
- S0rin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)00:09
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)00:10
mntmn_Bnu: i don't fully remember if you have an amiga to work with z3 stuff? a4000 hat problems with hard disk or sth sth?00:35
_Bnumntmn: Yeah, Claude sent me a PATA->SATA adapter, but it doesn't fit without an IDE extension cable of some sort.01:44
_BnuI don't dare put another old IDE hard drive in there, hahah.01:45
_Bnu(It's been such a pain to not have the A4000 available for stuff over the past few weeks.)01:45
- S0rin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 258 seconds) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)02:07
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)02:08
- pasik (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (pk@centos/qa/pasik)03:04
+ pasik (pk@reaktio.net)03:04
- bfarmilo (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~bfarmilo@
+ bfarmilo (~bfarmilo@
- bfarmilo (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~bfarmilo@
+ bfarmilo (~bfarmilo@
- bfarmilo (QUIT: Ping timeout: 268 seconds) (~bfarmilo@
+ bfarmilo (~bfarmilo@
- bfarmilo (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (~bfarmilo@
+ bfarmilo (~bfarmilo@
- norly (QUIT: Quit: Leaving.) (~norly@zhong.enpas.org)06:03
+ norly (~norly@zhong.enpas.org)06:04
mntmn> Man sollte auch bedenken das einer der Hauptentwickler des PiStorm auch bei der ZZ9000 Firmware seine Finger im Spiel hat und sich die Projekte daher auf lange sicher sicher gegenseitig weiter befruchten10:27
mntmnACTION chuckles10:28
_BnuAmerican Megasnakes.10:41
_BnuDirekt befruchten-connection between PiStorm and ZZ9000 is my secret dream...10:42
CottonUndies@mntmn You have a Warp Engine in a A3000? Two SIMM slots? If yes, can you please check to see if the memory is confirmed in one or two chunks? In my system I cannot get the 64meg ram to be contiguous.11:39
mntmnCottonUndies: 4 simms12:36
mntmnCottonUndies: i use the A4000 version and sawed off part of the connectors to make it fit12:37
mntmnCottonUndies: so i have 128 meg from it12:37
mntmn_Bnu: i agree, also totally possible with an SPI cable or something12:38
mntmnpci express over fibre channel12:38
Claude_Bnu is running wild!  befruchten all the Amiga opensourcen13:17
Jopea rampant bnu13:18
Claudemntmn: usb? Pi3a can act as 480mbps usb device 13:40
mntmnClaude: also not bad! but then you have 2 usb stacks in there... 13:42
mntmnlatency this that13:42
Joperaspi3 has a pcie bus on it too doesn't it13:42
Jopeor was it raspi413:42
JopeI remember a project where someone took out the usb controller from a raspi and connected to the pcie bus left behind13:43
Claudepi4 13:43
mntmnfrom 2012: > The Raspberry Pi SPI runs at APB clock speed, which is equivalent to core clock speed, 250 MHz. This can be divided by any even number from 2 to 65536 for the desired speed. The datasheet specifies that the divisor must be a power of two, but this is incorrect. Odd numbers are rounded down, and 0 (or 1) is equivalent to 65536. A divisor smaller than 2 is therefore impossible13:43
mntmnJope: yeah but that's a huge ugly hackjob. the cm4 can give you a pcie port13:43
Claudeyeah 64MHz is Ende Befruchtung 13:43
Claudeon SPI13:43
Jopemntmn, oh yeah absolutely :-D I wouldn't really consider it for anything serious13:44
mntmnClaude: i see... how many lanes can be combined ;)13:44
Claudehow many gpio are accessible ? :)13:44
mntmnah > SPI Dual Mode is not supported on Raspberry Pi, and is rarely supported in general. You may find other micro-controllers that support Dual or Quad SPI (QSPI)13:44
mntmnClaude: oh yeah just a parallel gpio bus might be faster13:45
mntmnClaude: see here https://mntre.com/media/ZZ9000_info_md/zz9000-manual-r3.pdf13:45
ClaudeI could bitbang dspi,qspi,ospi up to 60ish MHz13:45
Claudeospi as in 8bit parallel with clock :)13:46
mntmnClaude: 10 GPIOs on expansion port and a bunch of MIO pins13:46
ClaudeI have a rev1 13:46
mntmnClaude: doesn't matter, the expansion port was never changed13:47
mntmnonly audio stuff was changed later13:47
Claudephew :) great , couldn't arse myself to open the a3000 13:47
mntmnClaude: so we could do 8pin parallel13:47
