
apolkosnik[m]Let me switch to CS MK200:36
apolkosnik[m]Same as above00:39
minuteapolkosnik[m]: i mean which version of the fw... default z3?00:40
apolkosnik[m]I hope it's not due to MMUlibrary settings00:40
apolkosnik[m]Yes Z3 version on A4k00:40
- S0rin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)00:44
minutehmm maybe i messed something up, will test tomorrow00:44
minutei tested with cs mk2 in a300000:44
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)01:02
- WoC (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (WoC@2603-8080-cd40-00c6-ccd7-6745-059a-e424.res6.spectrum.com)03:04
+ gdonner (gdonner@c-98-253-93-116.hsd1.in.comcast.net)04:18
gdonnerAm I correct in assuming that AXMP3 in FW/drivers 1.12 is supposed to revert to v1.11 instead of the v1.12 it was in the 1.12 beta?04:19
gdonnerAlso, ZZ9000Net.device is 6,936 bytes over 1.11's 4,252 bytes; but they're both still v1.2 (02/07/20)?04:21
gdonnerNot to be nit picky, but it could be helpful to embed a VER$ string in ZZTop :)04:23
gdonnerOK; I'm done. :)04:23
gdonnerOther than that, after updating to 1.12, I got a lockup when trying to play an MP3 in AmigaAMP... played the MP3 for a few seconds, then stopped, and sent Workbench into a deep lockup04:25
gdonneri.e. using Ctrl-LAmiga-RAmiga couldn't reboot the system04:25
gdonnerI'm still trying to figure out what's causing this weird gfx issue (and occasional lockup) when running IBrowse:04:28
gdonnerMight be IBrowse itself of course, but could also be ZZ9000 FW or maybe P96?04:29
gdonnerHappens on both my A4000 and my A300004:30
- gdonner (QUIT: ) (gdonner@c-98-253-93-116.hsd1.in.comcast.net)04:31
- S0rin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)04:32
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)04:34
WoC`Remind me in about two weeks and I'll check on my 400005:27
- lastebil (QUIT: *.net *.split) (truck@shell.suomiscene.fi)05:48
+ lastebil (truck@shell.suomiscene.fi)05:48
+ xet7 (~xet7@user/xet7)11:59
- WoC` (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (woc@2603-8080-cd40-00c6-beef-beef-beef-beef.res6.spectrum.com)12:27
+ WoC` (woc@2603-8080-cd40-00c6-beef-beef-beef-beef.res6.spectrum.com)12:28
minuterunning some tests now13:31
minutei can't see any problem with the zorro 3 fw and driver 13:39
minutefor me it is even faster than 1.11 in p96speed13:40
minuteunfortunate that noone is online when i'm actually at work14:24
minutebought new p96, rerunning tests15:12
minuteworks fine still15:50
- WoC` (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (woc@2603-8080-cd40-00c6-beef-beef-beef-beef.res6.spectrum.com)16:10
minutei think the problem manifests only on a400016:13
+ WoC (WoC@2603-8080-cd40-00c6-48c5-c981-4062-9f10.res6.spectrum.com)16:25
minutetrying to set up my a4000, but i only get a short flash every ~5 seconds on the RGB out16:44
minutewith random color, only a few scanlines16:44
minuteguess i'm gonna burn some diagroms16:45
WoCheh, making it sound like some Voodoo ritual ;)17:02
Jopea big box amiga is a harsh mistress17:05
Jopeminute, what to look out for with the latest fw + a4000?17:05
minuteJope: is it slow? i.e. low rectfill numbers in p96speed17:06
minuteJope: normal is >10000 op/s, abnormal is <100017:06
WoCAnyone ported glmark yet ?17:08
WoCwould be nice to see some glmark2 benchmarks on the zz900017:14
Jopeminute, ok moment.. I'll upgrade17:14
WoC(OpenGL benchmarks)17:14
WoCAnyhow, I will try to build it...17:15
minuteWoC: why? zz doesn't support opengl17:16
WoCdidn´t know that17:18
minuteit is 2D only17:19
minutedamn EPROMs, half an hour in UV light was not enough :///17:19
jstime for EEPROMs? 😄17:20
WoCok, that´ll be interesting... maybe i can port mesa (and use fgpa for the 3D)17:20
