
- cphealy (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~cphealy@2605:e000:160b:911f:4ffb:a92e:a44b:20d3)00:59
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@x59cc8b79.dyn.telefonica.de)03:07
+ cphealy (~cphealy@2605:e000:160b:911f:4ffb:a92e:a44b:20d3)03:10
+ B[] (~Thunderbi@219-89-237-57-adsl.sparkbb.co.nz)03:37
- erlehmann (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~erlehmann@x59cc8b79.dyn.telefonica.de)08:28
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@x59cc82c9.dyn.telefonica.de)08:42
- dckc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~DanC@user2.kumc.edu)09:43
+ dckc (~DanC@2605:a601:ac60:1000:9cd7:8274:176d:285b)09:48
- futarisIRCcloud (QUIT: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) (uid222239@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-adctljfvfbeccnpc)11:21
+ futarisIRCcloud (uid222239@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zczflvbmaknogxia)13:22
- Jookia (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~Jookia@gateway/tor-sasl/jookia)16:11
+ Jookia (~Jookia@gateway/tor-sasl/jookia)16:11
+ Demosthenex (~Demosthen@dhcp-077-248-042-162.chello.nl)17:27
Demosthenexi'm having a fit over how awesome the reform is ;]17:27
Demosthenextwo questions, can you upgrade the ram, can you have an aluminum bottom instead of the acrylic?17:28
- dckc (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~DanC@2605:a601:ac60:1000:9cd7:8274:176d:285b)17:56
jfred[m]I was waffling on whether or not to order a reform since it's a bit more pricey than I'd hoped... the individually-replaceable battery cells and the news about the genode port pushed me over the edge though :)17:58
jfred[m]I've been reading up on object capabilities a lot lately so the timing on that was just too good haha17:58
Demosthenexyep. i'm really keen on it, i just bought another laptop and wish i'd found this before17:59
Demosthenexunfortunately i can't only use OSS for work... i need a windoze VM, so i'm thinking QEMU could emulate intel for it... but then 4G isn't alot17:59
+ dckc (~DanC@user2.kumc.edu)18:04
technomancyDemosthenex: afaict all the ARM cores that support more than 4GB require truly heinous NDAs18:04
jfred[m]I'm particularly interested in that OLED display above the keyboard and what you could do with it18:09
Demosthenexis it feasible to emulate a win10 VM on that arm in 4G?18:09
_BnuDepending on what you plan to run in the VM, yeah. The base OS memory usage isn't that high, it's mostly all the web apps people use that make it spiral out of control.18:15
cphealytechnomancy: The NXP LS1028A supports up to 32GB of DDR3/4 and does not have any heinous NDA requirements.  You can download the ~60MB reference manual for the SoC without any NDA.  The NXP LS1028A has a pair of ARM Cortex-A72 and Vivante GPU among other things.  Also, IIRC, all the bus masters have IOMMU.18:19
- B[] (QUIT: Ping timeout: 258 seconds) (~Thunderbi@219-89-237-57-adsl.sparkbb.co.nz)18:20
technomancycphealy: guess my info is a bit out of date then18:20
cphealyThat's always the case with technology.  Blink and things change... ;-)18:21
technomancyI was probably thinking of the CPU choice for the Novena actually18:22
Demosthenex_Bnu: yeah, i don't need it for more than vpn clients, teamviewer, that kind of thing. maybe once in a while office.18:25
cphealyOh yes, the Novena has the NXP i.MX6 which has a much lower RAM limit.18:25
cphealyWith the Reform Laptop using an ARMv8 SoC, a lot of things are improved over the ARMv7 SoC in the Novena.18:26
- cphealy (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~cphealy@2605:e000:160b:911f:4ffb:a92e:a44b:20d3)18:58
+ cphealy (~cphealy@2605:e000:160b:911f:4ffb:a92e:a44b:20d3)18:58
- cphealy (QUIT: Client Quit) (~cphealy@2605:e000:160b:911f:4ffb:a92e:a44b:20d3)18:59
+ cphealy (~cphealy@2605:e000:160b:911f:4ffb:a92e:a44b:20d3)19:00
Jookiaemulating x86 on ARM seems slow20:33
mntmni'm not mega interested in windows but there's an ARM version of it, that can possibly run in qemu-kvm. i've seen it done by someone on pinebook pro.21:30
mntmni think it has a built-in x86 emulator (windows 10 arm that is), but i wouldn't expect miracles from it21:31
mntmnreform is really more interesting for running free software21:31
adjtmmntmn, there are x86-only programs for Linux22:11
adjtmlattice tools come to my mind...22:12
mntmnadjtm: for lattice (at least ice40, ecp5) you can use the open toolchain i guess?22:19
mntmnadjtm: which x86-only programs are there that are also free software?22:19
adjtmmntmn, yes, you can use 100% free software for ice40 and ecp522:27
