
rez_did you tried a stock debian on the reform? everything is working out of the box?00:08
mntmnrez_: what exactly do you mean by stock debian?00:10
mntmnrez_: the configuration and patches for the motherboard are not yet upstreamed, so debian does not have them, so the kernel is not from debian, for example. also there's a bug that etnaviv didn't fix yet, in conjunction with Xwayland, so i compile xserver from source with a little patch.00:11
mntmnrez_: it depends what you need. if you are ok with just using xorg on a framebuffer without 3d acceleration, you can use stock debian00:12
mntmnrez_: or if you want to use wayland without xwayland, that will also work on stock debian00:12
mntmnrez_: the goal is of course that all of this is upstreamed and in debian at some point.00:32
bannamntmn: very cool that it runs on the base debian system, however!00:35
bannaI've heard some buzz about some BSD running on the reform, too.00:36
mntmnbanna: yeah but so far i ran FreeBSD only in qemu-kvm, so still on a outer linux kernel00:36
mntmni think freebsd doesn't have drivers for imx8mq yet, but i'm glad to be corrected00:37
bannaSuch a small percent would be interested in any BSD variant anyway, Linux is far better suited for a laptop00:40
mntmnbanna: but still, i think at least openbsd would be nice to have00:42
mntmnhmm, traces of imx8mq in OpenBSD http://bxr.su/OpenBSD/sys/dev/fdt/imxgpc.c#6200:44
mntmnhmm, a bunch of stuff is there already http://bxr.su/search?q=imx8mq&project=OpenBSD00:44
bannathe project as I see it is a wonderful learning tool: I hope it gets adopted for curious minds as well as other applications00:44
mntmnbanna: same, that's my hope too00:44
khmnot me.  I'm hoping for some good old-fashioned vendor lockin, where we have to buy a site license to unlock cpu cores.00:55
bannaadd in some unknown co-processors running immutable closed-source firmware, we have a deal00:56
khmnow you're talking enterprise-grade!00:57
mntmnwe could put in a ryzen embedded and you won't even get a datasheet...01:03
bannajoking about it makes it sound more appealing lol01:26
banna(the open version, not the closed version)01:27
mntmnyeah i just looked at some ryzen embedded stuff and there really seems to be 0 publically available information on how the soc works01:28
mntmneven intel is more open, they have datasheets at least01:28
mntmnoh, i didn't even realize that Atom SoC was cancelled in 201601:33
bannathat's crappy of AMD... but perhaps a bit sensible as all these embedded GPU-accel things01:38
bannalike nvidia's jetson thing01:38
- erlehmann (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~erlehmann@
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@
+ futarisIRCcloud (uid222239@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-kquucgbyjwxfukuo)02:49
rez_mntmn: thanks for the answers! yeah stock debian, I mean an ISO downloaded from their site :)02:59
rez_ok, so there is still some part of the hardware not supported03:00
rez_i usually use X and i3 as WM, but since I will want to code some 3d, I will probably need the GPU at some point :D03:01
bannarez_: the patches they apply to the base debian kernel will support the hardware fully! What he was saying is that it is not upstream yet, which is a slow process naturally03:19
- erlehmann (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~erlehmann@
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@
- dckc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~DanC@user2.kumc.edu)09:18
+ dckc (~DanC@2605:a601:ac60:1000:8c25:2124:d95:b461)09:23
lastebilrez_: um... by any chance, are you in Paris?09:30
lastebilmntmn: did not get a chance to look at the build bits yet, had maintenance and "project" - maybe this weekend, hope so (:09:30
lastebil(learned quite a bit about various options with booting though, this is gonna be very interesting and useful, not just for the reform2 but... loads of other things (:  )09:31
mntmnlastebil: cool!10:54
+ Rashad (~chatzilla@
- Rashad (PART: !!unknown attribute: msg!!) (~chatzilla@
- jvalleroy (QUIT: Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) (~quassel@unaffiliated/jvalleroy)12:01
+ jvalleroy (~quassel@li1266-111.members.linode.com)12:02
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+ jvalleroy (~quassel@unaffiliated/jvalleroy)12:02
- B[] (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~Thunderbi@219-89-237-57-adsl.sparkbb.co.nz)12:08
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+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@
- erlehmann (QUIT: Quit: Just say no, then the virus can not enter your body without your consent.) (~erlehmann@
- banna (QUIT: Ping timeout: 258 seconds) (~banna@banna.tech)13:58
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@
