
- chomwitt (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~chomwitt@ppp-94-69-11-242.home.otenet.gr)03:35
+ B[] (~Thunderbi@122-61-190-38-fibre.sparkbb.co.nz)07:18
+ chomwitt (~chomwitt@ppp-94-69-11-170.home.otenet.gr)09:24
- mntmn (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (sid100487@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nxudjwijtmcwytgv)09:45
+ mntmn (sid100487@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-cxetgrzkcsgkgums)09:47
* ChanServ changed mode (+o, mntmn)09:47
mntmnN-O-D-E zine VOL 01 featuring Reform https://n-o-d-e.net/zine/16:44
- wiedi (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~wiedi@
- darthrake (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~darthrake@xrpbot.org)18:48
- plomlompom (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~plom@
- B[] (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~Thunderbi@122-61-190-38-fibre.sparkbb.co.nz)19:05
+ darthrake (~darthrake@xrpbot.org)19:06
+ plomlompom (~plom@
adjtmmntmn, nice, one of the contributors is a swiss novelist19:44
mntmnadjtm, no, it’s me19:47
adjtmjust kidding :)19:47
mntmnthere is a swiss novelist with the same name, that’s why i inserted the F. ;)19:47
mntmnah haha19:47
adjtmmntmn, a sifive employee said: <jimwilson> rvalles, we sell the fe310 chips on crowdsupply, 5 for $25, we don't offer the fu540 in small quantities19:50
adjtm<jimwilson> but if you want a thousand chips you can call sifive sales, and we can fab them for you, we just don't pre-manufacture chips except for our eval boards19:50
adjtmmaybe 1k units it's too much for you, but I expected larger quantities19:51
adjtmit also lacks IO for a desktop/laptop19:51
mntmnthat’s interesting20:06
mntmnwell tilelink can surely be adapted to pcie etc with artix 7 or so20:07
mntmnalso i have a 2d gpu implementation in verilog for zynq20:07
mntmn(it’s also artix 7 fabric afaik)20:07
mntmnnaja probably too expensive for a small operation20:08
mntmnbut thanks for the info adjtm20:08
+ pretec (~pretec@i577BC1CB.versanet.de)20:11
adjtmI don't know about pricing, but I suppose it to be less expensive that artix 7 fpgas20:11
- adjtm (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~adjtm@35.red-79-155-136.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)20:16
+ adjtm_ (~adjtm@35.red-79-155-136.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)20:16
mntmnok? wondering because of the 900$ dev board price tag20:46
+ B[] (~Thunderbi@122-61-190-38-fibre.sparkbb.co.nz)21:01
+ wiedi (~wiedi@ip5b4096a6.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)21:24
+ adjtm (~adjtm@35.red-79-155-136.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)21:31
- adjtm_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~adjtm@35.red-79-155-136.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)21:33
- pretec (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~pretec@i577BC1CB.versanet.de)22:51
- Jookia (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~Jookia@gateway/tor-sasl/jookia)23:44
+ Jookia (~Jookia@gateway/tor-sasl/jookia)23:46

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