
mntmnapolkosnik[m]: internal axi clock speed / bus width. could maybe be increased in the future.00:02
mntmndo you use internal CDROM audio stuff in amiga?00:03
mntmnleak http://dump.mntmn.com/screenshot-2021-06-29-00-03-31.png00:03
apolkosnik[m]I have the CDROM out atm, but I would route it to audio in00:10
apolkosnik[m]Besides that the HDMI audio inserter that I have needs audio channel present in the digital signal in order to insert Amiga's analog audio 00:11
mntmnapolkosnik[m]: do CDROMs typical have an internal digital output _and_ analog?00:14
mntmni haven't touched a CDROM in a long time00:14
apolkosnik[m]<mntmn "leak http://dump.mntmn.com/scree"> Nice! 00:20
apolkosnik[m]The thin ones don't get analog out00:21
apolkosnik[m]ACTION uploaded an image: (170KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/NDquUSkgbdJnRUbOzclXcokC/PXL_20210628_222236712.jpg >00:23
mntmnapolkosnik[m]: thanks, i see, they just have line out00:25
apolkosnik[m]ACTION uploaded an image: (92KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/JjjKbGMQYXyzJNoGRWMpSzWk/PXL_20210628_222458105.jpg >00:25
mntmnso to support this i would also need to introduce an analog mixer00:26
mntmnin front of the input00:26
apolkosnik[m]Two different drives00:26
mntmnbecause the ADAU1701 has only one stereo DAC00:27
mntmnsorry ADV00:27
mntmn4 DACs, 2 ADCs00:27
mntmnsumming amplifier this that00:30
mntmnok, feierabend time00:30
apolkosnik[m]Heh... This is weird... I've connected the ZZ9000 to a second monitor, and left the audio and HDMI output (not feeding the HDMI audio inserter with any input other than audio) from the inserter connected to the first, and the first one plays audio now (with a blue screen on it but at least I know that inserter works). So, I guess the HDMI chip doesn't initialize the  audio channel at all00:36
apolkosnik[m]ACTION uploaded an image: (31KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/PCjPWcSfdvGjUPXhHSzIJbGa/tDGO8.jpg >00:55
apolkosnik[m]There are also those with spdif00:55
mntmnahhh yes00:59
- js (QUIT: Quit: Bridge terminating on SIGTERM) (~js@2001:470:69fc:105::232)10:09
- emiespo[m] (QUIT: Quit: Bridge terminating on SIGTERM) (~emiespoma@2001:470:69fc:105::92a)10:09
- apolkosnik[m] (QUIT: Quit: Bridge terminating on SIGTERM) (~apolkosni@2001:470:69fc:105::ff7)10:09
norlyyup, it's spdif, i once connected a red led from a pc case to such a digital audio output and i *think* an optical spdif input was able to pick it up when next to it.13:28
norlybeen a while though, so maybe my memory is making things up.13:28
mntmnha, quite the hack13:29
norlyif you do try it, please let me know whether it works :D13:30
norlyalso, the voltage levels need checking. coax spdif is something like +/- 1v i believe, yet the drives may output ttl or something. idk13:30
mntmnyeah i read there is 1V vs TTL13:33
mntmnTTL would be better to work with13:33
mntmnbut i'm actually thinking to only use analog here13:33
mntmnif i design in a simple analog mixer for amiga signal + CDDA (or any other line-in you might have), that should suffice i believe 13:34
+ isoriano_ (~isoriano@
isoriano_Good afternoon13:50
isoriano_mntmn: Found this whil 13:50
mntmngood afternoon!13:51
isoriano_mntmn: Found this while searching for a BSD/SPARC :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXH279JfqSs13:53
isoriano_At 17:30 :-)13:53
mntmnisoriano_: oh cool, thanks!!13:54
norlyagreed, analog is more important. the DAC in the cd drives is not bound to be high quality, but let's be honest - neither is the 90s style rendered MIDI music on those game CDs :)14:02
mntmnlol yes14:02
norlyalso, everyone has analog out.14:02
mntmnalso, you can still digitally rip/play back those CDs if you want, no?14:03
norlynot in-game though, but separately14:03
norlyprovided you have a drive that's new enough to support digital audio extraction, lol14:03
norlyas in, maybe not as old as '9514:04