adjtmmntmn, also xilinx tools are x86-only, and that's funny because you need x86 for building for arm based zynq22:28
mntmnyeah, i use vivado for ZZ9000 for example. not that i like it a lot...22:28
adjtmzynq can't build for itself22:28
mntmnsad story22:28
mntmnalthough series 7 fabric should be kind of supported in yosys (?)22:29
adjtmyosys supports some xilinx, but the proprietary router is needed (so a huge install of proprietary tools)22:30
mntmnah ok22:31
mntmni got the hdmi output to work on reform today (of course with HDMI blob), the driver is much saner now, but still not in mainline. i hacked it to be able to switch between internal and external display. still need to test 4K over hdmi22:32
adjtmthere is Project X-Ray for documenting xilinx 7-series, maybe it will be supported in next-pnr22:32
adjtmmntmn, can both internal and hdmi be used at the same time?22:33
adjtmI mean with the same output22:33
mntmnofficially no, but i made that happen by accident. BUT the hdmi output is not stable then. so i would say no, or we need to understand better how the clocks work. this is severely underdocumented22:34
mntmnwhat i really really want is an USB->HDMI adapter for presentations/office style work, then this stuff wouldn't be necessary22:34
jackhillmntmn: do you know if such an adapter exists? I assume if one does the blob is just in the adaptor.22:50
cphealymntmn: when you run with HDMI output and it was not stable, what resolution were you using?22:50
cphealyIt could be that there was a contention between the LCDIF and the DCSS that could be resolved by some QoS bus adjustments.22:51
mntmncphealy: it's independent from the resolution. i was driving HDMI and MIPI-DSI from DCSS at the same time22:52
mntmncphealy: which is not documented22:52
cphealyOh my, I was not aware that was possible...22:52
mntmncphealy: yeah i figured that out when hacking on the newest DCSS vendor driver22:52
mntmncphealy: i changed the code to include a module parameter for manually selecting hdmi or mipi output. this works for switching on the fly by reloading the kernel module22:53
adjtmmntmn, does i.mx8qm support video over usb? or are you talking about display-link type usb to hdmi adapters?22:53
mntmnadjtm: jackhill: i was thinking about making such a usb graphics adapter22:53
mntmndisplaylink is proprietary so i don't wanna use that22:53
adjtmdisplaylink 2 has free drivers22:53
adjtmthere is no other choice22:54
mntmnadjtm: ah, no blob needed for them?22:54
adjtmI don't think so, but not 100% sure22:54
adjtmin fact I bought one second hand displaylink 2 adapter22:54
adjtmit's usb2, by the way22:54
mntmnadjtm: i meant creating a custom usb thing. we make an amiga HDMI graphics adapter and usb has a lot more bandwidth than that... ;)22:54
mntmnadjtm: cool22:54
mntmncphealy: anyway, DSI and HDMI seem to be sensitive to what PLL/oscillator is providing the pixelclock22:55
adjtmthere exist smsc ufx6000/ufx7000, but device with them are in practice impossible to buy22:55
cphealyAhh, that makes sense.  Is it possible to run the DSI independent of the DCSS?22:55
cphealyIIRC, Purism is not using the DCSS as it's somewhat power hungry.22:56
adjtmthe smsc ufx7000 controller IC is available, even single quantity22:56
cphealyPerhaps DSI could be driving without the DCSS and HDMI could be driven by DCSS?22:56
mntmncphealy: DSI can be driven by LCDIF but that doesn't work for me together with PCIe, it glitches like crazy whenever PCIe is accessed22:56
mntmncphealy: DSI needs either LCDIF or DCSS driving it.22:57
mntmncphealy: but the feed from DCSS to HDMI and MIPI-DSI can be active at the same time22:57
mntmncphealy: so if you find a timing/clock combo that works for both, it can work as a mirror output22:57
cphealyI need to go re-review the i.MX8M reference manual...22:58
mntmncphealy: check the diagram > Figure 13-1. Display Interface22:59
adjtmmntmn, afaik usb4 will support dp 2.0 at 8k23:03
adjtmI don't know if video over usb4 is optional or required23:04
adjtmit will be great if we can output even 8k video with any usb4 port23:04
jackhillmntmn: ah, cool!23:04
adjtmthe bad situation of usb display controllers is that most people this days uses usb that supports video, so there is little interest from developers and device manufacturers for usb display controllers23:05
jackhillwhen designing stuff, I've found it super nice to be able to send sound over HDMI as well (compared to when I use my VGA -> HDMI thing)23:06

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