
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@x59cc89d2.dyn.telefonica.de)00:29
m2mntmn thank you for the kernel, sending from reform on wifi now00:40
mntmnm2 oh cool that it works!00:41
m2mntmn thank you for the kernel, sending from reform on wifi now00:41
mntmnm2 cool cool! got your message twice now :D00:42
m2yea, i'm that excited :) j/k, i think there was a bit of lag and i didn't see the local echo so i repeated00:42
m2only minor issues remain, but i think they're basic debian config things i'm unfamiliar with, unrelated to new custom hardware00:43
m21) rather than wlan0 as the interface name, it's coming back as a long ugly 16 character serial number looking thing.00:44
mntmnyeah i think udev renames the device00:44
mntmni’m not sure why they do that tbh00:45
mntmnmaybe it’s possible to disable that “feature”00:45
zakxit's called predictable interface naming, a systemd feature00:45
zakxit has an actual, useful purpose: making sure that your network device is the one you expect it to be00:45
m22) wicd doesn't find any wifi networks even when the interface is showing up w/ifconfig. so i configure the network manually in /etc/network/interfaces as described on debian.org, linked to from the page you sent00:46
m2i wouldn't really notice the interface name, except that i had to type it out a few times in /etc/network/interfaces :)00:46
mntmnhere are some ideas https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/40089800:46
mntmnzakx hmm makes some sense00:46
zakxfwiw you can just boot with net.ifnames=100:46
zakxor # ln -s /dev/null /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules00:47
m2when configured like this, wicd shows no connection, & theres a message on i3 statusbar that says "No WIFI" even when i'm connected00:48
zakxoh sorry, it's net.ifnames=0 of course00:48
mntmnm2, it’s possible that networkmanager works better for you than wicd00:48
zakxhere's some docs https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/00:48
mntmnso, you can try to install that and remove wicd00:49
m2zakx thanks! yea especially if I was using multiple NICs at once on a machine i'd appreciate that feature00:49
m2but for this laptop where I'll probably be grabbing whatever wifi stick i find laying around, i'd almost prefer if it treats every nic the same and connects to same network00:50
m2mntmn, will give that a try00:51
mntmnwicd also has different backends but i’m not an expert regarding those00:52
mntmncalled “drivers” iirc00:53
mntmnanyways i think NM will work. i had a similar problem with another user who was at my place and with NM it could actually find SSIDs00:55
erlehmannthe predictable interface naming is a boon i think01:01
erlehmannit actually describes where to find the device01:01
mntmnin the best case yeah01:02
swiveldid erlehmann just express appreciation for a feature of systemd?01:13
erlehmannswivel, the main problem with systemd is not features, but the way the developers behave.01:15
m2i would really like the feature *if* i could remap the predictable naming to a shorter alias01:15
erlehmanni.e. saying that udev will be usable without systemd and then suddenly, 3 years later, claiming that it was always clear that this would be deprecated.01:15
erlehmannalso ignoring user consent.01:15
mntmnyeah i guess it works better on pci etc buses01:15
mntmnm2, is it now named after the mac address?01:16
m2nope, its more than just hex chars: wlx000f6008285b01:16
zakxyeah, that's the MAC01:17
mntmnyeah but it’s the mac01:17
swivelerlehmann: lennart can be annoying, but I wouldn't group all the systemd developers so generally.01:17
zakx>4. Names incorporating the interfaces's MAC address (example: enx78e7d1ea46da)01:17
zakxsee the link to freedesktop.org I posted above01:17
mntmni use a minipcie wifi card in reform and it’s named wlp0s1 or similar01:18
mntmni guess they don’t have a short scheme for usb net devices01:18
zakxit wouldn't make sense to have one as usb is highly volatile01:19
mntmnyeah i guess so01:19
zakxthe whole case of this is to make it predictable; USB isn't01:19
mntmnm2 any other pressing questions before i go to sleep?01:24
m2no, thank you so much! none of this is pressing, it's totally usable at this point and there's actually a lot I want to explore, so even if I hit a few problems i can just play with something else01:25
swivelm2: I'm pretty sure you can control the renaming if you wish to01:25
mntmnm2, glad to help. in case you haven’t seen, there are some known issues listed here https://source.mntmn.com/MNT/reform/issues and here https://source.mntmn.com/MNT/reform/wiki/HardwareTricks01:29
m2hah, so far everything i've noticed is already on HardwareTricks page :)01:30
