
- oomono (QUIT: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) (uid328183@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-pffkklznkypfcxty)00:03
+ buckket (~buckket@pdp8.buckket.org)00:36
reverbdogmjw: huh, so you accidentally shorted the traces on the board? just wondering so i avoid doing something similar... :p sorry00:47
reverbdogi'm confused what you touched with the screwdriver. not an actual cell but somewhere on the board?00:49
- buckket (QUIT: Quit: buckket) (~buckket@pdp8.buckket.org)01:08
+ buckket (~buckket@pdp8.buckket.org)01:11
+ reform8387 (~mark@herd.wildebeest.org)01:38
- reform8387 (QUIT: Client Quit) (~mark@herd.wildebeest.org)01:40
mjwreverbdog, yeah, don't touch the metal casing of the battery if the battery is in it... sigh.02:21
mjwreally, just don't touch anything with a screwdriver when the batteries are in. I had them disconnected from the motherboard, so assumed they couldn't harm things. But wasn't paying attention and touching the batteries themselves obviously is bad.02:32
mjwACTION feels silly and stupid. But it doesn't seem to have done real damage, everything (except one battery) does work fine.02:33
ex-parrotnot sure who else in here is in NZ / Aotearoa02:34
ex-parrotbut I'm happy to do repairs of that kind ^ for anyone else who's local02:34
ex-parrotshould the need arise02:34
mjwA bit far from NL / Deventer but thanks, next time I am on the other side of the planet I'll take you up on that :)02:35
mjwActually I have never been to New Zealand. It would certainly be fun to go one day.02:36
ex-parrotI can only recommend it02:36
ex-parrotmy partner is dutch so I get plenty of exposure to NL culture also :)02:36
zakxyou still have covid in NZ?03:20
ex-parrotuhh I think one person03:22
ex-parrotas of today03:22
ex-parrotwe're on top of it so far tho...03:22
ex-parrotI know, I feel lucky every day :|03:25
- erlehmann (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~erlehmann@dynamic-046-114-039-061.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)03:28
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@dynamic-046-114-034-078.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)03:41
- Neelfyn (QUIT: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) (uid180106@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ictkdaifrypuyojt)03:57
- emacsomancer (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~runner@c-174-52-88-123.hsd1.ut.comcast.net)07:14
+ emacsomancer (~runner@c-174-52-88-123.hsd1.ut.comcast.net)07:36
- rasmus-mk (QUIT: Quit: Konversation terminated!) (~rasmus@c83-253-223-217.bredband.comhem.se)07:44
+ odnes (~odnes@109-178-255-242.pat.ren.cosmote.net)07:57
- odnes (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~odnes@109-178-255-242.pat.ren.cosmote.net)07:58
+ odnes (~odnes@109-178-255-242.pat.ren.cosmote.net)07:59
- amelia_ (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~amelia@unaffiliated/amelia/x-6378434)08:19
- odnes (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~odnes@109-178-255-242.pat.ren.cosmote.net)08:38
+ odnes (~odnes@109-178-255-242.pat.ren.cosmote.net)08:39
+ Neelfyn (uid180106@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-eyuupefvbvgibnls)09:45
- odnes (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~odnes@109-178-255-242.pat.ren.cosmote.net)10:24
+ odnes (~odnes@109-178-255-242.pat.ren.cosmote.net)10:25
- odnes (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~odnes@109-178-255-242.pat.ren.cosmote.net)10:29
+ odnes (~odnes@109-178-255-242.pat.ren.cosmote.net)10:29
mntmnmjw: thanks for the feedback, i appreciate it! do you have a multimeter? then we can check if only the battery is discharged or a trace needs fixing11:30
mntmnmjw: if it's just the battery you can easily get a replacement, that's why i'm asking.11:33
+ amelia_ (~amelia@unaffiliated/amelia/x-6378434)11:37
