
norlyhe said the G word00:34
- xenial-user (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~puppy@user/crabster)01:27
- BluRaf (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (bluraf@junkcc.net)04:11
+ BluRaf (bluraf@junkcc.net)04:14
ClaudeSouth G is awake ! 05:27
- bfarmilo (QUIT: Ping timeout: 258 seconds) (~bfarmilo@
+ bfarmilo (~bfarmilo@
- bfarmilo (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~bfarmilo@
+ bfarmilo (~bfarmilo@
- bfarmilo (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~bfarmilo@
+ bfarmilo (~bfarmilo@
mntmnberlin too ;)09:01
Chain|Qberlin is awake, actual footage: https://tenor.com/view/morning-good-good-morning-sunshine-wake-up-gif-1397936309:36
- xet7 (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~xet7@85-156-127-25.elisa-laajakaista.fi)12:41
mntmnok v interesting, camlink 4k cannot capture from zz9000!12:45
mntmninvalid pixel format / invalid resolution index this that12:45
_BnuDoesn't surprise me.12:49
_BnuSome modes are barely 59Hz and some are above 60, haha.12:50
_BnuI tried adjusting them to get closer to 59.94 and a maximum of 60.10, but then the modes didn't work on my monitor...12:51
mntmni demand that this works!!!!!!!!12:51
mntmni wonder if it's really the freq or the changed blanking12:51
mntmnwhere is my bootdisk12:51
_BnuThe vblank stuff didin't change the refresh rate at all as far as I could tell.12:51
mntmnyeah, i know, i mean the vblank stuff changed the vblank stuff :D12:52
_BnuIt seems entirely dependent on the total number of pixels, the resolution and the frequency set by the clock wizard.12:52
mntmnok so the boot disk is in the amiga actually12:52
_BnuBecause me changing the MHz for the modes was what broke it for everyone, haha.12:52
_BnuIf you hook up the VisionRGB instead, you can actually check the effective refresh rate of the signal... though it might be hard to get it working on any recent Linux kernel.12:52
_BnuSo if you have like a tiny Windows computer with a single PCIe slot, you can use it as a resolution tester...12:52
mntmni only have an LX2160A, i wonder if there are aarch64 drivers for the VisionRGB? ;)12:53
_BnuNah. And the latest Linux driver is like for kernel 5.2 or something...12:54
_Bnuhttps://www.datapath.co.uk/datapath-current-downloads/vision-capture-card-downloads/vision-drivers/vision-drivers-1/623-linux-visioninstall-v7-21-0 Oh, no.
_BnuBut yeah, the drivers constantly break because of V4L2.12:55
_BnuIt really is a nightmare. :D12:55
mntmnlol guvcview says 24015/406 fps12:55
mntmninteresting, that's > 59.1502463054187212:56
mntmnthere were a few visible frames when rebooting12:56
mntmnhow strange12:56
mntmnfor 1280x720 it shows 6037/100 fps (so 60.37Hz), and it also cannot grabbb the image12:59
mntmnit's copy protectino12:59
_BnuYeah, many capture ICs are like.13:01
_Bnu"Oh shit, it's not 59.94 or 60. Do not want!!!"13:01
Jopemy hdmi switch is also like that :-D13:02
Jopezz9000 just doesn't go through it to any display13:02
mntmnJope: also not on 1.7?13:03
Jopenow that you mention it, I'm no longer sure13:03
JopeI'll give it a go in case something changed13:03
JopeI should be quite up to date with fw/sw13:03
mntmnhaven't pressed "generate bitstream" in a while!13:23
_BnuGeneral bipstream reporting in...13:24
+ xet7 (~xet7@85-156-127-25.elisa-laajakaista.fi)13:25
- xet7 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~xet7@85-156-127-25.elisa-laajakaista.fi)13:31
+ xet7 (~xet7@85-156-127-25.elisa-laajakaista.fi)13:32
Jopele bit strem13:42
Claudemntmn: many consumer hdmi devices just refuse any mode not in the CTA standard , and even if the mode is 101% CTA  without proper matching Avi infoframes set they just go "meh! nope" . Samsung is a prime example of stupidity on this  13:43
mntmni see13:43
_BnuJust like strawberries.14:10
mntmnhighly annoying that i can't capture _any_ of the modes14:12
- Fate (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~fate@bnc.nordkommission.de)14:16
+ Fate (~fate@bnc.nordkommission.de)14:20
Claudethen a wild guess : sync polarity wrong or faulty Avi infoframes (when in hdmi mode) 14:37
Claudethe "source product descriptor" 14:39
mntmnaha, i can capture through my cheap chinese hdmi->usb box now15:12
mntmn(shows up as "MiraBox")15:14
mntmnok camlink is a bit happier now but still doesn't want to do the job15:15
mntmn50000/1001 fps!15:15
mntmnoh there is an image but it is glitching around15:15
_Bnu49.95 ('A`)15:17
_BnuThat'd result in some pretty annoying stutters even if it worked, haha. But you probably don't have much of a choice but to go for an even 50 for it to work.15:18
_BnuUnfortunately I don't know what capture card would work well other than the CamLink, not on Linux at least.15:19
mntmninteresting because if it's so desynced i can see the blanking area etc sometimes15:20
mntmnwell, the mirabox gives a stable image but it has bad compression15:20
mntmnthe camlink has a crisp image15:20
mntmnhmm maybe our lines are 1 pixel too long15:22
