
- plomlompom (QUIT: Quit: WeeChat 1.6) (~plom@play.plomlompom.com)02:17
+ plomlompom (~plom@
- nemunaire (QUIT: Quit: quit) (~nemunaire@lfbn-1-949-99.w86-247.abo.wanadoo.fr)03:30
+ nemunaire (~nemunaire@lfbn-1-949-99.w86-247.abo.wanadoo.fr)03:31
- Jookia (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~Jookia@gateway/tor-sasl/jookia)06:14
+ Jookia (~Jookia@gateway/tor-sasl/jookia)06:15
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@x59cc8b16.dyn.telefonica.de)07:28
- erlehmann (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~erlehmann@x59cc8b16.dyn.telefonica.de)08:28
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@x59cc8b16.dyn.telefonica.de)08:28
- erlehmann (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~erlehmann@x59cc8b16.dyn.telefonica.de)09:08
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@x59cc8b16.dyn.telefonica.de)09:08
- erlehmann (QUIT: Client Quit) (~erlehmann@x59cc8b16.dyn.telefonica.de)09:11
- Jookia (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~Jookia@gateway/tor-sasl/jookia)12:37
+ Jookia (~Jookia@gateway/tor-sasl/jookia)19:30
zakxmntmn: does reform have i2c? if yes, would it be 5V tolerant?21:37
mntmnzakx yeah it does, but i didn’t test it so far. don’t think it’s 5v tolerant21:43
zakxok thanks :)22:33
- Jookia (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~Jookia@gateway/tor-sasl/jookia)22:37
+ Jookia (~Jookia@gateway/tor-sasl/jookia)22:37
mntmnzakx: actually IIRC i tested it once on an earlier reform design, where the INA260 was connected via I2C to the imx6 and i had it in the DTB22:45
mntmnzakx and the control part of the SGTL5000 is also on an i2c channel22:46
+ esad (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)23:19
esadneed magsafe for the fan cable :) everytime I open the bottom I forget about it23:20
esadoh, fitting a ssd and it's very tight - the plastic L-shaped screw support is in the way23:23
- esad (QUIT: Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)23:25
+ esad (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)23:26
esadugh, fitted :)23:30
esadwhat's the easiest way to copy/install the system from SD card to newly fitted SSD?23:42
mntmnesad, oh i left in the plastic?23:44
mntmnesad, if you mean the black piece of plastic on msata connector, you can just break that off23:45
esadno no, on the other side23:45
esadjust the protrusion where the screw goes in23:45
mntmnah i think i know what you mean23:47
mntmnwhat model of ssd?23:47
esadbut I managed to fit it, the trick is to start on the other end and move it in between clips and the black part23:47
esadthen stick the other side in23:47
mntmnah ok23:47
mntmnso for me i just insert the card edge with the contacts, then press down the other side, it just clicks in23:47
mntmn(samsung evo)23:47
esadI also fitted a wlan antenna, reception is great now23:48
mntmnah cool!23:48
esadit's actually two antennas (2 and 5 ghz)23:48
mntmnnice nice23:48
mntmnso to copy the OS you can just use cp -av23:49
mntmnfor example23:49
esaddo I need swap or something23:49
esadI mean partitioning the ssd23:49
mntmnah... gparted should be preinstalled23:49
mntmni would recommend MBR partition scheme23:49
mntmnand 1 partition23:49
mntmnyou can always use file-based swap if you need it23:50
esadand ext4?23:50
mntmnyeah ext4 is good23:50
specingthat is so 199023:50
mntmnspecing, that's how we roll23:50
esadno reiserfs? :)23:50
specingext4 is good if you don't care about your data23:50
mntmni never lost a bit with it23:50
mntmnyou should have backups anyway :323:50
andrej235Oh! Time for the best editor question yet? ;)23:50
specingyou mean it never told you about data loss?23:50
mntmnspecing, no, i didn't have any23:51
specingmntmn: how do you know when to use backups if it never tells you about data loss?23:51
esadwell I mean I'm still afraid to leave reform charging over night, so.. :)23:51
esadit's not exactly a production system23:51
mntmnspecing, if i had any data loss that was unnoticeable for me, i don't need that data i guess23:51
specingusing ext4 is how you end up computing happily for 5 years then one morning you wake up and half your system is in lost+found23:51
mntmnok specing tell us your favorite FS23:52
specingbtrfs ^_^23:52
mntmni expected that ;)23:52
andrej235when a tree has data loss in forest and nobody notices it...23:52
andrej235guru meditation23:52
mntmnlast time i used btrfs it couldn't tell me how full my disk was23:52
esadah yes, talking about file systems. how about full disk encryption later? would it slow down reform considerably?23:53
esadis there any hardware support for crypto on the board?23:53
specingmntmn: that is because it genuenly cannot know23:53
specingdue to different redundancy schemes for metadata and data23:54
mntmnesad it has CAAM but i don’t know if that works with dm-crypt23:55
mntmni still have to reinstall everything with dm-crypt and can write a guide theb23:55
mntmnbut it shouldn’t be a big problem23:55
esadmarketing for SSD also mentions something about encryption support in hardware23:55
mntmnafaik that’s not trustworthy23:55
specingyes the hardware implementations have side channels23:56
specingand it is not even hardware implementation, but software on the disk23:56
esadso maybe too late to ask this, but are there any open source SSDs?23:57
mntmncryptdevice=... is a kernel function right?23:57
specingthere aren't any esad23:57
mntmnhmm http://www.openssd.io/23:57

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