
_BnuIRQs are for tossers!00:33
mntmntoss dems00:37
- xet7 (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~xet7@user/xet7)00:47
+ RobDangerous (~Thunderbi@p200300ec8f3e1c00bd78aab046e75b11.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)06:30
Jopeexciting times07:55
- bfarmilo (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~bfarmilo@
+ bfarmilo (~bfarmilo@
_BnuAHI driver is no longer crashing AHI on starting ScummVM...11:09
+ xet7 (~xet7@user/xet7)12:18
- RobDangerous (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~Thunderbi@p200300ec8f3e1c00bd78aab046e75b11.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)12:27
mntmn_Bnu: nice12:44
+ RobDangerous (~Thunderbi@p200300ec8f3e1c00bd78aab046e75b11.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)13:55
mntmn_Bnu: do you think your AHI codez would already do something if they had some audio hardware to talk to?15:40
_BnuUh, hard to say.15:44
_BnuI'm trying to get it to move on, but it's not crashing at least. I think it needs interrupts or something, and I haven't figure out how to set up play/mixing functions yet.15:44
- neoman (QUIT: Quit: pussy) (~neoman@elite.dirty-motherfucker.org)15:45
_BnuBut you can mess around with it if you want, bunch of code missing from "Start": http://www.apehead.se/snakes9000/ahi_driver_amiga.zip15:45
+ neoman (~neoman@titandemo.org)15:46
mntmn_Bnu: cool, thanks15:46
_BnuThe prefsfile is only set up for 16-bit mono/stereo at the moment.15:47
_BnuBecause, well... I don't really want to support anything else, lolb.15:47
mntmnyeah same15:47
mntmni'm currently writing a tiny test player that directly serves my interrupt thing15:47
_BnuOh, if you happen to figure out why the autoinit function never gets called on library load, do tell... It doesn't really seem to affect anything. I just do some initialization in AllocAudio instead, which is where most of the initialization things take place in the other drivers anyway.15:53
_BnuThe rest is just a bunch of library loads and housekeeping.15:53
- neoman (QUIT: Quit: pussy) (~neoman@titandemo.org)16:05
+ neoman (~neoman@titandemo.org)16:06
- neoman (QUIT: Quit: pussy) (~neoman@titandemo.org)16:12
+ neoman (~neoman@titandemo.org)16:15
cervHello, tryed new fw 1.9 alpha all ways possible... still no effect on network... is there anything you think I can try?16:15
mntmncerv: sorry to hear... on R-2 there was sometimes the problem that a transistor was broken (smashed) because it is very close to the zorro port16:18
mntmncerv: next to the INT2/6 jumper... does everything look ok there?16:18
mntmncerv: if everything is ok there, you can try to reseat (unplug, plug back in) the ZYNQ module16:20
cervI am no expert but looks ok here https://photos.app.goo.gl/z3n5Bo9AfohyGnjPA16:29
cervthere is jumper on zynq module Shoul it be open? I have it open. On web picture it is closed16:38
mntmncerv: must be open16:39
mntmncerv: can you show Q4 from the other side? (next to jumper)16:40
mntmncerv: also D1 looks loose on one side?16:41
cervI cant say... it is too tiny for my eyes :-)16:47
cervbut it is possible q4 got some pressure from daughterboard... it is close16:49
mntmnhard to see if Q4 is cracked or not... 16:51
mntmnanyway everything looks kind of ok to me. you can try reseating the ZYNQ module. if that doesn't fix it, and you don't know anyone who's an electronics specialist who could take a look, you can send the card back to us16:52
mntmncerv: which country are you in?16:53
cervczech republic... it is not so far16:55
cervI can arrrange that... 16:55
cervI can even come to visit ... Long time wasnt here. Last time I was in Berlin it was named East Berlin :-)16:57
mntmnhaha... i think sending it makes more sense right now, as we are very busy atm17:12
mntmnbut that's good17:12
mntmnso please send it to MNT Research GmbH, Fehlerstr. 8, 12161 Berlin17:13
mntmnwe'll take a look17:13
cervcan use name Lukas F. Hartmann?17:21
cervthey need name17:21
mntmnuse Greta Melnik then, bigger chance to arrive17:23
cervDHL also need some phone contact17:24
mntmnok i'll send you in DM17:24
mntmn_Bnu: i have some interrupt sharing thing going on now... something that Chain|Q always wanted17:27
mntmn_Bnu: i.e. we have one interrupt line and the handlers in ethernet and audio will need to check if there's really something for them waiting17:27
mntmnor if it's for the other driver17:27
mntmnplayback almost works correctly... just the timing is a tiny bit off17:32
mntmnok works now... at least streaming from RAM:17:37
mntmn_Bnu: just FYI this is the audio test playback code https://gist.github.com/mntmn/bdf68b024cb36725ce3e31ffa24de4a817:39
mntmnwith hardcoded z3 addresses of course...17:39
