
apolkosnik[m]It looks like when running axtest and a window is dragged, the 19 ms jumps up by a lot 00:34
apolkosnik[m]Found an interestingly playing mod in Hippo... http://janeway.exotica.org.uk/release.php?id=4310700:43
apolkosnik[m]big diff between paula and AX00:44
apolkosnik[m]Now I know why that mod sounded garbled, I had clipping in AHI turned off00:53
apolkosnik[m]@minute Acill is asking if you'd mind checking out his Discord server with couple of channels for MNT products02:17
minuteapolkosnik[m]: yeah, the test program does not grab highest task priority, so it can be interrupted by other stuff08:26
_BnuDonald Duck the Soulless, a special enemy in the game that can drop the cosmetic item "Duck Face".08:56
+ xet7 (~xet7@user/xet7)11:18
minuteoh i have the distortion now with this build14:41
minuteit could be bitclock slippage14:41
minuteok redid the audio clocking stuff with some buffers, too15:59
minutem e t a s t a b i l i t y15:59
_BnuThe stability of the Metaverse.16:12
apolkosnik[m]It's Zucked! 16:23
minutenew test firmware! (+ ethernet driver!) http://dump.mntmn.com/zz9000-fwpack-110-20220429.zip16:26
minutethis does as _Bnu and Chain-Q demanded (IRQ line is held until cleared by amiga)16:26
minutealso buffered audio clock stuff so i HOPE the sometimes appearing distortion or volume change should be gone16:26
minuteforcie: curious how this one works for you16:27
_BnuAh nah, I wasn't really demanding it, it was just what I observed when experimenting with the PiStorm, haha.16:33
_BnuI didn't really have a huge sample size or anything, only that one card.16:34
minuteyeah, it was overdramatization on my part16:41
minutebut it works16:41
apolkosnik[m]Hmm, it sounds like even with clipping enabled some mods get distorted e.g. http://janeway.exotica.org.uk/release.php?id=3334016:49
Chain-QI volunteer to be the a**hole who _demanded_ it. Still love and everything, but if it breaks, everyone is free to blame me. :)16:49
apolkosnik[m]On the new pack16:50
apolkosnik[m]playing in hippo16:50
apolkosnik[m]but then I dragged everything to 48000 and expecting perfection ;-)16:51
minuteapolkosnik[m]: not sure what "clipping enabled" is16:52
apolkosnik[m]in AHI prefs16:52
minuteoh maybe i don't see that because i use AHI 6 prefs with AHI 416:52
minuteapolkosnik[m]: did you set 48000 Hz in HippoPlayer?16:53
minuteapolkosnik[m]: ahhh also in hippo you need to set volume to 50016:53
minuteapolkosnik[m]: otherwise it will clip for unknown to me reasons16:53
minutenow launching the dreaded windows 10 vm for SigmaStudio16:56
_BnuHippoPlayer's UI is so messed up.17:07
_BnuI have no idea why it doesn't let you set standard sampling rates for playback.17:07
_Bnu"Oh you want 5KHz, or maybe 50. :) 11025Hz? 22050Hz? 44100Hz? What are you, some kind of BARBARIAN?!"17:14
minutei want 17635.3 hz of course17:19
forcieminute: with the new firmware and devices, sound playback is unchanged from yesterday (delitracker sounds OK at 24khz, songplayer and sweep24.wav still has audible skips)18:03
forcieBUT, axtest hangs the computer after 50-300 polls18:03
forcieand i have to make a hard reset18:03
forciepossibly some deadlock wait?18:04
minuteso perhaps i should timeout the irq line after all >:|18:22
+ Cav (~Cav@h-158-174-147-121.A444.priv.bahnhof.se)18:22
CavHi ZZ-lovers! :D18:23
CavJust installed my ZZ9000AX.. paula passthrough working ok. But playing MP3's scrambles the picture with random colored pixles..  And I can't get any AHI sound output. But this might be strictly AHI related as it does not seem to work with any of the other AHI modules either (paula).  Anyone got any good tips? 18:25
CavOooh... care to share? :D18:25
minutewhat's your amiga model and cpu?18:27
minuteif z3, upgrade to http://dump.mntmn.com/zz9000-fwpack-110-20220429.zip18:27
minutealso, try http://dump/axmp3-32meg18:28
CavAmiga 4000, 06018:30
CavI'll try that one18:30
CavThe last url is kind hard to resolve.. :)18:33
Cavok with .mntmn.com  though18:34
Cavthx again18:34
minutesorry, mistyped, tired18:40
Chain-Qminute: did you ever check if during such a deadlock, the IRQ line stays high forever, or it's just a software lockup?18:44
minuteChain-Q: i am not really experiencing deadlocks myself, only i think when starting axtest another time after it has aborted in the first run18:57
minutewas that what you did forcie?18:57
minuteok actually got a deadlock now meh18:57
minutewow, got a nice sounding filter now :019:00
minutebutterworth 6th order19:00
