
- TuKo (QUIT: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) (uid234064@id-234064.helmsley.irccloud.com)00:28
- xet7 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~xet7@user/xet7)00:47
+ xet7 (~xet7@user/xet7)00:48
+ Guest85 (~Guest85@98-125-169-249.dyn.centurytel.net)03:24
- Guest85 (QUIT: Client Quit) (~Guest85@98-125-169-249.dyn.centurytel.net)03:28
- RobDangerous (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~Thunderbi@p200300ec8f3e1c0014a9b65cac1317b5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)04:00
- _Bnu (QUIT: Ping timeout: 250 seconds) (~beeanyew@89-160-120-72.cust.bredband2.com)06:31
- bfarmilo_ (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~bfarmilo@
+ _Bnu (~beeanyew@89-160-120-72.cust.bredband2.com)11:58
+ RobDangerous (~Thunderbi@p200300ec8f3e1c00d04fa4f3cd473b62.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)12:55
Chain|Qmntmn: for the interrupt sharing, some ZZ9000.resource or so would be ideal. that would then hook itself as an OS interrupt with a tiny ASM stub, and would call the right driver intterupt handler. the intterupt handlers could register themselves with the resource then. especially if future interrupts are introduced (software interrupt from the ARM for example for context switch, and/or any sort of13:09
Chain|Qarm->m68k data exchange request?)13:09
Chain|Qjust an idea13:09
mntmni see, right now the interrupt chain stuff works fine though13:09
_BnuAnd then, just as Microsoft canceled the vertical taskbar in Windows, they add an option for a vertical tab list in Edge.13:40
_BnuAnd it's great.13:40
mntmnbtw after a night of sleep i was thinking i might be able to react to playerfreq changes by reconfiguring the audio formatter/dma thingie in zz9000 on the fly13:57
emiespo[m]good Saturday all!14:05
emiespo[m]mntmn: I was trying to order the audio module, but will ship it to Italy... I'm entering my mother's name (and address), but when I am redirected to PayPal, it will show my name instead (and keep the address).14:06
mntmnemiespo[m]: i think we don't take the address from paypal14:07
emiespo[m]but if I go back to the address form, I can see the data is changed :( 14:07
mntmnhmm ok sorry for that... can you still edit it? if not, send me a mail with the correct data and i will change it14:07
emiespo[m]I am afraid the postman might get confused 14:07
emiespo[m]ok thanks, this is possibly the best option.14:08
emiespo[m]mntmn: order placed, I'll now write an email :) thanks!14:11
_BnuYeah, if you can reconfigure it to trigger at other intervals, that'll work.14:11
mntmn_Bnu: yeah the only requirement is that the buffer size must be a multiple of 6414:12
_BnuAlso, I had an insanely horrible idea earlier.16:33
_BnuResampling and mixing audio as a single 16-bit color component 16-bit alpha on the GPU...16:34
_BnuPlus 16-bit alpha, even.16:34
mntmnyeah why not17:34
mntmnc o m p u t e17:34
mntmndid i really see a playerfreq of 54 or was that a hallucination... because that would be 3555.5555555555557 bytes17:43
mntmn(7 courtesy of floating point errors)17:43
mntmn_Bnu: there is one weird trick.18:07
mntmn_Bnu: (not using AHISF_TIMING)18:08
mntmnyeah that eliminates the need to deal with PlayerFreq _Bnu 18:13
mntmnif you don't return AHISF_TIMING, you can dictate the buffer size you want!18:14
mntmnso you set BuffSamples18:14
mntmnboth jazzcat and pm5.dat play fine now...18:16
mntmnif you don't change that number for lower freqs (than 48000) you get incredible pitch effects while the timing of the mods remains the same18:27
mntmni'm losing my mind18:27
mntmnall samples of the mod are then pitched up but the playback speed stays18:27
mntmnit sounds hilarious18:27
_BnuWhat the18:42
_BnuAnd no, you did not hallucinate.18:42
_BnuBut I have no idea how other drivers/hardware actually deal with this.18:43
_BnuMaybe they all manually set the PlayerFreq to force it or something.18:43
mntmnwell, it works fine for me now.18:51
mntmni can commit if you wanna take a look18:51
mntmn_Bnu: https://source.mnt.re/amiga/zz9000-drivers/-/blob/wip-zz9000ax/ahi/driver/zz9000ax-ahi.c18:54
_Bnufor (int i=0; i<1; i++) { ('A`) ?!19:00
mntmn_Bnu: yeah this is just a leftover of testing to fetch several buffers per iteration19:02
mntmn_Bnu: i'll probably remove it19:02
