
mntmnglad to hear!00:00
esadthanks a lot for building this. so many details: the transparent bottom, the mechnical keyboard switches, the way screen lights through on the edges of the lid, the rubber latch :)00:01
esadit really made my day00:01
esadnow, the questions :)00:01
erlehmannmntmn, the explore link on https//source.mntmn.com goes to https://source.mntmn.com/MNT – but is it possible to list all repos?00:01
erlehmannesad, as before, i suggest to comment out the fan control in reformd and use this: https://source.mntmn.com/erlehmann/reformfand00:02
erlehmann(mntmn knows if it is still necessary to comment something out)00:02
esadI just started reading a book titled "Feedback Control" :)00:03
esadis anything on default reform system reading the state of the hall sensor? when I close the lid nothing happens?00:04
mntmnerlehmann ahem00:04
erlehmannmntmn, maybe you improved reformd?00:04
esadwhat wifi card do you recommend? do I need to lay out my own antenna for it inside?00:04
erlehmannesad, the hall sensor should be read by reformd, but read its source, maybe the shutdown / standby is commented out.00:05
esad(maybe I'm not the best beta user - I've been taking computer for granted for too long - never even had to plug in my own wifi card into a laptop :)00:05
erlehmannesad, also the hall sensor randomly triggers when reform has low voltage AFAIK, so that means your computer shuts down then (which is appropriate, but infortunate)00:05
mntmnok one after the other00:06
erlehmannmntmn knows the wifi card00:06
mntmnesad 1. i would recommend an ath9k or ath10k based minipcie card00:06
erlehmanni support this recommendation, but be aware that antenna placement matters a lot for low numbered channels.00:07
specingDoesen't ath10k require fimrware?00:07
esadany tips on antenna placement? do these things come with an antenna or do I have to order it extra?00:08
mntmnand yeah you have to figure the antenna out yourself, i’m using a pretty small one that has a sticky underside which you can put anywere in the case00:09
mntmnnormally they don’t come with one00:09
mntmni didn’t have the impression that placement is terribly important00:09
mntmnnow to the lid00:10
erlehmanni have the impression that antenna placement is important because i could get more range with an ath5k (in a thinkpad T60) than with an ath9k (in REFORM) and the difference is antenna placement00:10
mntmnwith the same antenna and the same watts and the same case material?00:11
erlehmannesad, even without an antenna you should be able to get 50% WLAN on channel 36 or so00:11
esadare there any that also have bluetooth?00:11
esadok, so I can't really make it worse by bad antenna placement00:11
erlehmannmntmn, of course not, but if it is case material, shouldn't the antenna be outside the case?00:11
erlehmannesad, you will see WLAN on channel 5 though and not be able to connect00:12
mntmnwifi/bt: some intel ones i think, probably nonfree but i haven’t looked to closely00:12
erlehmannare low channels a/b and high channels g/n?00:12
mntmnabout the lid: the feature is unfinished/experimental00:13
mntmnthat’s why it is disabled by default00:13
swiveli've been very happy with my usb edimax ew-7811un for wifi, no binary blobs and it cost like $1200:13
erlehmanncan we collect such stuff on the hardware tips site?00:14
mntmnerlehmann yes we can00:14
erlehmannHARRY POTTER00:14
esaddoes anyone know if I can use the wifi card out of my thinkpad x230 for starters? these should be mpcie too?00:14
mntmnerlehmann you will be banned00:14
swivelplus it's isolated on usb so i don't have to trust the firmware embedded in it to not be malicious like something on pcie...00:14
erlehmannmntmn, oh i'll stop ;_;00:14
erlehmannplease don't00:14
mntmnlast warning00:14
esadswivel: but that's one usb port less, no? :)00:15
esad(I'm coming from 12" Macbook, so glad to see usb ports - don't want to give them away :)00:15
swivelesad: yes, i'm on an old thinkpad x61s which has 300:15
erlehmanni have good experience with putting a 7 port USB hub on reform00:16
mntmnesad, maybe the wifi card has a model number?00:16
esad@mntmn so there's a flag in reformd somwhere to enable it?00:16
erlehmannit needs its own power supply to give power to ALL ports at once, though00:16
esad@mntmn yeah I'll get it out and see what it says on the label00:16
mntmnesad yeah it’s a commented out section00:17
erlehmannesad, look at the shutdown procedure in reformd, it is there00:17
erlehmannbtw i have not been able to wake reform up from sleeping, maybe i am doing it wrong00:17
mntmnbut beware, it has a suspend command in it... so i would replace that by logging something and test if it works correctly00:17
erlehmanni think the suspend command can be replaced by echoing or printfing something to /sys/power/state00:18
erlehmannthere should be “freeze mem disk” at least00:18
mntmnthe problem with the sensor is that it should be powered by 5v but it currently isn’t, so the values are not reliable enough00:18
erlehmannbut disk does not work, because you need swap for it00:18
erlehmanni think the values are reliable enough if reform is powered externally or if the battery is full enough00:19
mntmnwe can work on an update at 35c300:19
erlehmannwe should, yes. i commit to it!00:19
mntmntrue erlehmann00:19
erlehmannmntmn, since i removed the shutdown on hall sensor feature in my variant of reformd, several times reform just ran until the battery was empty00:19
erlehmannbecause i fell asleep or something00:20
esadregarding disk: are all ssds nowadays created equal? can I just get any and it will work?00:20
erlehmannwith the sensor it would have shut down (albeit erroneously, but i would have liked it, undervolting is not fun or so i heard)00:20
esaddo I need to enable TRIM or something or is this handled by the SSD?00:20
mntmnesad i tested samsung evo 850 and 860 so far00:20
mntmnthis i don’t know00:20
mntmnin theory all msata ssds should work00:21
mntmnbut i faintly remember a firmware bug or sth in the 1 TB evo00:21
mntmnerlehmann btw i think the 5v booster shuts down before it gets dangerous00:22
mntmnalso it will be shutdown if attiny is below something considered 3.3v high logic level00:22
esadbtw. I noticed today that the battery status was showing 100+% when I plugged the AC adapter00:23
esadit went up to 146% or so00:23
mntmnesad yes known bug00:23
mntmnit is very silly00:23
esadand the manual says that I need to connect the cable myself - but it was already connected?00:23
esadok :)00:23
esadis it safe to leave it overnight charging?00:23
mntmni figured that it would be actually more convenient to have the battery already connected ^^00:23
esadhaha, yes00:24
mntmnesad i don’t assume any responsibility for damage to your property ^^00:24
esadotoh it would be kind of nice onboarding :)00:24
esadjust asking for a prior probability distribution :)00:24
