
- chomwitt (QUIT: Quit: WeeChat 1.6) (~chomwitt@ppp-94-69-11-184.home.otenet.gr)01:06
mntmnfix made it into the kernel https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=70be9ac2b64c0d0db4f0e3004b764df33b1098e201:41
swivelmntmn: did you see https://abopen.com/news/building-a-risc-v-pc/ ?  it's being discussed on HN currently02:44
mntmnswivel not yet, thx02:49
mntmnah, i’ve seem pretty much exactly this device at fosdem02:49
mntmnall the microchip fpga stuff on this is proprietary afaik02:52
swivelah yeah someone mentioned it being at fosdem in the HN thread02:55
swivelstill nice to see progress towards a risc-v pc, may not be too long before we see something without the fpga stuff suitable for reform-like form factors02:56
mntmnyeah when that arrives i’ll make a reform board around it02:57
mntmnit would be great if that chip wasn’t $1000 then though ;)02:57
swivelpresumably that drops orders of magnitude as production ramps up in scale, more a developer kit item for now - i wonder if they're also trying to prioritize what supply there is landing in developer's hands with the high price02:59
mntmnsure, i understand it. i meant more like: i hope there will be the demand and the volume to lower the price03:01
swivelwhat I'd like to know is how much of that $1000 is profit at the current scale03:03
mntmnalmost nothing i’d guess03:04
swivel28nm that expensive?03:10
mntmnthey sold maybe 250 units. even if the material cost was only $500, it still <100k margin which i doubt would even scratch the surface of r&d costs on this03:13
mntmn> NRE+Minimum order qty is usually around US$1 million.03:16
swiveli'm surprised they don't try a crowdfund preorders to enable a large scale run at low unit cost03:32
swivelprolly requires the ecosystem to mature more first, expansion board options for different packages etc03:32
+ B[] (~Thunderbi@125-239-59-195-fibre.sparkbb.co.nz)07:53
- Jookia (QUIT: Quit: Jookia) (~Jookia@gateway/tor-sasl/jookia)09:01
+ Jookia (~Jookia@gateway/tor-sasl/jookia)10:22
- B[] (QUIT: Ping timeout: 250 seconds) (~Thunderbi@125-239-59-195-fibre.sparkbb.co.nz)11:31
mntmnswivel, it was a crowdfunding campaign. on crowdsupply11:35
mntmnah well $1 goal11:36
mntmnbizarre risc-v chip https://www.seeedstudio.com/Sipeed-MAIX-I-module-WiFi-version-1st-RISC-V-64-AI-Module-K210-insid-p-3206.html12:01
mntmndatasheet (kendryte k210) https://s3.cn-north-1.amazonaws.com.cn/dl.kendryte.com/documents/kendryte_datasheet_20181011163248_en.pdf#page1812:06
+ pretec (~pretec@mue-88-130-49-169.dsl.tropolys.de)18:01
+ B[] (~Thunderbi@125-239-59-195-fibre.sparkbb.co.nz)19:04
+ bkeys (~Thunderbi@c-76-17-206-162.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)19:49
+ adjtm (~adjtm@173.red-79-155-137.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)20:58
- adjtm_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~adjtm@164.red-79-154-251.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)21:00
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@x59cc8a2f.dyn.telefonica.de)21:49
- erlehmann (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~erlehmann@x59cc8a2f.dyn.telefonica.de)22:43

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