
sbphttps://files.mastodon.social/media_attachments/files/106/516/493/913/859/986/original/b50680d6a1127010.jpg is a thing of beauty00:39
- mjw (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~mark@herd.wildebeest.org)00:40
mntmnsbp: ^^01:07
- erlehmann (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~erle@dynamic-046-114-034-167.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)01:15
+ erlehmann (~erle@dynamic-046-114-038-236.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)01:29
- bluerise (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~bluerise@user/bluerise)03:23
+ bluerise (~bluerise@pc19f82d2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)03:26
- freakazoid333 (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~freakazoi@
+ freakazoid333 (~freakazoi@
+ ZylonMaster (~dldske@2603-7000-c601-f02e-0000-0000-0000-0353.res6.spectrum.com)06:28
- ZylonMaster (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~dldske@2603-7000-c601-f02e-0000-0000-0000-0353.res6.spectrum.com)06:36
Asmadeushmm, I think I've done it -- was curious about the discharge rate so left the reform unplugged a bit too long without use (off), and one of the batteries won't recharge even with a lab power supply, it's (almost) flat dead on multimeter and just not taking any current when attempting to charge it07:53
AsmadeusI guess at that point there's not much hope aside of buying a new one?07:53
- freakazoid333 (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~freakazoi@
ex-parrotI’d imagine there’s a lot voltage cutout threshold configurable somewhere, maybe that just needs bumping up?08:22
ex-parrotACTION really should start learning the hardware himself 08:22
AsmadeusSomething to make the batteries not drain that far down would definitely help not happening again (there will be times I leave the reform off for over a week again...), but now it's gone that far I don't think there's much to fiddle with08:29
+ freakazoid333 (~freakazoi@
- freakazoid333 (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~freakazoi@
+ freakazoid333 (~freakazoi@
- freakazoid333 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~freakazoi@
ex-parrotYeah I meant mainly for next time :/09:22
- bluerise (QUIT: Changing host) (~bluerise@pc19f82d2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)09:38
+ bluerise (~bluerise@user/bluerise)09:38
mntmnAsmadeus: sorry to hear it!10:05
ex-parrot“Low voltage” rather 10:16
Asmadeushaha I hadn't even seen the typo10:19
AsmadeusBut yeah it's worth looking at anyway. I'm also curious as to why it drains so fast -- is that just the keyboard controller that's always running or is there more? if it's the keyboard maybe it can be put into low power mode woken up by circle key or something10:20
Asmadeusquick estimate for a week would say it's eating ~80mA off batteries continuously (8*1800 Ah over a weekish), it's not a lot but for something that's supposed to be powered off it feels a bit high10:21
ex-parrotACTION makes a mental note to plug the reform back in on the way to bed 10:26
mntmnAsmadeus: yep, i've been wondering about this. could be lpc, atmega32u4 or something unexpected.10:34
+ bluerise_ (~bluerise@pc19f8b75.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)11:27
- bluerise (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~bluerise@user/bluerise)11:29
- bluerise_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~bluerise@pc19f8b75.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)11:31
+ bluerise (~bluerise@pc19f8978.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)11:32
+ mjw (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2487:f800:9e5c:8eff:fe8f:a440)11:38
- bluerise (QUIT: Changing host) (~bluerise@pc19f8978.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)11:52
+ bluerise (~bluerise@user/bluerise)11:52
+ rasmus (~rasmus@c83-253-223-217.bredband.tele2.se)12:47
- rasmus (PART: Disconnected: closed) (~rasmus@c83-253-223-217.bredband.tele2.se)13:03
+ freakazoid333 (~freakazoi@
- freakazoid333 (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~freakazoi@
- mjw (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2487:f800:9e5c:8eff:fe8f:a440)18:15
+ mjw (~mark@herd.wildebeest.org)21:35
- mjw (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~mark@herd.wildebeest.org)23:20

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