
+ erlehmann_ (~erlehmann@x4db71e06.dyn.telefonica.de)02:13
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+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@x4db71e06.dyn.telefonica.de)02:34
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+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@x4db71e06.dyn.telefonica.de)03:34
+ pretec_ (~pretec@mue-88-130-49-112.dsl.tropolys.de)04:24
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+ dest__ (~pretec@mue-88-130-49-089.dsl.tropolys.de)05:07
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- dest__ (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~pretec@mue-88-130-49-089.dsl.tropolys.de)10:09
+ pretec (~pretec@mue-88-130-49-089.dsl.tropolys.de)10:09
mntmnfunny article: http://www.naughtycomputer.uk/do_i_really_need_to_get_out_the_soldering_iron_again.html i still need a good speaker amp circuit for the lineout header inside of reform btw14:10
pretechaha, really good :)20:10
vifinomntmn: the kmscube works if you're in the video group, once you add tty xorg tries to start up as the user, fails because of tty720:18
vifinosetting the group read permission bit makes it attempt a little more20:18
vifinobut it fails with drmSetMaster after switching buffers (?)20:19
mntmnvifino, did you try starting X with a vt1 argument or similar?20:19
mntmnlike, setting it to your logged in vt maybe20:19
vifinoi did not, can do20:19
mntmnalso, try: mv /dev/dri/card0 /tmp20:20
vifinoah, you think it's using the wrong card?20:20
mntmnnormally the settings in xorg.conf should take care of that20:21
mntmnbut maybe X still struggles with something card0 (imx-drm) related when not root20:22
mntmnvifino, for reference, here are the required xorg.conf settings https://mntmn.com/media/tech_notes_md/2018-19-11-using-modesetting-with-etnaviv.html20:22
vifinoyeah, the mv didn't do anything, the xorg settings make it use the right device20:23
vifinoat this point i'd like to note that xinit fails with tty7 argument, but startx fails with... something?20:24
mntmnyeah, startx cannot work20:24
mntmntry Xorg directly20:24
vifino`Xorg vt1` fails similarly to what it failed like after settting tty7 to have g+r20:26
vifino(EE) modeset(0): drmSetMaster failed: Permission denied20:26
mntmnah ok20:26
mntmnsounds like it needs to access some other file20:27
mntmnseems to be a common problem20:27
vifinounsure *what* it fails to access, given that dri and such have the correct bits20:27
vifinolet me strace it20:27
mntmnyeah strace is a good idea20:28
mntmnmaybe systemd/pam is blocking something?20:28
vifinocould be, because it fails to call drmSetMaster on /dev/dri/card120:32
vifinoor rather fd 10, which is /dev/dri/card120:32
mntmnvifino, https://stackoverflow.com/a/2971107720:33
vifinoerr, ioctl(10, DRM_IOCTL_SET_MASTER, 0)20:33
mntmnlooks like that _needs_ root permissions20:33
mntmnso you need suid bit on Xorg or systemd-logind20:35
vifinothat it is.20:35
mntmnpick your poison :D20:35
vifinobeing one of the people who exploited that xorg font path thing.. haha, just kidding. it's better than systemd.20:36
vifinostill disappointing.20:37
mntmninteresting, gentoo has a page about this https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Non_root_Xorg20:39
vifinounfortunately that won't help with drmSetMaster, it seems.20:41
mntmnhmm i have a almost-completed reform here, i'll quickly give it a try20:44
mntmnso i did: chmod 4755 /usr/local/bin/Xorg20:47
mntmnthen ran Xorg vt1 as a user20:48
mntmnand i get a black screen20:48
mntmnxinit works20:49
mntmnrunning openbox as a regular user20:49
mntmnvifino, did you try chmod 4755 /usr/local/bin/Xorg20:49
vifinoyeah, it works as root.20:50
vifinowith root, startx works too.20:50
vifinostill sad.20:50
mntmnyeah, but that's just the design. we could submit a pull request to change that :D20:51
mntmni mean it's pretty nonsensical that other access rights is mediated through file permissions but not this20:51
vifinoyeah, lets have a trip to the LKMS and change the DRM_IOCTL_SET_MASTER permission structure :P20:52
vifinonot sure if we'd get roasted for that, though.20:53
vifinokinda seems it'd make sense to have that change.20:54
vifinobut.. there's probably a reason why it wasn't changed before.20:54
mntmnmaybe i'll address it in #xorg-devel at some point20:54
vifinoyeah, might be a good idea.20:55
vifinoby the way, does the reform kernel have much patches in it or is it just very recent mainline?20:57
mntmnvifino: currently only 1 patch https://source.mntmn.com/MNT/reform-system-image/src/branch/master/mkkernel.sh20:59
mntmni couldn't find out so far why this isn't upstreamed (pcie suspend patch)21:00
vifinolots of things seem to get lost somewhere..21:00
mntmnthis is the patch https://github.com/mntmn/reform-linux/blob/master/0017-pci-fix-suspend-on-i.MX6.patch21:02
mntmnit's needed when you have a mini pcie card inserted and use suspend/wake. it won't wake up without it21:04
vifinoyeah, that sounds lame. but good to know that mainline should boot just fine.21:04
vifinoi guess an archlinux arm port would be relatively easy. just need to build a patched uboot, different config and such.21:05
mntmn(if it has imx6qp etc activated)21:05
vifinoalarm does.21:06
mntmnyeah, you can just use my uboot i guess?21:06
mntmn+ dts/dtb21:06
mntmnyou can just overwrite the debian userland on the sd card with the arch default userland for alarm maybe21:07
vifinonope, the environment needs some changes i think21:07
vifinodifferent kernel paths and such.21:07
mntmnah but that's trivial to do21:07
vifinomight set up a boot partition, that could be neat.21:07
vifinooh, yeah, definitly.21:07
vifinoi'll probably do it today.21:07
vifinojust need to find more sdcards.21:08
mntmnyou just need to edit https://github.com/mntmn/u-boot/blob/mntreform/reformenv.txt probably21:08
vifinoyeah, saw that.21:08
mntmni recommend to get an msata ssd, then you can use the sd as your rescue system21:09
vifinowhat we could do is unify that, so that the uboot image opens, say, the first partition with ext4, loads the small mnt image and then looks for a boot.scr in either / or /boot, for example21:10
vifinothat way you can change the kernel parameters without rebuilding uboot21:10
mntmnsounds good21:10
mntmnis it possible to have them in plaintext or it always needs to be binary stuff?21:11
vifinogood question, i am not sure21:11
vifinoi've only seen the .scr's used21:11
mntmnjust remember vaguely that on the raspi you have a config txt file21:11
vifinoyeah, but that's not uboot :P21:11
mntmnah sure :D21:11
vifinothat's the vc4 doing.. whatever it is it does.21:12
vifinothe cool thing about the looking-for-boot.scr is that installing, say, alarm, is something very trivial21:12
vifinomake partition, install rootfs, drop in boot.scr, dd uboot over, done21:13
mntmnok... but the reform dtb would need to be upstreamed first i guess? or can you drop in a custom one?21:19
vifinowell, could just be an archive that needs to be extracted on the boot partition, but eventually, that could be put in an alarm repo to keep things up to date21:20
vifinohaving a seperate boot partition is also handy. could boot non-linuxy stuff!21:21
mntmntrue true21:22
mntmni had this kind of setup before, not sure why i changed it tbh... i guess i wanted the imaging process to be easier21:22
mntmnif you figure something out, i'll accept PRs ;)21:23
vifinowill gladly do so.21:25
vifinoif i get too annoyed with drmSetMaster/suid, expect a patch flying your way as well ^^21:25

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