
- _Bnu (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~beeanyew@89-160-120-72.cust.bredband2.com)09:30
+ _Bnu (~beeanyew@89-160-120-72.cust.bredband2.com)11:15
- xet7 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~xet7@user/xet7)12:53
+ xet7 (~xet7@user/xet7)12:55
mntmnneed to test many ZZ9000s15:26
Jopemm mm15:27
Jopemechanical hand jobs.. I mean manual labour15:27
Jopethat teasing of smol laptop thing got me interested15:28
mntmnthe smol laptop15:29
Jopeis it something that you're seriously pursuing?15:30
Jopethe website sort of implied yes15:30
mntmnthere is a second team working on this15:31
mntmnbut more like on the conceptual and user exploration side15:31
mntmni am throwing electronics over the fence15:31
Jopeexcellent. let's see15:38
JopeI have a long-ish history of pocketable data machines 15:38
Jopecurrently have none, unfortunately. latest one was the gpd pocket15:39
mntmni hope it'll all work out, my greatest concern is battery size/weight/runtime etc15:39
mntmnwhat happened to the gpd15:39
_BnuThe GPIO...15:39
Jopeit was just that tiny bit rough when used as a linux machine15:39
Jopethings like "did it suspend? didn't it?" "is it charging? no? only at 500mA? why?"15:40
mntmnoh :315:40
Jopeone person had their private kernel fork for it and then they just disappeared eventually and not everything was solved.. gpd came out with a gpd pocket 2 which apparently ran mainline kernel15:40
Jopebut I didn't get the mk2 15:40
mntmni see... gpd machines are more geared towards windows, or?15:41
Jopeyes, they're very much a windows company15:41
Jopeand the pocket 1 was actually an android tablet in disguise15:41
Jopeyou know that brief moment when intel ttried to do mobile devices with their atom15:41
mntmnohh ok15:41
_BnuIIRC there's a few newer GPx machines as well, but they're now geared toward Windows gaming on the go.15:41
Jopeso this is why it wasn't so desktop linux friendly.. it had EFI and an x86 cpu but it was really a tablet :-)15:41
Jopethe pocket 2 apparently was a laptop15:42
mntmn_Bnu: triple and quadruple A gaming15:43
Jopemore As = better15:43
mntmncyberpunk 2077 and a space heater in your pocketr15:43
mntmnJope: interesting15:43
Jopehad the OQO 0115:43
Jopeand 0215:43
Jopeboth were lovely machines up to a certain point15:44
Jopeloved the 01 mechanics, hated the 01's transmeta cpu. so slow15:44
mntmntransmeta :33315:44
mntmna cpu of many mysteries15:44
Jopethe 02 wasn't as nice mechanically but it was a bit faster, not fast enough tho. just a bit ahead of their time15:44
Jopea very nice convergence device tho15:44
Jopejam it in the dock, plop everything was on a big screen + external input devices15:45
Jopetake it out, plop, everything was still usable in desktop form but in a pocketable size15:45
Jopethese days my convergence dream has shifted to something desktopy when docked and something thumb friendly mobile when mobile .. same apps but different ui / capabilities15:45
mntmni see15:45
JopeI don't think anyone will do this15:45
mntmnwe are doing an extremely low-tech approach15:45
Jopeyes, that's what I gathered from the teaser15:46
mntmnJope: i think phosh are trying to do what you want15:46
Jopeplease don't take my musings as expectations for your product15:46
mntmn(purism librem 5)15:46
mntmni don't personally believe in convergence though15:46
Jopemy expectations for the small reform are more like I want something that has a linux + display + connectivity so I can use it as a portable terminal15:46
mntmnbut i'm possibly just a grumpy old man15:46
Jopeyou may be a realist15:47
Jopeand I'm not 100% sure I'd converge if it happens. 15:47
mntmnportable terminal is very much the goal yes15:47
Jopeit might be total shit and I'd end up not using it :-D15:47
mntmni have found that tiling WMs like sway are a very good fit for this formfactor15:47