minuteyeah but i don't have a flash adapter thing (yet), perhaps i should get one17:20
jsbut yeah it's funny how everyone is "It's all gone as soon as you remove the label"17:20
jsbut then when yoiu want to erase it it takes forever17:20
minuteWoC: good luck!17:20
jsminute: I think MiniPro is the standard, pretty much17:20
WoCty minute, worth a try17:20
jsit's pretty much the only thing I used for programming so far17:21
minutejs: i meant flash rom solution for amiga17:21
jsah, I think the problem is that there are no pin-compatible EEPROMs ☹️17:21
jsstill EPROM for me, too17:21
jsbut it sure is annoying17:22
jsoh nice17:22
jsnext step: Replace the EPROM with an RPi that can swap ROM on the fly? 😄17:22
jsI mean, how many RPis can you get into one Amiga? 🙂17:23
WoCRaspberry Jam ?17:23
minuteyou don't need a full computer just to swap in some data17:24
Jopeminute, which screenmode are you benchmarking with17:25
jsminute:  but then you can cross-compile and "flash" the new ROM via SSH 😉17:25
jsextremely nice for debugging17:25
minuteok, got the HI rom of diagrom burned17:25
Joperectal fill at 1359017:26
Jopea4000, csmk2 060/50, os3.2.1, 1.12 zorro3 nofast firmware17:27
minutewell that's good!17:27
Jopemight as well run all the tests while I'm at it17:27
minutei wonder what the hell is different with your a4000 compared to all the others who are seeing that super low number17:27
JopeI don't have that many expansions left, plucked most out after the zz9000 came along17:27
Jopenow it's just the zz, ax and gvp ioextender17:28
minutemidwan also removed all other cards17:28
Jopecsmk2 + cybscsimk2 in the fast slot17:28
minutemaybe a software interaction after all? mmulib or sth?17:28
minute68060.library version? something like that17:28
JopeI'll check which 060 lib I have17:28
Jopeprobably mmulib in this os install, since I decided to try to be as thor approved as possible for a chance17:29
Jope+ I was getting a bit weary of random crashes due to my 20 year old patched-to-eternity 3.9 setup 17:29
Jopeheld out over 3.1.4 but when 3.2 came along I began from scratch17:29
Joperebooting, didn't want to run through all of p96speed .. 17:30
Jopeoh! I actually have the phase 5 060 lib installed17:30
Jope46.15 by ralph schmidt17:30
Jopemulibs are installed however. this might have been a conscious decision after doing a bit of research on the subject17:31
Jopeok, let's try thor's 060 lib then17:33
Jopefrom 201817:33
Jope14137 ops/s!17:34
JopeI gained 600 rectangles just like that17:34
Jopeaxmp3 doesn't seem to do much more than write dots to my screen18:04
Jopedidn't try it before18:04
minuteforget about axmp3 for now18:05
minutethe included version is probably wrong/old18:05
Jopenot a very exciting use case for me in any case :-D18:06
Jopeahi works fine otherwise..18:06
Jopebeen messign around with sined + hippo player and they seem to play happily18:06
+ WoC` (woc@2603-8080-cd40-00c6-beef-beef-beef-beef.res6.spectrum.com)18:14
minuteJope: did you set up MHI already?18:18
minuteah, you said not exciting18:18
JopeI didn't. that might be the next thing then18:19
apolkosnik[m]Delitracker wants a real-time mixer or something like that, it won't play ahi without user intervention in any case18:19
Jopemhiplay works18:23
Jopea little crackle in the beginning but playback seems fine, albeit a bit filtered18:24
Jopenow there's no crackle. I was playing some xm via ahi previously18:25
WoC`Is there any Documentations that I can read up on for the FPGA portion of the ZZ9000 ? My idea is to define the OpenGL functions in FPGA and map them from mesa... 18:27
Jopeamigaamp3-m68k via mhi also seems happy18:28
minutethe crackle is a bug, it's playing the initial buffer which might not be filled yet, i think18:57
