07:08
+ artfwo (~artfwo@2a02:8109:8500:26d0:1226:d1c2:ded3:b445)08:43
- wiedi_ (QUIT: Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com) (~wiedi@2a01:138:a015:15:c5c7:30d6:f553:2953)11:12
mntmni want REL_WHEEL_HI_RES and REL_HWHEEL_HI_RES from the trackball13:04
+ ZylonMaster (~dlkdk@c-73-86-82-24.hsd1.md.comcast.net)14:24
mjwhmmm, in sway if I accidentally sent a window to purgatory with MNT-shift-"-" how do I get it back?14:26
ZylonMasterdo you mean close it or maximize it?14:26
ZylonMasterif you mean close it htop works14:27
Asmadeusthat's probably the scratchpad14:27
Asmadeusthere should be a key combinaison for 'scratchpad show' in sway config14:27
Asmadeus(not using reform's so not sure if it's still the default)14:27
Asmadeus(probably mnt-"-" if default)14:27
mntmnok cool got horizontal wheel working14:28
mjwAsmadeus, thanks. There is indeed bindsym $mod+minus scratchpad show14:31
mjwnow to figure out how to get that window "normal" again.14:32
Asmadeusiirc getting it out of the scratchpad will make it float, then you just need to unfloat it14:32
mjwAsmadeus, and again thanks. I am not very familiar with the sway terminology, but indeed, there is:14:34
mjw    # Toggle the current focus between tiling and floating mode14:34
mjw    bindsym $mod+space floating toggle14:34
- ZylonMaster (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~dlkdk@c-73-86-82-24.hsd1.md.comcast.net)14:38
+ wiedi (~wiedi@2a01:138:a015:15:c4dc:1d3:39dd:b2ed)14:44
mntmni have implemented hi resolution wheel/pan in the trackball now, pushed16:08
mntmnbut it's not supported by the desktop stack yet: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/libinput/libinput/-/merge_requests/65216:08
mntmnstill, it makes scrolling a lot better imho due to the kernel accumulating high res events and sending legacy wheel events on thresholds16:08
mntmnit's pushed to latest reform master if you wanna try it18:30
mntmnthis can and should also be ported over to the trackpad 18:30
- wiedi (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~wiedi@2a01:138:a015:15:c4dc:1d3:39dd:b2ed)19:21
+ wiedi (~wiedi@2a01:138:a015:15:6947:c549:7011:deb4)19:21
mntmnnow ported over to trackpad https://mastodon.social/@mntmn/10664239323865704219:23
mntmnbluerise: someone just asked me about OpenBSD on reform, how is it going over there?19:37
mjwmntmn, speaking of firmware updates.20:09
mjwmntmn, I assume this also controls the led display?20:10
mntmnmjw: do you mean the OLED display? yes20:13
mjwmntmn, how do I figure out which version I have now?20:15
mntmnmjw: "system status" in the oled menu20:17
mjwaha, ok, so I have 20210309 which corresponds to commit d7ebe47e08dff89abad2536a8d81a9654cfdd48f20:19
mjwmntmn, which packages do I need to have installed to build?20:23
mjwavr-size: not found20:23
mntmnmntmn@mntmn-i9:~$ sudo apt-file search avr-size20:24
mntmnbinutils-avr: /usr/bin/avr-size20:24
mntmnmjw: install gcc-avr20:24
mntmni guess binutils-avr is included / a dependency20:24
mntmnmjw: also install dfu-programmer20:25
mjwmntmn, dfu-programmer I got but avr-binutils and avr-gcc not. Are they in a particular apt repo?20:26
mntmnmjw: it is gcc-avr20:27
mntmnmjw: not avr-gcc20:27
mjwand avr-libc20:30
mjwbut now we are cooking!20:30
mntmnok cool20:30
mjwlets open up this puppy and slash some bits :)20:31
mjwhmmm, no device present20:41
mjwso I switched the switch to on20:42
mjwpressed the reset button20:43
mntmnmjw: use sudo ./flash.sh20:43
mjwkeyboard lights turned off (now typing on external keyboard)20:43
mjwbut led display is still on20:43
mntmn(if no device present)20:43
mntmnmjw: did it work?20:44
mjwO of course! that worked20:44
mntmnok cool20:44
mjwman, I am dense today...20:44
mntmnno problem20:44
mntmnit is not exactly obvious20:44
mjwgreat, keyboard back (typing on it again) and the annoying blinking battery is gone :)20:47
mjwStill showing ???% though20:47
mntmnmjw: better than nothing!20:51
mntmnmjw: the ??? is coming from lpc directly i think20:51
mntmnas a string20:51
mntmnmjw: which version is the lpc firmware? you can also see that in the system status20:51
mjwmntmn, MREF2LPC R2 2021030920:53
mjwso same version as the keyboard before I flashed it20:53
mntmnmjw: ok, you should update to 2021041920:54
mntmnmjw: for this you need a second computer and a microUSB cable, though20:54
mntmnbut it is easy to do20:54
mjwACTION checks handbook20:55
mntmnmjw: but! is your motherboard "upgraded" with this fix? https://community.mnt.re/t/mnt-reform-r-2-motherboard-update-2021-04-19/17720:55
mntmnmjw: if you have old firmware, perhaps not? when did you get your reform?20:56
mntmnmjw: are you in the EU?20:56
mjwhow fun, so I have 4 arm64 cores, an avr processor and another 32bit arm processor20:56
mntmnmjw: 2 avr processors20:57
mntmn(one in the keyboard, one in trackball/trackpad)20:57
mntmnmjw: also another 32 bit arm processor in the imx20:57