mntmni left it charging overnight several times00:24
mntmni had only 1 battery failure so far while developing the thing (and it was outside of the device)00:25
mntmnand the battery just bloated up00:25
erlehmannmntmn, good to know00:25
erlehmanni never had the high battery bug00:25
mntmni left it then several days on the balcony in a metal bucket and nothing happened00:25
erlehmanni think the bloating is from hydrogen or something?00:26
esadany reason for not going with usb-c for charging? is it more expensive?00:26
mntmnesad, complex00:26
mntmnbut you can probably hack a usb-c charger onto it somehow00:27
mntmnbut afaik the power transfer stuff of usb-c also involves some sort of negotiation protocol00:27
erlehmannmntmn, what was the battery technology again?00:27
mntmnwhereas now everything is pretty much analog00:27
esadyeah I just recently discovered that usb-c charging is not so simple - there's negotiation and cable sensing and weird stuff00:27
mntmnerlehmann, LiFePO400:28
erlehmann> Bulging batteries mean only one thing- buildup of gas inside. The gases are produced due to electrochemical oxidation of the electrolyte. Such oxidation occurs usually due to overcharging of the battery due to a faulty battery, or faulty charging electronics in the phone or battery charger.00:28
mntmnafaik it is much harder to set LiFePO4 on fire than LiPo or LiIon00:28
erlehmannyeah, this is about lithium ion batteries00:28
esadhow much power is it drawing at most?00:28
mntmnesad, for charging?00:29
mntmnor the system power?00:29
mntmnerlehmann LiFePO4 is very different from other battery tech00:29
erlehmannyeah, i am already impressed by you using it!00:30
esadI'm not sure how it works - when the external charger is connected, it's charging the battery and powering everything else?00:30
mntmnthis video is very informative https://youtu.be/hB5ml_OouO400:30
mntmnesad yes00:30
esadso max load is dependend on the system usage too right?00:30
esadI'm just wondering what the maximum observed values are00:30
mntmnthe charging is capped at 1.5A00:30
esadlike screen full brightness, all cores 100%00:30
esad+ charging00:30
mntmnsystem power maybe max 3A-ish00:31
erlehmannwhy are other manufactures not using them?00:31
erlehmanni mean, they seem to be the safest ones00:31
erlehmannPING 297337914100:31
- erlehmann (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~erlehmann@x59cc894d.dyn.telefonica.de)00:31
mntmnerlehmann because they are bigger00:31
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@x59cc894d.dyn.telefonica.de)00:31
mntmnerlehmann they’re not using them because lifepo4 is a bit bigger00:31
mntmnslightly less energy density00:31
erlehmanni see00:32
mntmnbut all other parameters are better in lifepo400:32
esadI'm just wondering if it could be powered by the 30W apple usb-c charger (once it comes usb-c port :-)00:32
mntmnit can deliver massive current while not getting hot and it has more recharge cycles00:32
erlehmannbtw very good irclog setup00:32
erlehmannmntmn, how many? li-ion has like 400?00:33
mntmnesad 30W should be enough00:33
mntmnerlehmann 2000 are advertised but maybe that’s hyperbole00:33
erlehmannmntmn, surely more than the 40000:33
erlehmanni am impressed00:33
mntmnso probably somewhere in the middle ;)00:33
erlehmanndoes anyone have any idea how X11 can hang through xgc?00:33
esadactually as a stop gap solution, maybe there is some kind of usb-c to (what is the name of the plug that reform is using?) adapter00:34
mntmnwhat is xgc?00:34
mntmnesad, “barrel jack”00:34
erlehmannmntmn, an X11 test program00:34
esadcoming from apple land, we love adapters :)00:34
mntmnerlehmann, you could run X in gdb via ssh00:34
mntmnthat’s how i debug these problems00:34
erlehmannmntmn, i can hang X11 on REFORM by starting xgc, then clicking “andReverse”, “DoubleDash” and “Run” i think00:35
mntmnesad true true00:35
mntmnerlehmann cool cool00:35
erlehmannsomeone here reproduced it, m2 maybe? can't remember right now00:35
mntmnno, you just asked him to when he was just trying to get familiar with his brand new system ^^00:35
erlehmannesad, why USB-C, didn't you get an appropriate REFORM power adapter?00:36
erlehmannare you in a country with different power plug standard maybe?00:36
erlehmann(than germany)00:36
mntmnesad crazy stuff00:36
esaderlehmann I already have bunch of USB-C adapter everywhere00:36
erlehmanni see00:37
esaddon't want to carry another brick around00:37
mntmnit could work!00:37
mntmni hope it outputs something like 5V ;)00:37
esadI'd like to try using reform as my primary computer for a week :)00:37
mntmni tried that as well!00:37
erlehmannit is certainly possible to use reform as a primary computer, i did that00:37
esad@mntmn and? :)00:38
erlehmannit worked pretty well, apart from hardware issues00:38
mntmnsadly the hw acceleration in kicad doesn’t work yet00:38
mntmnso i can’t use it for electronics yet00:38
erlehmannmntmn, have you tried phlipple btw? or leocad? both seem to have different 3D problems00:38
erlehmannLeoCAD works very slowly with LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1, but does not show parts without it :(00:39
erlehmannwhich is unfortunate00:39
esadis the SoC soldered on the main (mother?) board? would it be easy to upgrade it in the future?00:39
mntmni didn’t even know these tools but i can try them00:39
mntmnesad it’s not soldered, it’s on the tinyrex som module00:40
mntmni plan an upgrade but it will probably involve swapping the motherboard as well00:40
mntmnbecause new i/o possibilities00:40
mntmni think imx6qp 1.2ghz is kind of the pinnacle of that tech generation00:41
mntmnah do you have 1.2ghz? i don’t remember right now00:41
erlehmannmntmn, phlipple is a game. but LeoCAD is a CAD program with a default parts library of LEGO bricks.00:41
mntmnif not then there is an upgrade option00:41
erlehmanni guess it is possible to not have it use LEGO bricks00:41
mntmnok i will try both now00:42
erlehmannmntmn, the main purpose of LeoCAD is to make LEGO-like renderings of your model in different stages, so you can output assembly instructions.00:42
mntmni have one success story: i compiled FreeCAD on reform. and it works very well00:42
mntmn(i have more success stories of course. for example pcsx_rearmed)00:43
mntmnesad, not sure if there is a more powerful 32 bit arm system ;)00:43
erlehmannthis is LeoCAD https://www.leocad.org/00:43
mntmnerlehmann i also helped with an etnaviv patch that might come out soon, and you still have the mesa debug version that stops on asserts i think00:44
esadwhat is the state of ARM chromebooks? what do the they use?00:44
erlehmannmntmn, nice00:44
mntmnesad, current generation uses a53, a72 cores00:45
mntmni plan an imx8 reform version once it's properly mainlined00:45
mntmni have 2 imx8 systems and they're both highly experimental/unstable00:46
