
- S0rin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)00:26
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)00:30
minuteChain-Q: if it's not too much of an ask, and you could bring an a4000 there, we could run a test on it... but no stress00:30
- S0rin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)01:14
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)01:18
Chain-Qminute: *thumbsup*. I don't promise 100% I'll manage that, but I'll try. I'll drop you a note on Saturday when I leave home if I could take the 4K with me.05:43
+ Nowee (~NoweeEewo@lfbn-ncy-1-4-192.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr)09:20
- xet7 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~xet7@user/xet7)10:46
- Nowee (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~NoweeEewo@lfbn-ncy-1-4-192.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr)12:14
+ Nowee (~NoweeEewo@lfbn-ncy-1-4-192.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr)12:14
minuteChain-Q: very nice, thanks13:35
Chain-Qminute: turns out, another user will be there too (99%) with another 4000 + CSMKII :) so it'll surely work out13:55
minuteok so i can reproduce the jitter now14:17
minuteby changing the interrupt pulse length. if it is too short, amiga will miss some interrupts14:17
minutei have a register now for setting the exact pulse length14:17
minuteforcie: could you try this firmware? http://dump.mntmn.com/BOOT.bin-z3-2022042814:36
minutethis has a much longer irq pulse14:36
minutealso the pulse is now configurable with register 0x102414:36
minutertg is still mega slow for me (no idea why)14:37
minutei can watch individual lines being drawn in blanker14:38
minuteoh wow it's because of 68030 cache stuff >:014:41
minutedisabling 68030 datacache makes it fast again14:42
_BnuAh, aren't you supposed to keep pulling the interrupt until it's serviced?14:47
forcieminute: sure, i'll be home late today but i am able to try it out around 21:00 berlin time14:47
_BnuAt least that was the behavior I observed with the uhhh, what's it called.14:48
_BnuX-Surf or whatever.14:48
_BnuIt would keep tugging at IRQ6 until the driver told it to sit the hell down.14:49
forcieah, the X-Surf. thats a selection of ISA NIC:s and special Jens:y Mach logic14:52
Noweemh. semaphores ain't an option?14:53
_BnuI don't know what semaphore is, so I can't answer that...14:53
_BnuSempahore Goes to Hollywood [DivX].avi14:54
Noweewell, instead of "tugging" (polling), you set a flag somewhere. "pending" "delivered"14:54
minute_Bnu: hmm, in my experience if i held the irq too long the amiga would just freeze, so idk14:55
minutehow you described it was my first approach back in the day (during ethernet stuff)14:55
NoweeSemaphores where coined by Dijkstra in 1965. I'd suggest reading a lil about it14:57
Noweehave a nice day ;)14:58
- Nowee (PART: !!unknown attribute: msg!!) (~NoweeEewo@lfbn-ncy-1-4-192.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr)14:58
_BnuI have no idea how you'd set a semaphore with an IPL pin, so uhh.14:58
_BnuI suppose it might freeze if it somehow stays up after you get out of the IRQ server code and it isn't serviced?14:59
_BnuWhy not... ask the scientists to research it.15:19
minuteyou must construct additional pylons15:20
Chain-Qyeah, the "interrupt pulse" idea is defnitely not good, TBH... it should stay up until it's serviced and ACK'd in some register on the card. but I noticed a lot of weirdness regarding this, I mean the ethernet driver had trouble servicing frames, and there was different behavior on int2 and int6... but I'm kinda sure the "interrupt pulse" approach that fixed the "Amiga freezing" is just hiding some even15:52
Chain-Qnastier bug, maybe15:52
Chain-Qat least it sounds like it15:52
minutewell, i can try again to hold int6 for longer, just as i remember it it kinda pauses the system...16:37
_BnuWeird... the interrupt should get served very quickly.16:58
_BnuAre you starting to hold it before setting the flag that there's an interrupt from the card, so the interrupt server thinks there's nothing?16:59
_Bnu(AmigaOS doesn't like that very much.)16:59
minutemaybe in the past i did!17:34
minutei'm currently bulding a firmware which can do the hold-until-cleared behavior17:35
minutelets see how it does17:35
+ xet7 (~xet7@user/xet7)17:53
minuteok that works, at least for audio17:54
- xet7 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~xet7@user/xet7)18:18
+ xet7 (~xet7@user/xet7)18:31
- xet7 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~xet7@user/xet7)18:32
+ xet7 (~xet7@user/xet7)18:32
_BnuSmol audio.19:04
_BnuBig audo.19:04
_BnuIt's audo when big, because the i doesn't fit.19:04
minuteok, now the card can't autoconfig anymore arrrghh wtf vivado19:11
- xet7 (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~xet7@user/xet7)19:29
apolkosnik[m]They secretly replaced "viva" with "f*ck", so it's like a tornado19:32
+ xet7 (~xet7@user/xet7)19:32
minutetw reports in a1k that the longer irq time fixed the skips for him!20:30
- xet7 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~xet7@user/xet7)20:55
forcietesting, just making sure i drop the micro-sd card inside the closed case at least once first20:59
forcieminute: it is practically working now, with almost no skips!21:05
forciealthough i can notice some skips still, like in the sweep waves21:05
minuteforcie: thank you!! tomorrow i'll have another version then.21:06
forcietrying axtest now21:07
forciesome misses still but looks better21:08
forcienevermind the 20220427 in the title, supposed to be 042821:09
minutemuch better yes21:24
minutedo you have mon? and do you know the card address (showconfig shows it)21:24
minuteyou could try `pokew 40001024 f0` (if 40000000 is the card address, otherwise adjust)21:25
forcielooks mapped at $4000000021:33
forciepoked it, what is supposed to change?21:33
minuteforcie: any less skips? or still the same?21:46
forciestill a rythmic skipping in sweep24.wav, but only noticable in the higher frequencies21:50
forciebut i couldnt hear any change after f0 was written21:51
forciealso, I take it that the offset $1024 is write-only?21:52
minuteok, thanks!21:52
minutewrite only, yes21:52
forciealright, explains why viewing it showed no change21:52
minuteyeah 21:53
apolkosnik[m]or maybe snekado22:38
Chain-Qminute: btw, one thing I would be very interested to hack on is either mpega.library or some sort of similar API hackery for the ZZ9000AX. i think there was also mpeg.device and maybe a few others. not sure if you had plans already or anyone signed up for that, I don't want to tip on anyone's toes.22:51
Chain-QI mean there's even some GPLv2 code for Delfina mpeg.device on Aminet.22:53
Chain-Qso you just need some chunk of code on the ZZ9000 side that can decode mpeg frames, and wire the two sides together (I know it's more complicated in practice, but still)22:54
apolkosnik[m]Is that in the fw posted yesterday?22:56
minuteChain-Q: mpeg as in video? we do have an mp3 decoder in zz an a simple player for the amiga side, but no api level integration yeah23:19
Chain-Qmpeg as in mpeg audio :) the delfina definitely can't decode video. but theoretically mpeg video is also an option23:21
Chain-Qhttps://aminet.net/package/mus/play/dmdev <- stuff like this23:21
Chain-Qfor example23:21
Chain-Qbut as I said, I could hack on this, if no one felt like it yet23:21
Chain-QI think the mpeg.device was originally conceived for the CD32 MPEG module by C=, but this is 50% fact and 50% assumption from my part, so please someone correct me if I'm way off23:23
minutethere's also MHI, have you looked at that?23:23
Chain-QI'm aware of it :) but no, not in detail23:23
minuteanyway, nobody's working on this yet!23:24
Chain-Qoki. lets chat about maybe on saturday. :) shortly.23:25

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