Claudeok 10 GPIOs , mit bad ! 13:47
mntmnClaude: here's the R1 https://mntre.com/media/ZZ9000_info_md/zz9000-manual.pdf13:47
Claudebut what can we do then ? for the 68k emulation I need all pins :/13:48
mntmnClaude: ah, but that's not my fault!!!111213:48
Jopeare you guys scheming a zz9000 <-> pistorm interface :-)13:49
mntmnJope: apparently the pistorm doesn't have any gpio!!1213:49
Jopehehe it has lots! ;-)13:49
Claudeft232h or fx2lp connected to the pi ? 8bit sync FIFO should do 20-30-40 mb/sec easily13:49
mntmnClaude: can't we just sub-modulate something on the regular bus13:49
mntmnin the band gaps...13:49
Jope68kbusio hehe13:49
Claudewith a FX2LP I captured Amiga video already from the pi :) 13:50
mntmnbtw nobody says how you have to behave inside of a zorro transaction right...13:51
Claudelatency is yeah usb .. but I don't think that pixels get one by one that often :) so it's bursty 13:51
mntmnso you could do bursts inside of a zorro transaction13:52
mntmnover the regular bus13:52
Claudetrue , but I have no real idea about Zorro and how ..13:52
mntmnnaja naja13:53
Claudelike the pic doesn't acknowledge the transfer on Zorro and while the pic still holds the bus ownership bursting data ? 13:53
Claudelike playing a real slow Zorro card 13:54
mntmn"we're gonna take a while here"13:54
Claudemight work 13:54
mntmndepends a bit on how noisy and slow those bus lines are 13:54
Claudebut I have no idea on how much the Amiga Chipset will interfere with that 13:55
Claudelike buster or whatever gets upset13:55
mntmnbuster getting ~very~ angry!!13:55
Claudesounds like a plan! 13:55
Claudefrom the feeling I would say usb is a feasible way , using e.g. a ft232h in sync FIFO on the 10 GPIOs 13:57
Claudeftdi states 40MB/sec for that 13:58
Claudenot enough Io :(14:00
Claudeft1248 on ft232h in 4bit mode would fit then 14:03
_BnuYou can hold up the bus for a pretty long time without the computer dying at least.16:55
_BnuBut yeah, even inventing a little USB protocol to say hello to the ZZ9000 and sending blobs of data/commands to it would probably work wonders. :D17:02
_Bnu(Suddenly better bandwidth available to/from the card on Zorro II than III. ;D)17:10
_BnuCould even add a mapped memory range on the PiStorm to offer sort-of AXI DMA on an A500/A2000.17:11
- pasik (QUIT: Changing host) (pk@reaktio.net)20:48
+ pasik (pk@centos/qa/pasik)20:48
pasikmntmn: i'm the one who has picky dell monitor..22:40
pasikmntmn: I guess I should try that http://dump.mntmn.com/BOOT.bin-z3-1.9a-20210622a aswell22:43
mntmnpasik: wait!22:50
mntmnpasik: wrong link! try this one http://dump.mntmn.com/BOOT.bin-z3-1.9a-20210622c22:51
mntmnpasik: i'm very very interested in your results22:51
norlyoh wow, things are happening over at "freenode is IRC" - https://freenode.net/23:21
mntmnwhat the hell23:22
norlythey have mobile apps now - i guess this has been in the works for a while?23:22
norly"The freenode digital autonomous zone is proud to announce IRC.com by freenode."23:23
norlyquite an evolution23:23
mntmn> IRC.com connects you to the freenode autonomous zone, the world's leading, and free, IRC network that supports freedom.23:24
mntmnyo dawg23:24
mntmnsomeone in a1k reported that with the 1.9 test firmware, zz9000 now works on their projector23:27
norlyfwiw, i had managed to feed a 4k projector off a zz9000 maybe a year ago, so some devices have been working before :)23:28
norlyoh, the freenode website and software stack used to be hosted on github, but it's no longer used: https://github.com/freenode/web-7.023:30
norlymntmn, you had slowed down a while back i believe. are you feeling better again?23:38
norlyin any case, take your time and take care of yourself :)23:39
mntmnnorly: thanks, i'm feeling better indeed. still more irritable than like a year ago or so.23:39
mntmnnorly: but it's good that our products are shipping now23:40
norlyyes that's always good!23:40
norlyand don't forget that you've been shipping stuff for years now - that's quite an achievement to build on :)23:41
mntmnyup... i'm thinking a lot about how to continue though! once everybody has a zz9000 and stuff23:43
mntmnsound thing is next on my list23:43

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