
+ apolkosnik (~apolkosni@pool-74-110-135-248.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)02:48
- apolkosnik (QUIT: Quit: Client closed) (~apolkosni@pool-74-110-135-248.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)03:30
+ apolkosnik (~apolkosni@pool-74-110-135-248.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)03:52
+ zip100- (~zip100@
- _zip100 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~zip100@
+ shanshe_ (~shanshe@42.red-81-36-64.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)05:02
- shanshe (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~shanshe@42.red-81-36-64.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)05:03
apolkosnikI was playing with Vivado 2023.2, and I think I was able to get things built for Vitis to continue05:04
apolkosnikthat is for zz9000-firmware05:05
apolkosnikWhen I loaded things into Vitis Classic 2023.2, the linker was giving me problems. Any chance for an export of the workspace from Vitis?05:07
apolkosnikI've also submitted a MR to "fix" the error in zz9000-project.tcl so that it doesn't blow up on the later version of Vivado05:10
apolkosnik@minute, I've also made a bunch of screenshots trying to illustrate the first part of the setup05:13
- apolkosnik (QUIT: Quit: Client closed) (~apolkosni@pool-74-110-135-248.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)05:15
AiOminute: will do! 08:58
AiOminute: sent a mail09:11
AiOminute: addendum - ZZTop say AX is present09:34
- neoman (QUIT: Quit: pussy) (~neoman@
+ neoman (neoman@ancientspledge.com)09:52
AiOminute: axmp3 produce a quick high-pitch noise for a fraction of a second, then streams the whole thing way faster than i would expect, and does that during silence10:12
AiO... worth mentioning is: i have an AA3000+-remake (new) and the Firebird AA3000+ daughterboard (Prometheus-ish thing). Another question. When running Bus test in ZZTop everything looks fine, except two things (not sure it's supposed to be so) i get a band of yellow stripes along 1/6 of the screen, and then a green one under that (vertically). also... on the zz_perform_memtest_delaywrites i get10:33
AiOResult 0x0 and it say it should be 0xffff ?10:33
minuteAiO: the garbage on screen is normal12:14
minuteAiO: axmp3 issue sounds like interrupt issue12:15
minuteAiO: what's the position of the int2/int6 jumper, maybe we shipped it wrong? but then, network works, right?12:15
AiOminute: yes. i do have ethernet working (although slow - but that might be a CPU issue, it's only the original 030 from the doner A3000)12:23
AiOminute: hm. the jumper... it's currently in the position closest to the silkscreen "J4". which ever interrupt pin that is :)12:25
AiOminute: the "back-most" position12:26
AiOminute: right channel (red RCA) makes a lot of noise just starting a PAL screen12:31
AiOminute: if i use RTG it's silent12:31
AiOminute: .. for example.. just starting ProTracker and noooooooiiiiiiiiice... stopping it again... silenece.12:33
AiOminute: and playing a module in protracker results in the same noise. no other sound12:33
AiOif i use ScreenMode to set a PAL lowres screen and test it - same noice12:47
AiOtried axmp3 again - using a lower resolution (1280x768x8), and this time it seemed to try to shuffle data at a slower pace (no sound still). but red pixels were output:ed to the screen in diagonal steps. 13:30
minuteok, something is very wrong15:32
minuteAiO: if you unplug the 3-pin cable for paula -> z9ax audio (before cold starting amiga), do you still get the noise in protracker?15:32
AiOminute: nope. then it's still silent. and i can confirm that the AA3000+ RCA-jacks for audio produce flawless supergood audio output when using Paula. you saw the pictures i sent you? can you see anything off?15:36
minuteAiO: i can't access the email yet, but will check later15:37
minuteAiO: when the cable is removed, is AHI audio still broken?15:38
minute(i'm asking because there might be some interference coming from the amiga audio and breaking things)15:38
AiOminute: tested AHI with paula first, to make sure nothing's wrong with AHI initially. and that works with Paula 8-bit Stereo (not through AX)15:45
AiOminute: will test with AX now15:45
AiOminute: oh... AHI with AX Stereo (very low mixing frequency) works... will try to step up the mixin frequency15:46
AiO(cable detatched)15:46
minuteright now i'm not sure if axmp3 is supposed to work btw. better try some MHI based player15:46
AiOAHI with AX @ 48kHz works (with CPU wanting to puke :D ). (cable still detatched)15:47
AiOok... hm.. i noticed the mhi library... however. i never used it. do i need mni-mpega for it?15:48
AiOi have AmigaAMP - can i use the zz mhi-lib driectly from it?15:50
AiOi'd be damned..15:54
AiOMHI in AmigaAMP with mhizz9000.library works well... playing a 320kbit mp3 now.15:55
AiOso... i will now tro to reconnect the cable while running to see if i get the paula routing too...15:55
AiOnoise is back on right channel15:56
AiOas soon as the ProTracker screen opens...15:57
AiOand... no sound output:ed15:57
