
Koodamntmn: I see you picked up an old N900 :)  I still have and use mine daily. ^^'00:01
KoodaI really have to give PmOS a try on it though.00:01
mntmnit's a fascinating object :300:02
KoodaThe only thing that died on mine is the RTC battery, which is not a big deal :Þ00:05
KoodaI should remove it though, before it leaks…00:05
ex-parrotI loved the N90000:38
ex-parrotI kind of collect weird / interesting phones. I am looking forward to one day having the time to do some hacking on my Pinephone00:38
dopplerI need to figure out how many Bluetooth devices I can connect to mine at once00:47
- mjw (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~mjw_@herd.wildebeest.org)00:58
ex-parrotIn my experience it’s usually “almost one”, especially with Linux :P01:03
sknebelthey should have put bluetooth on the mars helicopter, so there'd be at least one planet where bluetooth works on all Linux devices01:12
ex-parrotIn fairness I have been using Bluetooth for some headphones off a Linux laptop recently and it has been mostly good, aside from connecting in the wrong codec mode every time01:15
- mtm (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~user@c-174-58-99-93.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)01:17
+ mtm (~user@c-174-58-99-93.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)01:18
- oomono (QUIT: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) (uid328183@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ezrulvwjxrnpqlqv)01:52
+ specing_ (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)02:01
- specing (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)02:04
* specing_ -> specing02:04
dopplerex-parrot: wrong initial codec happens to me frequently on Windows 10 and I'm Suspicious05:02
+ freakazoid333 (~mattc@
ex-parrotHuh interesting05:27
- freakazoid333 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~mattc@
+ freakazoid333 (~mattc@
+ mattc_ (~mattc@
- freakazoid333 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~mattc@
- mattc_ (QUIT: Client Quit) (~mattc@
+ freakazoid333 (~mattc@
+ oomono (uid328183@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hyaxdiwtbuoxfimp)07:44
- patsavoura (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~linx@
+ Ar|stote|is (~linx@
- oomono (QUIT: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) (uid328183@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hyaxdiwtbuoxfimp)10:13
- Neelfyn (QUIT: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) (uid180106@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xnumrbntodvefqyi)11:48
- B[] (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~Thunderbi@219-89-228-78-adsl.sparkbb.co.nz)12:44
+ B[] (~Thunderbi@219-89-228-78-adsl.sparkbb.co.nz)12:46
+ patsavoura (~linx@
- Ar|stote|is (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~linx@
+ patsavou (~patsa@2a02:587:9a29:6700:8c4f:58d4:2b3d:e31c)13:44
- patsavou (QUIT: Quit: Quit) (~patsa@2a02:587:9a29:6700:8c4f:58d4:2b3d:e31c)13:51
+ specing_ (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)14:03
- specing (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)14:03
* specing_ -> specing14:05
- B[] (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~Thunderbi@219-89-228-78-adsl.sparkbb.co.nz)14:52
+ B[] (~Thunderbi@219-89-228-78-adsl.sparkbb.co.nz)14:52
devylok... for enlightenment it is the best to run inside cage like wmaker (...) :)15:07
- freakazoid333 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~mattc@
mntmnvery cool: mainlining on the way http://lists.infradead.org/pipermail/linux-arm-kernel/2021-May/656108.html15:37
mntmndisplay support still waiting for patches though15:38
+ freakazoid333 (~mattc@
KoodaVery cool!15:44
devylawesome :)15:48
devylhmmm on x the second alt key (for altgr on german keyboard) doesnt work out of the box like on wayland... any ideas?15:49
devyl(using cage+xwayland)15:50
+ odnes (~odnes@109-178-217-56.pat.ren.cosmote.net)15:56
devylhmmm it doesnt work as alt+gr key... it works like the left one but "holds" the keypress ô.o16:05
+ Ar|stote|is (~linx@
- patsavoura (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~linx@
mntmndevyl: wrong xkb layout in cage maybe16:12
devylyeah :) found the solution16:13
devyli make a little community post for enlightenment with hint for the keyboard16:13
- B[] (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~Thunderbi@219-89-228-78-adsl.sparkbb.co.nz)16:30
+ Neelfyn (uid180106@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-kyqzxzgqygllviak)16:32
+ patsa (~linx@2a02:587:9a29:6700:c24a:ff:fe29:ff6d)16:38
patsamntmn, pcie for nvme is gen 1 x1 lane right?16:39
mntmnhi i believe gen216:44
patsai bought a new nvme and im in the process of rsyncing ssd card contents to the drive and after i successfully boot from emmc/sd -> nvme i will update the forum post with my option16:47
patsacan i turn the switch using a tootpick from the side without removing the heatsink?16:48
patsagoing to reboot to see if it will boot from nvme through the sd card.feel free to reply for the dip switch change16:56
- patsa (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~linx@2a02:587:9a29:6700:c24a:ff:fe29:ff6d)16:56
+ patsa (~linx@ppp-94-66-223-8.home.otenet.gr)17:00
mntmnpatsa: i believe you can flip the switch without taking off the heatsink completely but just loosening the screws17:06
mntmnat least someone i think in the community forum described this17:06
patsahm other than the switch there is no way to hit a key combo or anything to change the boot sequence? Was thinking that if something happened to the eMMC you can always pop an sd inside and boot from that and investigate instead of removing the screws and heatsink17:21
mntmnpatsa: no, it is not possible unfortunately because of how the SoM is designed.17:25
mntmnpatsa: i always boot from SD.17:26
