
- xet7 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~xet7@user/xet7)01:32
+ xet7 (~xet7@user/xet7)04:31
+ WoC`` (WoC@2603-8080-cd40-00c6-3957-bc37-b6df-026a.res6.spectrum.com)07:36
- WoC (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (WoC@2603-8080-cd40-00c6-ddfd-7991-2d45-c504.res6.spectrum.com)07:38
+ WoC (WoC@2603-8080-cd40-00c6-3957-bc37-b6df-026a.res6.spectrum.com)07:39
- WoC`` (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (WoC@2603-8080-cd40-00c6-3957-bc37-b6df-026a.res6.spectrum.com)07:40
+ mnemotron (~mnemotron@
+ Jadek (~Jadek@87-207-204-28.dynamic.chello.pl)09:58
mnemotronFinally got the heatsink for the ZZ9000 Zynx chip I ordered on ebay. Took 2 weeks inside of Germany. Sigh.10:24
mnemotron7.77 eur for a 1.55 euro item10:25
minutemnemotron: we also offer the heatsink, but it would be 9 euro incl shipping i think 12:12
apolkosnik[m]Is it still running so hot after the voltage fix? 13:22
Claudeafter the fix my zz settled around 50C , which quite comfy for a FPGA imho 13:32
ClaudeI start to worry at 90C with semiconductor:) 13:33
Claudebut maybe because at work we keep the semiconductors at Tj max , because anything below allowed Tj max means we over design and spend too much money 😂13:35
apolkosnik[m]So, I guess the busy loop keeps it hot like that13:41
mnemotronminute: yes, i know. and it's not in stock ;)15:11
mnemotronmy A3000 is open right now and the Zynx has about 62c according to ZZTop15:12
mnemotronminute: it's 10 euros in your shop. 5 for the part and 5 shipping... a brief would suffice. anyway, i have it now.15:14
WoCwhere do you usually buy the ZZ9000 ? 15:18
WoCLooks like my 4000 will be home around the end of the month15:19
mnemotronWoC: only at MNT :)15:19
WoCThanks :)15:21
mnemotronWoC: minute here is the creator of the ZZ9000 and owner of MNT15:21
- xet7 (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~xet7@user/xet7)15:22
+ xet7 (~xet7@user/xet7)15:25
WoCorder placed15:30
WoChi minute 15:32
WoCplaced the order for the ZZ9000 and some other stuff too :)15:33
mnemotronI ordered mine in Sep 2020 and got it in June 2021 ;)15:34
mnemotronwaiting for the blow-out sale on the ZZ9000AX :-D15:35
WoCi ordered that one too15:36
WoCit´s an impressive card, the ZZ9000 (Makes me curious as to how I can utilize the FPGA portion)15:42
- Jadek (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~Jadek@87-207-204-28.dynamic.chello.pl)16:00
+ WoC` (woc@2603-8080-cd40-00c6-1cd4-ab60-80a6-ff7a.res6.spectrum.com)16:01
mnemotronWoC`: check this. https://source.mnt.re/amiga/zz9000-sdk16:13
WoC`that's a armhf, right ?16:14
WoC`if so, it should be possible to build steam on it with box86 ;)16:16
WoC`would be neat...16:17
WoC`is there a size limit on the sdcard ?16:17
mnemotronno idea16:19
mnemotroni'm not very deep into the internals16:19
mnemotrongdonner created a faq, maybe it has that info. https://www.gregdonner.org/zz9000/zz9000compendium.html16:20
WoC`I'll find out soon enough16:20
mnemotronQ: What are the maximum supported mass storage capacities of the microSD card and USB ports?16:21
mnemotronA: (answer will be posted when available)16:21
mnemotronlol :)16:21
mnemotroni would guess that the sd card size only depends on the FAT filesystem limits16:21
WoC`vfat/fat32 as well ?16:24
WoC`I guess I'll find out if ext4 works16:25
WoC`The laptop I use the most is arm'ed16:25
mnemotroni'd guess the SD card must be in MBR/FAT format16:49
mnemotrongreg's page says:16:49
mnemotronUnZip the "BOOT.bin" file and copy it to the root of the MBR/FAT32-formatted microSD card that came with your ZZ9000.16:49
WoC`oh, MBR, SO LIMIT IS 2 tb16:55
WoC`oops, capslock mishap16:55
WoC`mbr is limited to 2 tb16:56
WoC`larger than that and you need gpt16:56
WoC`although i will probably try, just to see if it works, with ext216:58
WoC`trying things can always be fun16:59
- WoC` (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (woc@2603-8080-cd40-00c6-1cd4-ab60-80a6-ff7a.res6.spectrum.com)19:36
+ WoC` (woc@2603-8080-cd40-00c6-1cd4-ab60-80a6-ff7a.res6.spectrum.com)19:37
- mnemotron (QUIT: Quit: Leaving...) (~mnemotron@

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