JopeI've been toying around with the idea of making some kind of 3d print + raspi + a rat's nest of wires thing.. but ehhh15:47
mntmnand optimizing everything for keyboard-driven navigation. web is a problem though.15:47
Jopeyeh.. web is painful with small computers like that15:48
mntmnJope: a so called cyberdecke15:48
Jopethis is all that is necessary. :-D15:48
Jopesome irc action via tethered 4g15:48
mntmnwe might need to include some chromium or firefox plugin that lets you select / snap to links quickly without requiring precise mouse navigation to them15:48
Jopeand then telnet to u64 to swap disks.. serial/ssh to a network switch for a quick reconfig..15:49
mntmnyes, although my sketch motherboard has a socket for LTE modems15:49
Jopeni ce15:49
Jopegood to have options15:49
Jopesometimes you want to drain only one battery at a time ;-)15:49
mntmnyeah... so we can ship sort-of-a-but-not-really-a-phone15:49
mntmnwithout caring about regulations15:49
mntmnbecause you would bring your own modem15:49
mntmnthere's also LTE-M (at least here) which is like a nice cheap low-bandwidth version of LTE15:50
mntmnit's enough for IRC and stuff15:50
mntmnit's meant for telematics15:50
Jopelow bandwidth is probably ludicrously fast anyway15:51
Jopeto me that's like 9600bps :-D15:51
Jopebut lte-m is probably something else15:51
Jope1M/1M at its shittiest .. I think we can manage a bit of internets banter over that15:51
Claudemntmn: you got a lte-m sim ? 15:59
mntmnClaude: yes, two15:59
Claudewhich provider ? 16:00
mntmnClaude: 1nce16:00
ClaudeI have a lte-m modem , but no provider :)16:00
mntmnClaude: and one that came with the lte-m modem but i forgot the name16:00
mntmnClaude: 1nce is super easy! just fill out one form16:00
Claudeoh that's new then ! 16:00
mntmni think its telekom16:00
mntmnalso i think LTE-M requires no ID16:00
Claudehalf a year ago I couldn't get a sim 16:00
mntmnwhich is interesting16:00
mntmnlike, a loophole16:00
mntmni mean no personal id16:01
mntmnbecause it's meant for machines...16:01
Claudenice ... a bomb is a machine too ? 16:01
mntmnit is...16:01
mntmnbombastic machine16:01
Claudemakes the ID enforcement of regular sims a bit mood 16:02
Claudebut n1ce , will look at 1nce again :) 16:02
ClaudeIoT shit at Work ..16:03
Claudeuhh even esim 16:05
mntmni fucked up my a3000 mouse by trying to clean it >:|16:16
_BnuFix it!!!16:29
_BnuIt's okay, just grab a mouse from the box.16:29
JopeI'm such a heretic that I mainly use pc meeces with amigas16:30
Jopeno more tank mouse loving16:30
mntmn_Bnu: haha those16:32
mntmn_Bnu: the one i have trouble with is this one https://preview.redd.it/8z4wcka5z0p31.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=1b7eff3d2a362abd1fe07c1bb61ac5cddb650e5216:33
_BnuI got ten of them super cheap, I think I've given away two or three already, haha.16:33
mntmnsomething wrong with the rollers or so16:33
_BnuI also have three of them just here in my immediate messy vicinity, haha.16:36
mntmn_Bnu: just a crew of mice, chilling16:36
_BnuOne's attached to the A4000, one to the A500+ and one to the A2000...16:36
_BnuI think there's one on the other end of the room as well, next to the CD32.16:37
mntmntime to launch the A5000...16:37
Jope_Bnu, wow, quite a find :-D16:37
JopeI have a couple of those too.. they're quite ok mice16:37
_BnuYeah, they're okay, but they work pretty badly without a mouse pad of some sort.16:38
_BnuThe top of the A4000 or the Reform tend to work really well for some reason.16:38
Jopewide mice seem to be like this16:38
Jopethey like flat surfaces16:38
_BnuFlat turtles...16:58
mntmnoh, new usb thingy https://www.a1k.org/forum/index.php?threads/79933/17:25
_BnuPollen Karte...17:28
mntmni'm thinking how to kick off the zz9000 sound expansion thing 17:28
mntmni might use WM8960 because i already have experience with it in Reform17:29