+ odnes_ (~odnes@109-178-255-242.pat.ren.cosmote.net)12:15
mjwmntmn, I am afraid my hacker credentials will be revoked, but no, I don't even own a multimeter12:15
mjwI did get it all apart and looked at the battery holder board front and back, but couldn't immediately see anything wrong.12:17
mjwIt is all very easily to pick apart and put back together again (just make sure your cat isn't around to play with the screws...)12:18
- odnes (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~odnes@109-178-255-242.pat.ren.cosmote.net)12:18
mjwOn the software side things seem to work fine. Got some of my projects building. It will be a fun arm hacking machine.12:21
mjwAnd the battaries come out and pop back in very easily, I should have immediately pulled them out after first opening up the back (which is also beautiful, the kids were impressed :)12:22
Koodamjw: you can check if the traces are fine if you have an LED, an AA battery and some wires. :312:24
mntmnmjw: you could also swap a "healthy" battery into the slot of the bad one and check if the status display shows something different ^^12:30
mntmnmjw: but yeah. the 1800mAh are out of stock but you can try a 1600mAh from here https://eu.nkon.nl/jgne-18650-1600mah-4-8a-lifepo4.html12:31
mjwmntmn, yes, I actually did. The 'b' status then shows the same ??? for the upper right battery (the one that was replaced). So I actually assume it is the board/trace/connector not the battery.12:32
mntmnmjw: ok. i need to check if we have any spares for the battery board that we can put in the shop.12:33
mjwThe little lcd thingy is also such a nice touch! I really should hack it to show the time instead of a sad blinky battery indicator :)12:34
mjwmntmn, If you have, that would be great. I know now how to replace it :)12:34
mjwmntmn, that was my other question last night, how is your inventory? The crowd supply website says "Orders placed now ship May 18, 2021". Is that still realistic? (Not for me, but for a friend that is jealous of mine :)12:36
mntmnmjw: i can't really tell atm, because i don't know how our speed will develop during april12:44
mjwmntmn, I'll take that as a glass half full then :) mntmn says maybe yes!12:50
- B[] (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~Thunderbi@219-89-228-78-adsl.sparkbb.co.nz)13:14
- ex-parrot (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (~ex-parrot@fsf/member/ex-parrot)13:41
+ ex-parrot (~ex-parrot@fsf/member/ex-parrot)13:42
- deltab (QUIT: Ping timeout: 276 seconds) (~deltab@
+ deltab (~deltab@
+ odnes (~odnes@109-178-255-242.pat.ren.cosmote.net)14:43
- odnes_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~odnes@109-178-255-242.pat.ren.cosmote.net)14:44
+ oomono (uid328183@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xqaedkjuhfvlmdjt)15:47
- indefini (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (indefinima@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-jfgezkgvhskjjghk)16:35
- alexrelis[m] (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (alexrelism@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-wtmstubbwxkncrww)16:36
- jryans (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (jryansmatr@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-cidyrzubmclctbkh)16:36
- BitPuffin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 258 seconds) (bitpuffinm@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-gmptxkqefensuagx)16:37
- devyl (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (devylmatri@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-gbydshiymnqwgvgf)16:38
- srk (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~sorki@gateway/tor-sasl/sorki)16:46
+ srk (~sorki@gateway/tor-sasl/sorki)16:47
+ odnes_ (~odnes@109-178-255-242.pat.ren.cosmote.net)17:00
+ alexrelis[m] (alexrelism@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-emdmdowuifgcoblm)17:02
