
+ furan (~ian@
furanrandom q - is everything needed to build a kernel for the reform in upstream?00:17
furanor do I need to build a linux-imx tree?00:18
furanaha I found it nm00:19
mntmnfuran: everything is here, but currently in sysimage-v2 branch https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-system-image/-/tree/sysimage-v200:20
mntmnfuran: i should really merge it! it's what's shipped on your device00:20
mntmnMR for that is open00:21
furanI want to write a simple app to configure DSI to scan out of an arbitrary block of physical memory and I'm not sure how complicated that is. I figured maybe there was an fbdev driver that does it, but maybe fbdev is using the DRM driver?00:21
furan(well what I mean is, maybe there's a configured fbdev driver that uses DRM)00:21
furanI think I need to read up more on how the display controller works00:22
mntmnfuran: so it's one of two display engine chains. the default one is RAM -> DCSS -> NWL DSI -> Mixel DPHY00:23
mntmnfuran: the alternative is LCDIF instead of DCSS (it's used when you switch to dual display, then DCSS goes to HDMI)_00:24
furanis that so you can do stuff like clone?00:24
mntmnfuran: this should also be interesting https://community.mnt.re/t/u-boot-and-internal-screen/295/200:24
mntmnfuran: also i highly recommend to peek into "IMX8MDQLQRMref2.pdf" from NXP (requires NXP account)00:25
mntmnfuran: or http://dump.mntmn.com/IMX8MDQLQRMref2.pdf ;)00:25
mntmnfuran: it is because each of DCSS and LCDIF can only output to one display00:26
mntmn(on this SoC)00:26
mntmnfuran: DCSS is the more capable engine, it has compression and buffers and some fancy things, LCDIF is very old in spartan (was used in many old imx generations)00:27
mntmnvery old _and_ spartan00:27
mntmnfuran: and yeah do go back to your original question, either lcdif (also called mxsfb) or dcss (i think also called imx-dcss) are the kernel drivers that setup up /dev/fb*00:30
mntmnfuran: dcss can feed either into dsi or hdmi (there is a register that toggles it), but lcdif can feed _only_ into dsi00:30
furanok, and dcss can't drive two outputs at once, and that's why you have to use lcdif when hdmi is enabled (and using dcss)?00:34
furanso, when HDMI is enabled and you are driving the panel and HDMI, LCDIF is used for the panel, and DCSS for HDMI00:35
mntmnfuran: correct00:35
mntmnfuran: it's possible that as root and using a tool that can write to arbitrary memory, you might be able to poke arbitrary memory location into dcss's scanout address00:36
mntmnfuran: all the IP registers are in 32-bit space00:36
furandevmem2 and all that00:36
mntmnfuran: dcss is a bit more complicated than lcdif because it has some "kick" IRQ that has to load something every frame or so00:37
furanok. I am going to try and make it scan out of PCIe BAR just to see it fall over. I think if I want to scan out of that, I will have to copy to RAM first.00:37
mntmnfuran: i like your thinking :300:37
furanoh that synchronization is (maybe?) preferred00:37
furanwhat does it look like when display underrun happens? everything becomes a blurry gray blob? :)00:38
mntmnPCIe BAR is limited to like 128MB btw, a bit of a bummer... but still better than i.MX6's 14 MB00:38
furanoh bar size?00:38
furanthat's ok00:38
mntmnfuran: i have only seen it on LCDIF. it becomes VHS-style glitchy and if underrun persists for a second or so, it turns off00:39
furanwhat's the difference between IMX8MM and IMX8MQ?00:39
furan(which one is reform)00:39
furanlooks like they benched DMA read and write00:40
furanfor PCIe00:40
mntmnfuran: reform is IMX8MQ00:40
mntmnfuran: handy table https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/supporting-information/IMX8LAYERCMPR.pdf00:40
mntmn(reform will also soon have LS1028A as an option which is in that table too)00:40
mntmnfuran: IMX8MM is "mini"00:41
- ephase (QUIT: Quit: WeeChat 3.2) (~ephase@2a01:e0a:168:1211:4ec7:a5dc:3f69:b03e)01:17
+ furan_ (~ian@
- furan (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~ian@
* furan_ -> furan01:35
furanany idea what's causing me this git redirect error? https://i.imgur.com/AvaHaGQ.png01:51
furanah I think I fixed it changed URL to mnt.re one02:03
mntmnah yeah, sorry, i thought i had already updated the url in that branch02:18
furannp. I built a new kernel which resulted in a new Image. I copied it to mmcblk1p1/Image, and now I boot to black screen, so I must have done something wrong02:31
furanonly thing I changed was to enable realtek USB wifi builtin02:31
furan(this is a kernel from mkkernel.sh)02:32
furanI think it sort of works because the trackpad LEDs flash after a second or two02:33