erlehmannwhat is the appeal of imx8 compared to imx6?00:46
mntmnif you want to make music on reform, LMMS works well btw (and even looks good with a proper theme installed)00:47
mntmnerlehmann, it is faster00:47
esadahhh so reform is like iPad 2 cpu-wise :)00:47
mntmnesad, yes but with 4 cores and 4gb ram ;)00:47
erlehmannmntmn, i have not found any problems with REFORM being slow so far00:48
mntmnerlehmann, me only with JS heavy websites etc that you probably don't use00:48
mntmnand compiling stuff can always be faster00:48
mntmnor zooming into pdfs00:48
esadyeah with JS it starts to become bit sluggish00:48
erlehmannmntmn, JS is halting problem, even on a new macbook it can be sloooooooooooow00:48
erlehmannchrome with more than 5 tabs? slow00:48
esadalso haven't tried editing large files in Sublime Editor00:48
mntmnerlehmann, i'm talking not about edge cases but about average cases00:48
erlehmannmntmn, zooming into PDFs in a browser or with mupdf / zathura?00:49
mntmnesad, you're using sublime on reform? how does it work?00:49
esadI was just wondering if 100 euro in unit cost more would bring 3x the performance00:49
mntmnerlehmann, evince i think00:49
mntmnesad, it's not only about cost00:49
mntmnimx8 drivers and ecosystem are mega immature00:49
erlehmannah i see00:49
esadI mean at comparable thermal/power specs00:49
mntmnit's not even in the kernel yet00:49
mntmndespite people claiming otherwise (but they just didn't take a look)00:50
erlehmanni think i tried to md5sum a REFORM boot image, but that took a long time, but i do not know if it is CPU bound.00:50
mntmnlike, linux does not support imx8 yet00:50
mntmnthere are some other beefy socs but the problem is always documentation00:50
mntmni don't want anything where the users would have to sign an NDA or sth00:50
mntmnerlehmann, you can check that with dstat for example00:51
erlehmanni can check what?00:51
esadand who knows maybe RISC-V catches up in the next years :)00:51
mntmnanother candidate for me is layerscape (also freescape/nxp), but it's quite expensive and doesn't have a gpu00:51
mntmni mean the 1.5ghz risc-v chip was launched on crowd supply as well00:52
mntmnso there will hopefully be synergies00:52
erlehmanni would like to have suspend-to-disk working on REFORM. anyone who could help me?00:52
esadthat would be really great00:52
mntmnerlehmann, we can take a look at 35c300:52
erlehmanni already have a swap partition and “printf disk >/sys/power/state” saves an image to that apparently00:52
erlehmannbut it does not get restored00:52
erlehmannon reboot i am where i was before00:52
erlehmannwith a normal reboet00:53
esadwhat is the state of other cpu architectures? what about x86 socs?00:53
erlehmannbut not where i was before saving00:53
mntmnerlehmann, you might have better luck on the arm kernel mailing list or sth00:53
mntmnesad, i find AMD V1000 interesting but it doesn't look like there are public docs00:54
mntmnand i find x86 overly complicated, it feels like legacy00:54
erlehmannmntmn, oh, suspend-to-disk is not specific to arm. it always works. it is more about the boot process. maybe i forgot to set a parameter in uboot or tell systemd?00:54
erlehmannx86 also has a management engine00:54
mntmnerlehmann, i don't know how it works. what does the documentation say? how does the process work?00:54
mntmnerlehmann, no, x86 does not00:55
mntmnsome implementations have00:55
erlehmannmntmn, documentation says it needs documentation00:55
erlehmannmntmn, oh okay00:55
erlehmanni'll google it again00:55
erlehmannbut the man page was not helpful00:55
mntmnintel or amd could totally decide to make a chip without remote control engines etc00:55
mntmnnothing in amd64 depends on it00:56
erlehmannwell, as if they would00:56
mntmnerlehmann: > You will need to point the kernel to your swap using the resume= kernel parameter, which is configured via the boot loader00:56
mntmnerlehmann, maybe they already did?00:57
erlehmannmntmn, i would not know about it if it happened in the last 10 years.00:57
erlehmannmntmn, good to know, but how do i update this on the fly?00:57
mntmnfunny, AMD management engine is ARM00:58
mntmn> The PSP itself is an ARM core inserted on the main CPU die00:58
erlehmannor do i always put the resume parameter there and the kernel aborts if it does not find an image?00:58
mntmnerlehmann, tricky, but not impossible00:58
mntmnyou would need to introduce a u-boot .scr00:58
erlehmann> You will also need to configure the initramfs.00:58
mntmnor wait... maybe you can script it in u-boot00:59
erlehmanni guess that is the difficult part, since REFORM does not have one00:59
mntmnbecause it can read ext400:59
mntmnif you don't have initramfs you don't need to configure it00:59
mntmnso you could write a script in u-boot's environment that checks for a file00:59
mntmnlike, does some file exist that was placed there by the suspend script01:00
mntmnif yes, append kernel parameter and remove file01:00
mntmnor remove file during linux boot (easier)01:00
mntmn(probably better not letting u-boot mess with your fs)01:01
erlehmannmntmn, i'll try to see if i can just give the parameter and the kernel handles it properly if swap is garbage01:01
mntmngood plan01:01
erlehmannand then i'll tell you all01:01
erlehmannwait for it01:01
erlehmannREFORM activate01:01
mntmnmake sure you get the setenv commands etc right01:01
- esad (QUIT: Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)01:01
mntmndid you ever do that?01:01
mntmnok, quick examples:01:02
erlehmanni thought i can just boot from the uboot command line?01:02
erlehmannby using the examples in the handbook01:02
mntmnyes but you need to know how to exactly do that01:02
mntmnbefore you do it01:02
erlehmannis that correct?01:03
mntmnthere are no quotes in the handbook after the setenv bootargs thing01:03
mntmnlet me double check if that's ok01:03
mntmnyes it's ko01:04
+ mrak (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)01:04
mntmnif you want to use variables and they should stay variables (like in bash scripts) you have to use single quotes01:04
mraksublime doesn't have an arm build :(01:04
* mrak -> esad01:04
mntmnesad, aha!01:04
erlehmannesad, so you have to recompile it?01:05
mntmnclosed source i guess?01:05
esadit's closed source, yes :/01:05
esadI'm just too used to it to switch to anything else at this late age :)01:05
erlehmannan advantage of REFORM: you can not be lured into proprietary offerings not compiled for ARM01:05
mntmnexcept if you use exagear01:05
esadweren't we talking before how JS brings down reform to a halt :)01:05
erlehmannesad, emacs probably has some keybinding mode for you? i mean, it tries to emulate wordstar01:06
esadnow imagine a text editor in javascript :)01:06
mntmnesad, well it depends ;)01:06
erlehmannjs is not the problem, badly written websites with js are01:06