+ indefini (indefinima@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-inigswpjljldefxx)17:02
- odnes (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~odnes@109-178-255-242.pat.ren.cosmote.net)17:03
+ jryans (jryansmatr@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-wqwakiuulcpikfmi)17:06
+ BitPuffin (bitpuffinm@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-sjqximothheqeyfa)17:16
+ devyl (devylmatri@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-onuzfrufbctyssnc)17:16
mntmnmjw: https://shop.mntmn.com/products/mnt-reform-battery-board?taxon_id=1317:23
mjwmntmn, thanks, it feels very specific to one stupid customer :)17:28
mjwACTION ordered without admitting to any stupidity on his side. Maybe I just like to have an extra spare for no reason :)17:29
mntmnmjw: don't worry, i am certain you won't be the only one17:37
mntmnwe will put extra warning stickers on the packs at some point (when i order the yellow sticker roll for my brother label printer)17:37
mjwmntmn, now that I pulled out the batteries it is also very clear this is super easy and should simply always be done right after opening the bottom.17:40
mjwbeing new too it and having the battery connector not actually connected I though "O, lets not pull on the batteries as first step" silly in hindsight now that I know how easy they come out/pop back in.17:41
mntmni see! yeah it's maybe not intuitive17:41
mjwmntmn, another probably silly question. the crowdsupply site gives you the option of getting both a trackball and a trackpad. But how would that work? Is that just for you to replace one for the other?17:46
mntmnmjw: yep, you get the other one as a module and you would have to swap it in17:49
- odnes_ (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~odnes@109-178-255-242.pat.ren.cosmote.net)18:39
- oomono (QUIT: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) (uid328183@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xqaedkjuhfvlmdjt)21:06
+ rasmus-mk (~rasmus@c83-253-223-217.bredband.comhem.se)21:16
mntmnmassive spoiler, but here's the first MNT Reform Max unboxing video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMsm4doRk4E&feature=youtu.be21:35
alex4nderACTION clicks21:35
alex4nderhah 'dup swap 2drop'21:36
dopplervery nice21:40
alex4nderyah, looks great21:42
+ B[] (~Thunderbi@219-89-228-78-adsl.sparkbb.co.nz)21:51
ex-parrotthe MNT tape is 👌22:02
ex-parrotthinking about getting https://www.trademe.co.nz/computers/vintage/listing-3024759977.htm while I wait22:12
ex-parrotB[]: hello fellow kiwi22:13
ex-parrotyou're connecting from a .nz IP?22:14
B[]It's too earyl :)22:14
B[]Nice machine btw22:15
mntmnoh sweet small laptop22:15
B[]And good price if you can get it for 5022:16
mntmnwe're also working on a smol device22:16
mntmnbut the formfactor is still undecided22:16
mntmnlike, the size i mean22:16
mntmnit is a matter of ongoing user research22:16
B[]For reform?22:16
mntmnno, a different device22:16
mntmnin a same/similar spirit though22:16
B[]I am still waiting to see what comes from the PineCom project22:16
B[]It should in theory be a smaller non-cellular PinePhone with an A6422:17
B[]Which could be pretty cool22:17
B[]ex-parrot: Just looking at the images, that's in very good condition22:18
ex-parrotit's kind of grubby but looks alright eh22:18
B[]I'm looking at the motherboard22:18
ex-parrotI have a spare pinephone motherboard which I wondered about using as a tiny SBC22:18
ex-parrotbut I don't really have any need for it at the moment22:18
B[]One of the old re-work ones?22:18
ex-parrotI ordered the 1st gen pinephone then swapped out the motherboard for a 1.2 revision with more RAM etc22:18
B[]Ah yeah22:19
B[]You'll need to do some soldering to get all the hardware working on that first gen one22:19
mntmnhow do you like the pinephone? can you use a maps application on it? that would be my #1 application i think22:19