+ banna (~banna@banna.tech)14:02
- dustyweb (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~user@fsf/member/paroneayea)15:57
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- dckc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~DanC@2605:a601:ac60:1000:8c25:2124:d95:b461)16:09
+ dckc (~DanC@user2.kumc.edu)16:09
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+ darth-cheney (~darth-che@2604:2000:8095:3f00:b9a9:c515:fd9:3bee)16:57
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@
- Jookia (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~Jookia@gateway/tor-sasl/jookia)17:29
+ Jookia (~Jookia@gateway/tor-sasl/jookia)18:02
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+ dckc (~DanC@user2.kumc.edu)18:35
+ max49 (d4562ae7@
- max49 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (d4562ae7@
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- tiwake (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~tiwake@75-111-184-123.lbbkcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net)20:46
+ tiwake (~tiwake@75-111-184-123.lbbkcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net)21:07
+ TheRealTachyon (~TheRealTa@s204-191-123-81.ab.hsia.telus.net)23:03
TheRealTachyonI'm here23:04
TheRealTachyonI was wondering about the battery life because I'm still debating battery system design myself. The 12v display power is a bit of a monkey wrench.23:05
TheRealTachyonI was going to say. I'm typing on the system right now but purely on AC power. I have no DC system or battery system i place yet.23:06
TheRealTachyonBut yeah, the reformed Reform looks pretty cool.23:14
mntmnTheRealTachyon: are you building that cluster laptop?23:15
mntmnTheRealTachyon: why is your display 12v, does it have it's own power supply?23:16
TheRealTachyonnot a cluster no. Modular.23:16
TheRealTachyonthe display is 12v because i used an off the shelf panel driver.23:17
TheRealTachyonwhich worked out because I wanted the display to be detachable and usable as a standalone monitor with multiple input options (HDMI, DVI, VGA)23:18
TheRealTachyonIt's nothing close to Reform. It's me bodging together a lot of off the shelf parts for a one off personal project23:18
TheRealTachyonI'm still contemplating a sane way to do the power management and battery charging + BMS23:19
mntmngot it. what cpu/soc do you have in it?23:19
TheRealTachyonRight now I have a laptop brick PSU, 1 large (capacity) DC/DC converter and two small capacity DC/DC converters.23:20
TheRealTachyonthat's the modular part. I started with a RasPi 4, but I intend to do other modules. Including an x86 module and maybe an FPG module.23:21
TheRealTachyonperhaps a DE-10 nano23:21
TheRealTachyonFPG = FPGA23:21
TheRealTachyonI like the Reform system board design. very nice. I'll have to go cruise the schematics and see what power system ideas I can borrow. ;')23:22
TheRealTachyonBTW, the ZZ9000 design is even more impressive IMO. The modularity and flexibility in particular. Nice work!23:23
mntmnTheRealTachyon: thank you! most of the work on the ZZ9000 is in the firmware, though ;)23:23
TheRealTachyonI take it you mean the FPGA programming? I don't doubt it....23:25
TheRealTachyonbut don't sell that board design short. Very well thought out and innovative.23:25
TheRealTachyonSorry, haven't looked at the schematics yet, how does the trackball/buttons interface to the system? USB? GPIO? ?23:31
bannaIIRC usb23:31
TheRealTachyonok, that's handy.23:32
bannait's pretty diggable too as they are driven by an atmega32 which has a tonne of support23:33
TheRealTachyonThat's the one thing I'd do personally is buy the kit and put in my own keyboard/controller.  Use a ThinkPad keyboard because I like the KB, and the TrackPoint. If it's USB, I can use the Teensy controller I'm using for other projects23:33
TheRealTachyonbanna, yeah, who doesn't have the Arduino dev kit installed? ;')23:34
mntmnTheRealTachyon: this might be helpful https://mntre.com/reform2-handbook/system.html23:34
bannaexcellent! hacking together commodity stuff is always a good thing23:34
TheRealTachyonohh...nice resource. Thx mntmn23:35
TheRealTachyonCirrus/Wolfson WM8960   Nice!23:38
TheRealTachyonHmmm...didn't realize MIPI had that much performance capability.23:40
TheRealTachyonHey, found the power section. Exactly what I was looking for.23:41
TheRealTachyonThose Ti buck modules, can they really handle 5A? Any idea what you're pulling from them?23:42
+ chartreuse (~chartreus@S0106f0f249dfd9c3.cg.shawcable.net)23:45
TheRealTachyonPWM backlight, which means you can do refresh rate matching too. At least for full screen video playback23:47
TheRealTachyonmntmn, that resource page is great stuff!! thx!!23:48

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