mntmnyeah some js stuff can run well01:06
erlehmannmntmn, exagear is the x86 environment?01:06
mntmnso i'd give it a try01:06
erlehmanndoesn't polkit include js?01:06
mntmnerlehmann, yeah the x86 emulator jit thing, also proprietary01:06
mntmnerlehmann, yes01:06
esadactually I could never switch to Atom/VScode on my Mac because it was laggy01:07
mntmnah oh01:07
erlehmannsorry, i'm sleepy. i'll research suspend/wakeup from disk later, since the grub keyboard layout is not neo2.01:07
erlehmannso i need concentration for it to mentally remap it01:07
mntmnlooks like a sublime clone01:07
mntmnerlehmann, sorry for that. you could use an usb keyboard maybe01:08
mntmnerlehmann, i'll finally test your 3d apps now01:09
erlehmannmntmn, i probably should. or be more awake01:10
mntmnyeah maximum alertness is required for fiddling with bootloaders01:10
mntmnerlehmann, leocad does not show any parts, correct?01:11
mntmnlike, it renders only white?01:11
erlehmannmntmn, on my REFORM, yes01:13
mntmnbug confirmed01:13
erlehmannmntmn, compare to rendering with “LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 leocad”01:13
erlehmanni have no idea what could cause this01:13
esadbtw my trackball isn't  smooth when I apply even slightest pressure. i haven't use trackballs in a while, but I remember they could be bit better than this. any ideas how to improve it?01:13
mntmnprobably shader related01:13
mntmnesad yes, see hardware tip #1, one moment01:13
esadwould a rubbery ball like in old mice would make any difference?01:13
mntmnno the ball is perfect01:14
erlehmannwhich reminds me, i still need those ersatz screws01:14
mntmnand it's supposed to be smooth01:14
mntmnerlehmann: yes you'll get them01:14
erlehmannmntmn, do you have time before congress?01:14
mntmnnot sure01:14
mntmni'm in a lot of stress atm01:14
erlehmannthen let's do it at congress01:14
mntmnyeah i'll have everything there01:15
erlehmanni also have the plastic proofs for you with the printed nyancats from the guy who told me he could print onto laptops01:15
mntmnour assembly will be like a service station ;)01:15
mntmncool cool01:15
erlehmannhe might or might not be at the congress, dunno01:15
mntmnright now i'm trying to ship all the beta reforms (i just completed number 9 of 11)01:15
erlehmanni have to ask someone what his name was01:15
mntmnand i have a backlog of todos also for the campaign etc01:15
mntmnesad https://source.mntmn.com/MNT/reform/wiki/HardwareTricks01:16
mntmnso, the ball is stiff if it is squeezed between the trackball assembly and the black top ring that prevents it from falling out01:17
mntmnyou can try to carefully widen the ring, that should help01:17
mntmnerlehmann, what was the failing xgc sequence again01:17
- esad (QUIT: Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)01:19
mntmnesad btw epiphany-browser can yield better performance for some js-heavy sites (i use it for irccloud for example)01:19
mntmnerlehmann: phlipple renders completely black for me01:20
+ mrak (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)01:21
* mrak -> esad01:21
mntmnah no it seems to hang at 110% cpu01:21
erlehmannmntmn, for me too01:21
esad@mntmn yeah it seems bit better now :)01:21
esadI was wonder if the ball would fall out if I turn the reform upside down01:22
mntmnesad, cool. it should not fall out if the black roof prevents it ;)01:22
esadI'm now trying to switch to i3 and use "surf"01:22
mntmnerlehmann, which opengl version does phlipple require?01:22
erlehmannmntmn, no idea01:23
mntmnesad, did you try epiphany-browser yet?01:23
esadnot yet, will do01:23
erlehmanndillo is very fast for me01:23
esadI tried midori or something01:23
erlehmannbut can't do much01:23
esadI actually spent my afternoon surfing in netsurf01:23
mntmnqupzilla and qutebrowser will also work fine _soon_ when a certain etnaviv patch goes through01:23
esadit renders stuff wrong, but it's faster than regular browser on a modern pc :)01:23
mntmnyeah netsurf is really fast01:24
erlehmannmntmn, why does a browser need etnaviv patches?01:24
mntmnhow fast the web could be ;)01:24
mntmnerlehmann, qtwebengine01:24
mntmnit uses gpu rendering01:24
erlehmannoh, so can it be turned off?01:24
erlehmanni have good experience with disabling multiprocess in firefox01:24
mntmnnot sure maybe... it will probably be slower than a browser that's not designed for gpu rendering01:24
esadI'll give epihany a try01:25
mntmndisabling multiprocess?01:25
erlehmannset browser.tabs.remote.autostart to false in firfox01:25
mntmndoes that make it faster?01:25
erlehmannthen it does not start a new process for each tab01:25
mntmni'll try01:25
mntmnhang on01:25
erlehmanni think it might make it slower01:25
erlehmannbut it does not hog all cores on errors01:25
mntmni also disabled that autocomplete/suggest stuff in the firefox address bar which causes a delay01:26
mntmnah ok.01:26
erlehmann(errors meaning: cpu hungry javascript)01:26
mntmni use noscript01:26
mntmn(in ff)01:26
mntmnand i run epiphany in parallel for js pages ;)01:26
erlehmanni also use noscript, but the multiprocess thing seems to be a double-edged sword (i hope i got the right metaphor)01:26
erlehmannfor systems with high specs, ff got faster01:26
erlehmannfor systems with low specs, ff got slower01:26
specingFirefox >= 60.0 is a real snail01:27
mntmnyeah? i noticed the opposite01:27
specing23s for it to respond to input (as in letters to appear in box)01:27
mntmni used pre-quantum FF on reform and it was incredibly slow01:27
mntmnsince quantum it's really usable finally01:27
specingI also disable JIT for security01:28
erlehmannfirefox 52 takes a long time to start01:28
esadwould it be possible to emulate scrollwheel by holding some hotkey and then scrolling via trackball?01:28
erlehmannspecing, how to disable JIT01:28
specingerlehmann: compile ff with --disable-ion01:28
erlehmannesad, i asked this already, the problem is that this is two usb devices01:28
erlehmannesad, so you'll have to do it in software probably?01:28
erlehmanni would love to have the keyboard be a mouse as well01:29
erlehmannfor scrolling01:29
mntmnthat's possible to do01:29
mntmnwe can put it on the lists to prototype @ 35c301:29
mntmnesad there is wheelmode (documented in the manual) but it would be nicer with a hotkey, i agree01:30
erlehmannmntmn, also i was mistaken, ctrl being the most-left key in the bottom row conflicts with my muscle memory01:30
mntmnerlehmann, that was your choice ;)01:30
erlehmannmntmn, as i said, i was mistaken!01:30
mntmnfor me it's the leftmost key in the middle row01:30
mntmnah ok sorry01:30
erlehmannwheelmode makes it not-impossible but hard to use apps that need mouse301:30
esadmy iritation with the layout was that arrow keys are not the rightmost01:31
erlehmannwithout wheelmode, one could press both at the same time, as X11 handles it, but then you have no wheel!01:31