mntmnplus terminal stuff22:19
ex-parrotyeah, I'm not averse to doing the soldering but more RAM was a bonus too22:19
mntmnbut i don't know if touchscreen-typing in a terminal can work out22:19
ex-parrotmntmn: I am pretty underwhelmed by the various "phone distros" I've looked at so far22:19
mntmnhmm but there have been a bunch, no?22:19
mntmneven ubuntu something something?22:20
ex-parrotyeah there are 2-3 separate projects at the moment22:20
B[]They are still early days in all fairness22:20
mntmnwhat's the main issue?22:20
ex-parrotUBports (the continuation of Ubuntu Touch after Canonical ended the project), Plasma Mobile, PostMarketOS, the Librem thing22:20
B[]Imagine Android in the early days sort of thing22:20
mntmnmhm yeah22:20
ex-parrotyeah for sure, I should clarify this isn't a complaint22:20
ex-parrotjust that I wouldn't want to try and "use it as a phone" yet for myself anyway22:20
mntmni wonder if something like sway could work on mobile22:20
B[]Honestly it's amazing you can use it at all22:21
ex-parrotI got it more because I am interested in doing an intentionally crappy phone w/ Debian and X11 and i3 to run a browser and a terminal22:21
ex-parrotyeah it is :P22:21
mntmnadd a jog dial for rolling through workspaces... ;)22:21
ex-parrotprobably I should be aiming a bit higher for wayland and sway but I don't yet know anyting about wayland22:21
ex-parrotI will never get over my old HTC phone with a trackball22:21
mntmnhow is the touchscreen keyboard typing on it?22:21
B[]I might be the only person in NZ with a PineTab :P22:21
ex-parrotB[]: I've got a pinetab also, sorry :P22:22
mntmnyeah i had a blackberry with a tiny trackball22:22
ex-parrotmntmn: I've been spoiled by years of iOS's ridiculousy good touchscreen typing22:22
mntmni liked the combination of trackball + TUI-like UI of old blackberries22:22
ex-parrotthat said, in ubports the touchscreen typing did seem pretty adequate22:22
mntmnex-parrot: ah. i'm an iphone user currently.22:22
B[]ex-parrot: I use my PineTab as a daily machine :)22:22
mntmni wasn't aware that it was particularly good22:22
ex-parrotmainly everything is just still really slow and crashy22:22
mntmnso maybe that's one of the things you notice only when trying other stuff22:23
mntmnok. i wonder why crashy though22:23
ex-parrotmntmn: I had a friend who used to work for Google in the "taking apart iPhones to work out how they made the onsreen typing so good" dept22:23
mntmnstuff on my linux laptop (ahem) rarely crashes22:23
ex-parrotcertainly back in the day if you compared e.g. an Android 1.5 phone to a 1st gen iPod Touch the typing differences were very clear22:23
mntmnex-parrot: oh ok22:23
ex-parrotApple seemed to do some very vigorous oversampling etc which it took a long time for Google to catch up on, I assume they're mostly comparable now22:24
ex-parrotbut I feel like it's going to take the FOSS phone people a while yet :(22:24
ex-parrotyeah I don't know why it's crashy either. I haven't really run a "full fat" Linux desktop in more than a decade so I'm not sure what the state of the art beyond X11 + i3 is22:24
B[]ex-parrot: I was just checking what that Zenith could run, looks like you're stuck with DOS22:24
B[]I was wondering if it might run Kolibri, but not a hope in hell22:25
ex-parrotreal mode 16 bit x86 only I think :)22:25
B[]Bill Gates said we didn't need any more than that!22:25
ex-parrotand sometimes, I have to believe it22:25
mntmnhm i would be really curious to poke around in something like the pinephone to see what the technical limits are etc22:26
ex-parrotthat is my interest in the pinephone too ^ I want to know if the slowness is due to the complexity of running a whole Gnome etc22:26
ex-parrotI feel like if I could just use sdl to the framebuffer or maybe just X I could make it really fast22:26