+ gdonner (~gdonner@c-98-253-93-116.hsd1.in.comcast.net)19:03
gdonnerAh; I was wondering about that crackle--good to know!19:03
gdonnerBut yeah, I suspect some A4000s may just not play well with other Amiga hardware.19:04
gdonnerA GVP T-Rex I bought some time ago, refused to boot on my system (power light always on, black screen), so I sent it to TheBajaGuy, and it booted up straight away without any adjustments. Go figure.19:05
gdonnerI'm holding out for the TF4060 (until the Warp 3060/4060 is available in the distant future).19:06
gdonnerJust as well on the T-Rex, as it's a fairly rare card, and I can't think of a better person than TheBajaGuy (ex-GVP tech support) to own it and use it.19:07
gdonnerThere was a rare and little-known issue with some early A4000s that may have a wrong speed crystal installed in them19:08
gdonnerNamely, U104--it's supposed to be 50 MHz; some early A4000s had a 28 MHz crystal erroneously installed19:10
gdonner(the crystal near the ROMs)19:14
gdonnerThankfully, mine is 50 MHz :)19:15
minutegdonner: interesting19:16
minutei finally have diagroms burned.19:16
minute1084s can't sync to the rgb output of the machine19:19
minuteso a4000 is not generating a proper sync19:19
WoCis that using the DB23 out from the Amiga ?19:39
minuteWoC: yes19:41
WoCoh, never had that issue with my 1084s back in the day, but then I also made the cable19:42
WoCiirc I traded that 1084s for some sony screen with much sharper picture19:45
minutewell, something is broken on the A4000 motherboard and i'm trying to figure out the issue,19:54
minutegonna scope some signals20:09
apolkosnik[m]That's what the diagroms were for? 20:12
apolkosnik[m]My last stupid mistake was spraying DeOxit on the A1200 expansion slot20:14
minutewell, the diagrom doesn't work20:15
minutethe a4000 is too broken to run it20:15
minuteok so SCLK behaves randomly20:15
minuteit goes up and down every few seconds with seemingly random intervals20:16
apolkosnik[m]Voltages are ok? 20:17
minute5V is ok20:19
minutesounds a bit like > Certainly replace U975/U976 if there has been any visible corrosion around these shift registers.  I've seen faults where the computer fails to boot because the MDAT line from U975 to Lisa/U450 is floating which causes U450 not to generate certain clocks and the system gets stuck in this weird half-reset state at power on20:19
apolkosnik[m]I got two A3000T PSUs for recap the other day, while one is shorting out, the other one has voltages going up and down20:20
apolkosnik[m]Seems like the usual problem on Varta plagued A4Ks20:24
apolkosnik[m]The MDAT floating, I meant20:24
minutei measured it though and it doesn't look floating, it's more like 0V20:29
minutewhat's MDAT carrying? sounds like mouse data20:29
gdonnerI've always thought that "Varta" should have had an "F" and not a "V" :)20:30
gdonnerFor all the damage and havoc they've caused to our beloved Amigas20:30
gdonnerIt recently sunk in that in the tower versions, the leakage damage is much worse, because the mobo is mounted vertically... dripping down all kinds of traces and components20:32
gdonnernasty stuff; thanks so much, C=20:32
minuteah, > These addresses each read a 16 bit register. These in turn are loaded20:32
minutefrom the MDAT serial stream and are clocked in on the rising edge of20:32
minuteC28M is high all the time20:34
minuteactually, there are some traces of activity on C28M a few times after cold start20:39
minuteit's like the clock wants to start sometimes, but can run only for a moment20:41
minutethe cpu connector is warped and was not connecting properly on one side20:44
minutenow i have a C28M20:44
minuteokay and i have output on the screen, blinking colors and stuff20:45
