
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@dynamic-046-114-037-044.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)00:00
* erlehmann -> Guest3888100:02
* Guest38881 -> erlehmann00:31
- erlehmann (QUIT: Quit: Just say no, then the virus can not enter your body without your consent.) (~erlehmann@dynamic-046-114-037-044.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)00:31
+ Guest66229 (~erlehmann@dynamic-046-114-037-044.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)00:31
- oomono (QUIT: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) (uid328183@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-cxzrvgnzqxeyuerm)01:02
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc12:3300:64d4:daa7:8b14:7753)01:25
- B[] (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~Thunderbi@219-89-228-78-adsl.sparkbb.co.nz)01:57
- lexik (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~quassel@
+ nsc_ (~nicolas@i5C7454C4.versanet.de)03:11
- nsc__ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~nicolas@i5C746F89.versanet.de)03:14
- Neelfyn (QUIT: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) (uid180106@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-uarhiwuxohrkabqv)04:11
* Guest66229 -> erlehmann04:12
+ B[] (~Thunderbi@219-89-228-78-adsl.sparkbb.co.nz)05:07
- B[] (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~Thunderbi@219-89-228-78-adsl.sparkbb.co.nz)06:53
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc07:2000:64d4:daa7:8b14:7753)11:33
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc07:2000:64d4:daa7:8b14:7753)11:49
- jvalleroy (QUIT: Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) (~quassel@unaffiliated/jvalleroy)12:12
+ jvalleroy (~quassel@li1266-111.members.linode.com)12:12
- jvalleroy (QUIT: Changing host) (~quassel@li1266-111.members.linode.com)12:12
+ jvalleroy (~quassel@unaffiliated/jvalleroy)12:12
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc1a:2900:64d4:daa7:8b14:7753)12:25
- chomwitt (QUIT: Quit: WeeChat 2.3) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc1a:2900:64d4:daa7:8b14:7753)13:51
+ Neelfyn (uid180106@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nstyauzilidvejle)14:23
+ oomono (uid328183@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ybfnrgddnjrvshtc)15:18
- erlehmann (QUIT: Quit: Just say no, then the virus can not enter your body without your consent.) (~erlehmann@dynamic-046-114-037-044.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)15:54
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@dynamic-046-114-037-044.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)15:55
+ B[] (~Thunderbi@219-89-228-78-adsl.sparkbb.co.nz)16:13
- erlehmann (QUIT: Disconnected by services) (~erlehmann@dynamic-046-114-037-044.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)16:27
+ erlehmann_ (~erlehmann@dynamic-046-114-033-192.46.114.pool.telefonica.de)16:27
* erlehmann_ -> erlehmann16:27
+ sorki (~sorki@gateway/tor-sasl/sorki)16:55
- sorki (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~sorki@gateway/tor-sasl/sorki)16:56
+ sorki (~sorki@gateway/tor-sasl/sorki)16:58
- oomono (QUIT: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) (uid328183@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ybfnrgddnjrvshtc)17:28
- sorki (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~sorki@gateway/tor-sasl/sorki)17:31
+ sorki (~sorki@gateway/tor-sasl/sorki)17:33
dustywebhey mntmn, awesome19:28
dustywebmntmn: LICENSE.txt / COPYING.txt? :)19:29
mntmnyeah coming up ;)19:37
- dustyweb (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (~user@fsf/member/paroneayea)19:45
- sorki (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~sorki@gateway/tor-sasl/sorki)20:02
+ sorki (~sorki@gateway/tor-sasl/sorki)20:03
jackhillmntmn: neat!.22:57
jackhillOut of curiosity, what prompted the switch in git hosting software?22:57
mntmnjackhill: needed better code review functionality, the one in gitea is pretty harsh. and integrated CI/CD. also, issue boards22:57
ex-parrotback in the old days I used to do code reviews in rt22:59
+ lexik (~lexik@
ex-parrotbut it took a lot of plumbing to make it nice22:59
jackhillmntmn: nice, I've use GitLab, but not Gitea.23:09
ex-parrotwe use gitea internally and I've found its core git functionality pretty OK, and it's a lot less work to maintain than gitlab23:09

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