Chain-Qminute: I know I should look into the code instead, but the interrupt ACK register is written from both the notwork driver, and the audio driver? or how that's handled? or they have two different ACK registers?19:02
minuteit is, but they have different bits19:03
minutethey have to be cleared independently19:03
minutei mean, one bit for ethernet, one bit for audio19:03
minuteif no bit is set, IRQ line is inactive19:04
minuteif any bit is set, IRQ line is active19:04
minutethere's a bit set and clear register, so no overwriting19:04
forcie18:57 < minute> was that what you did forcie?19:05
minute(also the network irq doesn't activate until the driver is loaded)19:05
forcieno, both hung after cold boots19:05
minuteforcie: ok19:05
Chain-Qminute: right, so you don't have network loaded even. ok.19:05
minuteforcie: this did not happen with the previous firmware, right?19:05
minuteChain-Q: no, i load it on demand only (with c:addnetinterface)_19:05
forcieminute: exactly, test always passed with the earlier firmware.19:06
minuteok, i will reintroduce a timeout on the irq line then. in case the irq gets missed (why does this happen?!) it needs to be auto cleared19:06
minuteor, i will check first if holding the irq too long without ack freezes the amiga19:06
minutebut first i will finish the lowpass filter.19:07
minutethis explains the clipping if you use more than 50% volume https://www.a1k.org/forum/index.php?threads/83561/page-8#post-158988419:10
- xet7 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~xet7@user/xet7)19:30
Claudeminute: https://twitter.com/mdf200/status/1520047974549803009?t=_QwuMhOSMmLq7tNM8Zmgbg&s=1919:45
Claudethat's the lemmings author:) 19:45
minuteah, amazing19:50
minutelooks like we packed that today, then :D19:51
Chain-Qminute: lets try to figure out why that happens, before adding the hack back. "missing" the IRQ seems real bad, and probably just hides some deeper problem. and when I say "lets", I mean I'm interested. :)19:54
Chain-QI've actually seen this while hacking on the network driver. sometimes a packet doesn't arrive, until the next packet pushed it, and triggered the IRQ again19:54
Chain-Qso it still happens, just doesn't lock up the system... which is certainly a plus, but doesn't help with the fix.19:55
minutewell, what do you propose19:55
Chain-Qwe can discuss tomorrow? :) i want to check in what state the system is, when that lockup happens... specifically regarding the ZZ9000. i mean, could be that the card holds the IRQ line, while the IRQ status register is already cleared? or something like that.19:57
Chain-Qwhat I'm not sure about is how much is that logic is on the FPGA side, and how much is on the ARM side. I know I once looked at it, but can't remember any more19:58
Chain-Qplus we can add a dummy IRQ handler with some serial debug, and see if the system is locked, because the IRQ chain is constantly triggered (which is probably what happens)19:58
Chain-QI need to setup my 4000T really, but I put away all the AT power supplies somewhere in some box, battling the chaos in my room, and I can't find them any more -.-' :)20:06
Chain-QI ordered a new one from eBay already, well at least some ATX adapter, but it won't be here until next week.20:06
+ gdonner (gdonner@c-98-253-93-116.hsd1.in.comcast.net)20:19
gdonnerminute: MP3s play really nicely now via AXMPE-32meg and the April 29th FW20:20
gdonnerthough my A3000 crashes twice on cold boot (eventually booting fine), and once on warm boot (also eventually booting fine)20:21
gdonnerreally nice audio quality!20:21
gdonnerthe guru is the usual 80000 000420:22
apolkosnik[m]Nice, the fintro-gcc works on my CS MK1 now20:26
apolkosnik[m]and it just hung20:27
apolkosnik[m]I ran it after I kicked off axmp3-32... interesting20:28
gdonnerAHI also works via the 16-bit ZZ9000AX.audio20:29
apolkosnik[m]Now, running it on a fresh boot, it just hanged with a blue beginning screen20:30
gdonnerHippoplayer; Eagleplayer won't run though, just exists immediately20:30
gdonnernot sure why; no errors show in SnoopDOS20:45
gdonnerHippoPlayer's sound is a bit tinny sounding though using the ZZ9000 16-bit audio20:46
gdonnerbut overall, definitely in the right direction20:47
gdonnerso nice to listen to MP3s without any noticeable Workbench slowdown!20:47
- gdonner (QUIT: ) (gdonner@c-98-253-93-116.hsd1.in.comcast.net)21:40
minutethis one has slightly better resampling (except for 8khz for some reason, and 44.1khz still has aliasing) and a lowpass filter: http://dump.mntmn.com/zz9000-fwpack-110-20220429b.zip22:08
minute(well, it should actually have a lot better resampling for most freqs)22:21

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