minuteprobably should put in the chipram now20:45
minuteok DiagROM works!!20:46
minuteok so according to a1k users, the slowness happens when you have no network cable connected to zz9000!20:51
minuteconnecting the network cable makes it fast20:51
minutecan someone here confirm this?20:51
Jopefirst boot: start up with network cable connected, have the system load the network driver as part of the boot up, disconnect cable. rectfill 1440620:53
Jopenow reboot with network cable disconnected, but with network loading on bootup: rectfill 1536120:55
Jopenow reboot with network cable disconnected, network startup commented out: 1509320:56
Jopenow cold boot with network cable disconnected, network startup commented out: ui seems sluggish, I can see the redraws. result: a paltry 66720:58
Jopeplugged the network cable in, no reboot: 1478220:59
Jopecan't be bothered to test any more permutations20:59
minutethanks jope21:02
minute100% confirmed then. 21:02
- buckket (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~buckket@pdp8.buckket.org)21:10
- xet7 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~xet7@user/xet7)21:11
+ buckket (~buckket@pdp8.buckket.org)21:15
- buckket (QUIT: Quit: buckket) (~buckket@pdp8.buckket.org)21:30
+ buckket (~buckket@pdp8.buckket.org)21:41
+ mntamiga (~amiga3000@p54a435d6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)22:02
mntamigaok ok22:02
mntamigafw12.1 seems snappy22:02
mntamigacan chat and listen to mp3 with 10-20% cpu usage22:04
mntamigaopenSSL accel on ZZ would be really nice tbh22:05
mntamiga(or any TLS accel)22:05
apolkosnik[m]I'm surprised that the upload speed is 3x the download speed when tested with AmigaSpeedTest22:06
minutethis is expected22:07
minutereceiving packets is more processing/queueing things up for the amiga then just sending packets 22:07
apolkosnik[m]And still, the 3c589 pcmcia card is way faster22:07
minutedefine "way"22:08
apolkosnik[m]Maybe it has some special sauce22:08
apolkosnik[m]Let me find the comparisons I did22:09
mntamigai'm testing with amispeedtest now, avg download speed 3298 Kb/s22:09
mntamigaupload 6845 Kb/s22:10
mntamigai guess these are kilobits?22:10
mntamigafor me downloading from aminet in ibrowse gets faster after a while. it's not super great but i'm not sure what amigaos/roadshow/060 can handle22:11
apolkosnik[m]ACTION uploaded an image: (138KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/IVPwUXKsymJgQijqmxNdauIX/Screenshot_20221019-161114.png >22:12
minuteapolkosnik[m]: that link gives me 502 bad gateway22:12
apolkosnik[m]Discord is so much easier 22:13
mntamigajust use pastebin22:13
minutebrowse for the file and click post22:13
minuteapolkosnik[m]: upload speed looks similar, same kind of variations, download speed is almost double yeah?22:15
minutewait, those are both pcmcia cards?22:15
minutei thought you were comparing to zz22:15
apolkosnik[m]Both have code on aminet22:15
apolkosnik[m]Cnet is asm22:16
minutewith zz i get basically the same speed like cnet22:16
minuteexcept faster upload22:16
apolkosnik[m]3c is C22:16
minutebut yeah, might be worth to take a look at the code, if there is some special trick22:17
apolkosnik[m]The upload speed got better with 1.12, I think 22:17
minuteFW 1.12.1 https://mntre.com/media/ZZ9000_info_md/zz9000-firmware-1_12_1-zorro3.zip22:20
minutethis should fix the speed problems22:20
minutewith network unplugged etc22:20
- mntamiga (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~amiga3000@p54a435d6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)23:20
- gdonner (QUIT: ) (~gdonner@c-98-253-93-116.hsd1.in.comcast.net)23:46

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