esadI think I will remap it so that it's like that01:31
mntmntrue true. but fixable01:31
erlehmannesad, on my machine, arrow keys are the rightmost, so i got at least that right!01:31
erlehmannbut it is easily fixable in the firmware01:31
erlehmannvery easy i think01:31
esadand remap old "up" and right shfit to pg up/down01:31
erlehmannit is just an arrow01:31
esadah, so layout changed in between revisions?01:32
mntmnesad, pgupdown is fn+up/down01:32
mntmni think i forgot to document that in the manual01:32
erlehmannesad, no i use neo201:32
erlehmannso mntmn asked me to submit a keymap01:32
erlehmannwhich i did01:32
esadyeah but I'm using it so often that I really like it when it's single key (like on thinkpads)01:32
mntmnok understood01:32
erlehmanni have pgup/pgdown on the top right, which is nice … but i often wish i had del/ins there. in reality, i am using it often, but i wish i had more keys … like on a thinkpad.01:33
erlehmanni will improve the fn thing, i think01:33
esadoh I installed a game called epiphany :)01:34
mntmni think the next layout will have more keys, by splitting bigger keys01:34
mntmnesad, yeah i did that mistake as well :D01:34
mntmnthe package is epiphany-browser01:34
esadit's boulder dash! :)01:34
erlehmannesad, epiphany-browser :D01:34
erlehmanni remember chromium BSU being chromium01:34
erlehmannit is a shoot-em-up game01:34
erlehmannthen the browser came01:35
mntmnhaha true, same problem01:35
erlehmannmntmn, i think the idea with the split space bar is a really good one, because i certainly will remap two of the space keys to be modifiers01:35
mntmncurrent chromium works as well btw. but i think epiphany is a bit faster and less googly (if you mind that)01:35
mntmnbtw i use claws-mail on reform because it's faster than the rendering of emacs-notmuch01:36
mntmnthe irony...01:36
esadbtw is it possible to get bitmap fonts in sakura?01:37
mntmni use unifont01:37
esadI isntalled fixed from xfonts but it doesn't show up in the fonts picker01:37
esadbut does it turn off antialiasing for bitmap fonts?01:38
mntmnah wait... so i ship unifont-ttf i think, if you select unifont with size 12 you will have a nice pixely experience01:38
erlehmannmntmn, didn't you have a rendering tip for emacs?01:38
mntmnwith no antialias01:38
mntmnerlehmann: yes, disable line spacing if it is active01:38
erlehmannmntmn, i mean like, not try to list *all* emails01:38
esadthat's nice01:38
esadif it only could be little bit smaller :)01:38
mntmnerlehmann, yes but that is querying, not rendering01:39
mntmnesad, i believe there are other bitmap-like ttf fonts for this purpose, let me remember01:39
mntmnmaybe this http://pelulamu.net/unscii/01:40
mntmn(not sure if un-antialiased)01:40
esadepiphany looks nice. I can hear the fan after visiting the local newspaper site :)01:41
erlehmannesad, you can try to scale unifont smaller, some of it still works01:41
erlehmannbut 12 or 16 are good font sizes for unifont01:41
erlehmann(i drew >500 emoji for it)01:41
mntmnerlehmann, but will it look crisp?01:41
mntmnthe cool thing is that at 12pt it is pixel perfect01:41
erlehmannmntmn, it will not look smudged. i say try 10 or 8 and report back?01:41
mntmnesad, yeah! i heard with erlehmann's reformd you can have less harsh fan sequencing01:42
mntmnbut it haven't integrated it myself yet01:42
mntmnsorry erlehmann's reform_fan_d01:42
erlehmanni think at 16pt it doubles some pixels01:42
erlehmannso not smudgy01:42
mntmnerlehmann: characters like v and y look bad01:42
erlehmannwith 10pt or 16pt?01:42
mntmnerlehmann: with 10 and 801:43
mntmni will integrate reformfand soon and publish a doc about how to update reformd + reformfand, but i need the time for that.01:43
erlehmannmntmn, then unifont is unfit for the purpose of being really small, but wasn't there something by leah neukirchen?01:43
erlehmanni'll get it01:43
mntmnxgc crash confirmed01:44
mntmnnot crash, X hang01:45
erlehmannso any idea what causes it?01:45
erlehmanni do not even know if it is specific to REFORM / etnaviv01:45
mntmnno because i did not run X in gdb01:45
mntmnsure, i don't really wanna try it on my debian-macbok right now01:45
mntmnbecause that's a hassle to reboot01:45
mntmnoh wait01:46
erlehmannesad, sorry those are still 15px and 13px high http://chneukirchen.org/fonts/01:46
mntmnit does not actually hang01:46
mntmnerlehmann, you just have to be patient01:46
mntmnerlehmann, after a minute it will finish and X continues01:46
mntmnso they do something incredibly slow inside of X01:46
erlehmann> The goal is to create a well readable font that is only five pixels wide, such that you can fit four 80-chars wide shells next to each other on a 1600x1200 display. 5x13 is special in being pretty tall, which greatly increases readability.01:46
erlehmannmntmn, oh!01:46
erlehmannmntmn, so that means ANY application can hang X?01:46
mntmnit renders some geometrical thingie01:46
mntmni don't know, how does the program work?01:47
erlehmannyou give it parameters and it renders stuff01:47
erlehmannto demonstrate X11 primitives01:47
erlehmannbut if this is only very slow and not a hang, false positive01:47
mntmnyes but how does it work internally01:47
mntmnwhat does the code do etc01:47
mntmnmaybe it just kicks off some pathological case in X or in glamor on etnaviv01:48
erlehmannyeah that's what i thought01:48
mntmn(glamor is the hw accelerated 2d drawing in X)01:48
erlehmannwanna try if it is faster on the macbook?01:48
erlehmannthe only other machine i have is even slower than reform01:48
mntmnsure i will, hang on01:48
erlehmann       Percentage of Test - scrollbar permits specifying only a percentage  of01:49
erlehmann       the  test to be run.  The number at the left indicates the current set‐01:49
erlehmann       ting, which defaults to 100%.01:49
mntmnno hang on the i701:49
erlehmann(from “man xgc”)01:49
mntmnbut it also looks a bit different, the result01:49
erlehmannso it is a pathological case01:49
mntmnyes probably01:49
mntmni will try now with glamor turned off01:49
erlehmanni will try now on 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV515/M54 [Mobility Radeon X1400]01:49
erlehmannokay, it renders *immediately*01:50
erlehmann0,006 seconds01:50
erlehmannmntmn, i'll open a ticket on source.mntmn.com, ok?01:50
mntmntickets are always welcome yeah01:51
mntmnoh wow01:52
mntmnwith glamor turned off, it renders immediately on reform01:52
mntmnthe sad story is (and it's really strange to me, i have to ask some x people) -- turning off glamor also turns of GL01:52
mntmnlike, hardware GL01:52
mntmnthe software drawing is actually fast enough, but it prevents the use of HW GL01:53
erlehmanni see01:53
mntmnmaybe X can be patched somehow to use more software rendering pathss01:54
mntmnalso funny (or sad) how blender is more responsive with software / llvmpipe GL then with "full redraw" hardware GL01:57
