
- ephase (QUIT: Quit: WeeChat 3.2) (~ephase@2a01:e0a:168:1211:4034:b9ae:dde9:ca1f)00:08
+ furan (~ian@
furanhelo from my new reform!00:15
sknebel\o/ 00:17
mtmmntmn: it's great that you have that many sold.  Guessing mine will ship directly from Germany (rather than CS since I bought after the campaign) when its time00:27
- freakazoid333 (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~freakazoi@
mntmnhi furan!00:30
mntmndriving home now00:30
furanclosing the lid for a bit I imagine my irc will drop if so bbiab00:41
furanoh nm00:44
- furan (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~ian@
+ furan (~ian@
verxshould have checked on IRC before I also cracked the side acrylic panel :)00:58
verxit gives it character. everything else is flawless!00:59
- furan (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~ian@
mntmnverx: oop!01:05
+ freakazoid333 (~freakazoi@
indefini[m]verx: hehe02:00
+ freakazoid334 (~freakazoi@
- freakazoid334 (QUIT: Max SendQ exceeded) (~freakazoi@
+ freakazoid334 (~freakazoi@
ex-parrot you need a few scratches so you know it’s yours 02:04
- freakazoid333 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~freakazoi@
- adjtm_ (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~adjtm@
- BluRaf (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (bluraf@junkcc.net)02:23
+ adjtm (~adjtm@2a0c:5a80:1b04:a00:151f:79bd:1956:4d81)02:23
+ furan (~ian@
+ BluRaf (bluraf@junkcc.net)02:49
- furan (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~ian@
Asmadeusdebian not having sbin in its PATH for users is one of the most annoying decision they ever took for me... (re: missing commands without sudo)04:25
+ MichaelMaymays (~Michael@host-204-118-069-211.dhcp.fewpb.net)05:00
MichaelMaymayshi, i was just wondering if the mnt reform will continue to be sold going into the future, or if the croudfunding campaign will be the only way to buy one?05:00
AsmadeusMichaelMaymays: mntmn said he can't put it up in the shop until all campaign orders are fullfilled, per his agreement with crowdsupply05:09
Asmadeusonce that's finished he will put it on the shop05:09
Asmadeus(I'm not affiliated so obviously can't say anything long term, but he'll correct me when he wakes up :-D)05:10
MichaelMaymaysah okay, i was just curious because i didn't see it on the shop and the blog post read like the croudfunding campaign would be the only way to buy it for some reason05:11
MichaelMaymaysi hope to buy one within the next year or two hopefully05:11
MichaelMaymayshopefully by then the issues with things like xorg should be ironed out too05:11
ex-parrotI am cautiously optimsitic that the xorg thing is fixable05:17
MichaelMaymaysi hope so, because i want to use my patched dwm build and i don't believe i can use that with wayland05:18
MichaelMaymaysalthough that might be wrong as i don't know a whole lot about wayland05:18
ex-parrotI'm still hoping to run xorg myself as well05:18
MichaelMaymaysalso, would it be possible to replace those alt keys in the spacebar with a regular full-sized spacebar?05:18
AsmadeusIf there's interest, everything is fixable. I think I'll run wmii in cage until I can take the time to rewrite it with wlroots eventually... one day™05:18
Asmadeusregular full-sized spacebar needs a stabilizer (the reason it got split in the first place iirc) so that's probably difficult05:19
MichaelMaymaysah ok, that sucks05:19
Asmadeusyou can remap keys so all 4 act as space though if you really want05:19
MichaelMaymayshmm, that may be a solution05:19
MichaelMaymaysi think once i get one i'll just try to get used to the space positioning first though05:19
AsmadeusFirst impression after just 30 minutes on mine yesterday (damn work!) is spaces are ok for me05:20
ex-parrotsplit spacebar is really good imo05:20
AsmadeusI'm more annoyed with the right shift05:20
ex-parrotyou'll come to lov it05:20
ex-parrotI like to have half the spacebar as an enter and half as space05:20
ex-parrot(on existing split keyboards anyway)05:20
Asmadeus"?, up, right shift" is something I'll probably never get used to :D05:20
MichaelMaymaysso is debian the only OS that supports it right now or can i just run any arm64 distro? i was under the impression that it needs a custom kernel or something currently05:20