dopplerchatting from Reform… this thing is a blast02:34
dopplerquite a bit of graphics flickering/glitching with PCI-E activity (seems to be, at least), so I'll have to get this thing up-to-date soon02:34
doppler(IIRC that's a known and fixed issue)02:35
khmdoppler: do you have yours booting off sd card still02:35
dopplerI do02:36
- Neelfyn (QUIT: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) (uid180106@id-180106.stonehaven.irccloud.com)02:45
furanah I think I forgot the .dtb files03:10
mntmndoppler: it is, but the fix is supposed to be in the v2 image... need to check on that tomorrow03:14
mntmnneed to sleep, 3am here! i'll be available for questions again tomorrow03:15
dopplerlate night! hope you get some rest03:17
furanall set again, just needed to copy the right device tree binary03:23
- jryans (QUIT: Quit: Reconnecting) (~jryansmat@2001:470:69fc:105::1d)04:07
+ jryans (~jryans@2001:470:69fc:105::1d)04:07
jackhillsbp: I've had my reform for 5 days, but have been busy this week. I just finished doing the "foreign distribution" installation as a package manager on top of the Debian system using the Guix-provided shell script. As expected, that worked well.06:31
jackhillsbp: that will be a stepping stone for installing Guix system, but as I mentioned in that thread, I want to use Guix-managed kernels, so that will be more work. Particularly since this is my first time interacting with uboot :)06:32
jackhillmtm: ^^ I'm happy to chat/swap notes about getting Guix working.06:33
jackhillsbp: oh, and I haven't done uart stuff either. I'm waiting on the µArt from Crowd Supply which I figure will be helpful when hacking on the uboot config06:35
jackhillmntmn: I beleive I've asked this before, but the answer is not in my brain … does Reform/IMX8 support sending audio along with video over HDMI?06:41
jackhillmntmn: oh, also, I took a nap today, that after making a more-awesome laptop than Apple, you were making a more-awesome car than Tesla. All open hardware, software, etc. Funny subconscious.06:43
jackhillsbp: of sourse I could have done an `apt install guix` now thanks to vagrantc's work, but I stuck with the tried-and-true shellscript method.06:44
+ odnes (~odnes@109-178-242-34.pat.ren.cosmote.net)06:46
ex-parrotmntmn:  https://img.hotplate.co.nz/ocNU3Ml907:08
ex-parrotThe tracking just abruptly stopped working after it entered NZ, then this appeared a couple of hours ago :)07:09
ex-parrotthis machine is incredible. such a beautiful design, the unboxing and manual and everything are perfect. amazing work mntmn and team 07:24
ex-parrotabsolutely worth the wait 07:24
ex-parrotI haven’t read the manual yet but is the keyboard PCB meant to be kind of “floating” in the case?07:24
- furan (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~ian@
indefini[m]ex-parrot: I dont think so..07:36
indefini[m]did you build it?07:37
indefini[m]or maybe yes if by floating you mean there is some space under :)07:38
ex-parrotNo it came assembled 07:46
ex-parrotI’ll make a video shortly. By “floating” I mean the keyboard doesn’t seem totally fixed in place, it slides around in the housing a little bit 07:47
scopsO.o the keys mounted with a little play...? to you mean this? the keyboard pcb should be fixed with 6 screws07:53
scops(12 if you count the frame too)07:53
ex-parrotHuh ok mine is definitely07:55
ex-parrotNot quite right then 07:55
ex-parrotThe whole PCB slides around in there 07:55
ex-parrotACTION fetches a screwdriver 07:56
scopsyeah... you need 6 screws the same size as the frame screws to fix the keyboard pcb in place07:57
ex-parrotMm ok I guess maybe that got missed in assembly 07:57
scops(the ones on the pcb normaly havent a flatten head... besides that they are identically)07:58
ex-parrotHmmmm a screw in the bottom case was almost entirely out too. I wonder if they just vibrated loose in shipping 08:00
ex-parrotah I see the problem; the keyboard screws are just missing entirely :D mntmn you may want to check that on other units 08:06
ex-parrothttps://img.hotplate.co.nz/bivHUxJd I assume those holes were meant to have screws in them 😂08:12
scopsô.o strange... 08:36
ex-parrotIt’s no big deal, I can just order a set of the correct screws here. In the mean time I found a few mismatched ones of the right thread / length to secure it with 08:41
khmMine wasn't screwed down either, but I got the DIY version.08:57
+ benj234 (~benj234@p5099baa2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)09:03
- benj234 (PART: Killed buffer) (~benj234@p5099baa2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)09:03
