
- S0rin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)01:24
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)01:29
- Jope (QUIT: *.net *.split) (jope@jope.fi)06:27
- cerv (QUIT: *.net *.split) (sid256361@id-256361.helmsley.irccloud.com)06:27
+ Jope (jope@jope.fi)06:27
+ cerv (sid256361@id-256361.helmsley.irccloud.com)06:27
- trixster (QUIT: *.net *.split) (sid451942@id-451942.ilkley.irccloud.com)06:30
- stepan (QUIT: *.net *.split) (sid147049@id-147049.tinside.irccloud.com)06:30
+ stepan (sid147049@id-147049.tinside.irccloud.com)06:30
+ trixster (sid451942@id-451942.ilkley.irccloud.com)06:30
+ norly_ (~norly@zhong.enpas.org)06:49
- norly (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~norly@zhong.enpas.org)06:53
+ mnemotron (mnemotron@
+ isoriano (~isoriano@p200300c5e73b2eca02144ffffe586382.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)14:58
- isoriano (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~isoriano@p200300c5e73b2eca02144ffffe586382.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)15:47
mnemotronminute: is it correct that the MNT Shop doesn't list the zz9000ax right now? it's only accessible via direct link from google or so.15:56
+ Vagant (~Vagant@2a02:c7e:3896:8200:c92a:cff6:9973:272f)16:21
VagantHi, I am new here and would like to ask few questions related to zz9000. I am using the acrd now in A2000 and I wanted to try to write some code on the ARM. Firstly there is known bug described on the MNT side related to version 1 of the card and running ARM apps - is this still an issue? I tried to compile the basic examples available in the SDK16:25
Vagantand run them on my A2000. I can load them with zz9k but when I try to execute I always get a message 'Error creating screen’. I don't know if this is the case of the known bug or I didn't compile properly or there is something else not working. Hope you could help me here?16:25
mnemotronVagant: ah, you followed my pointer on discord ;)16:33
VagantYes, I did :)16:58
VagantI could also ask about the network setup which is not fully working with Roadshow but one step at the time :)16:58
mnemotronI can't help you with the arm programming, i haven't looked at that at all, although the possibilities are endless.17:01
mnemotronI regularly use the ZZ9000 on my home network, but with MiamiDX network stack17:01
VagantI had the sam card working in 4000tx with network and Roadshow and I would like to see if there is anything I am missing before dropping the Roadshow avenue and trying Miami for example. If I won't be able to figure it out I will do so and then may ask for your help?17:09
VagantLooks like it is just timing out on DHCP requests17:10
mnemotronI really didn't do much to get it working in Miami... the device is installed automatically by the ZZ9000 installer and then you just need to add the card to Miami. Hm.17:16
mnemotronDoes it time out all the time or only after the first boot or so?17:16
+ Vagant1 (~Vagant@33F1BCfc.skybroadband.com)17:19
- Vagant (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~Vagant@2a02:c7e:3896:8200:c92a:cff6:9973:272f)17:20
- Vagant1 (QUIT: Client Quit) (~Vagant@33F1BCfc.skybroadband.com)17:20
+ Vagant (~Vagant@33F1BCfc.skybroadband.com)17:21
Vagantwhen I add net interface zz9000net I got message 'Sent initial DHCPDISCOVER request for zz9000net and then timeout elapsed17:32
VagantIs there a way to adjust the timeout? retry timeout = 0:00:0517:33
minuteVagant: do you have an old R-1 ZZ9000?17:55
VagantIf I set static TCPIP i.e. all I can do is ping myself - anything else is a no-go18:00
minuteVagant: probably your transistor Q1 is damaged18:03
minuteVagant: take a close look (it's very close to the zorro connector)18:03
minuteVagant: by inserting with force this transistor often breaks18:04
minuteVagant: you can move to INT2, it should fix your problem18:04
Vagantis the Q1 responsible for networking?18:05
VagantHow do I move to INT2?18:05
VagantIs this the process? set the interrupt jumper on ZZ9000 to INT2 and create an empty file ENVARC:ZZ9K_INT2.18:12
Vagantminute - not sure where are you but I own you few beers! it works on INT2!!! Big thanks18:50
minuteVagant: cool, enjoy!18:59
- Vagant (QUIT: Quit: Client closed) (~Vagant@33F1BCfc.skybroadband.com)20:07
mnemotronyay \o/20:10
+ Vagant (~Vagant@2a02:c7e:3896:8200:3c87:5e17:2eac:b36f)21:41
VagantNow if only somebody could advice how to run the ARM apps or shared example of the app which is working... :)21:41
+ mnemotron_ (mnemotron@
- mnemotron (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (mnemotron@
* mnemotron_ -> mnemotron21:47
- Vagant (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~Vagant@2a02:c7e:3896:8200:3c87:5e17:2eac:b36f)22:04
- mnemotron (QUIT: Quit: Quit) (mnemotron@

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