mntmnthe DAUD header on ZZ9000 has 1 SPDIF pin by the way14:04
mntmnlike, the HDMI chip has a SPDIF input14:04
norlyi've seen plenty of early 200x DVD drives and even DVD burners in amigas, those should all be fine with regards to DAE14:04
mntmnso yeah, then you could playback digital -> AHI -> ZZ9000 -> ADAU1017 and compare if that DAC is better or worse than the one in the CDROM ;)14:05
norlyoh, and anyone really concerned can just hook up their own DAC to the digital, i guess. it's likely what they're already doing anyway, if they care. which likely nobody does.14:06
norlyhm, so does the ADAU1017 mix one analog and one digital source?14:06
norlybecause you'll have digital from AHI and analog from paula14:07
norly(sorry, i haven't read the backlog)14:07
Claudemntmn: spdif if DC free . using a coupling capacitor and a 75R termination resistor "should be enough" 14:08
mntmnClaude: i see14:10
mntmnnorly: yes, it can mix analog and digital14:10
norlycool, thanks14:10
norlylooking forward :)14:10
mntmnnorly: this can be tweaked with SigmaStudio https://www.analog.com/en/design-center/evaluation-hardware-and-software/software/ss_sigst_02.html14:11
mntmnat least in theory14:11
mntmni wonder if the dsp can be convinced to act like a synth...14:11
mntmnlooks like it is possible https://ez.analog.com/dsp/sigmadsp/f/discussions/64659/adau1701-as-audio-synth-oscillator/175548#17554814:12
norlyoh my, sigmadsp...14:13
mntmnnorly: yeah, that's in the ADAU, one reason why i chose it14:13
mntmnnorly: the other option was TI with miniDSP, but those are totally secret sauce with no public software download14:14
norlywell one of those DSPs does do digital room correction in my car, so i guess they're good :D14:14
mntmnnorly: :D14:14
mntmnneed to decide if i should integrate it via SPI or I2C...14:14
norlyif you're ever *really* bored you can try to reverse engineer the bitstream. at least the tiny DSP in my car seems to have a 1024 instruction script that it performs for *every* incoming sample, at 48 kHz sampling rate.14:15
mntmnbtw i wrote ADAU1017 but it is ADAU170114:15
norlyah thanks14:15
mntmnnorly: unfortunately i am never really that borded14:15
norlyyeah well that's actually a good thing then. you've got bigger fish to fry14:16
mntmnnorly: yes, 1024 instructions14:16
mntmnsome people have fiddled with sigmadsp bitstream14:16
mntmnapparently it is mostly multiply-add, no branches and stuff14:16
norlyinteresting, thanks!14:18
mntmnZZ9000AX https://twitter.com/mntmn/status/140987950790184960416:23
mntmnbut forgot to include the cdda mixer, will add ;)16:24
- xet7 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~xet7@user/xet7)16:32
+ xet7 (~xet7@user/xet7)16:33
- xet7 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~xet7@user/xet7)16:35
+ xet7 (~xet7@user/xet7)16:37
_BnuSmol sneks...!16:45
mntmnhuh http://aminet.net/package/util/misc/Run6801716:58
mntmnoh, an AHI driver https://github.com/FPGAArcade/amiga_code/blob/master/xaudio/src/replay_audio.s17:00
_BnuYeah, unfortunately of absolutely no use to me because I can't read it, haha.17:02
_BnuThere's next to no performance benefit compared to somewhat new bebbo-gccs, unless you can do some absolute assembler magic.17:04
_BnuI restored some of the C code in DoomAttack that had been replaced with assembler, and it actually ran better...17:04
_BnuUnfortunately the assemblerization of DoomAttack is so complicated that I couldn't figure out how to get all of it out of there.17:05
mntmnyeah, i just didn't find any other audio device source yet (it seems to just be an ordinary library though)17:09
mntmncopy Louise.AIFF AUDIO:17:09
mntmnplays the file `Louise.AIFF'.17:09
mntmn_Bnu: btw this is source of an AudioMode file https://github.com/FPGAArcade/amiga_code/blob/master/xaudio/src/replay.s17:09
_BnuNo idea what that is... is that the prefsfile?17:13
_BnuI mean there's an AHIdev package on AmiNet.17:13