minuteAiO: can you try flipping the three pin cable? to the other side of AAUD pins? i.e. that the same ground wire (black) is in the middle, but the two channels are from the other side of the connector15:57
AiOis the video signal getting to the header instead of sound, some how?15:57
AiOthe "filtered" paula audio?15:58
minuteAiO: yeah try that15:58
minutemaybe raw audio is wired up differently on the aa3000+ then on the original a300015:59
AiOthere are considerable interference but... yes. there is now audio coming.15:59
AiOso... i suppose....15:59
AiOif i take RCA:s on the back and just loop them to the AUX inputs the internal routings of the video slot will be irrelevant16:00
AiOto be honest...16:00
AiOmoving the three-pin cable around close to the ribbon cable makes "interesting" sounds as well, not connecting it to anything.16:00
minuteok if you can make a rca -> 3 pin cable to try that, would be interesting16:02
AiOi removed the 3-pin cable from the AX-module, and the audio connector of the zz900016:02
minutemaybe it's some weird gnd vs agnd issue16:02
AiOand it's SUPER noisy only by that.16:03
AiOw8.. i'll power-cycle it16:03
AiOstarts with awful noise16:03
AiOw.. t.. f..16:04
AiOwhen i connect the cable *only* in the AX-module... the noise is less. but still very much16:04
AiOand when i connect it to the zz9000 audio connector (the filtered pins) no noise...16:05
minutemakes sense16:06
minutethe noise is coming from the air basically (radio waves), because unconnected cable is an antenna16:07
AiObut when i play... sound is muffled, and distorted/mixed with noise16:07
AiOon right channel16:07
AiOso.. somthing wild going on here.16:07
AiORCA to dupont... hmm..16:08
AiOnot the RCA inputs of the AX?16:08
minuterca on ax are not meant to mix something in, but it could work if both are jumpered as outputs16:09
AiOah. but then you don't get a *real* mix of the signals, i guess16:09
AiOjust wires them together16:10
minutei think so but would have to review the schematic16:11
AiOok.. if I let ProTracker play in the background, and switch to the RTG workbench i get nice-ish audio quality (muffled because of the filter thing, i suppose)16:11
AiOso. "something" is messing with the signals on both sides of the headers16:12
minutewell, if you switch to rtg that influences the video slot signals16:12
minute(disables video slot video)16:12
AiOi currently have no RCA->dupont solution...16:13
AiOwell i have one for my Delina in my ReAmiga1200... but i'd rather not open that waspsnest up right now :D but i could make something... i guess.16:15
AiObut i'm thinking the AA3000+ should have pin-headers to tap out the Paula audio already... dificult to see with card mounted tho16:17
AiOhoping it's the same pin-out as the zz9000 if it exists16:17
AiOminute: but.. should there be *that* much "radio interference" 16:32
AiOminute: ?16:32
AiOminute: it's very loud... hard to describe in text16:32
AiOi could try sampling it or something... there are however "CD-In" headers on the AA3000+. i would guess thats only connecting to the RCA output directly (like we discussed about the AX too). if that is the case, the video slot could be bypassed.16:51
AiOminute: cables between AA3000+ RCA-output to paula input pin header of the AX ... perfect sound, no noise21:42
minuteAiO: oh nice, thanks for trying that out21:43
minuteAiO: so the audio on the videoslot header in aa3000+ is somehow different21:43
AiOminute: looks like. i'm having a conversation with Chucky about it21:44
minutecool, keep us updated :321:44
minuteand greetings to chucky21:44
AiOmhi works....ahi works...21:45
AiObut both mhi and ahi make a weird little popping noise sound when first initalized21:46
AiO(and that's from cold boot with Paula connected from RCA->AX)21:46
AiOthere are som nasty popps when resetting or powering on the machine in general.21:46
AiOb.t.w. are there ways (maybe not from any tool/utility yet) to control the mixer of the AX? (planned features?)21:47
minutethere is a way yeah21:51
minutethere's also a DSP EQ21:51
AiOnice to know21:51
minuteamigaamp can control it 21:51
minuteno several bands of graphic eq21:51
minutewith that i think you can also boost the ahi levels21:51
AiOchucky claims he get the correct audio signals on the zz9000 there with his aa3000... interesting21:53
AiOhm.. swapped the 3-pin cable to three dupont female-female... just to rule out the cable itself.. no sound on those (unfiltered) three pins. just a shitload of noise on native-screens...22:00
AiOsomething is wonky somewhere22:00
AiOminute: looks like chucky didn't get audio on the two documented pins either, he's running on the other two (filtered)22:39
AiOminute: ... but... if ZZTop allows you to sort-of disable the filter, at least there is sound there. mine is way to noisy anyway. so that would probably not do much good22:41
minuteAiO: zztop only controls the zz9000ax dsp filter, not the amiga filter22:43
mjg59_Is there any documentation for how the mul/div/div2 values are calculated in the video modes?23:39
minutemjg59_: hmm not too long ago i answered this question in an email to someone, perhaps i can dig it up23:53

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