erlehmannmntmn, can i enable llvmpipe for arbitrary programs?02:02
mntmnerlehmann, yeah i think you already did it02:03
mntmnwith the GL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE flag02:03
mntmnthere are also tons of mesa/GL debugging capabilities02:03
mntmnbut i don't remember them atm02:03
erlehmannhere https://www.mesa3d.org/envvars.html02:04
erlehmann> MESA_EXTENSION_OVERRIDE - can be used to enable/disable extensions. A value such as "GL_EXT_foo -GL_EXT_bar" will enable the GL_EXT_foo extension and disable the GL_EXT_bar extension.02:05
erlehmannthis is nice02:05
mntmnah cool02:05
mntmnthere is also a gdb init file that makes gdb much more interesting02:06
mntmnwith live disassembly etc02:06
mntmnerlehmann, what is the diablo clone called again? and other games that work well except minetest?02:08
erlehmannliberation ciruit worked very well02:09
erlehmanni remember you asking if it was immediate mode GUI02:09
erlehmannand i was like “this is what allegro looks like”02:09
mntmnthanks yeah102:13
mntmni'm writing the recommended/tested software lisst02:13
erlehmannmntmn, btw the reform man page does not belong into section 102:16
erlehmannor am i mistaken?02:16
mntmnthat is true02:16
erlehmannmaybe section 702:17
erlehmannSection 7: conventions and miscellany - Linux man pages02:17
erlehmannsee, for example, https://linux.die.net/man/7/boot02:18
mntmnbtw, for gameboy fun: gngb -o -s --sample_rate=48000 supermarioland.rom02:18
erlehmannwhere do i get supermarioland.rom?02:18
mntmn(disclaimer: i own an original copy of this game)02:18
mntmni just wanted to give you well working options for gngb ;)02:19
mntmnalso there is an amiga emulator with arm jit02:19
erlehmanndidn't you say everything pandora worked well on REFORM?02:20
erlehmanni am sure they have some kind of software repo02:20
mntmnyes it should, good question02:20
mntmnuae4arm is the one. but i couldn't get the mouse to work yet :/02:21
esadok I had to remove /etc/fonts/conf.d/70-no-bitmaps.conf02:22
esadthen bitmaps font show up in font picker02:22
mntmnahh! good hint02:22
esadanyway "Fixed Medium Semi-Condensed 10" is perfect for terminal/sakura02:22
mntmni will put it in the wiki later02:22
esadyou can try in sakura.conf02:22
esadah yes apt install xfonts-traditional02:23
esadcould it be that the last column of pixels of the display is somehow cut off?02:28
erlehmannesad, because of i3bar, right?02:29
esadbut it could be i302:29
esadthe bottom right celsius C is cut off02:29
esadbut also when I open a new terminal window it has blue borders everywhere except on the right side02:30
erlehmannesad, i say open an issue on https://source.mntmn.com02:32
erlehmanni am sure mntmn will give you credentials (or has already, maybe?)02:32
mntmni will on request sure02:34
mntmn2 pixels are missing yeah02:35
mntmnbecause there was a driver problem with the 1366 physical resolution02:36
mntmn(non multiple of 8)02:36
mntmnso i set the resolution to 136802:36
mntmni’m sure it can be worked around though02:36
esad@mntmn how do I send the request? mail?02:37
mntmnyeah or i can just invite you to your email that you ordered with02:38
esadbtw I just installed dillo browser. it's ancient and nearly unusable but wow it's fast.02:38
esadyeah that works02:38
erlehmannesad, nearly unusable, yes, but FAST02:40
erlehmannesad, another thing would be elinks, which is really nice. or links2 -g (which is worse than dillo for most stuff).02:40
esadit'd be interesting to make browser that kind of approximates what css3 layout wants to do02:40
esador supports only the most used part of it02:41
esadbut it's this fast02:41
esadI don't care about perfect layout if it would mean this speed02:41
esadbut yeah02:41
mntmnyeah that would be nice02:41
mntmnthere can never be enough browser engines ;)02:41
mntmnhave you heard of browsh?02:42
esadin safari you can turn on reader mode per default for all websites :)02:42
erlehmannhaha https://www.dillo.org/FAQ.html#q2802:42
erlehmann> If Dillo requests an image and receives a response containing a redirection (i.e., pointing to a different URL), the redirection is not followed. These have a strong tendency to be advertisements.02:43
erlehmann> For privacy reasons, Dillo runs with cookies disabled by default.02:43
esadyeah it's from a different era02:43
erlehmann>  Dillo does not have a file containing browsing history.02:44
esadso brow.sh runs "real" engine on the server and transmits asciified output or?02:44
mntmnso, now we also need an open hardware server ;)02:45
erlehmannharr harr02:45
mntmnbtw very off topic but do you know if there are schematics for talos secure workstation? i think not?02:46
mntmnesad, did you get the invite?02:47
erlehmannmntmn, why is the resolution 1366? also is it possible to make it 1360?02:48
esad@mntmn yes, thanks02:48
esadit's 6 pixels more than 1360 :)02:48
esadI guess 1360 would look even more "off"02:49
mntmnerlehmann, the physical resolution is 1366x76802:51
mntmnbut maybe with xrandr it's possible to constrain the screen to 1366 again and not use the full virtual 136802:51
erlehmannoh, i can try that02:51
mntmnyou can try to make a custom resolution02:52
mntmni'm sure X has some kind of facility for this kind of stuff02:52
erlehmann> It turns out that, when you want to use a mode that is not proposed in xrandr -q, you may be able to add one yourself. To create a mode for 1024x768 at 60 Hz, you first run:02:53
erlehmanngtf 1024 768 60 | grep Modeline | cut -d' ' -f4-02:53
mntmnbut be careful with timings if that comes up02:53
erlehmann> Now you can run xrandr --newmode LINE, where LINE is the output of the above, and run xrandr --addmode DISPLAY NAME, where DISPLAY is the name of the display to which you want to add the mode, and NAME is the first field of LINE (the one in quotes). The new mode should now appear in xrandr -q, and you can try switching to it with --mode. This may fail in creative ways if your screen doesn't like the mode.02:54
mntmnlike, if you do very extreme things it can have ghosting etc effects on the LCD that stays for minutes02:54
erlehmanni suspect you have tried various “very extreme things” to get that knowledge?02:55
erlehmannif so, i would like to know what not to do02:55
mntmnfor example don't do a resolution that is smaller than the physical one02:55
mntmnlike, smaller than 1366x76802:56
mntmni'll get you the modline, sec02:56
mntmnerlehmann: https://github.com/mntmn/reform-linux/blob/master/imx6qdl-mntreform.dtsi#L46602:57
mntmnah i also wrote a comment about the bug there02:57
mntmnso with 1366 apparently the /dev/fb0 device fails and there is maybe no kernel console... maybe it also has been fixed in the meantime02:57
mntmnthis is one of the first problems i ever encountered during development of reform, more than a year ago02:57
erlehmanni see02:57