+ benj234 (~benj234@p5099baa2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)09:04
benj234hi, if I order now from germany, do I still get it within ~4 weeks? 09:06
ex-parrotI think the backlog of crowd funding orders need to be completed first 09:28
+ reform13374 (~fincham@
- _Bnu (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~beeanyew@89-160-120-72.cust.bredband2.com)09:30
reform13374the machine lives :)09:31
reform13374there's a bit of backlight bleed around the bottom edge, hopefully I can tweak the panel mounting a bit to improve that09:32
reform13374otherwise it's running perfectly09:32
reform13374ok time to get xwayland going so I can run bb :)09:38
- reform13374 (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~fincham@
ex-parrotnext question: how do I get audio working? Pulse sees no output devices 09:47
ex-parrotOh that’s in the FAQ, nm09:47
- odnes (QUIT: Read error: No route to host) (~odnes@109-178-242-34.pat.ren.cosmote.net)09:51
ex-parrotah the aspect ratio of the case is super nice, just like a pre-touchpad thinkpad :P10:10
scops<reform13374 "there's a bit of backlight bleed"> i`ve got the same... if you can fix it tell us how you have done it :)10:10
scopsx.x => hmpf.10:10
ex-parroton the Novena I got rid of it by just loosening the mounts for the display and shimming it slightly, it’s very sensitive to any kind of torque at the mounts 10:11
scops<ex-parrot "ah the aspect ratio of the case "> indeed... i wish the trackpad area would be bigger but it's ok. the size of the hole device is great imho10:11
ex-parrotFor me the size is perfect, I can type without taking off a wristwatch :P10:11
scops<ex-parrot "on the Novena I got rid of it by"> hmmm i will try that...10:12
ex-parrotI can’t promise this display mounting arrangement would allow for similar manipulations thoighn10:12
ex-parrotHow do I get the MNT logo back on the keyboard oled? :P10:12
ex-parrotI guess it would be only proper if use the machine to order some screws for itself 10:16
mntmnex-parrot: i apologize, assembly error that i didn't catch @ missing keyboard pcb screws10:17
ex-parrotno worries! I’m not bothered about it 10:17
ex-parrotyou’ve made it extremely easy to address :P10:18
mntmnok so about the logo on the OLED, this is shown only after poweron/reset10:18
ex-parrotAh I figured as much 10:19
mntmnbacklight bleed surprises me tbh... did you try to untighten the screws on the screen frame in that place?10:20
ex-parrotNo I haven’t yet, I will do 10:20
ex-parrotI’ll try get a photo of it 10:20
mntmnotherwise it could be a transport issue10:20
mntmnok thanks10:20
ex-parrothow do I adjust the display backlight from sway?10:21
mntmnscops: same for you, did you try loosening the screw(s) of the display a bit?10:21
mntmnex-parrot: super + f1/f210:21
ex-parrothere’s a picture of the backlight at the bottom:  https://img.hotplate.co.nz/ojX8eYey10:23
ex-parrotIt’s not quite as bad IRL as it looks in the photo 10:23
ex-parrotLoosening the screws makes it wobble a little but doesn’t change it much 10:24
mntmnex-parrot: hmm, that's not ideal. i hope the panel wasn't damaged in transit. can you open the laptop 180 degrees (like an open book) and then remove the screen frame? (better turn it off first)10:25
ex-parrotIt’s probably comparable to my old Lenovo X250, maybe a tiny bit worse 10:25
ex-parrotSure 10:25
mntmnnormally bleed happens when something is squeezing the display, as you said10:26
ex-parrotOk with the bezel off it’s a lot better looking (I’m being careful not to tilt the display too much with it off)  https://img.hotplate.co.nz/IGUDKKa110:29
ex-parrotjust slightly “warm” in the bottom left 10:30
ex-parrotAs I lifted the bezel off there was a bit of a “ping” like it was under some stress or something. I’ll put it back on and see if it’s better now10:31
ex-parrotIt’s definitely a little10:31
ex-parrotwarped but nothing major. It’s warped “outwards” in the middle at the bottom slightly 10:32
mntmnoh ok. thanks for checking! i see you have the "side" connector version of the panel10:33
ex-parrotthis is unit 37 if that’s useful to know :P10:34
mntmnthe backlight looks a bit uneven in the photo, is it visible like that in real life?10:34
ex-parrotyes but it’s more subtle than in the photo 10:34
mntmnhmm. we should probably send you another panel to compare then10:35
ex-parrotif you want to you could, but this one is really not too bad 10:35
ex-parrotI’m just putting the bezel back on now, I’ll see if the backlight bleed comes back 10:35
ex-parrotI’m assuming a bit of bent ness in the aluminium panels is expected? 10:36
ex-parrotOk yep the backlight bleed comes back when I install the bottom LCD cover screws 10:39
