
- deltab (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (~deltab@
+ deltab (~deltab@
+ B[] (~Thunderbi@219-89-228-78-adsl.sparkbb.co.nz)00:46
- emacsomancer (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~runner@c-174-52-88-123.hsd1.ut.comcast.net)01:16
- Neelfyn (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (uid180106@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-wbiyhjgbbmyoykpq)02:51
+ Neelfyn (uid180106@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-szwywibogsyhbobv)02:53
+ emacsomancer (~runner@c-174-52-88-123.hsd1.ut.comcast.net)04:43
- terpri (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~terpri@2603-6081-2241-0752-34f5-e40f-6857-1e08.res6.spectrum.com)06:09
+ terpri (~terpri@2603-6081-2241-0752-34f5-e40f-6857-1e08.res6.spectrum.com)06:10
+ rasmus-mk (~rasmus@c83-253-223-217.bredband.comhem.se)08:13
franks2Anyone know if the price on the crowdsupply is VAT included?09:15
KoodaI think it is, I don’t remember paying extra09:21
KoodaOh nevermind, if you try to check out it adds VAT09:22
franks2Hm, did not add here, only shipping09:28
franks2maybe because im en europe09:28
KoodaI’m in europe too09:30
franks2Norway here09:34
KoodaI’m in france09:38
- B[] (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (~Thunderbi@219-89-228-78-adsl.sparkbb.co.nz)09:43
- jvalleroy (QUIT: Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) (~quassel@unaffiliated/jvalleroy)12:42
+ jvalleroy (~quassel@li1266-111.members.linode.com)12:42
- jvalleroy (QUIT: Changing host) (~quassel@li1266-111.members.linode.com)12:42
+ jvalleroy (~quassel@unaffiliated/jvalleroy)12:42
- erlehmann (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (~erlehmann@dynamic-046-114-038-154.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)13:14
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@dynamic-046-114-032-021.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)13:27
mntmnwait what13:56
mntmnfranks2: it *adds* VAT??13:57
mntmnfranks2: i mean norway is not in the EU right. so you will get your order shipped from Crowd Supply, not from us (MNT)13:59
mntmnfranks2: if the VAT is in the checkout it would mean that mouser is pre-paying the import VAT for you14:00
mntmnfranks2: otherwise, the norwegian customs would collect the VAT from you14:01
mntmnbut in the EU, orders will be shipped from germany, so there is no import VAT, so we have to give 19% to the govt14:02
mntmnUK is a bit of a question mark for me because it left EU between the checkout and us shipping something...14:03
franks2mntmn: ah okey, so its added when it arrives then15:14
franks2mntmn: did not add for me, it did for Kooda15:14
mntmnfranks2: ah sorry i misunderstood. i'm not sure if it will be added at all because i don't know how deeply everything is integrated with mouser's system now15:15
mntmnKooda: can you confirm that VAT was added for you on checkout?15:15
Esimntmn: I don't know about Norway but Iceland for example is part of the European economic zone or something like that, so the EU VAT rules apply to iceland even though we are not part of EU. could be same for Norway.15:22
EsiEurope is complicated :P15:22
mntmni'm just a bit surprised that EU orders have to pay VAT on top in the CS checkout, because that changes my calculations. maybe this was changed recently? did anyone else here order out of EU?15:25
mntmnit could be that there's a difference between crowdfunded orders and orders that were made after the crowdfunding deadline15:26
NeelfynI ordered to a French address back in May and did not have to pay any tax on top, but if I add a Reform to my cart now I indeed see a "FR VAT 20.00%" line, so something must have changed16:03
NeelfynActually it also adds $25 for international shipping, didn't have this last time either.16:03
mntmnNeelfyn: ok, this makes perfect sense16:17
mntmnNeelfyn: thank you16:17
Koodamntmn: yeah I can confirm: http://lxp.fr/i4ek2jbJJo16:17
mntmngot it16:18
KoodaYeah it’s weird I didn’t remember paying that during the campaign16:18
mntmnyep it means that after campaign end, all units will be fulfilled by cs/mouser16:18
mntmnand units bought in EU before campaign end, we will ship from germany16:18
mntmnso those already include VAT16:19
KoodaIs that what you wanted?16:19
mntmnwell, what happened after campaign end was a little bit underdefined16:19
mntmnbut we will offer reform at some point in our own shop as well16:19
KoodaOk :)16:19
mntmnthis will make it easier for EU customers, who can then order from us directly again. but i'm not sure about the pricing yet16:20
KoodaI see.16:23
NeelfynThat was the early bird discount, haha16:26
+ oomono (uid328183@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xvsafrjvuhjxuila)17:59
- rasmus-mk (QUIT: Quit: Konversation terminated!) (~rasmus@c83-253-223-217.bredband.comhem.se)20:46
+ rasmus-mk (~rasmus@c83-253-223-217.bredband.comhem.se)20:47
franks2mntmn: you have a physical store in Germany?22:24
ex-parrotI am still looking forward to finding out what happens with New Zealand customs22:24
mntmnfranks2: we do not have a physical store, but a physical company22:25
franks2Ah, right22:26
franks2If the sales go good, do you consider adding a bit more oomph to a new version?22:26
mntmni don't know what you mean by oomph22:42
franks2power :)22:43
franks2ram, cpu.22:43
mntmnthere is an LS1028A module in development with 2x cortex-a72 and 8 or 16GB ram, albeit expensive22:43
mntmnthere's currently no chip available that is much faster + at least as open as imx8mq22:43
