
- xet7 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~xet7@user/xet7)01:40
matjamno, samba02:44
+ shanshe_ (~shanshe@192.red-81-36-66.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)05:03
- shanshe (QUIT: Ping timeout: 276 seconds) (~shanshe@1.red-81-36-67.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)05:04
+ xet7 (~xet7@user/xet7)14:33
minutei'm thinking to do a PCMCIA gpu/network/usb card for A1200. would this be interesting?14:44
- xet7 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~xet7@user/xet7)15:42
apolkosnik[m]You got to check out PiStorm32-Lite with emu68 16:33
minuteapolkosnik[m]: but that's a turbocard16:38
minuteapolkosnik[m]: i personally want to keep real 680x0 in that slot16:38
apolkosnik[m]It has RTG that taps into the GPU, and the latest fw update mostly fixes chipram access delays 16:39
apolkosnik[m]Also, it can tap into the network on the RPi16:40
minutethat's cool, so if everybody will just put a pi in their a1200 then it's all said and done?16:40
apolkosnik[m]Similarly, could tap into USB16:40
apolkosnik[m]There's also CM4 version16:41
minuteyeah, i'm well aware of pistorm :316:41
minuteit's just not for me16:41
minutebut maybe nobody else cares16:42
apolkosnik[m]Price/value it's the best deal16:42
minutealso aware of that16:42
minutestill wanna keep my aca123316:42
minuteor blizzard 1230-416:43
minuteso i have to decide to make an addon for the a1200 or leave the amiga market because the pistorm is the final answer to everything (zz9000 nonwithstanding, there is still demand for it)16:45
+ gdonner (~gdonner@c-98-253-93-116.hsd1.in.comcast.net)18:28
gdonnerI don't have an A1200, but personally, I'm not a fan of PiStorm18:29
gdonnernothing against it; I just prefer 68k core for AmigaOS, augmented by other hardware18:29
gdonner@minute: whatever you do, please don't leave the Amiga market! :(18:30
minutegdonner: thanks and no worries... i just asked for interest in a1k forum and there's actually a lot of interest in a pcmcia card.18:31
gdonnersweet! would love to see it become a reality18:33
gdonnerother good news: looks like the beta of P96 v3.3.4 is already fixing some more bugs:18:33
gdonnerI'm a hardcore believer in having plenty of options for the Amiga; there are lots of different people needing different things, and plenty of room for growth in all areas18:40
gdonnerwe lost a lot of hardware developers after C= tanked, but with today's ease of access to PCB creation, etc. things couldn't be better for new hardware18:42
gdonnerone example is Matze making a piggy-back board for the BFG9060 so it can use its own on-board EXT clock18:45
- gdonner (QUIT: ) (~gdonner@c-98-253-93-116.hsd1.in.comcast.net)18:50
+ xet7 (~xet7@user/xet7)19:27
Jopeminute, that gpu network usb thing sounds interesting for an 060 machine. 19:40
Jopeof course I have to ask the question about native video sampling..19:41
Jopeminute, and naturally I forgot about the frequency switcher tool, I'll check now..19:41
minuteJope: i was thinking to do this with a flat cable going inside or (a bit more clunky outside going to rgb port)19:42
Jopethe rgb port solution is probably the better one tbh19:42
Jopethe pcmcia slot makes for a removable device, so why not make the whole thing transportable between all the machines in one's hoard..19:43
Jopeah I remembered the setsync tool now19:49
Jopeand found the source too19:49
Jopeuh, I wonder why I've overcommented it. no matter19:50
Jopehelps future me even though they are trivial19:50
Jopethat's as far as I got when I last tried to do something about it19:51

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