ex-parrotif perhaps not as pretty looking22:26
B[]100% that is where the slowness comes from22:26
B[]Gnome UI is JS22:26
ex-parrotimagine a netsurf phone running linux straight to the framebuffer :^)22:27
reverbdogmntmn: moving from iphone to an open phone for maps is a difficult downgrade, i think, due to the fact that apple and google rely on their private wifi telemetry for speeding up location services. GPS is slooow and generally crap otherwise22:27
B[]I think you do get quite some speed up from going through the GPU driver22:27
mntmnyou should use sway22:27
B[]For H264 decoding for example22:27
ex-parrotyeah I should22:28
mntmnnot X and stuff22:28
ex-parrotas usual I am desperately behind the times22:28
ex-parrotdo you know if wayland is viable on Debian Buster?22:28
mntmnand then use some wayland native applications for terminal etc etc22:28
mntmnyes of course it is22:28
B[]Wayland can now be run as a daily driver22:28
mntmnsway will just run your X applications through xwayland22:28
ex-parrotah, my e-mail client :P22:29
B[]But still gotta have love for X22:29
mntmnsure X is still in there, just on top of wayland22:29
ex-parrotI wouldn't go so far as to say I "love" X, it's more of a mutual understanding developed over the decades :P22:29
mntmnyou can also run a full X session on a workspace22:29
mntmnXwayland -retro :122:29
mntmnfor example22:29
B[]I have come to like X22:29
ex-parrotok that in itself is very useful, thanks22:29
B[]Once you understand how it works and why, you can build anything22:30
mntmnthen you can do export DISPLAY=:1 and just push stuff there22:30
ex-parrotB[]: what are you running on your PineTab out of interest? I keep meaning to try and get arm debian running on it22:30
B[]Running Arch Linux kernel from Danct22:30
ex-parrotcool, with just an alarm rootfs?22:30
ex-parrotit's cool that that is usable22:30
B[]And a custom X UI on top22:30
B[]I can run firefox with multiple tabs, youtube, compiling programs, etc22:31
ex-parrotI got as far as running "bb" and then I put it away for another day22:31
B[]I have even been running some 3D games in it22:31
B[]I still need to release the source for my window manager22:32
B[]It should just run on the PinePhone too22:32
B[]Light as hell22:32
ex-parrotI started writing a window manager a long time ago, about the same time I found i3 :P22:32
B[]Fits in about 1MB of RAM22:32
ex-parrotwhat's it written in?22:32
B[]And the only library is X22:33
ex-parrothey I see Bullseye is entering its hard freeze soon / now22:33
B[]Sounds about right22:35
ex-parrotACTION kicks off an upgrade22:36
ex-parrotthis will make it easier to install sway, for sure22:36
ex-parrotI'd like to take this opportunity to show off my 1080p modded X230 :)22:40
ex-parrot(there's no camera inside the bezel, I just liked the aesthetic)22:40
B[]Very nice22:40
mntmnex-parrot: possibly the same or compatible display used in reform?22:42
ex-parrothmm, I hope so, it's a really nice panel :P22:42
ex-parrotI got it from AliExpress22:42
mntmndo you know the model number?22:42
ex-parrotjust trying to find it22:42
ex-parrotit's an LG LP125WF2-SPB4 I think22:44
ex-parrotor SPB3, not sure which one I actually got in the end22:45
ex-parrotwas $75 USD in 201922:45
mntmninteresting, it looks compatible22:56
mntmnbut i think i didn't have it in my list yet22:56
ex-parrotoh yeah. I have no complaints about it. I had to cut some mounting bits out of the X230 lid to make it fit, it's not quite a drop in size replacement for the crappy 768 panel22:56
ex-parrotand obv it requires a nitrocaster board in the X230 to drive it22:57
+ oomono (uid328183@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-iriuqnepyeohvezj)22:57
B[]^ I need to look into this kind of stuffs some more22:58
B[]As some point I will look to build a bulky laptop22:58
B[]Driving the display is the only part I really need to make sure I get right22:59