erlehmannmntmn, i thought maybe i could make it smaller :/02:58
mntmnif the pixels are not refreshed they will light up in pathological ways IIRC02:58
mntmnbut try adding 1366x768 with the timings from that dtsi02:59
esadoh, I just realized that reform has 3 spacebar keys :)02:59
mntmnesad yeah :) the original idea was to have them customizable, for more mouse buttons etc02:59
mntmni actually mostly use the small space bars as spaces and almost never the middle02:59
esadyeah would be great for scrollwheel hotkey02:59
esadwith the right key one could even scroll onehanded03:00
mntmnor left key if you are left-handed ^^03:00
erlehmannthe word for cut-off borders on a screen is “overscan”03:02
erlehmanni mention it just in case some of you might want to look for a solution03:02
erlehmannso you know what to search for03:02
esadtrue :)03:03
erlehmannseems xrandr can do it?03:03
erlehmannlet me try and report back!03:03
erlehmannah, screen must support it :(03:04
mntmnfunny https://html.brow.sh/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet03:04
esadfor some reason it looks very bad in net surf03:06
esadit looks very nice in safari03:06
esadcould one click on a cookie consent popup via brow03:06
mntmnhaha maybe yes03:07
erlehmannimages do not load in dillo03:07
mntmnyou can even watch youtube in browsh03:07
mntmnso what you would want is xrandr --output LVDS-1 --panning 1366x76803:07
mntmnbut it doesn't work03:07
mntmnwith a larger number it exposes a funky etnaviv bug btw03:07
mntmnexample: xrandr --output LVDS-1 --panning 1500x76803:08
mntmnand then move the mouse out to the right03:08
mntmnyou will end up in a more and more glitchy display03:08
mntmnmoving to the left border will decrease the glitch03:08
mntmni know this from developing my gfx card03:08
esadthere's a newer version of netsurf (3.8) that got released this year - reform ships with 3.603:08
mntmnit's when the graphics scanout memory and the framebuffer memory layout don't match03:09
mntmnesad, so they don't have that new one in debian yet03:09
erlehmannesad, you can complain to debian probably, via „reportbug $(which netsurf)“ or something like that03:10
mntmnok gonna get some sleep03:20
mntmnesad i always read logs in case you have more questions later03:20
mntmngood night!03:20
erlehmanngood night03:21
esadalso going to sleep. talk to you later!03:21
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+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@x59cc894d.dyn.telefonica.de)03:24
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+ Jookia (~Jookia@gateway/tor-sasl/jookia)04:08
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@x59cc8959.dyn.telefonica.de)04:21
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+ mrak (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)12:59
mntmnthe article is not very good but lead me to watch the “macintosh factory” videos where stuff looks hilariously overengineered for the time13:16
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+ mrak (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)13:21
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* mrak -> esad14:25
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+ esad (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)14:53
andrej235and now for the first time in years I am a bit sad that I am not going to Xc3 anymore.14:58
- esad (QUIT: Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)15:16
mntmnandrej235, yeah, you'll miss out on the MNT assembly ;))15:32
mntmnwow, x2go is incredibly fast15:32
mntmni'm using it on reform now with my linux-macbook as a x2go server15:32
mntmnit's mind-blowingly fast15:33
+ esad (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)15:34
mntmnesad, if you want a nice remote desktop experience on reform, x2go is the way to go15:36
mntmnfor example, if you have a beefy linux server somewhere and want to use its cpu power on reform15:36
esadhm, how is latency for everyday usage?15:37
esadI mean stuff like editing, surfing..15:37
mntmnalmost zero15:37
mntmnthat's why i'm so hyped atm...15:37
mntmnmy faster computer is on the same LAN though15:38
mntmni'll try it later with an AWS server15:38
esadwhat is the nearest AWS availability zone to germany/austria?15:38
mntmngermany ;)15:39
esadoh, that's nice15:39
mntmnfrankfurt i think15:39
mntmni recently spun up a GPU (nvidia tesla) machine there and tried to use it over vnc15:39
mntmnit was disappointing15:39
mntmnbut i'll try again with x2go15:39
mntmnso i just have to put a talos secure workstation or sth similar on the internet to have a pretty libre mainframe-like experience ;)15:40
mntmni'm typing this from firefox running on an AWS machine via x2go on reform16:01
mntmnalso funny to be able to download stuff with 88MB/s on this machine16:08
- esad (QUIT: Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)16:36
+ esad (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)17:08
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+ esad (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)18:23
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+ esad (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)18:45
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+ esad (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)19:10
- esad (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)19:29
+ esad (~textual@p238-095.vps.tuwien.ac.at)19:29
esad@mntmn and how is the latency? and that's probably the easiest way to get sublime on reform :)19:30
mntmnso the latency on AWS is bigger than to a computer in the LAN of course19:32
mntmnbut it's still good... it seems to be optimized for text stuff19:32
mntmnand x2go is really easy to set up, it doesn't require any networking component except ssh19:33
esadohhh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dk306ZkNOuc is gold19:33
esadblack and white tiled floor so robots can move around with precision :)19:34
mntmnyeah... part 2 is also very fun19:36
esadspeaking of manufacturing - what is the unit cost for the 1.2 ghz reform device? i mean bom only19:36
mntmni'm... not sure atm19:36
mntmnmaybe i'll do a postmortem when all are built19:36
mntmnin the end it was probably more than the sale price19:38
esadbut just as an estimate, do you think the 400-500 euro target I've read somewhere maintainable?19:38
mntmni won't build the campaign reforms like this19:39
esadyeah you're probably also not counting hours spend on sanding the keycaps etc. :)19:39
mntmnit will have to be simplified19:39
mntmnyeah counting everything each reform cost maybe 2000 euro19:39
esadwell it's all function of scale, right? it'd all be very different if you'd be building 100, 1000, 10.000 etc units19:40
esadI guess 10 devices is the worst scale19:40
mntmnyes of course19:40
esadbecause it's still theoretically doable by hand :)19:40