m2well i haven't seen the usb port 0 issue, and i don't think the fans whiny compared to any other laptop01:31
erlehmannswivel, oh, it's not only lennart. but i do not want to talk about this.01:33
swivelerlehmann: well, I'm a systemd developer, and do not consider myself part of what you're complaining about.01:34
swivelI became involved to improve components of software that was shipping in my distro of choice, not to ignore users or otherwise upset the community01:35
erlehmannswivel, but you are aware of the “if you don't say no, we assume yes” dynamic that is going on, right?01:36
erlehmanni mean, kay sievers for example01:36
swivelkay sievers isn't even involved for years01:36
erlehmannthat may be. but the point is that this (and lennarts) behaviour seems to be tolerated (because they produce usable code, i assume?) by the other devs. i personally would not work with such a team. but really, right now, i want to talk about something else.01:37
swiveli am often upset by lennart's arrogance and general personality, and despised systemd and how it seemed to be forced onto the community01:38
erlehmannit's probably not hard to be upset by that ^^01:38
erlehmannso i noticed a side channel yesterday. apparently the USB port leaks computation01:38
erlehmanni already informed mntmn and he told me that REFORM is probably not the only machine where that happens01:39
erlehmannany pointers regarding exploitation?01:39
specing"leaks computation"?!?01:39
erlehmanni used a headset with a USB-powered bass amplifier. even when the amplifier was powered off, i could hear a faint noise.01:40
erlehmannif i turn the amplifier on, this is more noticeable01:40
erlehmannreads from /dev/urandom sound differently than reads from /dev/zero01:41
erlehmannthe first is noice01:41
erlehmannthe second one is a more-or-less uniform tone01:41
erlehmannalso if i start xclock and give it a period of 1 second, i can hear a tick every one second01:41
erlehmannlike i can hear X11 rendering it or something01:41
specingswivel: you could produce lfsystemd01:42
specingfor lennart-free systemd, like EFNet was for IRC :)01:42
erlehmannlennart is not the problem01:44
erlehmanni get the hate, he is not very nice to others. but a single person can rarely upset things so much. there is a whole project with specific priorities and a lack of respect for user choice.01:45
erlehmannthat, much more than lennarts utterings, is my problem with sd.01:45
swivelerlehmann: I think you underappreciate how much of that resulted from the leadership01:46
swivelerlehmann: but also a lot of these things like the monorepo for everything, swallowing udev, appearing to disrespect choice while consuming everything, was just optimizing the development process with a complete awareness that they were attempting to do too much with too little resources and couldn't have inefficiencies in the development process like having myriad public interfaces to define and iterate01:48
swivelacross disparate projects01:48
swivelthe intention was not to disrespect the users, it was kind of a crisis mode development01:49
specingreads from /dev/urandom sound differently than reads from /dev/zero01:49
specing< erlehmann> reads from /dev/urandom sound differently than reads from /dev/zero01:50
specingwell... one is pseudarandom and the other is a stream of zeroes, what did you expect?01:50
erlehmannswivel, one problem is telling people that everything will be fine and interoperable and then 2 or 3 years later saying “we always told you we would migrate this stuff to systemd and couple it tightly”01:54
erlehmannhappened too often for my taste01:54
erlehmannwith, like, every project sd swallowed01:54
erlehmannthere are nicer ways of noticing people that you want to break compatibility01:55
erlehmannspecing, regarding the reads. the problem is that i do “dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/null bs=1M” and hear noise OVER THE USB PORT01:55
erlehmanni can start a program and hear a faint sound. or press a key and hear a sound.01:56
specingby noise you mean power supply noise?01:56
specingwhat is making the sounds?01:56
erlehmannthe headphones01:57
erlehmanni think i hear the fluctuations in power supply caused by computation01:57
specingsomeone forgot to add fast capacitors? i.e. only electrolytes present?01:57
erlehmannno idea?01:59
specingbuy some tantalums and add them yourself?01:59
specingsee if that fixes it02:00
swivelthat'd be annoying without even considering any information leak / security risk potential02:01
swivelin the old days we had to take care to not put the sound board near the video board to prevent noise in the audio output02:02
erlehmannit would be great if anyone could help fixing this02:02
erlehmanni mean, any program having USB access is currently being able to spy :/02:03