patsai accidentaly pressed on the sd once when trying to remove the headphone jack so i was thinking that having the sd there would be looking for trouble at some point17:27
patsai can remove it after bootup or will it mess something ?17:27
patsahm i have an intel wifi card and the antennas i salvaged from an older laptop, the antennas were glued on the screen assembly now i am thinking that i will have them go out from the acrylic port plate somehow and tape them on the backside of the scree17:29
patsauntil i find a better antenna solution17:29
mntmnpatsa: you can remove it after bootup if your main system is on NVMe yeah17:30
patsathe sd card had an Image file on the root folder when first boot? When I copied the one I made with the different kernel options I didn't get a notofication saying that it will overwrite something. I was trying to go back to the stock image since I believe my problem with the wifi adapter was the firmware not being loaded, and now I have to insmod a module everytie17:31
mntmnpatsa: what is your question?17:33
patsaWas there an Image file on the SD card upn purchase?17:33
patsaon the root folder on the SD card17:34
mntmnpatsa: yes, that's the kernel17:34
mntmnpatsa: also see https://mntre.com/reform2/handbook/advanced.html#system-boot17:35
mntmnpatsa: a copy of the /Image is on the root of the eMMC rescue system as well17:35
patsaI was hoping there wasn't since i don't remember overwriting that with my own compiled one. I just wanted to go back to the stock one. Guess I'll have to dd a new image then17:35
mntmnpatsa: why, you can also just copy the Image from the sd card image file?17:35
patsahm I can move that and try to boot again. Good to know17:36
patsaor that.17:36
mntmnpatsa: just mount the stock system-image file and copy the Image from it for example17:36
mntmnpatsa: or if you have another computer, you can clone the repo and do ./mkkernel.sh17:37
patsawilkl do that and see if the wlan adapter behaves differently. But now that I am booting from the nvme I should put the Image file on the root of the nvme instead of the sd card right?17:37
mntmnmany options :)17:37
mntmnpatsa: no. the Image is read from the boot device17:37
mntmnpatsa: either eMMC or SD card17:37
mntmnpatsa: then, /sbin/reform-init is started. this unmounts the eMMC or SD card, and mounts your NVMe as the new /17:37
mntmnpatsa: and then continues to boot via /sbin/init (which is systemd)17:38
patsabtw when I deleted the Image file from the SD card the laptop didn't boot but didn't show anything on the screen. If I change it and mess things up without a kernel on the NVMe will it fall back on the image on SD?17:38
mntmnpatsa: as i just said, the kernel is not loaded from the NVMe17:38
mntmnpatsa: the kernel (/Image) is always loaded from the SD card17:38
patsayeah i saw that with a bit delay since hexchat probably is not working well with waylands17:39
patsai have to select stuff with the mouse to become visible17:39
mntmn(or if you flip the switch on the SOM, the kernel is loaded from the eMMC.)17:39
patsaI was under the impression that sd or emmc was loading only uboot and then load the kernel from the actual nvme17:40
mntmnpatsa: that impression is incorrect17:40
patsaok going to try booting with the stock Image from the repo and see how it goes17:41
mntmnthe whole SD boot idea is so that you can easily fix your boot from another computer or phone17:41
mntmnin an ideal world one would have a minimal stock+rescue kernel and then kexec into a new kernel... but kexec wouldn't work when i last tried it17:43
patsaon that build video you uploaded of someone building the laptop does he install a wlan card too ?17:46
mntmni did not upload a build video i think17:47
mntmnpatsa: do you want to see how the wifi antenna is placed in reforms with wifi?17:47
patsayou probably tweeted a build from someone else17:50
patsabut you certainly did17:50
patsai just didn't see all of it because it was pretty lenthy17:50
patsayes I was wondering how the antenna would be mounted17:50
patsabtw since you are  using sway do you use an addon for firefox for keyboard like movement? vimium or pentadactyl (or however it'scalled?"17:53
mntmni personally don't, i use the trackball17:54
mntmnpatsa: this is how the antenna is mounted normally http://dump.mntmn.com/image-a553eef5-a1d8-45b3-b699-c0a5747f2d78.jpg17:56
mntmnpatsa: but i have a different antenna than the one we ship (molex)17:57
mntmnevery reform comes with this piece of acrylic to mount an antenna on it.17:57
- patsa (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~linx@ppp-94-66-223-8.home.otenet.gr)18:17
+ oomono (uid328183@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-rqsatscxjqiuqcxy)18:35
+ erlehmann_ (~erlehmann@dynamic-046-114-033-236.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)19:08
- erlehmann (QUIT: Disconnected by services) (~erlehmann@dynamic-046-114-039-003.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)19:08
- odnes (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~odnes@109-178-217-56.pat.ren.cosmote.net)19:14
+ odnes (~odnes@109-178-217-56.pat.ren.cosmote.net)19:15
* erlehmann_ -> erlehmann19:18
- odnes (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~odnes@109-178-217-56.pat.ren.cosmote.net)19:32
* lastebil_ -> lastebil20:38
+ mjw_reform (~mark@
- mjw_reform (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~mark@
+ mjw_reform (~mark@
+ odnes (~odnes@109-178-217-56.pat.ren.cosmote.net)21:53
- odnes (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~odnes@109-178-217-56.pat.ren.cosmote.net)23:08
- oomono (QUIT: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) (uid328183@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-rqsatscxjqiuqcxy)23:54

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