_BnuAs long as it can play at least 640 samples at the same time, like the Sound Blaster 640...17:29
mntmnkind of out of stonk though17:29
mntmnexcept at WIN SOURCE electronics17:30
_BnuWe Change The Price After You Order Electronics.17:30
mntmn> Lead-Time 30 Weeks17:30
mntmnlets go back to bed17:30
mntmnoh how strange, adafruit made a new board with this chip17:31
_BnuBut I only woke up 15 hours ago...17:31
mntmnwm8960 is probably quatsch for this as we don't need an amp17:34
mntmnexcept maybe a headphone amp17:34
mntmndoes anyone connect a headphone to their amiga...17:34
_BnuSounds like crimes to me...17:42
mntmn> ultrasonic input signal paths17:43
mntmn> Beep generator17:56
mntmnaudio codecs are extremely out of stock17:58
_BnuBeep generator. :O18:08
_BnuPerfect for Nibbles.18:08
mntmncirrus/wolfson stuff pretty hopeless atm18:11
mntmn(no stock)18:11
mntmnTI looks ok still18:11
mntmnPCM3070 might be fun 18:11
_BnuWolfenstein Sound Chip, WSC.18:12
mntmnhow about a 1 GHz ARM-based audio codec https://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/66ak2g12.pdf18:16
mntmnalso includes 1 GHz VLIW DSP18:16
mntmnthat's one of the most bizarre chips i've ever seen18:18
mntmnhas PCIe and graphics18:18
mntmn> – Serial Capture Unit (SCU), supporting direct18:20
mntmnconnection, 16-bit parallel capture18:20
mntmnsounds like something that could be almost directly connected to old buses18:20
mntmn> Up to 36-Bit DDR External Memory Interface18:21
mntmn> Up to 8 stereo streams (16 audio channels)18:21
mntmnthis is total madness18:21
mntmnPCM3070 is cool, but unfortunately the instruction set for the 2x miniDSP is secret :/ can be programmed only with TI PurePath studio 18:35
_BnuI am sure it is very cheap...18:36
_Bnu$20 for a five minute license.18:37
mntmnno idea actually18:38
mntmnthere is a REQUEST button https://www.ti.com/tool/AICPUREPATH_STUDIO18:39
_BnuOh, like that Xilinx GPU core, hahah.18:39
mntmnle sadness18:39
mntmnmaybe better to use the ZYNQ as a dsp then >:|18:40
mntmni thought it would have been fun to play around with audio FX18:40
mntmnbut TI management are dumbdumbs18:40
mntmnanalog's stuff can just be downloaded at least https://www.analog.com/en/design-center/evaluation-hardware-and-software/software/ss_sigst_02.html#software-overview18:45
_BnuHaha. I like Analog Devices, because they have so many fancy ADCs with unintended functionality.18:47
mntmnoh nice https://freedsp.github.io/18:47
mntmn_Bnu: they have?18:47
_BnuYeah. If you look at the Datapath card, all the analog and digital video input is handled by the AD chips and then processed for capture output by the Cyclone II FPGAs. ÖD18:49
_BnuAlso :D18:49
mntmnah funky18:50
_BnuSwedish keyboard layout always trips me up.18:50
mntmncool, even lcsc still has ADAU170118:51
mntmna good candidate18:51
_BnuAngry Direct Audio Uncle 1701...18:55
mntmnnow i just need to know how to write an AHI driver...19:18
_BnuTell me if you figure out how to make an AHI prefs file that doesnät immediately crash AHI's settings application...19:19
_BnuI wish I could help you out, but I got hardcore stuck with the AHI driver I started working on for the PiStorm because I couldn't get it to enumerate any AHI prefs modes. :D19:20
_BnuBut you can use the uhhh... the thing...19:20
mntmnthe thing??19:20
_BnuThe device driver framework thing I made for PiSCSI.19:20
_BnuThat way you don't need to have a bunch of assembler files for ROMtags, and no weird bebbo-gcc compiler switches that destroy the binary you build. :D19:21
_BnuFor the prefsfile though, as far as I could tell it was assembler only.19:24
mntmnah yeah, that sounds good19:35
apolkosnik[m]Asking for a friend, what's the limiting factor at 1920x1080 as in why ZZ9000 can only do 16 bit? 23:41
apolkosnik[m]Very excited about the audio stuff23:41

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