m2erlehmann, i'm not sure if what you're hearing is a signal that's available digitally on the USB data lines. my guess is theres audio frequency noise on the 5v bus, which is used as the power supply for your amp too02:12
m2it is a information leak, but requires physical access to the device, not programmatic access02:13
swiveltry digitally recording it from the host02:13
erlehmannif i record it from the host, i have a feedback loop02:13
erlehmannbecause i hear the programs that execute on the host02:13
erlehmanni have to record externally, probably02:14
swivelif you can successfully create that loop, you've demonstrated the leaked information is available digitally to the host02:14
swivelwhich is the point of the test02:14
erlehmanni see02:14
erlehmanni'm not a very clever man02:15
m2and i'm only here because I couldn't set up my wifi :P02:15
swivelerlehmann: it's probably an interesting test to do: just record audio from the USB audio device, while doing things like cat random vs. null, etc.  then play the recording back on something without this problem02:18
- erlehmann (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~erlehmann@x59cc89d2.dyn.telefonica.de)02:30
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@x59cc89d2.dyn.telefonica.de)02:30
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+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@x59cc89d2.dyn.telefonica.de)02:31
- erlehmann (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~erlehmann@x59cc89d2.dyn.telefonica.de)03:01
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@x59cc89d2.dyn.telefonica.de)03:01
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+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@x59cc89d2.dyn.telefonica.de)03:05
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+ Guest8203 (~erlehmann@x59cc89d2.dyn.telefonica.de)03:29
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+ erlehmann_ (~erlehmann@x59cc89d2.dyn.telefonica.de)03:37
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+ erlehmann_ (~erlehmann@x59cc89d2.dyn.telefonica.de)03:40
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+ erlehmann_ (~erlehmann@x59cc89d2.dyn.telefonica.de)03:50
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+ erlehmann_ (~erlehmann@x59cc89d2.dyn.telefonica.de)04:14
* erlehmann_ -> erlehmann04:21
- erlehmann (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~erlehmann@x59cc89d2.dyn.telefonica.de)04:39
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@x59cc89d2.dyn.telefonica.de)04:39
m2got the wifi working with NetworkManager. per the debian wiki, i had to add wifi.scan-rand-mac-address=no to NetworkManager.conf04:44
- erlehmann (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~erlehmann@x59cc89d2.dyn.telefonica.de)04:44
m2after rebooting the interface name finally matched the MAC address (previously even though the name looked like "wlc"+macaddress, it was not the same as the mac reported by ifconfig04:47
mntmnm2, cool!09:38
mntmnerlehmann, to be able to “spy” you would also need a microphone or other ADC connected to the amplified audio. the information is analog in the 5V rail, not available digitally09:41
mntmnit is modulated onto the audio of your headphones by the amplifier which you feed with this 5V rail09:42
mntmnif you use an external power source to amplify the audio, you will not hear the noise09:43
- plomlompom (QUIT: Quit: WeeChat 1.0.1) (~plom@plomlompom.com)20:36
+ plomlompom (~plom@play.plomlompom.com)20:36
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@x59cc8ba3.dyn.telefonica.de)21:03
- erlehmann (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~erlehmann@x59cc8ba3.dyn.telefonica.de)22:00
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@x59cc8ba3.dyn.telefonica.de)22:00
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+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@x59cc894d.dyn.telefonica.de)23:32
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+ Guest78909 (~erlehmann@x59cc894d.dyn.telefonica.de)23:45
* Guest78909 -> erlehmann23:49
+ esad (~textual@84-113-242-212.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)23:55
esadhello everyone! I just got my reform today!23:56
plomlompomcongratulations esad23:56
mntmnesad awesome23:56
esadit was so fun to unbox it and it really reminded me of unboxing my first 8-bit computer, with schematics in the user manual and everything :)23:56
mntmnhaha cool! what was your first one?23:57
esadoh, it's quite obscure, it was called ORIC Nova23:57
esadI think it was made in slovenia under license23:58
mntmnah special23:58
esadthe keycaps feel soooo nice!23:58
esadon reform, not on oric :)23:59

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