B[]The rest I'm happy with22:59
ex-parrotthese days it's a lot easier thanks to generic LCD driver boards from aliexpress etc22:59
ex-parrotok time to reboot in to Bullseye, if I'm not back in a few minutes you can assume it went wrong :P22:59
B[]I think I saw those, I just wanted to make sure it doesn't get too bulky with SBC sized driver boards23:00
B[]Good luck!23:00
ex-parrotyeah... you definitely don't get automatic svelte sizing if you use those :P23:00
B[]Well there are some panels you can now buy with HDMI connectors23:01
B[]But not sure a HDMI lead will like being on some hinge so much23:01
ex-parrotwell this is very weird23:03
ex-parroteverything just worked...23:03
ex-parrothello from slightly newer debian :)23:03
B[]Yeah we can really tell how new it is23:04
ex-parrotonly regression is that my trackpoint acceleration got slower23:04
B[]It's got that new car smell23:04
ex-parrotwell this is annoying :P23:04
B[]I think acceleration is just a setting23:05
ex-parrotyeah I have a script to fix it on another thinkpad I'll have to steal23:05
B[]Btw somewhere there is supposed to be some awesome patch to make Linux trackpads feel more like Macs23:05
ex-parrotI just use the trackpoint, I'm not generally a fan of trackpads23:06
ex-parrotobv trackball is where it's at tho23:06
B[]Honestly I want to experiment with using a touch screen as a track pad23:07
B[]I think it could be quite cool23:07
ex-parrotthat is a cool idea imo23:07
B[]Imagine all the RGB colours you could have23:07
B[]All of them!23:07
B[]Connect via an arduino nano as a HID and you're set23:07
B[]Would allow you to play with different shortcuts/gestures too23:08
B[]I thought that the Macbook's idea of the touchbar was just the wrong place23:09
B[]Also after typing on a mechanical keyboard for so long, my next laptop needs one built in23:10
ex-parrotyeah I guess we'll never see a laptop with a mechanical keyboard :P23:11
B[]I've see micro-mech switches23:11
ex-parrot(the reform uses low-profile cherry-like switches...)23:11
B[]But I guess they still take some getting use to?23:12
B[]They'll have less travel?23:12
ex-parrotI've got some similar switches in sample packs, they seem pretty good to me23:12
ex-parrotI don't actually like Cherry MX style keyswitches much, I prefer something a bit shallower23:13
ex-parrotI built an Iris with the clicky version of the Reform keyswitches and it's pretty satisfying to type on, somewhere in between a Thinkpad and a Cherry MX board23:13
B[]I use blues23:13
ex-parrotI have enjoyed linear switches in that style but my fingers get too tired on MX Blue style switches really23:13
B[]I've always been a heavy typer23:14
ex-parrotI'm very dainty :D23:14
B[]But it also just means that I occasionally walk away from my computer23:14
B[]Which is a good thing :D23:14
B[]But anyway, my biggest point about building a custom laptop is that my computing needs are always increasing23:15
B[]So I want to be able to swap out the computing board23:16
ex-parrotit is a cool idea23:16
B[]I hope so :)23:16
B[]Also, I have fallen in love with the idea of a wooden laptop23:16
B[]But I am not entirely sure about it yet23:17
B[]Might be waaaaay to heavy to lug around23:17
ex-parrotI was very tempted by the wood Novena23:17
ex-parrotwhen I got my Novena23:17
ex-parrotbut I'm kind of glad I didn't, because it didn't turn out to be a very practical machine23:17
B[]The other thing I could do is machine a block of aluminium23:18
B[]I have a precision CNC available to me23:18
ex-parrotargh, upgrading to bullseye made the scrolling in Chromium switch back to "smooth"23:18
ex-parrotok /that/ is a regression23:18
B[]Keeping settings over upgrades is a really tough problem23:19
ex-parrotyeah the world no longer believes in non-smooth scrolling, is part of the problem23:19
B[]My friend has one of those Ryzen processors with Vega 10 integrated GPU23:20
