
- S0rin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)00:12
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)00:22
- gdonner (QUIT: ) (~gdonner@c-98-253-93-116.hsd1.in.comcast.net)01:05
- S0rin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)02:20
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)02:22
- tryphoncosinus (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~lug@modemcable134.206-37-24.static.videotron.ca)05:25
+ tryphoncosinus (~lug@modemcable134.206-37-24.static.videotron.ca)05:29
+ bfarmilo__ (~bfarmilo@
- bfarmilo_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~bfarmilo@
- tryphoncosinus (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~lug@modemcable134.206-37-24.static.videotron.ca)07:04
+ bfarmilo_ (~bfarmilo@
- bfarmilo__ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~bfarmilo@
+ TuKo (~tuko@46-126-211-54.dynamic.hispeed.ch)10:45
+ TuKo_ (~tuko@46-126-211-54.dynamic.hispeed.ch)10:54
- TuKo (QUIT: Ping timeout: 258 seconds) (~tuko@46-126-211-54.dynamic.hispeed.ch)10:56
+ tryphoncosinus (~lug@modemcable134.206-37-24.static.videotron.ca)11:00
* TuKo_ -> TuKo11:02
+ mnemotron (~wayne@
Claudemntmn: yes on Toshiba dsi bridge . without refclock it's dead pretty much 14:17
Claudeat least the hdmi to CSI ones , so I guess the dsi to hdmi ones too 14:18
mntmnClaude: ok but i noticed i already had the refclk actually ._.14:33
mntmnbut no pclk14:33
mntmnClaude: does the thing have to be programmed at all over i2c or would it "just work" when getting a rgb signal?15:12
Claudeneeds to be programmed afaik , at least the hdmi to CSI one has a fairly large init block which needs to be send over i2c 15:15
Claudeedid and whatnot too 15:16
Claudewith a bit of luck there is already a driver in gpu/drm/bridges ? or in some android SDK on GitHub ? 15:17
Claudebut as you can't find it with i2cdetect is strange .. maybe some strapping pin option or held in reset ? 15:21
mntmnoh something is there now!!15:28
mntmnat address 0e15:28
mntmniirc the only change is that i supply a pclk too, now15:29
mntmndisappeared after i2cdump, maybe it's sensitive :D15:30
- mnemotron (QUIT: Quit: He Who Must Not Be Named) (~wayne@
- tryphoncosinus (PART: !!unknown attribute: msg!!) (~lug@modemcable134.206-37-24.static.videotron.ca)17:56

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