_BnuWith drivers and stuff.17:13
_BnuBut if I built any of the prefsfiles with the modes I wanted, they then just crashed the AHI settings application.17:13
mntmn_Bnu: ah, it has sources?17:15
mntmnohhh oh yeah17:15
mntmnwritten in assembl0r17:15
_BnuThere are drivers in both C and assembler and stuff, yeah.17:16
mntmnah, void17:16
_BnuDepending on which driver it is.17:16
mntmntoccata also C17:16
mntmnwell, that's nice17:16
mntmn** "toccata..library" is a modified version of "toccata.library" which calls17:17
mntmn** TT_RawInt in a real hardware interrupt instead of a software interrupt.17:18
mntmn** The author wishes to remain anonymous, but his hack suits my purposes well.17:18
mntmnanonymous toccata haxxor17:18
_BnuSo many hax...17:20
mntmnhax upon hax17:22
mntmnok but that's good, plenty of source material17:22
_BnuDon't they know that hax are illegal...17:24
- xet7 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~xet7@user/xet7)17:36
+ xet7 (~xet7@user/xet7)17:37
_BnuUse flobby drived.18:17
Jopewriting an article on wb3.2 for the local hobbyist dator magazine18:25
_BnuGood, good...18:26
_BnuWB kolme-kaksi...18:26
+ stevel (~steve@mail.teamklutz.com)18:27
steveldoes anyone know what chipset is being used for the zz9000ax?18:29
stevelI guess only one person does for now :)18:33
- stevel (QUIT: Quit: leaving) (~steve@mail.teamklutz.com)18:33
_BnuThe best way to find out is to leave instantly...18:38
Jopethat yields perfect results18:46
Jopeevery time18:46
mntmnat least there is interest...18:50
Jopethe hinge in my wallet already made a little creaking sound18:50
Jopebarely audible, but it was there18:50
Jope#elsewhere people already started extrapolating.. MHI?! AHI?! emulation of every possible amiga audio board18:51
mntmna1k doesn't have it yet18:52
JopeI'm the operator of a football pitch tonight.18:59
Jopethe things one does..18:59
Jopeso boring. no-one needs the sports field warden's services :-D at least my data machine provides entertainment + opportunities for productivity19:00
norlymntmn, you wanted to issue me a double voucher as a replacement for two ZZ9000 fix ones. would it be okay to wait for ZZ9000AX, and use the voucher for that? :)19:13
norlybtw, i really like that logo design with the board name in a square that fits right under the MNT logo19:14
mntmnnorly: sure19:18
mntmnnorly: thanks!!19:18
norlyawesome, thanks :)19:18
mntmnJope: what's a football pitch19:18
Jopeliterally that19:19
norlya football pitch? as in, a football startup pitch?19:19
norlyACTION goes into hiding19:20
Jopei'm in the little building to the west19:20
mntmnJope: i just printed an UPS label for a package that bounced from finland. but goes to vantaa19:21
Jopevantaa, countryside vibes19:21
Jopethe essex to our london19:21
mntmnah lol19:22
mntmni was in helsinki once, it was pretty cool19:22
Jopeit's not a bad place to be19:22
Jopeour best attempt at a city :-)19:22
mntmnthere was a goth party on a boat. i have a feeling that i might have told this story already. deja vu19:22
Jopehehe.. such is life with stories. I don't think I heard it before though19:22
mntmnalso, people were picknicking on sort of a graveyard19:22
mntmnlike graveyard slash park19:23
JopeI'm guessing ruttopuisto19:23
JopePLAGUE PARK :-D19:23
mntmnsounds about right!19:23
Jopeofficial name: vanha kirkkopuisto (old church park)19:23
mntmni think there was a street food market or some kind of fair there as well 19:23
mntmngood times!19:23
Jopewish this covid thing would end and I could go to abroad again19:24
Jopeno foreign demo parties (or actually even domestic ones) since 2019 either :-/(19:25
- isoriano_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 240 seconds) (~isoriano@
+ isoriano_ (~isoriano@
mntmnmega65 floppy interfacing progress, quite interesting https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1071237650?t=00h57m36s23:19

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