
+ BArray (~Thunderbi@122-61-176-31-fibre.sparkbb.co.nz)04:40
- B[] (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~Thunderbi@122-61-176-31-fibre.sparkbb.co.nz)04:41
* BArray -> B[]04:41
- B[] (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~Thunderbi@122-61-176-31-fibre.sparkbb.co.nz)05:55
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+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@
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+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@
+ jboubix (~jboubix@
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+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@
+ erlehmann_ (~erlehmann@
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* erlehmann_ -> erlehmann12:56
+ erlehmann_ (~erlehmann@
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+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@
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- jboubix (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~jboubix@
+ jboubix (~jboubix@
+ jboubix_ (~jboubix@
- jboubix (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~jboubix@
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@
chomwittwith what program do i view the step file in the motherboard git dir?19:10
chomwittok , i managed with freecad19:20
mntmnchomwitt: yeah, freecad19:24
mntmnchomwitt: which step files are you looking for? i think there's not so much there yet from reform 219:26
- jboubix_ (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~jboubix@
+ jboubix (~jboubix@
chomwitthi . another question , what is the diff between step / stp / wrl files?19:33
chomwitti was looking at..19:33
chomwitt.. J0G-0003NL19:33
mntmnstep and stp should be the same19:37
mntmnwrl is a VRML mesh19:37
chomwitti'm experimenting from a newbie angle , i'am more of a software person19:42
chomwittthe idea of an open/libre laptop i think is very interesting19:43
mntmnah ok19:43
mntmnso you probably found some 3d models of the electronic components :)19:43
chomwittdo have an estimate of the cost of the reform219:43
chomwitti think is importand for more people to become more interested and familiar with such a openwh project19:45
chomwittand personally i'd love to have an open laptop19:45
mntmnthe plug&play one will be around 900 EUR19:45
mntmnpossibly we can make a DIY kit a bit cheaper19:46
chomwittDIY without a monitor?19:46
mntmnno with everything, just you have to assemble it yourself then19:46
mntmnthen we don't have to assemble it and can save some time + money19:46
mntmnso you would screw everything together etc19:47
chomwitthow would you 'place' your project in comparison to teres . as far as i have searched it looked to me like a decent effort to make a diy laptop.19:49
chomwittagain , not a hardware person, but i search for openlaptops.19:50
mntmnthe teres is interesting, but lower spec and simpler build than reform and uses more OEM parts19:52
chomwitti guess the comparison could be made on axis of performance and openess19:52
chomwittand cost of course19:53
mntmnin reform most things are custom developed, like the keyboard, trackball/trackpad, battery system, case design (milled from aluminum)...19:53
mntmnalso the reform keyboard is mechanical19:53
mntmnso it is not only very different from other open laptop attempts but very different from other laptops in general19:53
mntmnalso it has a full hd IPS display, 12.5"19:54
mntmn4GB DDR4, 2x PCIe controllers19:54
mntmninput devices are programmable, onboard cortex-a0 (power controller) is programmable19:55
chomwittso you see reform2 be better on the 'openess' aspect19:55
mntmnyeah but also qualitatively it's a more holistic design approach19:55
mntmnit's more of a building from the ground up approach19:55
mntmn(even if it's not 100% at the end of that story yet)19:56
mntmnreform2 has 3x external USB3.0 ports btw, full size ethernet and sd card19:56
chomwittACTION searcing if teres 'chassis' is opendesign20:01
rvensequite sure it's oem. you'll probably be able to find cheap intel laptops in the same case.20:02
chomwittyes.. that would be my first guess looking at it20:02
chomwittin that aspect i prefer the more blocky but as mntmn said custom made and open reform20:03
chomwittthanks for helping me better understand the project. if you dont mind i like to post in mastadon / diasp interesting screenshots showing the opensoftware/openhardware angle.20:06
mntmnpinebook is another candidate, also built mostly from OEM parts20:06
mntmnchomwitt: sure, go ahead20:07
chomwittspeaking of which , the  J0G-0003NL step model.  it's a very common electronic i guess , but is the design i see open or the companies publish cad file to help the users of the product?20:13
mntmnit's very common for companies to publish CAD files of electronic components.20:20
mntmnespecially for ports etc it's important to check if everything fits before manufacturing ;)20:21
- andrej236 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~andrej@bob.askja.de)22:09
+ andrej235 (~andrej@bob.askja.de)22:12
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+ jboubix (~jboubix@
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+ jboubix (~jboubix@
+ B[] (~Thunderbi@122-61-176-31-fibre.sparkbb.co.nz)23:13
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc3e:2a00:f48c:13b4:43f4:5dd8)23:15

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