
adjtm_mntmn, how many layer the reform main board has?00:11
adjtm_I suppose that less than the SOM00:11
mntmn6 so far00:25
mntmnand i think i don’t need more. yes, the BGA breakout of the imx8m should require more00:25
mntmni just studied novena’s breakout in KiCAD. pretty fascinating to play with other people’s hard work00:26
mntmni wonder why they never worked on an update to this project00:26
Jookiabusy doing other stuff i imagine00:27
Jookiathey haven't really released newer firmware either00:27
mntmnmaybe burnt out on the whole thing also... it looks very ambitious00:27
Jookiathat's probably the biggest issue with the novena: lack of firmware updates00:27
Jookiai think there's only been 2 community members that have updated the kernel, myself being one of them- but no complete updated images yet00:28
Jookiai could see burnout being a thing given the lack of GPU drivers at the time00:30
Jookiaxobs had to backport various etnaviv-related patches (including the full driver itself) since the binary drivers wouldn't work on the novena and the gpu-viv drm driver would just spray all over RAM00:30
Jookiaon top of that there was some mainlining work which i heard described as death by a thousand paper cuts :P00:31
mntmnoh yeah i can imagine that the situation was grim back then00:31
Jookiaon top of that the FPGA doesn't have open source synthesis, unlike the ice40 series00:32
Jookiathen the raspberry pi 3 came out which succeeded it on CPU speed, though even the rpi4 lacks native SATA00:34
Jookiait's kind of a mixed bag when it comes to practicality, being a laptop that needs a table to sit at, an FPGA that needs another computer to compile for, and having GPIO go through the FPGA00:38
Jookiaperhaps it may have been better off marketed as a portable high-end single-board computer00:40
Jookiasingle-board computer with lots of hardware hacking features, like a raspberry pi00:41
Jookiai'm still torn on whether i'll get a reform or keep to my promise of only buying new devices when my existing ones die00:46
kremlinyou know what'd be super sick00:50
kremlinzynq based sbc00:50
kremlinprototype & write drivers for hardware running on the FPGA00:51
Jookiamaybe mntmn could sneak an fpga on to the SOM. i'm sure there's space ;)00:52
mntmni just shipped a zynq based graphics/coprocessor card for amiga ;)00:53
mntmnzynq ultrascale might be usable for desktop stuff00:53
kremlini am working on a zynq-based board that emulates old ESDI hard drives00:54
kremlinhttps://www.pdp8.net/mfm/mfm.shtml <-- this but for ESDI00:54
JookiaFPGA-based stuff is getting more accessible. i'm really excited to do some risc-v stuff with the novena's FPGA00:54
mntmnkremlin: cool!00:55
Jookiawow, that's killer00:55
Jookiai'm not sure who else has done an FPGA GPU00:56
Jookiai know of the gameduino 100:56
mntmnyeah it uses the fpga part mostly for bus interface and native video capture / deinterlacing etc. i use one ARM core for graphics. the other for user applications00:57
mntmnso shipping this is what delayed reform 2 bringup. can’t wait to get back to it00:58
Jookiayou make a lot of cool stuff01:00
mntmnthanks, i hope it will lead to other good stuff ;)01:02
Jookiaquick everyone chant risc-v01:02
Jookiadoes the imx8 include a sound codec? if not, which will you be using?01:06
kremlinim sure it does01:10
mntmni’m using a wolfson codec01:10
kremlinthose imx chips have everything01:10
Jookiaah, is that mainline?01:10
mntmnimx8m has only digital audio out, no dac01:11
Jookiathe novena used an es8328 which xobs had to write a driver for, but upstream's driver is kind of broken on the novena so i'll be debugging that i guess01:11
mntmnWM8731 i put in the design01:13
mntmnit’s mainline, but i still have to test it with imx8m01:13
Jookiaah ok01:15
mntmnimx8m has like a million audio channels, but i’m using only stereo ;)01:15
adjtm_mntmn, bunnie said that novena was 8 layer, but he could have probably be able to do it with six01:40
adjtm_maybe possible, but it seems very complex for 6 layers01:40
adjtm_the main reason why I didn't used more the novena, was the pain that is working with xillinx tools01:42
adjtm_but when novena was designed icestorm didn't exist (I think)01:42
adjtm_so the fpga chosen made sense at the moment01:43
adjtm_other problem is that it is not very comfortable to use as a laptop01:44
mntmnyeah i believe01:48
mntmni’ve worked a lot with ISE and Vivado and certainly know the paib01:48
+ B[] (~Thunderbi@122-61-190-38-fibre.sparkbb.co.nz)02:49
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+ kaleun (~kaleun@2001-48F8-9015-158C-0-0-0-3-dynamic.midco.net)20:38
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