
+ m2 (~m@2001:19f0:8001:1353:5400:1ff:fe9e:fc71)00:12
mntmnbtw seems like compton with i3 causes more tearing than leaving it out.00:21
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@x59cc8918.dyn.telefonica.de)03:24
m2may I be the first noob to ask about how to connect to a network with reform! i have several usb wifi adapters but it seems drivers are missing. and when i connect with ethernet cable to my router, i get no dhcp response - exact same behavior if ethernet cable is disconnected05:44
erlehmannm2, use wicd-curses05:54
erlehmannm2, also you can add a wifi card to REFORM that works with free firmware, ask mntmn about specifics (I don't have my REFORM at hand).05:55
erlehmannm2 also, please test drive https://source.mntmn.com/erlehmann/reformfand05:58
erlehmann(you need to comment out the fan control in reformd for that to work)05:58
m2erlehmann, thank you! now typing via my reform. online for the first time06:07
erlehmannm2, portscan localhost, i think it has an SSH server06:09
erlehmannm2, can you verify something for me? a crash?06:09
erlehmanni mean, a hang06:09
m2sure, happy to help if I can06:09
erlehmann1. start xgc 2. click, in that order: a) andRevers b) DoubleDash c) Run06:09
erlehmannit hangs X on my REFORM06:10
erlehmannno idea why06:10
m2ok, will verify right after updates finish installing06:10
erlehmannoh btw06:10
erlehmannif you reboot on updates06:10
erlehmannand it installs systemd06:10
erlehmannplease look at /etc/fstab06:10
erlehmanndo it06:10
erlehmannnow before rebooting06:10
erlehmann(also systemd is pig disgusting)06:11
erlehmannm2, see this issue https://source.mntmn.com/MNT/reform-system-image/issues/606:11
erlehmann> The line /dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot vfat defaults,rw 0 0 may interrupt the boot process if a user ever installs systemd.06:12
m2uhh, i'm confused with what I\m seeing in in /etc/fstab06:12
erlehmanndo you see a line with /boot for a device that is not mounted at /boot?06:12
erlehmannif so, systemd can and will interrupt the boot process until you fix that06:12
erlehmannor maybe until you press ctrl D06:13
erlehmannwho knows06:13
erlehmannIF you install systemd06:13
erlehmannyou don't have to06:13
m2no, i only have one line in /etc/fstab, and it starts with proc06:13
erlehmanni strongly suggest to install cataclysm-tiles btw06:13
erlehmannah okay06:13
erlehmannthen this may have been fixed06:13
erlehmannwho knows06:13
erlehmanni mean, mntmn probably knows06:14
m2hehe, yea this is brand new out of the box for me, just trying to feel my way around06:14
m2i'll be happy if I can get wifi going soon06:15
erlehmannm2 it might be this? https://wikidevi.com/wiki/Atheros_AR5BXB11206:16
erlehmannm2, will you be at 35C3?06:17
m2erlehmann, yep, confirmed your xgc procedure causes a hang06:17
erlehmannm2, REFORM is actually a covert project to find bugs in mesa and etnaviv!06:18
m2unfortunately no to 35C3, i'd like to attend one day but it would be a big trip for me06:19
erlehmannwhere are you located?06:19
m2northwest USA06:29
- erlehmann (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~erlehmann@x59cc8918.dyn.telefonica.de)06:32
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@x59cc8918.dyn.telefonica.de)06:42
- erlehmann (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~erlehmann@x59cc8918.dyn.telefonica.de)06:58
swivelm2: FWIW I use an edimax ew-7811Un 802.11n (realtek rtl8188cus) adapter on a few machines, they're very cheap and require no binary blobs08:09
swivelusb that is08:09
m2have you used it on the reform? the usb adapters i've tried have worked on most other computers and singleboard computers i've tried. maybe i'm missing an even more configuration step that modern linux live CDs have always done for me08:37
m2i see the adapter info show up via 'lsusb', but no wlan0 interface shows up08:39
swivelhave not tested it on reform, it's just a well supported option in linux08:43
mntmnwelcome m2! about the wifi: it’s probably because i didn’t activate all usb widi sticks in the kernel. if yo11:24
mntmnwifi sticks, that is11:24
mntmnif you tell me which ones you’re using, i’ll build a new kernel for you including those11:24
mntmnnote about hdmi 5v current https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/45001/how-much-current-can-i-draw-from-each-models-hdmi-socket13:06
- MilkManzJourDadd (QUIT: Ping timeout: 250 seconds) (milkmanz1@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-thebgakzhzxhbxpa)23:29
+ MilkManzJourDadd (milkmanz1@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-rvgwfkyvplhkfnom)23:30

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