- adjtm (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~adjtm@
mntmn(which currently does nothing)20:57
+ adjtm (~adjtm@
mjwmntmn, No I didn't do that modification, don't have a soldering iron20:58
mjwyeah, I know, terrible hardware hacker...20:59
mjwI am still hoping a nearby hackerspace will open again so someone can help me with that.20:59
mjwdarn pandemic20:59
mntmnmjw: ok in that case you need to set REFORM_MBREV_R2 instead of R3 in line 40 in src/boards/reform2/board_reform2.c21:00
mjwmntmn, so I shouldn't update the firmware till I have done that hardware hack?21:00
mntmnmjw: no you can, but you need to make sure the correct value is set for the #define REFORM_MOTHERBOARD_REV21:00
mntmnthe unmodified one is _R2, the modified _R321:00
mjwah, even cooler, I get to hack the software to workaround the hardware :)21:00
mntmnthis will change a few voltage thresholds21:00
mjwmntmn, BTW. Note that R2 is the default in current git21:23
mntmnmjw: ah yeah ok21:24
mntmnprobably there should be no default21:24
- XgF (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~quassel@2001:19f0:5001:1174:bdb1:5e:dc1:e93c)21:26
+ XgF (~quassel@2001:19f0:5001:1174:74ae:2a03:c37e:3e47)21:28
mjwmntmn, also you need to first cd tools/lpcrc && make to create/update the crc21:34
mntmnah yeah that is true21:34
mjwmntmn, flash.sh has dd if=bin/firmware.bin of="/mnt/firmware.bin" conv=nocreat,notrunc21:37
mjwmntmn, Which implies you mount the device under /mnt? But the instructions seem to imply you have to overwrite the whole device?21:38
mntmnso uhm no, you have to mount it21:38
mjwACTION gets another machine and looks what /dev/sdx really is21:38
mntmnbut do not read from it21:38
mntmnit is a virtual fat16 device21:39
mntmnwith this one file in it21:39
mntmnthat should only be written to21:39
mntmnit is just nxp's weird implementation of accessing the flash21:39
mntmnso, mount, dd to the file and unmount21:39
mntmnreading from it or doing other stuff makes it break21:39
mjwmaybe update "Edit flash.sh and change the path to virtual flash drive (i.e. /dev/sdx)." to mention the mount point instead of /dev/sdx... ?21:40
mntmnwell yeah the sd_x_ has to be the right letter21:42
mjwso this has to be done with batteries still connected I assume?21:46
- mrus (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~mrus@
mntmnmjw: no, you can also use the power brick21:48
mntmnmjw: some kind of power supply is required :)21:48
- mjw (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~mark@herd.wildebeest.org)21:54
+ mjw (~mark@herd.wildebeest.org)22:17
mjwmntmn, and we are back with updated firmware \o/22:18
mntmnmjw: awesome!22:19
mjwthat was fun, now I got two additional toolchains22:20
mjwso to talk to the lpc I should do screen /dev/ttymxc2 5760022:25
mjwbut that doesn't seem to do anything22:25
mjweven as root22:26
mntmnmjw: that's tricky22:27
mntmnmjw: you can't write to it, only reas22:27
mntmnmjw: you need to tell the keyboard to enable this snooping feature22:28
mntmnmjw: https://mntre.com/reform-irc-logs/2021-04-24.log.html22:29
mntmnmjw: search for xUAR1 in this page22:29
mjwecho "xUAR1" | sudo tee /dev/hidraw022:33
bluerisesomeone rang22:34
mntmnbluerise: it was me!22:35
blueriseah, mntmn did. uhm, OpenBSD, right. well, no graphics output (neither LCD/HDMI), no sounds22:35
bluerisethat's tbh a bit crappy for a laptop22:35
bluerise(and the fault blames in OpenBSD of course)22:35
mntmnbluerise: yeah well lets get graphics going?22:35
blueriseeasier said than done22:35
blueriselinux drivers are GPL22:35
blueriseso I can't just copy it22:36
mntmnbluerise: lets use u-boot to set up the internal display, this is almost working22:36
- adjtm (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~adjtm@
blueriseyup. u-boot mainline is a bit more far away from that than the boundary devices fork22:37
+ adjtm (~adjtm@
blueriseit's a bit sad they don't upstream their stuff22:37
mntmnlets just use the fork22:38
mntmnlets get some demo to work, and this will create more incentive to go the remaining steps for graphics perhaps22:39
- mjw (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~mark@herd.wildebeest.org)22:50
mntmnbluerise: here, only a bit of tinkering left to get the u-boot framebuffer on the internal display, i think https://community.mnt.re/t/u-boot-and-internal-screen/295/1023:00
mntmnanyway, feierabend for today23:00
blueriseI'll have a look next time, not today23:01
sknebelhttps://twitter.com/9600/status/1419328399399653380 "Since learning of the MNT Reform FPGA module I can't stop thinking about the recent announcement also of an FPGA VAX implementation. A VAX laptop running VMS and DECwindows would be amazing. "23:29
+ erlehmann (~erle@dynamic-046-114-038-177.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)23:36

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