
- xet7 (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~xet7@user/xet7)00:45
+ xet7 (~xet7@user/xet7)00:46
+ mntamiga (~amiga3000@p54a43c5a.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)13:10
mntamigatesting some ZZ9000s13:10
mntmnmntamiga: woop doot13:10
- mntamiga (QUIT: Client Quit) (~amiga3000@p54a43c5a.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)13:12
- xet7 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~xet7@user/xet7)14:03
+ xet7 (~xet7@user/xet7)14:04
- xet7 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~xet7@user/xet7)14:06
+ xet7 (~xet7@user/xet7)14:07
- xet7 (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~xet7@user/xet7)17:25
+ xet7 (~xet7@user/xet7)17:26
_Bnumntmn: Did you keep any ZYNQs to make a ZZ3660...19:47
mntmn_Bnu: nope, also isn't that using z-turn?19:56
mntmnor did shanshe change it?19:56
_BnuAh yeah, the Z3660.20:05
_BnuBut you did say that you wanted to design one that used the other ZYNQ module, I was just reminded when I saw your post on Twitter, haha.20:06
mntmnhaha i said i would perhaps collaborate on one, yes20:07
mntmndid shanshe publish the design files?20:07
mntmngithub has gerber+schematics20:08
mntmnanyway, can't really start a new project now, we have enormous backlog20:08
mntmnalmost 100 zzs still to send out and the carrier boards are not produced yet, and 350 z9ax to ship and also AHI sampling still to implement20:08
mntmnand jpeg+mp3 to do for zz :320:08
mntmnso enough in the pipeline20:08
shanshehi, Z3660 design files are published, but still is the first version20:09
shansheI want to fix some things before20:09
mntmnhmm looks almost like it's getting a bit better https://www.mouser.de/ProductDetail/MYIR/MYC-C7Z020-4E1D-766-I?qs=%2Fha2pyFaduj2Ujj63BMrLKl2Pb04gx4doejnxRtTggE%3D20:11
shansheyeah z-turn is also reprogrammed for the same date20:12
shanshebut I could buy one in aliexpress, and now is going to Bnu's home :)20:13
shansheI can't get more than 56 MB/s20:13
shanshefrom RAM20:13
shansheso maybe I will try to put some RAM in the same Z3660 board20:14
shanshesome SDRAM I mean20:14
shanshebut for now, I don't have so much time for Amiga. I need two consecutive holidays to update all delayed work... hehehe20:17
shanshealso, not in this current version, but I want publish kicad files... so if you want we can try to change zturn to zz9000 module (so we could change the name from Z3660 to ZZ3660 hehehe)20:21
mntmnhaha i feel ya20:22
shansheother people pointed me to change the design to support 040, but I don't know what to do in this way...20:22
mntmnshanshe: and yeah that would be cool @ doing a spin with the zynq module, so people could side-grade20:23
mntmn(the module is the MYC-C7Z020 btw)20:24
shanshewow now I remember...20:25
shansheI was talking with a Spanish guy that is making a 1260 board...20:26
shansheI he said that it is very easy with the 060 to change to another master bus... so probably, we could use ARM 68k emulation, and this way you don't need a 06020:27
shansheso we could make a super cheap board without 060, and 68k emulation like pistorm20:28
shanshebut if you want the real thing, then you buy one 060 for 350 euros hehehe20:29
shanshethen you don't need to spend a lot at once, so you could buy this board and FPGA20:30
shansheand then when you can, buy a 06020:30
mntmndo you have the zynq on the same bus?20:32
mntmn(i guess you must have)20:32
shanshethis guy, stops the 060 and send cycles from the debug system (he doesn't have an ARM)20:33
mntmntrying to understand how your level shifters / buffers work20:33
mntmneach has 6 control signals?20:34
shansheit is the same than A366020:34
shanshethere are latches for the data bus20:34
shansheand pull down resistors for address bus20:35
mntmnah there is a cpld driving all that?20:35
shansheCPLD is replacing almost all logic from A366020:35
shansheand 060 data and address bus is directly to FPGA20:36
shanshewithout any multiplexer... so I have only a few control signals on FPGA20:37
mntmnah the 060 is 3.3v anyway, right20:37
shanshethere is only a drawback20:37
shanshewhen you reset, the address bus is tristated20:37
shansheand on mobo there is a pullup on address bus20:38
shanshethat raises the bus to 5V20:38
shansheso I put pulldown resistors to make a voltage divider20:38
shanshethose resistor are not in the first schematics20:39
mntmni see20:39
mntmnso each reset the fpga is smoked a bit20:39
mntmntiny bit20:39
mntmngently roasted20:39
shanshethe voltage never is higher than 3.3 volts20:40
shanshebut yeah, probably in the next version I should put there some CBT bus transceivers...20:41
mntmnok ok20:50

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