
+ KK (~KK@93-142-33-134.adsl.net.t-com.hr)00:04
- RobDangerous (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~Thunderbi@p200300ec8f2ec00081820549d5438e90.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)00:06
- S0rin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)00:21
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)00:25
apolkosnik[m]ACTION uploaded an image: (86KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/tdNyGoTmKtunOIPVNjjUTuXW/Screenshot_20211008-214618.png >03:46
mntmnapolkosnik[m]: ah, that's the same guy i have on twitter04:15
mntmnthe thing is he's using the denise adapter in a200004:15
mntmnwell, will try to repro this next week04:15
- KK (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~KK@93-142-33-134.adsl.net.t-com.hr)04:23
+ my_pc_is-_amiga (~my_pc_is-@c-71-197-66-36.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)04:27
- my_pc_is-_amiga (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~my_pc_is-@c-71-197-66-36.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)04:36
+ my_pc_is-_amiga (~my_pc_is-@c-71-197-66-36.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)04:41
- my_pc_is-_amiga (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~my_pc_is-@c-71-197-66-36.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)04:54
apolkosnik[m]mntmn awesome05:24
+ RobDangerous (~Thunderbi@p200300ec8f2ec00070ae3181a45e90a4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)07:32
+ KK (~KK@93-136-17-185.adsl.net.t-com.hr)09:42
emiespo[m]Good morning guys. I just saw firmware 1.9.1! Will give it a try. I am still experiencing some issue with the palette (it gets trashed in true color modes), but I can’t say whether that is due to P96 or the ZZ drivers. Basically the colours used to write things in the screen become weird sometimes and you would see this on any part of the screen that gets updated using Intuition Pens (not the bg pictures, since they are true color), which11:50
emiespo[m]makes me think that something is messing the memory of some Intuition structure.11:50
emiespo[m]I should probably try with the old P96 on Aminet…11:50
+ Lynn (~Lynn@219-65-95-45.connected.by.freedominter.net)12:34
* Lynn -> Guest927412:34
* Guest9274 -> LynnDrumm12:34
KKi'm on Z3 1.9.1 since yesterday, haven't noticed anything odd yet, except for the timing issue on cold boot causing the miggy to get stuck in the reset loop12:58
KKscreen dragging is not working, got 2 1600x1200 16bit screens open atm13:19
mntmnwhich p96 version?13:23
KKgot wb and opus4. can't drag wb screen at all. if i try the cursor pretty luch locks up when above the titlebar and miggy starts to be very unresponsive. can drag the opus screen down with glitches though. here's a video -> https://youtu.be/JlZM8o9JW0I (still processing)13:25
KKp93 3.1.213:25
mntmnah, interesting13:27
mntmnlooks like it starts glitching near the lower end13:27
mntmnmaybe vblank time is too short in this mode13:28
mntmnwhat if you do this in say 1280x720?13:28
KKon wb screen now whenever the cursor enters the titlebar it locks up. takes some time to get the cursor movement back13:28
mntmnwithout dragging?13:28
mntmni believe that's a p96 issue13:28
KKyea. it starts acting funny if you try to drag it13:29
mntmnin 3.1.4 i don't have any more freezes tho13:29
KK3.1.4 is not out yet for general public tho?13:29
mntmnwhat about lower resolutions? dragging ok?13:29
mntmnyes, not out13:29
KKdunno. going to reboot and switch to 800x60013:29
KKpretty much the same thing in 800x600x3213:32
KKwith one difference being the first screen i tried to drag was now the opus screen and mouse locked up. switching to wb i can drag the wb screen with the same glitches as in 1600x120013:33
mntmnand in 8 bit? same?13:36
KKalso getting some random gibberish one one line before the screen starts and on the first screen line it seams..... https://youtu.be/2H_KZEytaa413:37
KKhmm crap..... switched to dopus screen now, can't move the cursor below something like 2/3 of the screen13:39
KKmntmn: yes, same thing on 1600x1200 8bit13:41
mntmnsorry i meant 800x600x813:42
mntmnwhat do you mean by "can't have the cursor"?13:42
mntmnthe "gibberish" is "normal"13:43
KKso i switched back to the opus screen previously and the mouse cursor would not go to the bottom 1/3rd of the screen or so13:43
mntmnlike a barrier?13:44
mntmnbut clicks go to the right places or are offset?13:44
KKbah, didn't try. reset the machine to try 8 bit mode clean13:44
KK800x600 8-bit still glitching while dragging13:45
mntmnok unfortunate... i need to try that again later13:46
mntmnwhich fw variant exactly? normal z3?13:46
mntmnsometimes i wish screen dragging had not been added to p96, what a PITA13:46
KKatm i find the reset loop on the cold boot more annoying. it's sometimes difficult to get the machine to guru so it would continue to boot normally13:54
