
- oomono (QUIT: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) (uid328183@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ynfoxpqkoyupixce)01:23
+ terpri (~terpri@2603-6081-2241-0752-96b8-6dff-feb3-87d3.res6.spectrum.com)01:36
+ specing_ (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)01:53
- specing (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)01:54
* specing_ -> specing01:55
- jpo (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~jpo@unaffiliated/jpo)02:46
+ jpo (~jpo@unaffiliated/jpo)02:47
- Neelfyn (QUIT: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) (uid180106@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-lfnomkuwsmmoqibg)03:56
+ Neelfyn (uid180106@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-fymojqmofpnovkxq)07:36
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc0a:2700:a18f:8f8b:9851:2fb5)07:56
+ oomono (uid328183@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-thtvkackofqocohd)08:20
+ mjw (~mjw_@herd.wildebeest.org)09:03
- B[] (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~Thunderbi@219-89-228-78-adsl.sparkbb.co.nz)09:43
- adjtm_ (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~adjtm@
+ erlehmann_ (~erlehmann@dynamic-046-114-034-223.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)13:34
- erlehmann (QUIT: Disconnected by services) (~erlehmann@dynamic-046-114-032-032.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)13:34
* erlehmann_ -> erlehmann13:37
+ specing_ (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)13:53
- specing (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)13:54
* specing_ -> specing13:55
- codezero (QUIT: Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) (~codezero@bestla.uberspace.de)14:09
+ codezero (~codezero@bestla.uberspace.de)14:10
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 250 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc0a:2700:a18f:8f8b:9851:2fb5)14:31
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc0a:2700:a18f:8f8b:9851:2fb5)14:34
- specing (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)15:22
+ specing (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)15:23
- buckket (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~buckket@pdp8.buckket.org)16:00
+ buckket (~buckket@pdp8.buckket.org)16:04
mntmnfound a silly bug in battery percentage calculation. that's why it goes from 100% directly to 75% or similar16:33
mntmnthere's also a small board-level fix that i will document later today or tomorrow16:37
mntmnit will make charging/balancing work better + generate less heat when charging+using the laptop at the same time16:38
dopplernice! looking fwd to the writeup16:45
devylnice x)16:48
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc0a:2700:a18f:8f8b:9851:2fb5)16:53
+ adjtm (~adjtm@218.red-83-39-58.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)16:55
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc0a:2700:a18f:8f8b:9851:2fb5)19:05
- reverbdog (QUIT: Quit: WeeChat 2.3) (~thor@
+ terpri_ (~terpri@cpe-98-26-15-90.nc.res.rr.com)20:51
- terpri (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~terpri@2603-6081-2241-0752-96b8-6dff-feb3-87d3.res6.spectrum.com)20:51
+ andreas-e (~Andreas@p200300dd5710fa007685d76df494a60d.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)21:13
* terpri_ -> terpri21:30
- demoveu (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (3a8a2df271@v2202101139504140605.quicksrv.de)22:30
+ B[] (~Thunderbi@219-89-228-78-adsl.sparkbb.co.nz)22:32
- Neelfyn (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (uid180106@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-fymojqmofpnovkxq)22:37
+ Neelfyn (uid180106@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-arstxxzksfuxcoij)22:38
- ggranberry___ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 258 seconds) (sid267884@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-gvlrufbvkgajwxrn)22:38
+ ggranberry___ (sid267884@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ltllaveoxqgyexrj)22:40
mntmnok here is the information about the charger-related updates https://community.mnt.re/t/mnt-reform-r-2-motherboard-update-2021-04-19/17723:17
andreas-eGenerous update offer, very nice!23:24
andreas-eIt is good not more units are already shipped :)23:24
mntmnyeah, i was uneasy because a considerable number of boards failed testing23:28
mntmnand i first wanted to figure out why23:28
mntmnbtw i think we can also do the mod on beta reforms but i haven't looked into it in detail yet23:29
- lexik (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~lexik@
+ lexik_ (~lexik@
- lexik_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~lexik@
+ lexik (~lexik@

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