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+ kklimonda_ (~kklimonda@ubuntu/member/kklimonda)18:27
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lastebil_so finally had some more time to mess with my reform2, basically have the void install as I want it... save the issue of not being able to type passwords until I fix the keyboard so the right shift key also works for the 'up' key, since that is where my fingers expect it to be (:19:54
lastebil_foot works very nicely as the terminal, and the masm11 x-less emacs is working...19:56
lastebil_or... it was in the terminal, I spoke too soon, it's throwing some odd error for wayland (:  but progress.19:58
mntmnlastebil_: oh cool!21:21
mntmnhadn't heard about "foot" yet21:22
lastebil_yeah, I found it one day and it... just is what I needed (:21:26
* lastebil_ -> lastebil21:27
mntmncool, i'm curious and trying to build it now21:29
lastebilnow just... trying to figure out how to get sway to let me remap "up" to "right shift"21:29
lastebilI have it working in console (had that months ago) but ... yeah. remapping keys in sway is... different (:21:29
mntmnmaybe > input "1003:8258:MNT_Reform_Keyboard" xkb_layout your-custom-layout21:30
mntmni am not sure how to create your-custom-layout though21:30
lastebilyeah. only problem is "figuring out ..." exactly (:21:30
lastebilI know the key (via wev) is sym: "Up" (65362)21:30
mntmnoh there is xkb_options21:31
mntmnah but these don't seem to be generic21:31
lastebilyes, I've used that for ctrl:nocaps on many things, don't need it here of course (:21:32
mntmnapparently one can dump the map to a file like this > xkbcomp -xkb $DISPLAY my-keymap21:34
lastebildoes that work without X, though?21:34
mntmnit did create a file21:34
mntmnah before we do this, let me check if i even send a "right shift" keycode that is distinct from the other shift21:35
lastebilwell I don't mind, left/right shift is shift (:21:36
mntmnah yes21:36
mntmnleft and right should have different keycodes21:36
mntmnin xkb it is called RTSH21:40
lastebilyep. just swapped 111 and 62. let's see if it works.21:41
mntmnah yeah i would have suggested the same21:41
mntmncurious if that does something21:41
lastebilheh. it did.21:41
mntmnso up and rtsh are now swapped for you?21:41
lastebil"failed to compile keymap: include file of wrong type (expected xkb_symbols, got xkb_keymap)21:41
lastebilso... fixing that (:21:42
mntmncrap :321:42
mntmnlastebil: if you find a working recipe, would you mind to document it somewhere? then i'll include it in the documentation21:42
lastebilyeah I'll do that.21:43
lastebildid you get my earlier console changes?  I... put them somewhere but not sure if you ... got them...21:43
lastebil(also the emacs I am using is https://github.com/masm11/emacs which has no X dependencies, just gtk3)21:44
mntmnthere is an emacs without X?? :O :O21:45
lastebilit took a bit to find it (:21:45
mntmnlastebil: the console changes... hmm why is my memory so bad. i think you emailed it maybe?21:45
lastebileither mail, or mastodon?21:45
mntmnah yes august 521:45
lastebiland my memory is somewhat worse ):21:45
mntmnwhy did i not flag this email21:45
mntmnok, good that you mentioned it again!21:46
lastebilbecause I think i was supposed to follow up? and then got... swamped with 'other things'21:46
mntmni'm currently putting the handbook + docs effort together so stuff like this will be very useful now21:46
lastebildid you get foot working? (:21:46
mntmnah not yet, i need a different tllist dependency it seems.21:47
lastebilhmm. it's in the void repos, and it's got an arch pkgbuild, so perhaps those will help21:49
mntmni installed libtllist-dev in debian but it is not picked up. perhaps a newer one is needed.21:51
lastebilmaybe meson reconfigure or something?21:51
mntmni just cloned it, it's from the same author21:52
lastebilah (:21:53
mntmnsame for "fcft". then it works. the build, that is21:53
lastebil(he is also on mastodon)21:53
mntmnah, good to know21:53
lastebiltho I have not pinged him about it. I should.21:53
mntmnalways happy when stuff uses meson/ninja to build.21:53
mntmnit is very quick on reform.21:53
lastebilyes. yes it is.21:53
mntmnit works!21:54
mntmnit def. feels extremely fast21:55
mntmni should probably ship this.21:56
lastebilfor fun:  cd /tmp; curl -O -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/saitoha/libsixel/master/images/snake.six ; cat snake.six21:59
lastebil(which set me down the road of "wait, what uses sixel graphics?" and finding various things that did, like, apparently, a version of netsurf)22:00
lastebil(also I have a python script for converting an xcolors (xresources... like terminal.sexy outputs for Xresources) into foot configs22:06
lastebilbut it's not hard to write a foot config (:  it is hard to get decent colors (:  )22:07
lastebiloh, you built foot within wayland, yes?  so it ran it's optimization pass?22:07
lastebil(where it opens a screen and writes a load of random gfx to it, to benchmark?)22:08
lastebilI probably should do that instead of using the void version, to be honest. but it's nice and fast as it is (:22:08
lastebiland really looks good with the various fonts I use (topaz from dmg, various others from nerdfonts)22:09

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