
+ Cav_ (~Cav@h-158-174-147-121.A444.priv.bahnhof.se)01:45
- Cav (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~Cav@h-158-174-147-121.A444.priv.bahnhof.se)01:48
- Cav_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~Cav@h-158-174-147-121.A444.priv.bahnhof.se)02:22
+ Cav (~Cav@h-158-174-147-121.A444.priv.bahnhof.se)02:25
Jope_Bnu, assembler, I thought I'd just fail if I did it in C because I don't know stuff like volatile etc06:48
JopeI'm not doing any repeated writes though08:06
Jopethree different addresses08:07
- Jope (QUIT: *.net *.split) (jope@jope.fi)08:18
+ Jope (jope@jope.fi)08:18
+ mnemotron (~mnemotron@
minuteJope: what do you mean by non jerky10:26
+ CottonUndies (~CottonUnd@2405:6580:33c0:b400:d916:e990:49d5:2ef)10:56
CottonUndiesminute CottonUndies checking in.10:56
_Bnuminute: Probably trying to switch to the 49.92 Hz mode without using the ENV variable.11:29
- xet7 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~xet7@user/xet7)11:44
- CottonUndies (QUIT: Quit: Client closed) (~CottonUnd@2405:6580:33c0:b400:d916:e990:49d5:2ef)12:10
+ CottonUndies (~CottonUnd@2405:6580:33c0:b400:d916:e990:49d5:2ef)12:17
Jopeyes, I thought I'd try 49.92 without initializing p9612:24
JopeI sometimes boot my machine without startup-sequence so I'd just run that little command12:24
Jopemost likely the proper angle of attack would have been to install the toolchains to generate my own boot.bin which defaults to that :-D12:25
Jopenext poke in the dark would have been to do what SetSwitch() does and initialize pan_ptr_hi and pan_ptr_lo, then quickly flip it to rtg mode and back to capture mode and see what happens12:27
Jopebut I went to sleep before I could get to that yesterday :-)12:27
Jopethought I'd try something myself instead of always just requesting you guys for stuff. I need the practice anywya12:28
mnemotrondo you ppl have heatsinks on your 9000's?12:33
mnemotroni forgot to order one and now i have no idea how to easily get one except to order it for like 10 euros for a 10 cent part12:34
JopeI think I stuck one on12:41
Jopethe voltage trace cut was more relevant to my 1st rev card though12:41
+ xet7 (~xet7@user/xet7)12:51
mnemotronbut i think 62 degrees C isn't too good for my ZZ13:43
mnemotronand there's no bios without autoboot, but with the 256 megs, right?13:46
mnemotronhm, my 3000 reboots TWICE after switching it on... taking ages.13:48
mnemotronand my dell suddenly doesn't like the PAL boot picture, sigh. NTSC is displaying13:51
mnemotronminute: ssl cert on mntre.com has expired today13:53
minutemnemotron: eek13:54
minutemnemotron: fixed, thanks13:55
minuteCottonUndies: hi, can you tell me about your problem again?13:56
CottonUndiesSure. Under 1.11FW Amiga Test Kit will freeze usually as the non-RTG screen is drawing. Under 1.10FW there is no problem at all.14:58
minutecan anyone else reproduce this?15:00
mnemotroni had freezes when using my a3000 normally, not with ATK15:00
minuteCottonUndies: do you get errors in bus test in 1.11 zztop as well?15:00
mnemotronoh right, i have those errors, too15:00
CottonUndiesIbrowse will also freezer the RTG while scrolling15:01
CottonUndiesYes, I get bus errors. I get different errors on 1.10 vs 1.11. Let me run one now.15:01
mnemotroni had freezes in diskmaster while scrolling15:01
CottonUndiesSo in FW 1.10 the "error" is delaywrites 0x7a097a09 (should be: 0xffff)15:02
CottonUndiesShall I test 1.11 FW?15:03
CottonUndiesAlso, in 1.11 FW I get a DOUBLE screen, and garbage at the bottom in P96 Speed. No problem in 1.10. Here is a pic of 1.1115:04
mnemotronthat image link doesn't work when you're not on that server, i think15:05
CottonUndiesHow about now?15:05
mnemotronnope. not for me.15:05
mnemotronyou can't link random images from discord15:06
CottonUndiesarrrghhhhg. I was told this was an easy way to share pics.15:06
CottonUndiesThis is on my own discord channel15:06
mnemotroni use imgur15:06
mnemotronZZTop: https://i.imgur.com/03FStjd.jpg15:06
mnemotronbus test: https://i.imgur.com/eyLIGpC.jpg15:06
CottonUndiesThat is under 1.1115:13
CottonUndiesYour ZZTop is really going to town.15:14
mnemotronin what way?15:14
minutemnemotron: you can try to use different values for dtack timeout register and rerun bus test to see if it helps, one moment15:14
CottonUndiesMuch more error reporting than mine.15:15
minutemnemotron: do you have the tool "mon"? if not, please get it from aminet15:15
