
mntmnrvense: awesome!00:44
- khm (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~kfx@wopr.sciops.net)02:18
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 276 seconds) (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc3e:2a00:fd0d:226e:83db:61ea)03:21
+ B[] (~Thunderbi@122-61-176-31-fibre.sparkbb.co.nz)07:13
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc3e:2a00:e53a:8765:59ae:ac5)07:33
- jryans (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (jryansmatr@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-ziowwvddkdjbodgi)11:42
- MilkManzJourDadd (QUIT: Write error: Connection reset by peer) (milkmanz1@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-fzjdwcoidftbfogb)11:42
- anjannath (QUIT: Write error: Broken pipe) (anjannathm@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-tunonuttognvdwuu)11:42
- synaption[m] (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (synaptionm@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-cotouvkalovukijy)11:42
- jfred[m] (QUIT: Write error: Connection reset by peer) (jonterracr@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-njnmzwrkfvgwyqsy)11:42
+ synaption[m] (synaptionm@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-bxwfkrfqngemdltj)12:07
mntmncool, missed this one https://liliputing.com/2019/10/diy-modular-mnt-reform-laptop-gets-spec-bump-as-it-inches-toward-reality.html12:45
+ anjannath (anjannathm@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-afueboubsbnhnbxn)12:48
+ MilkManzJourDadd (milkmanz1@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-tokambmdgvbpeaom)12:48
+ jfred[m] (jonterracr@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-rbgrpiwluewhhvjm)12:48
+ jryans (jryansmatr@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-exhlasljxfruunca)12:48
chomwittACTION reading https://liliputing.com/2019/10/diy-modular-mnt-reform-laptop-gets-spec-bump-as-it-inches-toward-reality.html14:02
elwispliliputing is a good site14:33
elwispmntmn: mntmn: im curious what the lscpu or cat /proc/cpuinfo returns on that cpu. Mind to share?14:35
mntmnelwisp: yeah i’m cooking food atm, i can try that later. looking for anything specific?18:15
elwispwas just curious about the speed and the cpuflags. Virtualization flags etc18:21
- B[] (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~Thunderbi@122-61-176-31-fibre.sparkbb.co.nz)18:58
chomwittthe review in liliputing is good, but the comments as usual are the spoiledchild ones. the comment as if this is a laptop from a great company to be benchmarked with the current performance leaders!19:08
mntmnah, didn’t read comments yet19:10
mntmnah, read the comments. :D19:11
swivelmntmn: do you happen to know off the top of your head the width of the keyboard?20:35
mntmnswivel: around 27.5cm incl pcb20:35
swiveli need to replace my x61s and right now it's a toss up between xps13, 51nb x210, and waiting for the reform 2.20:38
swivelreform 2 is probably still a bit too chunky for my nomadic ways though20:39
slobberx1e is pretty good21:14
swivelslobber: isn't that 15"?21:24
ieureI'm waiting on an X2100.21:24
ieureWhenever they're built.21:24
ieureAlready ordered.21:24
swiveli'm specifically looking for something with X40/X60 dimension keyboard, those fit my smallish hands perfectly... my x220 is too wide and I can't type anywhere near as quickly and make lots of errors21:25
swivelieure: X210 looks good21:25
swivelieure: how much did you pay?21:25
ieure$1160 for the barebones machine.  Drop in RAM and SSD and it's ready to go.21:25
swivelmy main hangup with 51nb options are aftermarket batteries for old thinkpads generally suck21:26
ieureI have some NOS ones.21:27
ieureFound a NOS X200/1 9-cell and a couple 6-cells.  All pretty cheap, $20-$30ish.21:27
ieureChecked them out in my X201s, all genuine and working fine.21:27
ieureIt is a hassle, the third-party batteries do suck and there are a lot of counterfeits.21:28
slobberhttps://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19121-01/sf.x2100/819-3721-13/Chap1.html nice that's nice and thin21:29
slobberx2100 looks wider than x60 though, no?21:29
ieureIt is.21:29
swivelit's a little wider21:29
slobberthe beautiful times of 4:3 x60s are gone21:30
swiveli used to have an x201s, it's basically as wide as I can go before it's a problem21:30