mntmn_Bnu: it just waits for interrupts to come in and then reads the next 48000*4 bytes into the audio buffer. zz9000 raises the interrupt whenever 90% of the buffer has been streamed.17:40
Chain|Qmntmn: <3 half my kingdom for proper interrupt handling (and interrupt driven vblank wait ;) )17:54
_BnuSmall interrupts.17:55
_BnuBut that's a relief, I'm glad Chain|Q will finally be able to use his ZZ9000 once the offending busyloop is gone.18:00
mntmndid you know that 20 seconds of 48khz stereo 16 bit audio are 3.8MB already...18:04
mntmnwell, 3750 kB18:04
_Bnu('A`) ?!18:05
mntmnmany megabytes18:05
mntmni wonder if there's an amiga side program that can convert .mod to .wav 18:05
mntmnat 16 bit...18:05
mntmnyes https://aminet.net/package/mus/edit/mod2wav18:05
_BnuOh, yeah. 20 seconds. I read that as 20 minutes and I was like "!??!?!", lol.18:06
_Bnu48000 samples per minute.18:06
_BnuIt should still be much faster to stream audio to Z3 than to Chip at least.18:07
mntmnyeah so playback sounds really good18:09
mntmnif i may say so18:09
mntmn_Bnu: i will send you the next rev of zz9000ax if you are interested18:09
mntmn_Bnu: we could put a modplayer in the card...18:11
mntmndunno if that is necessary though18:11
_BnuI'm always interested in something that'll make AHI-infested things run better, haha.18:12
mntmnok good good18:12
mntmni'm thinking how to generate some soundz on the amiga side so i don't have to up and download wave files all the time18:12
_BnuJust poke rand() data at the registers and hope it creates some sound that isn't just a loud scream...18:13
_Bnurand()-based sine waves of various length.18:13
mntmnok mod2wav should do the trick18:15
mntmnamiga converts ChaosEngine.MOD to a 23 MB wav file...18:22
mntmnit's at 80%18:26
mntmnso that takes like 4-5mins on a 6803018:26
_BnuBut how long does it take on a PiStorm... I can't believe you haven't made an adapter to use it on your A3000 yet...18:43
mntmn68030 is enough for everyone...18:47
_BnuI agree: [CFG] Set CPU type to 68030.18:49
mntmndoes p96 stop multitasking sometimes i wonder18:49
mntmnyeah or workbench or something18:50
_BnuYou would have to ask Thomas to do a search in his files for "Forbid()"...18:50
mntmnthat file selection box... like when you drag on workbench18:50
mntmnit stops CLI output18:50
mntmni.e. if i have a list command running there, it pauses18:50
mntmnthat must be the famous amiga multitasking18:51
mntmnlets try without rtg...18:51
_BnuWhy is there no ZZ9000 Onlyfans page anyway...18:53
_BnuEverything has one of those these days...18:53
mntmnhaha the selection rectangle on workbench stops the world also without RTG.18:57
_BnuMakes sense.18:59
_BnuRectangles are very advanced.18:59
mntmnthe world must be stopped19:01
_BnuThe world has ended.19:02
mntmnany idea why argv contains le garbage on amigaos? bptrs perhaps?19:03
mntmnhmm maybe this bug https://eab.abime.net/showpost.php?p=1346138&postcount=115219:06
mntmnmntmn@mntmn-i9:~/code/zz9000-drivers/ahi$ m68k-amigaos-gcc --version19:07
mntmnm68k-amigaos-gcc (GCC) 6.5.0b 21072615464219:07
mntmnyeah that was indeed the problem and the workaround works19:13
- RobDangerous (QUIT: Ping timeout: 258 seconds) (~Thunderbi@p200300ec8f3e1c00bd78aab046e75b11.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)19:16
+ RobDangerous (~Thunderbi@p200300ec8f3e1c00bd78aab046e75b11.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)19:42
_BnuHas no one reported that to bebbo?19:44
_BnuI thought he read all forum posts ever, anyway.19:44
mntmni do not know.20:19
mntmncurrently redesigning the ZZ9000AX board a bit so that it will not collide with ISA slots.20:20
- xet7 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~xet7@user/xet7)20:40
+ xet7 (~xet7@user/xet7)20:41
- xet7 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~xet7@user/xet7)21:40
+ xet7 (~xet7@user/xet7)21:42
- xet7 (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~xet7@user/xet7)21:49
mntmnok here we go https://shop.mntmn.com/products/zz9000ax-amiga-audio-expansion-for-zz900022:10
_BnuMeanwhile I'm softinting it up in AHI land.22:21
mntmneverything is ready to play back those buffers...22:22
- RobDangerous (QUIT: Ping timeout: 245 seconds) (~Thunderbi@p200300ec8f3e1c00bd78aab046e75b11.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)22:36
apolkosnik[m]Awesome ordering now23:02
- bfarmilo (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~bfarmilo@
+ xet7 (~xet7@user/xet7)23:10
+ bfarmilo (~bfarmilo@
+ bfarmilo_ (~bfarmilo@
- bfarmilo (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~bfarmilo@
- bfarmilo_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 248 seconds) (~bfarmilo@

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