mnemotronnope. will do.15:15
minuteCottonUndies: maybe you have an old version of zztop?15:15
mnemotronjust download P96Speed, too15:15
minuteCottonUndies: check the one in the 1.11 driver archive15:15
mnemotronthis? https://aminet.net/package/dev/moni/mon16515:16
minutemnemotron: then, find your card address, for example $4000000015:16
CottonUndiesI'm using ZZTop 1.11 . I will take a shot. Hold on.15:16
minutemnemotron: add 1020 to the address: pokew 40001020 215:17
minutemnemotron: the 2 is the value for the dtack timeout. default is 6. you can try different values between 2 and hex 10, for example. try to see if it makes a difference with bustest.15:18
mnemotronok, will do. this is just a temporary setting while the amiga is on?15:18
mnemotronok, ZZ9000 now at 60 degrees C15:21
CottonUndieshere is me on 1.10. I'll now move to 1.11 and also run the test15:22
mnemotronwhoa. immediate crash when clicking "bus test" with setting 215:22
mnemotronstrange. i was just typing in mon and it outputs "Illegal instruction" at PC=500212A615:24
mnemotronhmmm, i guess it's still having problems with 2. i'll power cycle the amiga15:24
mnemotronmaybe all my problems are caused by the 256 megs? hmm15:25
mnemotronimmediate freezes-crash again with "5"15:28
CottonUndieson 1.11 it seems it boots too quickly. two cold boots both gave me problems is Loadmodules = devices still validating. Needed to manually reboot.15:30
CottonUndieshere is 1.1115:30
CottonUndiesJust thinking: ZZTop would be even better if it would tell you which variant of the BIOS you were on, such as NOFAST, NOAUTOBOOT. I know you can easily see if you have the memory on or off, but the autoboot maybe less obvious?15:33
CottonUndiesAnyway, I reconfirm my issues: Amiga Test Kit *(non-RTG screen) freezes, and I cannot scroll in Ibrowse without freeze. I THINK my P96 is 3.1.0, which the ZZ installer says should work.15:36
mnemotronminute: regardless which pokew setting i use, i get errors on memtest. SOMETIMES 0, but mostly 2-6 errors15:37
mnemotronor is it my amiga? i never used Zorro cards before15:37
mnemotronok, on setting 2 i just got about 40 errors15:38
minutemnemotron: ok thanks. i have 2 other ideas: 1. different zorro slot 2. "cpu nodatacache"15:40
mnemotronthe ZZ is in the second slot from the top15:40
mnemotronjust fyi15:40
Jopewas there a buster version requirement for the zz9000?15:41
minutebuster 1115:42
Jopethought there might have been.. mnemo, did you check this :-)15:42
mnemotronuh, what?15:44
mnemotronisn't that the elusive buster no one has?15:44
Jopeit's quite common after all15:46
mnemotronwhere exactly does it say that you would need that for the zz9000?15:46
Jopebut getting expensive now. most regularly used a4000s and 3000s were upgraded ages ago15:47
apolkosnik[m]some earlier versions of p96 have some curious bugs in them15:47
mnemotroni'm using P96 3.3.015:47
mnemotronrunning P96Speed now, no errors yet15:48
mnemotronare you kidding me? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/36301870126815:49
CottonUndies1.11: P96Speed 1.2 - CON-Output test freezes and can also reboot the system. I also see the large mouse sprite have some corruptionon of my large sprite. Will try with small. ON CON-Output test I did eventually trigger a GURU: 8000 0003 Task: 500032D0 (I think....)15:49
mnemotronCON Output worked. 282 op/s15:49
CottonUndiesAs there any software that I can use to verify my Buster without opening up for surgery?15:50
mnemotronmaybe whichamiga?15:50
mnemotronhm, whichamiga's readme doesn't mention the buster15:51
CottonUndiesWhich Amiga is known not to work with ZZ....15:51
CottonUndiesI was able to do a CON Output run! 680op/s15:51
mnemotronwhich amiga and cpu?15:51
mnemotronP96Speed, A3000/25. https://i.imgur.com/aVBP8BU.jpg15:53
CottonUndiesMe? 3000 with a 060LC. Same result when I had 040. Minute was the one who mentioend it doesn't work with Which Amiga I'm pretty sure.15:53
mnemotronooooh, 06015:54
CottonUndiesCan you run at 640x480x256? I only say that as that seems to be the "standard" that people use when benchmarking.15:54
CottonUndiesI really recommend an accelerator with local fast ram. Will make your machine super fast. You are lucky to have the 25Mhz motherboard, so you can go with the best setup.15:56
mnemotroneasier said than done... i hope that Matze or TF will finish their cards soon15:57