mntmnlike, i could write something else than 1 there to test that ;)19:03
mntmnbtw Eagleplayer performs better with AHI than Deliplayer19:03
mntmnin case you wanted to know.19:03
_BnuI only have HippoPlayer.19:04
_BnuI mean it's possible that there are other music players on the Coffin Programs partition.19:05
_BnuBut I haven't checked, because I never listen to music.19:05
mntmnmusic is not healthy19:06
mntmni want an impulsetracker playback thing for eagleplayer...19:06
_BnuNo, it's just that music is all the same to me. I never remember any of it.19:06
_BnuI mean I do. But I don't remember where it's from.19:06
_BnuWhile I'm hearing a song, I can remember the entire thing.19:07
_BnuBut I'm trying to imagine the Party Land song in Pinball Fantasies right now, and I can't.19:07
mntmn> Both programs use the same player format and are interchangeable19:08
mntmn_Bnu: that's interesting. some people cannot visualize things in their head also.19:08
Cavbnu: Now that can't be that hard! Just think of clowns, "pastelle" colours and vertical scrolling and you're there. 19:09
mntmns/head/mind or something19:09
Claudeor think of stuck irqs19:09
_BnuI remember the clown laugh from the song, but that's it.19:15
_BnuLyrics, I have no trouble remembering. I think I just don't understand musical instruments.19:15
CavI don't think I've never been able to follow an entire lyric in my whole life. Not even when I sit down and listen to one single song with the only purpose to listen to the lyrics... ~1 minute in I'm lost with other thoughs. 19:16
_BnuAll I can remember from the Zool "get ready" screen is the sound that sounds like someone going "bwop-bwowowowow", hahah.19:17
CavBut the intro themes of Giana Sisters and Cannon Fodders all true Amigans should be able to hymn.. ? :D19:19
_BnuI know the lyrics to the Cannon Fodder song, nothing else. Can't remember the Giana Sisters music, even though I've heard it hundreds of times.19:19
CavInteresting =) 19:20
CavAnd I guess you've heard that one in "modern time" ? 19:20
_BnuI mean I play through Giana Sisters every now and then.19:20
_BnuI can beat it deathless, all levels.19:20
CavNever played it through. 19:21
CavDon't think I've ever finnised any game.19:21
mntmnwow i can play jungle_3.xm on 68030/25 with eagleplayer via ahi (at 24khz)19:28
mntmn(have to activate Fasttracker II player)19:28
Cavclaude: When/if the PiStorm for the A1200 is ready and available. How big step would it be for someone to adopt it for the A3000/A4000? Any idea? :)19:29
ClaudeCav: realistic maybe end of this year 19:31
CavClaude: Cool! Crossing my fingers for that one. 19:32
CavGot my A4000 ATX ready on the workbench but can't find the motivation to put it in a case due to the lack of a decent accellerator. 19:33
_BnuYeah, now playback works, except I'm using vblank to call it 50 times per second, so it doesn't work properly in RTG modes...19:56
Cav_bnu: what are you working on now? 20:03
_BnuAHI driver for PiStorm, concurrently while mntmn is working on the AHI driver for the ZZ9000AX.20:05
_BnuWe based it on the same pile of source code...20:05
CavSweet. You guys are amazing :D I actually put an order for a ZZ9000AX yesterday. Barely know what it is but it sure look worth the money :D20:06
mntmnsound card :320:11
CavHaha, yeah that far I'm with you ;)20:11
_BnuI'm going to use it to play back fart sounds at the wrong pitch all day.20:12
CavNot a bad reason at all :)20:13
_BnuAlso lol, my resampling actually works... just not when ScummVM switches to 60Hz.20:14
_BnuI also get a slight buffer underflow because 49.92Hz is not 50 times per second...20:15
_BnuSo I need to come up with something for that.20:15
_BnuWhy is the lowest sample rate for HippoPlayer 5KHz...20:18
mntmn_Bnu: lol @ 5khz20:51
mntmni want 6806020:51
mntmnneed to fix that autoboot thing for it...20:51
apolkosnik[m]1InitResidentEvil() rocks21:12
forcielocalized as InitBioHazard(a1, d1)21:18
mntmnhuh, 68060 appears to work now, after eliminating all global vars from the usb storage driver and using the passed in pre-allocated Device (with sizeof(SDBase) in the init table)21:44
mntmnok 68060 has a lot more punch21:58
mntmn_Bnu: EaglePlayer has a lot of interesting visualizers that seem to be accelerated by p9621:58

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