mntmnyes, aluminum frame warping is normal10:39
ex-parrotGood 👍10:39
ex-parrotThey’re really pleasantly tactile parts to hold somehow 10:40
mntmnex-parrot: ok, i will talk to my colleague about the screen. i think this version of the panel has some tape to hold it in place somewhere.10:40
ex-parrotAh right 10:40
ex-parrotI’m really not too worried about it, it’s a similar level of bleed to what I’ve seen on eg Lenovo machines 10:41
mntmnmaybe it's too thick or the panel is otherwise pressed, i will try to replicate here10:41
ex-parrothttps://img.hotplate.co.nz/vrCu34hc a bit of finessing with the screws has improved it too, a quarter turn looser helped 10:41
ex-parrotBut yeah if I can just remove some excess padding or something and have it luxuriously perfect then I wouldn’t complain either :P10:41
ex-parrotI’m very happy with the machine, glad it made it unscathed on its long journey 10:42
ex-parrotfor some reason connman really doesn’t want to connect to my wifi but it will talk to my phone hotspot at least, I’ll need to dig in to that 10:43
ex-parrothttps://img.hotplate.co.nz/zsEIJvx0 ordering myself some screws for the keyboard \m/10:45
ex-parrotother nice things: the ctrl / space bar keys land exactly where my hands expected them10:54
ex-parrotI am enjoying the nice industrial feel of the trackball as well, it’s so good to have a pointer with some physical inertia again 10:54
ex-parrotthe case is also really nice! Feels really premium. Reminds me a bit of a TRS-80 Model 100 case 10:55
ex-parrotand now I’m going to bed. Thanks everyone 10:55
scops<mntmn "scops: same for you, did you try"> yeah it worked. but still i have two dead (white) pixels... :/ *shrug maybe i replace the panel somewhere in the future if you offer a oled or something like this xD heh10:56
mntmnscops: dead pixels? oof. since the beginning?10:58
mntmnthank you and good night ex-parrot!10:58
scops<ex-parrot "and now I’m going to bed. Thanks"> gn810:58
mntmnscops: mind to show me a photo? i would like to see what i missed ^^10:59
scopscheck :) i have a meeting i send it to you in a hour or so10:59
- benj234 (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~benj234@p5099baa2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)11:12
+ _Bnu (~beeanyew@89-160-120-72.cust.bredband2.com)11:15
+ mjw (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2487:f800:9e5c:8eff:fe8f:a440)11:28
- wiedi (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~wiedi@
+ wiedi_ (~wiedi@
- erlehmann (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~erle@dynamic-046-114-037-060.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)12:10
- wiedi_ (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~wiedi@
+ Neelfyn (uid180106@id-180106.stonehaven.irccloud.com)13:10
+ odnes (~odnes@109-178-242-34.pat.ren.cosmote.net)13:11
scopsupgraded to wayfire 0.7.2 (needed a recompile of drm, wlroots,... new libseat...) i really hope wayfire will find it's way to official repos once it is more mature...13:44
mntmnscops: i think it will, i just need to set aside some time to thoroughly test it. maybe you can do a small video (screen capture) of your setup if you like13:45
+ erlehmann (~erle@dynamic-046-114-033-094.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)14:49
- odnes (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~odnes@109-178-242-34.pat.ren.cosmote.net)14:51
+ odnes (~odnes@109-178-242-34.pat.ren.cosmote.net)14:51
+ wiedi (~wiedi@
- odnes (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~odnes@109-178-242-34.pat.ren.cosmote.net)15:24
- wiedi (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~wiedi@
+ furan (~ian@
+ wiedi (~wiedi@
- mjw (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2487:f800:9e5c:8eff:fe8f:a440)19:09
- furan (QUIT: Ping timeout: 258 seconds) (~ian@
- wiedi (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~wiedi@
+ ephase (~ephase@2a01:e0a:168:1211:ca5d:edf5:d218:6f8d)21:28
+ odnes (~odnes@109-178-242-34.pat.ren.cosmote.net)22:10
+ wiedi (~wiedi@
+ mjw (~mark@herd.wildebeest.org)22:36
- odnes (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~odnes@109-178-242-34.pat.ren.cosmote.net)22:37
+ odnes (~odnes@109-178-242-34.pat.ren.cosmote.net)22:46
scopsmntmn: in your thread about recompiling ffmpeg you should add the switch "--enable-openssl" ... so that youtube (...) can be directly played with mpv :)23:08
mntmnscops: oh ok23:23
- odnes (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~odnes@109-178-242-34.pat.ren.cosmote.net)23:45

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