CottonUndiesOr PiStorm3215:57
CottonUndiesif ever....15:57
mnemotronand i need to file a request with the Ministry of Monetary External Transactions (aka wife)15:58
mnemotronyeah, if ever. why's that not happening anyway?15:58
CottonUndiesI think so much developing on the initial platform that 32bit is off on the horizon. I think there was not enough GIO pins on the hardware as well for 32bit, well, to be honest I forget.15:59
mnemotroni think the pistorm guy once twittered that he had something going with the a3000 or 4000, but i never heard more16:00
mnemotron640x480x8 https://i.imgur.com/VuaVLEz.jpg16:01
CottonUndiesI'd show you mine if it would stop crashing..... trying again.16:04
mnemotronminute: NO memtest errors with "cpu nodatacache". what does that mean?16:05
minutemnemotron: do you use mmulibs?16:12
minutemnemotron: if so, can you disable them completely?16:12
minuteCottonUndies: the "bustest" button in zztop 1.11 crashes?16:13
mnemotroni use it, but have disabled most (all?) of it an hour ago. i'll check for any remnants.16:13
CottonUndies@minute. No, does not crash. These are the results: https://imgur.com/ItjyWVA16:25
mnemotronminute: ok, mmulibs was disabled for the last tests. do i need to remove the 68030.library, too? i guess that's required, otherwise you get that message from the CPU check on bootup.16:29
minutemnemotron: if 68030.library is from mutools, it will also load mmulibs16:30
mnemotronok, i'll rename it for tests16:30
minuteCottonUndies: thanks, everything looks fine there16:30
CottonUndiesok, interesting. When I saw "should be" that gave me concern.16:31
minutemnemotron: mmulibs is the last idea i have at the moment; if it's ok for you otherwise you can put "cpu nodatacache" in your user startup16:31
minuteCottonUndies: yeah, i think bug on my part 16:32
mnemotronminute: that will make the computer slower, right? not really great, but not THAT important16:32
mnemotronstill getting memtest errors without 68030.library16:33
mnemotronminute: why does the delaywrites test say "Result: 0 (should be 0xffff)"?16:46
mnemotroni.e. is that a problem?16:47
minutemnemotron: i think that's just a bug, no worries16:47
minutemnemotron: i don't believe the datacache on 030 has much impact. 16:47
mnemotronok, cool16:47
mnemotronabout that Buster-11 - i don't think that people buying the zz9000 know about that16:48
minuteno, it's not a hard requirement16:50
minutebuster 9 works also16:50
minutei would just recommend buster 1116:50
mnemotroni have no idea which buster i have, right now16:50
mnemotronfound a photo, it's an -07 of course16:52
mnemotronminute: and do you have an idea why the early pal mode doesn't work anymore on my 3000? this is on 1.1116:54
mnemotronthat always worked before16:54
mnemotrongames also won't work anymore16:55
CottonUndiesI updated P96 to current version. IBrowse no longer seems to crash for scrolling. ATK still crashes.16:56
CottonUndiesATK still "freezes"16:56
mnemotronhm, okay, creating ENVARC:ZZ9000-VCAP-800x600 makes games run again17:00
mnemotronbut the early startup worked before17:00
minutemnemotron: by "won't work" you mean your monitor doesn't sync to it?17:04
minutemnemotron: the early startup should work after 1 reboot after that ENVARC:ZZ9000-VCAP-800x600 is set, or no?17:04
minutemnemotron: do you use a dell monitor or something?17:05
minuteCottonUndies: ok, i need to test ATK, i have never tried it / don't really know what it is17:05
minutemnemotron: if you have your amiga running atm, could you test ATK?17:05
mnemotronminute: yes, dell. yes, no sync. it says "cannot display this mode"17:06
mnemotronminute: sorry, i'm stupid. yes, now it works, after the first boot with the envarc file17:06
minutemnemotron: cool17:07
CottonUndiesDon't want to go back to 1.10 to prove it, but just to remind, it was working on 1.10. So something changed....17:08
CottonUndies*sounds of ghosts*17:08
mnemotronok, what do you want me to do in ATK?17:09
mnemotronCottonUndies: where does it hang in ATK?17:09
CottonUndiesIt's not 100% all the time, but mostly it draws the initial screen. But then it's frozen (no mouse, no keyboard input). This time (just now), was a bit better, I could move the mouse around the screen, and the options/text highlighted in Green, but then now its frozen again.17:11