B[]Running Windows23:20
B[]Smooth scrolling in Chrome crashes his machine23:20
B[]I suspect it's a driver issue23:21
B[]But who knows23:21
ex-parrothmm what is the wayland/sway equivalent of "startx"23:21
mntmnex-parrot: what do you mean23:22
mntmnex-parrot: just "sway"23:22
ex-parrotat the moment I log in to my machine on a text VTY then "exec startx"23:22
mntmnyeah just type sway23:22
ex-parrotaight, let's see what happens23:22
ex-parrotbrb :)23:22
ex-parrothello from sway, that was painless23:23
B[]*and we never heard from ex-parrot again*23:23
ex-parrotI guess I need to find a wayland-compatible terminal to use23:23
mntmnex-parrot: try "foot"23:24
ex-parrotso I can have my extremely important partially transparent terminal background23:24
mntmnex-parrot: i think it is in debian now as well23:24
ex-parrotsway seems not to like my "set_from_resource" i3 config but I don't need that for testing23:24
mntmni personally use xfce4-terminal which is wayland native as all gtk3 applications magically are23:24
ex-parrothuh, it UYEAH U23:24
mntmnbut it's not the fastest one23:24
ex-parrotit somehow undid my ctrl:swapcaps23:25
ex-parrotI have been using xfce4-terminal for years23:25
ex-parrotoh the background opacity is working, I just don't have a wallpaper anymore :P23:25
mntmnex-parrot: read the docs about xkb mapping in sway maybe23:25
ex-parrothow come it overrides what's in /etc/default/keyboard23:25
ex-parrotthat is a bit rude, since that one setting previously covered everything23:25
ex-parrotfrom initrd onwards23:25
mntmnex-parrot: https://man.archlinux.org/man/sway-input.5.en23:26
ex-parrotcheers. I need to get a browser working first :P23:27
mntmnbrowser doesn't work? maybe you don't have xwayland installed?23:28
mntmnapt install xwayland and restart sway23:28
ex-parrotyeah, xwayland seems to be broken23:28
ex-parrotmissing wl_shell protocol23:28
ex-parrotwoah it popped a "warning, unsafe paste" window when I tried to paste from one terminal to another23:28
ex-parrotthe other thing I need to fix with wayland I believe is that a lot of my workflows revolve around xdotool robotyping stuff for me23:29
mntmnex-parrot: https://github.com/ReimuNotMoe/ydotool23:29
ex-parrotyou are too kind mntmn23:29
mntmni should really drive home and sleep23:30
ex-parrotthis is a great distraction from the work I am meant to be doing :P23:30
mntmnwhy am i still at work23:30
ex-parrotI ask you the same thing23:30
B[]It's not work if you enjoy it :D23:30
mntmnwell that's sadly entirely not true, you can still burn out if you don't watch out ;)23:31
ex-parrotsuccess, I have browser23:31
mntmnex-parrot: how?23:31
ex-parrotjust had to fully quit sway after installing xwayland23:31
ex-parrotand relaunch it23:31
ex-parrotand dare I say... it might perform better23:31
ex-parrotthan it did under X w/ compton23:32
mntmnit absolutely should perform better23:32
mntmnmuch less weird layers23:32
ex-parrotthis is very exciting, I feel like I was putting this off for so long for no reason23:32
mntmnyeah there has been a lot of FUD but! also a lot of really important small fixes23:32
mntmni remember when i started using sway you couldn't play games because it couldn't capture the mouse23:32
ex-parrotoh man, the browser runs so much faster ;_;23:33
ex-parrotI have been struggling with horrible browser performance for years23:33
ex-parrotand you just gave me a free 20% CPU upgrade23:33
mntmncool, spread the good word ;)23:33
B[]Heh this is why I switched off JS years ago :D23:33
mntmnalso all video playback etc should be magically tear free23:33
ex-parrot:) I will have to update my "build a debian w/ i3" package to depend on sway instead23:33
B[]I have over a 1000 tabs running (please don't shame me)23:34
ex-parrotI never thought the day would come23:34

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