mntmnKK: maybe noautoboot version would work better for you?14:31
apolkosnik[m]Some people were able to boot if they put usb drive in the ZZ9000 14:45
norlyi'm barely following this channel as of lately, and was just told that the ZZ9000AX is available for pre-order. congratulations!17:35
mntmnthanks norly! it sure is17:37
norlyi had expected something to be stuck on top of the ZZ9000 but i guess this now delivers AHI output for analog audio users, right?17:37
norlyi.e. AHI sound can be used via cinch, rather than via HDMI only, i guess?17:38
norlylooks like i owe you a preorder now :D17:42
+ gdonner (~gdonner@c-98-253-93-116.hsd1.in.comcast.net)17:51
gdonnerif it's helpful(?), here's a vid clip of Z3 vanilla 1.9.1 on my A300017:51
gdonnerstill some issues, as you know17:52
gdonnerI haven't tested -fofastram or -noautoboot yet17:52
- RobDangerous (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~Thunderbi@p200300ec8f2ec00070ae3181a45e90a4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)18:01
emiespo[m]Frontier-intro is now super slow I noticed. Same speed of an unexpanded A500 ahah possibly even slower. (68060).18:48
+ my_pc_is_amiga (~my_pc_is_@c-71-197-66-36.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)19:51
- my_pc_is_amiga (QUIT: Client Quit) (~my_pc_is_@c-71-197-66-36.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)19:51
+ my_pc_is_amiga (~my_pc_is_@c-71-197-66-36.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)19:52
my_pc_is_amigaI was trying 1.9.1 and switching screens between like CVisionPPC to ZZ9000, I can get black screen on ZZ9000.   Other way around haven't seen issue.  Has anybody else checked multiple graphic cards?19:54
gdonnerhmm; not sure--I do get a yellow or green screen on cold boots though; my earlier test didn't show that20:15
gdonnerI also ran into an issue where (after testing 3.2.1, and needing to reboot) the Workbench screen stayed on-screen (buffer?) after the 3.2.1 install rebooted my A300020:16
gdonnerafter maybe 4-5 seconds, it 'caught up20:16
gdonnerand went black for a normal boot, etc.20:17
mntmnsounds like reset was not detected once20:18
mntmnmy_pc_is_amiga: have not tested multi gfx card setups20:18
mntmnmy_pc_is_amiga: but a lot was changed there recently in p9620:19
mntmnso some stuff might change in 3.1.3 and 3.1.420:19
gdonneroh wow; I didn't realize there was both a 3.1.3 and 3.1.420:19
gdonnerfor P9620:19
gdonner(unreleased for both)20:19
mntmn3.1.4 not out yet20:19
mntmni have a beta20:20
gdonnernot-so-lucky to have betas :)20:20
gdonneryou get to see the ugly side of software ;)20:20
gdonner3.2.1 same thing20:20
gdonnerbut those are mostly just fixes20:21
gdonnerso 3.1.3 is not out either I assume20:21
apolkosnik[m]3.2.1? 20:22
apolkosnik[m]The OS? 20:22
gdonneryeah, I'm a beta tester for 3.2, so 3.2.1 is in early progress20:22
apolkosnik[m]Ah, cool20:22
gdonnernothing secret about that, so I won't get in trouble :)20:23
apolkosnik[m]Bug fix release mostly? 20:23
gdonneryeah; it's the same kind of thing as
gdonnercorreting the stuff that slipped through the best testing team20:24
gdonner*beta testing20:25
gdonnerugh; me and my typos lol20:25
my_pc_is_amigaso for P96 3.2.1 ls latest public reelase?20:25
gdonner3.1.2 :)20:25
my_pc_is_amigaok thanks20:25
gdonnerhere's the support thread: https://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?p=1504818#post150481820:26
my_pc_is_amigaactually I think I'm using that one 3.1.220:26
gdonnernothing new from Thomas Richter since Oct. 5th20:26
gdonnerthen you're using the lastest for sure20:27
pasikdrum'n'bass vinyl live stream @ twitch.tv/kaaosradio20:27
my_pc_is_amigait is going to get confusing since there will be OS3.2.1 and then P96 is 3.1.220:27
pasikif someone happens to be interested :)20:27
gdonnerlol too true :)20:27
gdonnerwell, P96 will at 3.1.4 or later long before 3.2.1 is out20:27
gdonnerbut then you've got OS and P96 3.1.4 lol20:27
gdonnertoo much Pi ;)20:28
gdonner3.1.4.1 took ~9+ months after 3.1.4 was released, so it's reasonable to assume 3.2.1 will be a while yet :)20:31
- gdonner (QUIT: ) (~gdonner@c-98-253-93-116.hsd1.in.comcast.net)22:03
mntmnam at the deadline demoparty!23:32
mntmnwill now try zz9000 a500 firmware ;)23:32
LynnDrummhell yea23:36
LynnDrummsay hi to people from me <3 I miss my scene fam23:36
mntmnhaha i don't know to who :D23:45
mntmnpicture of a500 is perfect, but usb stick is not recognized23:45
mntmnby the usb stack23:45
mntmni guess power issue23:45
mntmnnot enough juice in my frankenstein setup23:45
LynnDrummidk I imagine at least half the people there know me so :D23:45
mntmnhaha ok23:45
mntmnif i talk to someone i will bring it up23:46
mntmnoh now the storage works, after power cycle!23:53
mntmnhmm, but hangs on boot23:57

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