
mntmnswivel, your bug is already on lkml00:05
mntmnbut they didn’t wait for my testing00:05
mntmni believe it’s still wrong but we’ll see tomorrow00:06
mntmnlike, why does he check for 0 _after_ checking for an error00:06
mntmn(in the new patch)00:06
swivelhuh, I don't see it yet00:08
mntmnah wait its not sorry, its on different sub mailing lists00:08
mntmnlinux-pci, linux-arm-kernel00:09
swivelah ok, yeah I'm not subscribed to those00:09
mntmnis it normal to sign off your own patches i wonder00:10
Jookiadon't think so00:11
swivelyou sign off your own, that's the point00:13
swivelothers review and ack etc.00:13
mntmnah sure00:13
Jookiamntmn: think of it a bit like self-signed certs :D00:16
mntmnok :D it’s funny i have to relearn all of this after having worked mostly in github etc workflows before00:18
mntmnwhat i mean to say is, i’m less familiar with the older, more traditional workflow00:19
mntmnreading the new patches again i think it’s fine00:21
swivelwell I'll be sure to pick up some popcorn kernels at the store for when Linus responds to the new fixes hitting lkml00:36
mntmnoh yeah00:49
mntmnneed to set up lkml filtering & subscription till then00:49
mntmnspent the entire day running git bisect to find this btw00:49
mntmni need to set up a CI routine to regularly test new kernel commits because this is now the second big breakage in a few weeks00:50
swivelthat's really unfortunate man, sorry to hear it00:52
mntmni mean i did some things in parallel, but it’s really annoying when this kind of stuff happens. especially coming from NXP who would have the resources to test their own stuff00:53
andrej235mntmn: already have an idea how to do that?00:57
mntmn:O https://www.v68k.org/advanced-mac-substitute/00:57
mntmnandrej235, as we control the firmware of the keyboard etc we have some options00:57
mntmnalso can maybe use computer vision to check if it boots to the right... picture00:58
andrej235hm, i mean... today it looked like you actually needed to tap keys to notice what was going on. not only that but also keyboards on different ports. ^^00:58
mntmnyeah but we could make the keyboard type login & password automatically01:02
mntmnby changing the keyboard firmware01:02
mntmnand then take a picture after a minute or so, expecting a logged in screen (this could be set to some easily recognizable color)01:02
mntmnand/or check lsusb, lspci etc over ssh01:03
mntmn(this bug there completely killed pcie as well)01:03
swivelneed an unpaid intern to test linux-next and the RCs01:05
mntmn:3 i think automation is more humane ^^01:05
swivelhahah, perhaps, it really depends on what options that unpaid intern has.  From their perspective it could serve as an apprenticeship which kickstarts an otherwise nonexistent carreer in tech01:07
swivelthis is why people have children01:08
mntmnHN delivers https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1896479601:08
mntmnswivel, true01:11
mntmni would always pay interns though ^^01:11
swivelif you can afford to, I'm in full support01:12
swivela project like reform seems positioned to utilize volunteer contributions in general01:13
mntmnmaybe, yeah. but it needs to prove itself still01:17
mntmnnon-linux OSes on reform will be interesting01:19
mntmnwould be good to collect some porting code for common stuff like framebuffer, storage, ethernet for it01:20
mntmnnow time for sleep though. gn8!01:20
- Jookia (QUIT: Quit: Jookia) (~Jookia@gateway/tor-sasl/jookia)04:09
+ Jookia (~Jookia@gateway/tor-sasl/jookia)07:26
- B[] (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~Thunderbi@
andrej235btw, here the thread from the arm kernel list: http://archive.armlinux.org.uk/lurker/message/20190121.225004.57644368.en.html not sure if it was already posted here.12:33
mntmnthanks andrej23514:50
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@x59cc8b75.dyn.telefonica.de)20:17
+ erlehmann_ (~erlehmann@x59cc8b75.dyn.telefonica.de)20:35
- erlehmann (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~erlehmann@x59cc8b75.dyn.telefonica.de)20:35
* erlehmann_ -> erlehmann20:36
* erlehmann -> Guest9352220:37
- Guest93522 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~erlehmann@x59cc8b75.dyn.telefonica.de)20:44
+ pretec (~pretec@mue-88-130-49-071.dsl.tropolys.de)21:00
- pretec (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~pretec@mue-88-130-49-071.dsl.tropolys.de)21:39
+ B[] (~Thunderbi@125-239-59-195-fibre.sparkbb.co.nz)21:46
mntmn> Remote Code Execution in apt/apt-get22:25

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