AsmadeusThere's just a couple of patches left, it will definitely run any arm distro in a couple of years05:21
Asmadeusyou can still use any distro right now and just use the reform kernel also05:21
MichaelMaymaysoh yeah i just noticed the rshift thing, thats kind of funky05:21
MichaelMaymaysthat would take some getting used to05:21
MichaelMaymaysim willing to overlook those little keyboard issues though considering how awesome the rest of the laptop is05:21
MichaelMaymaysthat would just take some adjusting is all, not a deal breaker05:22
MichaelMaymaysso how exactly is the firmware/bios/bootloader stuff set up? is it possible to multiboot for example?05:23
Asmadeuscurrent uboot doesn't have screen/keyboard output so that'll be difficult, but there's also work for that in progress05:23
MichaelMaymaysi would like to dual boot a linux system and maybe windows for arm if that gets ported, so that i can play my games and use things like photoshop and premiere05:24
AsmadeusSo will probably be possible in a bit, he had a uboot with output working, just need keyboard fixed05:24
Asmadeuscan't say anything about windows though :D05:24
MichaelMaymaysyeah windows may be a stretch, im hopeful though05:25
ex-parrotalso worst case you can probably re-spin the keyboard PCB with whatever funky layout you wanted05:25
MichaelMaymaysanother option might be some kind of x86 emulator like qemu userland or box86 in linux05:25
ex-parrotWindows for ARM would be unlikely I think05:25
MichaelMaymaysi could even just run a straight up windows x86 vm in qemu/libvirt as well05:25
ex-parrotx86 VMs will be slow due to CPU emulation, but should be possible05:25
MichaelMaymaysshould be fine for the type of games i would expect to play on a laptop anyways05:25
MichaelMaymaysright now i have a nearly 10 year old thinkpad which isnt exactly a gaming machine either05:26
ex-parrotyeah :)05:26
ex-parrotplus things like ScummVM I think ought to work pretty well on arm now too05:26
MichaelMaymaysmain game i would play on it would probably be minecraft, which is just java so i can run it natively on arm anyways, with no emulation05:26
ex-parrotyeah, easy05:26
ex-parrotI think I even saw a screenshot of someone running minecraft on reform05:26
Asmadeusthere's minetest installed in the base image he ships05:26
MichaelMaymaysill also be playing some older pc games like gta sa:mp and things like that05:26
MichaelMaymaysim not going to run the stock image, im not a big debian fan05:27
ex-parrotI wouldn't count on anything that needs "3D" running in CPU emulation especially well05:27
ex-parrotbut I guess we won't know until we try it :P05:27
MichaelMaymaysapparently box86 can run older 3d games very well on arm laptops05:27
MichaelMaymaysfrom looking at their compatibility list on github05:27
ex-parrotoh ok, I am out of the loop on that05:27
ex-parrotnice to know05:27
ex-parrotI guess it's doing some fancier emulation 05:28
MichaelMaymayspeople are playing stuff like portal 2, half life deathmatch, flatout, diablo 2, etc05:28
MichaelMaymaysbox86 is also 32-bit only though which means i will need multilib05:28
ex-parrotmy general approach is to wipe whatever a computer comes with and run my own Debian install, but I might not do that for Reform at least initially, because it sounds like the image is fairly well customised05:28
MichaelMaymaysdoes multilib even exist on arm64?05:28
ex-parrotwell, in some form05:28
MichaelMaymaysalright cool05:29
ex-parrotI have added 32 bit x86 arch to a Debian arm box and used qemu_binfmt 05:29
ex-parrotin the past05:29
MichaelMaymaysi will probably run arch linux on it, thats the most familiar for me05:29
Asmadeusarm64 can also run arm32 binaries05:29
MichaelMaymaysits not that i cant use debian, but i just have too many issues with apt05:29
MichaelMaymaysalways end up with broken deps and stuff like that for some reason05:29
ex-parrotI've been using Debian for about 20 years so I am kind of stuck on it myself :P05:29
MichaelMaymaysAsmadeus: box86 apparently doesnt work in 64-bit mode, it needs to be 32-bit little endian in particular05:30