CottonUndiesSimply put, it's not freezing at exactly the same time all the time. but it happens for sure within 1 seconds or so at the best of times. No GURU.17:13
mnemotroninitial screen works17:13
mnemotronsorry, my kid wants to switch off the computer :D17:13
mnemotronmore tomorrow!17:13
mnemotronbye, sorry17:13
- mnemotron (QUIT: Quit: Quit) (~mnemotron@
CottonUndiesThis time I was able to press ESC two times to switch PAL/NTSC, then it froze.17:13
CottonUndiesLet me try without the startup-sequence17:14
CottonUndieswith not startup-sequence (setpatch only) now it is much happier, and is running a memory test on the 256megs. This is super duper much better. So now I think something in the startup/user-startup is sensitive to a change between 1.10 and 1.11FW.17:16
CottonUndiesBut whatever is sensitive is triggered by 1.11.....17:18
CottonUndiesyes, I agree. Since ATK is not being Mode-promoted or anything it is not using any RTG, but something, something is throwing it.17:20
CottonUndiesLet me try again, but this time let loadmodules do its thing to go resident.17:23
CottonUndieshmmm. Booting with no startup-sequence after letting loadmodules do it's thing ends up giving me A meditation: Error 8000 0003 Task: 5000330817:26
CottonUndiesWTF. I'm booting without a startup-sequene, and the 256megs is no longer reported. Was there the last time....17:32
CottonUndiesSo, one thing I can say for sure, that I don't think is related to my ATK issue is that 1.11 is too quick for something.... I almost all the time get LoadModule not working as it comes up to fast as "some devices are validating".17:33
CottonUndiesI added "wait 1" to the startup. That should address that specific issue.17:37
minutethe 256 meg needs 1 reboot to be activated17:38
CottonUndiesYes, I might have been doing a cold that time.17:39
_Bnuminute: Is the ZZ9000 triggering the AX interrupt even if the driver hasn't been initialized? I'm still stuck in work hell, haven't had a chance to check.17:40
_Bnu(Amiga Test Kit tends to be really unstable around missed interrupt handlers.)17:41
minute_Bnu: it does not, the IRQ needs to be enabled by the driver17:42
CottonUndieseven with WAIT 5 loadmodules complains of devices still validating17:46
minuteCottonUndies: validating FFS normally takes a long time, which filesystem do you use?17:48
CottonUndieswait a sec, you just gave me an idea. I use PFS, but maybe the ZZ USB which is formatted as a ShapeShifter drive is the holdup.17:49
CottonUndiesThat might have been it. As a ShapeShifter drive I think the Amiga side doesn't know what to do with it, so it takes time to bomb out.17:52
CottonUndiesI'll keep it unplugged and see what happens. Its a 4gb drive.17:52
CottonUndiesyes, that seems to be it. Bummer, had thought I had a good use finally for the new USB implementation!17:53
CottonUndiesATK: I've disabled basically everything I can think of which is naughty in my SS and user-s, and still ATK freezes.17:54
CottonUndiesI need to sleep, its 1am here...17:56
minutegood night17:57
- CottonUndies (QUIT: Quit: Client closed) (~CottonUnd@2405:6580:33c0:b400:d916:e990:49d5:2ef)18:02
Jopeminute, have you tried it with a buster 6 or 719:02
Jopehttp://www.wonkity.com/~wblock/a4000hard/defibust.html 19:02
Jopethe level 1 busters don't support everything the level 2 ones do19:02
_BnuAnd they should never be used. Why would an A4000 have a Buster 6 or 7.19:02
Jopetrue, an a4000 wouldn't have one.19:03
Jopea3000s still often have them if they were never used with zorro iii cards19:03
Jopeat least all the ones I've had in my hands were upgraded to buster 11 by me, not by the previous owners19:03
_BnuThey should still never be used, but I get what you mean.19:04
_BnuI don't see why any care should be taken regarding the old buggy models.19:04
Jopeno, I wouldn't really recommend spending time with them either, but it turns out the level 2 buster is not mentioned anywhere in the zz9000 docs so we have a user here with a level 1 buster and a zz900019:06
Jopeit just got me wondering whether this explains some of the incompatibilities19:06
_BnuAh yeah, mentioning that you should try to make sure that you have at least a 9 to avoid random Z3 problems in the docs is a good idea.19:08
minuteyou could still use it in zorro 2 mode ^^19:08
- xet7 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~xet7@user/xet7)22:07

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