ieureThey'd switched to widescreen by then, so the chassis is wider to accommodate.21:30
swivelieure: the ridiculous thing is the display bezel is huge on that model, they didn't have to go that wide to accomodate the screen.21:30
ieureswivel, Yeah, the bezels started getting huge.  They're nearly nonexistent on the X6x.21:31
ieureI love the size of the X6x, but find the keyboard layout isn't ideal.  Particularly the ESC key above F1.  Same issue with X20x.  X220 keyboard is best IMO.21:31
slobberi have a one mix 2s for when i need to take work somewhere super portable21:31
ieureslobber, Running Linux on that?21:32
ieureAny good?21:32
slobberi mean, it's fine21:32
slobberthe mouse is a waste of life21:32
ieureI have a GPD Pocket 1, I'd love something exactly the same, but with better Linux support.21:32
slobberi run dwm but somehow never got used to switching between windows via keyboard21:33
ieureAll the new ones have that optical sensor I hate.21:33
slobberplus the screen isn't big enough to have a browser and terminal at the same time21:33
ieureYeah, I use a tiling WM on mine, one thing full-screen.21:33
swivelthat's too small for me to use as a daily driver21:33
ieureYeah, I wouldn't recommend that.21:33
swiveli have a pile of clamshell sharp zauruses collecting dust somewhere21:34
ieureMain beef with the Pocket 1 is that sleep doesn't work right in Linux, so the battery is dead in a day unless you turn it completely off when you're done.  Which sucks.21:34
ieureIf that one thing was fixed, I'd be content.21:34
swivelthat sounds like something fixable21:39
slobberno such issue with one netbook21:43
slobberbut there are other annoying things21:43
ieureScreen rotation stuff?21:47
blebieure: you know about pyra?21:57
ieurebleb, Nope.22:28
blebpretty promising22:30
ieureIt looks like someone beat a Nintendo DS to death with an ugly stick22:32
blebieure: you'd rather have something with no removable battery or screws22:43
blebor ports22:43
ieureYou realize I'm in an IRC channel for a boutique scratch-build laptop, and that I intend to buy one when they're available, right?22:45
ieureI just think Pyra is, 1) profoundly ugly 2) not what I'm looking for at all.22:45
ieureI have no use for game controllers, put a reasonable keyboard on that thing.22:45
dopplerthe pyra is a game console22:46
blebif i needed to do heavy duty typing i would plug in a keyboard22:47
blebwhich you can do since there are usb ports22:47
blebbut if you need heavy duty typing with something that can fit in a large pocket, i guess that other thing succeeds where the pyra fails22:48
blebnot sure why you think pyra is ugly while the reform laptop is not, but i guess aesthetic preferences dont always follow logic22:50
swivelin a world where there are already smartphones filling that small display shitty typing role, any computer I want something to do with better have a keyboard suited to "heavy duty typing"22:51
blebif you already have a smartphone the pyra is less exciting22:52
blebbut for me this would replace the smartphone as a small screen shitty typing computer, and it would have the benefit that you could plug in a keyboard and have non-shitty typing for stuff like sms22:54
ieureI can plug in (or bluetooth) a non-shitty keyboard on most any phone.22:54
bleband in fact actual good typing rather than the disappointing state of bluetooth keyboards22:54
blebyeah if the gpd pocket 1 is our standard for non-shitty then bluetooth keyboards make that grade22:55
bleb(assuming the bluetooth connection is reliable)22:56
ieureGPDP1 has a shitty keyboard.  Just less shitty than the Pyra.22:58
blebits relative22:58
blebusb keyboard > bluetooth phone keyboards > gpdp1 > pyra > touch screen22:59
slobberneat! re: pyra23:25
slobberpricey though23:26
slobberi guess properly so23:27
blebthey have only about 1000 preorders23:27
blebso not great economy of scale23:28
slobberi already dropped this money on a librem five that'll disappoint me23:28
blebyes it will23:29
slobberi think that's enough donations for this year23:29
slobbermaybe pine phone will disappoint less23:29
slobberi feel like i'm not asking for much in terms of a phone23:30
slobberi guess i am23:30
slobberif US didn't kill off 2g i would've been happier i think23:30
blebyeah me too23:30
slobberoh well, crowds' voices are heard best23:30

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