MichaelMaymaysthats what the github says anyways05:30
MichaelMaymayssays you need a 32-bit subsystem and toolchain, 64-bit only systems cant run it05:30
AsmadeusI stick by what I said. it's exactly like x86_64 and i386, you still need multilib05:30
MichaelMaymaysex-parrot: my first distros were damn small linux and ubuntu 10.04, back when i was a kid, so i used debian for a long time too05:31
MichaelMaymaysbut recently i've had bad experiences with apt on it05:31
ex-parrotyeah fair enough, if you don't just stick to what's in stable you can bork it relatively quickly05:31
MichaelMaymaysi have debian unstable with bedrock on my thinkpad right now05:32
MichaelMaymaysbut i try not to screw with it too much so i dont break something05:32
MichaelMaymayson the mnt reform (once i get one) i will probably just run arch w/ multilib05:32
ex-parrotseems reasonable to me05:33
ex-parrotI've used ALARM a bit05:33
MichaelMaymaysi've only used it on i386 and x86_64, never actually had an arm computer myself05:34
MichaelMaymaysonly alternative arch ive had is ppc32be and ppc64be05:34
MichaelMaymays(apple powermacs from many years ago)05:35
ex-parrotoh nice05:35
ex-parrotPOWER is making a bit of a comeback 05:35
MichaelMaymaysmine arent power though, they're powerpc05:35
ex-parrotsame thing isn't it?05:35
MichaelMaymaysno, powerpc is based on power but its not the same05:36
ex-parrotah ok, I didn't realise that05:36
MichaelMaymaysespecially if you're comparing to something like power9 which is little endian and a completely different instruction set05:36
MichaelMaymaysthe old powerpc chips have crap support in linux/bsd/etc in comparison05:36
MichaelMaymaysalmost no distros support them anymore05:36
MichaelMaymaysi typically just run some form of apple mac os on them05:36
ex-parrotmm, I always thought PPC was on the POWER lineage but I see it's a "based on" architectyre05:36
ex-parrotTIL :)05:37
MichaelMaymaysso what is the battery life like on the mnt reform? i assume it's quite good being arm and all?05:38
AsmadeusI don't think anyone in these timezones have experience with that yet05:38
MichaelMaymaysah alright05:38
Asmadeus(ask again when europe is awake)05:39
ex-parrotI feel like it was "fine but not amazing" or something? like 4-6 hours maybe?05:39
ex-parrotbut I could just have been imagining that05:39
Asmadeusbut either way there's room for improvement05:39
MichaelMaymaysthe idea of just using regular battery cells is awesome though, gone are the days of having to scour for rare proprietary batteries on ebay05:39
MichaelMaymays4-6 hours is great by my standards05:39
ex-parrotthat's what ultimately killed my Novena (well, a bunch of things did)05:39
ex-parrotwas the surprisingly proprietary battery died05:39
MichaelMaymaysi'm coming from an ancient thinkpad with a nearly dead battery, i get maybe 1 or 2 hours on a full charge05:39
ex-parrotand the case didn't really have room for enough 18650s05:39
ex-parrotmm I've been using my X230 with the "slim" pack recently which is like 90 minutes :P05:40
MichaelMaymaysthats the issue im having with my thinkpad actually, its pretty much impossible to find a battery for them anymore05:40
MichaelMaymaysunless i want to gamble with a chinesium clone05:40
- MichaelMaymays (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~Michael@host-204-118-069-211.dhcp.fewpb.net)05:50
- Neelfyn (QUIT: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) (uid180106@id-180106.stonehaven.irccloud.com)05:56
verxafter a few hours of DD duty, thanks to the mnt crew for capturing the experience of 80s computers. the "oob experience" and docs are phenomenal.07:13
verxI almost want to map the larger trackball buttons to spacebar07:14
jackhillWoo, got my reform put together, and I don't think I made any mistakes!07:39
jackhillHow do I adjust the display backlight in sway?07:39
scopsSuper+f2 i think07:53
+ Neelfyn (uid180106@id-180106.stonehaven.irccloud.com)09:25
- freakazoid334 (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~freakazoi@
+ freakazoid333 (~freakazoi@
+ mjw (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2487:f800:9e5c:8eff:fe8f:a440)12:12