franks2wow :O22:43
mntmnat least not to my knowledge22:43
franks2how much do you ballpark that to cost?22:44
mntmni can't tell22:44
mntmnbut i think at least 500 euro only for the module22:44
mntmnlike, for the upgrade22:44
franks2aha, yes22:45
franks2very exciting22:45
franks2keep ut the good work <322:45
mntmnthanks! i'm also always looking for new chips to pop up. but you have to consider the whole picture incl. driver maturity22:45
mntmnbecause it should be stable and not rely on too many patches to the kernel etc22:45
ex-parrotI would like a Z80 based module, tia22:45
ex-parrotok I was joking but... imagine a Commodore 64 motherboard module22:46
mntmnex-parrot: maybe the kintex-7 module that i'm developing can at least implement a few dozen z80s ;)22:46
mntmni'm also interested in the new risc-v chip beaglebone are using22:47
mntmnit is all preproduction though22:47
mntmni think later this year we'll see more interesting stuff22:47
mntmnbut i'm typing this on the imx8mq and i'm really pretty happy with it. i've been coding a little game on it this weekend in C and it was good fun22:48
mntmnmost slowdowns come from javascript bloat in some web applications22:48
franks2Especially Slack :|22:49
mntmnyeah luckily i don't have to use that for anything22:49
mntmnbut mattermost (foss slack equivalent) that we're using internally is also a bit slow in the browser22:49
ex-parrotit's slow even on this i7 X230 I'm using22:50
ex-parrotso I wouldn't feel too bad22:50
franks2We use Slack and Mattermost at work. Mattermost has a CLI client tho, but it's not too good22:50
mntmnyep i wasn't too happy with matterhorn if you mean that22:51
ex-parrotis there a bitlbee or something plugin for Mattermost?22:51
mntmnyeah there is matterbridge22:51
mntmnit can bridge even to irc i think22:51
mntmnbut i haven't set it up yet22:51
ex-parrotas a result of acquisitions and bad decisions the company I work for uses Slack, Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts and irc22:51
ex-parrotfor internal comms22:51
ex-parrotand there's a horrible problem of partial overlaps22:51
ex-parrotamong different parts of the company22:51
ex-parrotabout where to find them22:52
ex-parrotI am trying to push everything back to irc :D22:52
franks2maybe with ircv3 that can happen22:52
ex-parrot(with a web UI)22:52
mntmnif only software was interoperable...22:52
franks2Matrix dont look too bad tho22:52
ex-parrot3-4 jobs ago, we ran all our internal comms on XMPP22:52
ex-parrotand we had customers who ran their own XMPP and could IM us if they needed22:52
ex-parrotand I had bots hooked in to the XMPP channels to report nagios alerts etc22:52
ex-parrotit was nirvana22:53
ex-parrotpure bliss22:53
franks2XMPP is awesome22:53
ex-parrotI even had the doorbell for our office hooked up to it, so if someone came up and hit the button we'd get a ping in the office MUC22:53
ex-parrotnowadays I guess that's called "chatops"22:54
ex-parrotanyway now I've tasted paradise and nothing will ever be good enough22:54
franks2which xmpp server did you run?22:54
ex-parrotinitially ejabberd, later prosody22:55
franks2i missed offline messages etc from xmpp22:55
ex-parrotwe had that stuff working with XEPs22:55
franks2and client interoperatibilty22:55
mntmndid you have any good web interface for xmpp groups?22:55
ex-parrotoh and we all had android 1.x phones, also dialed in to XMPP, so we could get e.g. an XMPP message saying "a call is being redirected to your mobile from this number... stand by"22:55
ex-parrotmntmn: the best one I used (and it's not that great, we maintained a soft fork) was Candy22:55
ex-parrotI think it's a bit dead now22:55
- freakazoid0223 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~matt@pool-108-2-68-211.phlapa.fios.verizon.net)22:56
ex-parrotactually we were using Coldfire XMPP for a while too, but I can't say much good about it22:56
ex-parrotOpenfire maybe22:57
ex-parrotcoldfire is an ARM chip :P22:57
ex-parrotwait not even22:57
ex-parrota 68k chip22:57
ex-parrotmntmn: when you're done can you whip up a coldfire based AMIGA module for the reform too? cheers :P22:58
mntmnex-parrot: i will leave it as an exercise for the reader ;)22:59
mntmnamigaos is not compatible with coldfire22:59
mntmn(also it's proprietary)22:59
ex-parrotah, I thought someone was talking about doing a coldfire based accelerator years ago22:59
mntmn(and actively legally defended)22:59
ex-parrotyeah fair enough22:59
mntmnno it only worked out for atari mods i think22:59
ex-parrotgood to know23:00
ex-parrottbh I haven't checked on the status of that project in maybe almost 20 years23:00
mntmni'm no atari expert but AFAIK there are custom versions of TOS available so they were able to make it compatible23:00
mntmna lot of amiga stuff needs instructions that are left out of coldfire23:00
ex-parrotah right. i guess i fyou had custom amiga OS you could trap and emulate them?23:01
ex-parrotbut it seems less clean than I was led to believe it would be :P23:01
mntmnyep but idk how well that would perform23:01
ex-parrotplus booter games etc23:01
ex-parrotwould be a nightmare23:01
ex-parrotok, I withdraw my request :P23:02
- rasmus-mk (QUIT: Quit: Konversation terminated!) (~rasmus@c83-253-223-217.bredband.comhem.se)23:07
+ freakazoid0223 (~matt@pool-108-2-68-211.phlapa.fios.verizon.net)23:10
- freakazoid0223 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~matt@pool-108-2-68-211.phlapa.fios.verizon.net)23:15

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