esadi mean single person's/small team hand19:41
mntmnthe case construction will be simplified, the board maybe simplified a bit as well19:41
esadbut the idea is still that you can buy a preassembled reform from mnt?19:41
mntmnright now it has a few more high-end components19:41
mntmnyeah, i want to offer an "ikea" kind of kit as well19:42
mntmni might also switch from cherry to kailh19:42
mntmnreduce the number of key shapes19:42
mntmnetc etc19:42
esadbtw does ESC key have a different switch?19:42
esadit seems to have different response19:43
esadmaybe it's the backplane19:43
esadit has bit deeper travel and springier response19:43
mntmnhmm maybe keycap irregularity or because it's in the corner19:43
mntmnah yeah maybe the pcb is a bit springy there :D19:43
esadwhat kind of switches did laptops in the early 90ies use?19:44
esadI remember those keyboards weren't that bad19:44
esadprobably also cherrly ml :/19:44
mntmnalps maybe?19:44
mntmnpretty similar to cherry ml internally19:47
esadyeah just found https://deskthority.net/wiki/Alps_SKFL_series19:47
mntmnbut bigger19:47
mntmni sampled these kind of switches and like them https://novelkeys.xyz/products/kailh-low-profile-switches19:48
mntmnalso would halve the price of the keyboard possibly19:48
esaddo you know if there's an external keyboard with those?19:49
esadoh there are plenty19:49
mntmnyeah there are some19:49
esadvery interesting19:49
mntmnso that's also a factor, there are not many ML keyboards19:50
mntmnML might even be discontinued in favor of cherry's low profile mx19:50
esadboahh I really can't stand the rgb led backlight19:50
mntmnyeah design choices nowadays...19:50
esadI understand the utility and it's really useful if done nicely but most of them look like tuned Golf GTI with neon light underneath or something19:50
mntmnyeah like most PC stuff sadly19:51
esadthere's also https://deskthority.net/wiki/Topre_short-throw_keyboards :-)19:52
mntmnah yeah i believe my HHKB lite has thos19:53
mntmnah no > membrane rubber domes switches19:53
mntmnmy amiga 2000 keyboard also has similar switches like topre19:54
mntmnfeels pretty nice19:55
- esad (QUIT: Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) (~textual@p238-095.vps.tuwien.ac.at)20:20
+ esad (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)20:27
- esad (QUIT: Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)20:59
+ esad (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)21:16
esadI'm trying to get my intel wireless card running (it's a centrino N6205, should be supported by iwlwifi)21:16
esadbtw. is it normal for non-full size pcie cards to hang diagonally21:16
esadafter I install firmware-iwlwifi, modprobe says fatal module not found in /lib/modules/4.2.0-...21:18
esadam I missing something from the kernel21:19
swivelsounds like it21:36
esadare the dep files from reform kernel available somewhere?21:38
swiveli dunno, but if you have /proc/config.gz you can see if your driver was included in the running kernel config21:39
esadit wasnt21:41
swivelesad: what all do you see in /lib/modules/$(uname -r) ?21:43
esadI don't have /lib/modules at all21:43
swivelsome distros include the kernel build machinery there, making it quite easy to build modules after the fact21:43
swivelwhat does zgrep CONFIG_MODULES /proc/config.gz say?21:44
esadand something about elf rel21:46
esadthat's it21:46
swivelwell at least the kernel supports loadable modules21:46
swiveli wonder where they are if not in /lib/modules21:46
- esad (QUIT: Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)21:56
swivelah esad left, but for posterity sake the arch wiki has good info re: building kernel modules independent of the kernel https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Compile_kernel_module22:05
+ esad (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)22:12
mntmnesad sorry i didn’t ship any modules infrastructure yet, but we can piece it together later. or you clone reform-bootstrap and run mkkernel.sh22:52
mntmnlike, in a few hours i could take a look. currently i’m not loading any modules and just put everything in the kernel22:52
esadso I should be able to load the intel module if I had the dep files?22:53
esadmaybe you can put a tarball somewhere22:53
mntmnlet me see22:53
swivelesad: you'll need the .ko23:01
swivelthe dep file can be generated using depmod, it's not the critical piece23:02
- esad (QUIT: Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)23:02
swivelmntmn: if you wanted to continue shipping things that way, it would be convenient to provide an Arch style /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build setup so it's easy to build arbitrary modules... or just use Arch instead of Debian ;)23:03
+ esad (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)23:04
mntmni'm very inexperienced with modules and always just compile a new kernel with the stuff i need, so i'll have to read up on how all these things work together23:09
- esad (QUIT: Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)23:13
+ esad (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)23:16
mntmnesad: http://dump.mntmn.com/reform-kernel-modules-20181216.tar.gz23:17
mntmni guess you can extract this to /lib/modules/<kernel-version>23:17
mntmnthere is iwlwifi and some other stuff there, like coda23:17
mntmn(coda is the hardware h264 decoder that has to load a blob to work)23:18
mntmnoh interesting https://github.com/pH5/coda-bits23:19
mntmnthis has some very interesting and new to me info about the coda unit in i.MX623:20
- esad (QUIT: Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)23:22
+ esad (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)23:23
mntmnhaha > The following information has been obtained by staring at the CODA firmware files distributed by Freescale, for a really long time, until patterns emerged23:23
esadyay I can see my wifi card23:23
esadwhich is hanging diagonally from the pcie port :)23:24
mntmnesad, after loading the module from my archive?23:24
esadyes just modprobe iwlwifi23:24
mntmnargh, better use some tape or get one of those cheap half-to-fullsize adapters :D23:24
mntmnesad, cool23:25
esadhm, wicd network manager doesn't see it, but it's there in ifconfig23:25
mntmni guess i should just ship all kind of modules then23:25
mntmnyeah i don't know, people had a bunch of disappointments with wicd and stuff worked better with networkmanager23:25
- esad (QUIT: Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)23:28
+ esad (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)23:30
esadok it just needs interface name in preferences23:31
esadand rfkill tool23:32
esadyay and i'm online23:33
esadstrength: 42% sitting right next to router - no antenna :)23:33
- esad (QUIT: Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)23:36

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