- erlehmann (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~erle@dynamic-046-114-037-165.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)12:13
+ erlehmann (~erle@dynamic-046-114-033-197.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)12:27
mntmnah, MichaelMaymays is already gone. someone could have told him he can try to run dwm in cage13:12
mntmnah, Asmadeus you did13:13
Asmadeushe's not buying a reform for another couple of years anyway :)13:13
AsmadeusI don't think that had anything to do about xorg problems13:13
mntmnAsmadeus: btw you could swap 13:13
mntmnAsmadeus: ... right shift and cursor up, for example13:13
Asmadeusyes that's what I was planning to do13:14
mntmni have ran windows on arm on the device in qemu-kvm, but the perf is not optimal due to missing graphics drivers13:14
AsmadeusGot quite a few changes planned for keyboard, one of the reasons I've been looking for keyboards with open firmware for a while ;p13:15
mntmnif windows were to support virgil...13:15
Asmadeus(You can do quite a bit with an xkb map but there are limits with e.g. fn keys)13:16
mntmnverx: cool, thanks!13:17
mntmnjackhill: also, congratz for successful diy build!13:17
- erlehmann (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~erle@dynamic-046-114-033-197.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)13:21
+ erlehmann (~erle@dynamic-046-114-033-197.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)13:21
+ adjtm_ (~adjtm@
- adjtm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~adjtm@2a0c:5a80:1b04:a00:151f:79bd:1956:4d81)13:43
jackhillmntmn: thanks! I'll try to write up my first impressions to the community site next week.16:12
jackhillOne thing now though, the volume from the interal speakers seems low (even with it turned up all the way in pavucontrol) is that expected? The quality seems fine, so I think I got everything seated properly.16:13
mntmnjackhill: yeah, it is not super loud--i think this is because of the hardware filtering. but you can boost it a bit more with alsamixer i think. it has some extra knobs that don't show up in pulseaudio16:22
mntmnfirst photo of LS1028A module https://mastodon.social/web/statuses/10646612143738075516:24
jackhillmntmn: as long as it is working as it's suppoed to, and I'm not having some wierd problem that's good :)16:26
+ odnes (~odnes@109-178-243-192.pat.ren.cosmote.net)16:30
scops<mntmn "first photo of LS1028A module ht"> Looks very good... do you have any benchmarks to compare the module with the i.mx8 version we have in our lovely black hardware atm? :)17:02
scops(MNT is the new NeXT ... x) )17:02
+ odnes_ (~odnes@109-178-243-192.pat.ren.cosmote.net)17:04
- odnes (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~odnes@109-178-243-192.pat.ren.cosmote.net)17:04
mntmnscops: no benchmarks yet, but the single-thread performance is noticeably better. i think imx8m is a better at compiling larger codebases though. but i have tested ls1028a only from SD card so far, not nvme...17:13
jackhillWhile my previous computer also only had 4G, I'm definitely looking forward to the memory boost with the LS1028A.17:20
- TadeusTaD (QUIT: *.net *.split) (tadeustad@psifactor.pl)17:35
- sknebel (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~quassel@v22016013254630973.happysrv.de)17:35
+ tadeus_brick (tadeustad@psifactor.pl)17:35
+ sknebel (~quassel@v22016013254630973.happysrv.de)17:37
mjwmntmn, why do you think the imx8m is better at compiling larger codebases? Isn't the bottleneck memory?18:02
swivelmore cores?18:04
swivelparallel builds scale well to multiple processors18:04
mjwah, 2 x a72 vs 4 x a5318:06
- odnes_ (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~odnes@109-178-243-192.pat.ren.cosmote.net)18:21
schneidercan bus + pci express :)18:59
mtmis the CAN bus accessible? would make for an interesting automotive tool, especially in the Pocket Reform19:36
mntmni believe not in this rev at least19:38
- mjw (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~mjw_@2001:1c06:2487:f800:9e5c:8eff:fe8f:a440)20:01
- freakazoid333 (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~freakazoi@

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