mntmnin terms of blanking15:22
_BnuIf it's that simple, that'd be good, haha.15:22
mntmni probably should stick ILA in there and let it count everything15:23
mntmnor wait, it's probably much easier to simulate this15:23
_BnuStimulated FPGA.15:25
mntmnlol Resolution > 798x60015:27
mntmnthat's two pixels missing15:28
mntmn(after i changed something)15:28
_BnuThe visible image resolution was always correct for me when checking with the Datapath, at least.15:30
mntmnyeah, it was ok15:30
mntmnthanks 4 confirming15:30
_BnuNot sure about the horizontal blanking width, but it's probably okay...15:31
_BnuOr possibly...15:33
mntmnhow are the h/v max values to be interpreted... as a count (exclusive) or as a position (inclusive)15:33
mntmnlike, if we have vmax 628, should we output 628 or 629 lines total15:34
_BnuI think any odd number is probably wrong...15:35
mntmnhtotal/vtotal are supposed to be counters. so, you are right, they should be even15:36
Jopehttps://c65gs.blogspot.com/2020/10/pulling-out-big-guns-for-improving.html hope this suggestion is not offensice15:45
_BnuI'm not sure what the suggestion is.15:48
_BnuBuy some gigantic and expensive HDMI testing device and spend 700 hours trying to deal with the Xilinx Clock Wizard to fit HDMI specs? :D15:48
_BnuFor the RTG modes, I'd be all for having either 60 or 59.94 FPS, but it'd be nice to still have the 49.9189899897/59.98 Hz optionally available for the scandoubler.15:48
Jope_Bnu, ah well it is a tl;dr post but the mega65 folks say in there that they're happy to help other retro projects with hdmi compliance15:49
Jopeso no, no need to buy an expensive tester, they did it and are not hogging15:49
_BnuHDMI compliance is very much a can of worms, though. We need to match one of two refresh rates exactly for any VGA/HDMI resolution, otherwise there will be tearing.15:50
Jopeyes :-/15:50
_BnuAnd from what I could tell, it's simply IMPOSSIBLE to hit these refresh rates with some resolutions.15:51
Jopewhat an annoying world really :-D15:51
_BnuThere's just no combination of multipliers and divisors that will result in 59.94 or 60.00.15:51
Jopeit could be anything but they choose to be picky15:51
JopeI mean what the monitors and tvs accept15:51
mntmn> 10 year old pre-loved protocol analyser15:52
_BnuIt's a somewhat conscious decision on the manufacturer's part.15:52
_BnuMy ASUS Monitor syncs fine to almost everything ever. And everyone else could do that as well, they just don't want to.15:52
_BnuIt has adaptive sync on the VGA port.15:52
Jopeasus here too15:52
Jopesurprisingly lenient towards all kinds of things15:52
Jopethen try samsung .. not so much15:53
_BnuBan Samsung.15:53
Jopethey're on my botcott list already :-D15:53
Jopebut I'm allowing samsung components in devices, else I'd have to move into a hole in the ground15:53
mntmnJope: crazy article, thanks15:54
_BnuI allow them the SSDs in my computer, that's about it.15:54
mntmnwoah, fixed it16:04
mntmnok, so the article gave a very good hint16:04
mntmnhsync+vsync leading edge should coincide16:04
_BnuWhat about the sleeping edge...16:05
mntmnthe seeping edge16:05
_BnuDoes this mean that I can now adjust the timing for the modes to get closer to 60Hz again...16:05
mntmncamlink or guvcview does not like resolution switching though16:06
mntmnbut interesting, now i have 50.2 hz16:06
mntmngrab http://dump.mntmn.com/screenshot-2021-06-22-16-08-52.png16:09
Jopeooh, excellent 16:09
mntmn(in this build there is one line wraparound though because i commented a fix for that out)16:10
mntmnwhile true; do mpv /dev/video1; done16:19
mntmnthis kind of survives resolution changes ;)16:19
_BnuAre you sure you're not using the old timings for 1920x1080?16:25
_BnuBecause they were wrong and set for 50Hz instead of 60.16:25
_BnuOh, I can't read.16:26
_BnuIn general, neither V4L2 or DirectShow can actually deal with resolution changes, they always need a reinit or for the capture device to scale it to a set output resolution.16:27
mntmnstream! https://www.twitch.tv/mntmn66616:27
_BnuIt's too big...16:28
mntmn_Bnu: what do you mean!16:29
_BnuMy monitor is only 640x290...16:29
_BnuCan you do a 200% playthrough of Morton's Revenge...16:32
mntmni have not heard of this game!16:33
mntmnok lunch break...16:37
Claudemntmn: ShK happens to bought recently a agilent hdmi analyzer :) I can ping him , he offered to lend it to me but I guess he's fine also lending it to you 16:41
Claudedoes the full conformance test 16:41
_BnuBut does it even do the small performance test...17:15
_Bnumntmn needs some PiSCSI to load icons faster.17:22
mntmnno it's because this is 6803017:23
mntmnno accelerator17:23
mntmnoh red screen :3317:23
_BnuSmall red screen or big red screen...17:23
mntmnsmol blown up big17:23
_BnuKickstart red screen. ('A`)17:23
_BnuSofware fairule...17:25
_BnuDF0 exploded...17:26
_BnuIs this my CDTV...17:26
mntmnhehe there are no floppy drives in this a300017:30
mntmni should put in an 6806017:30
_BnuGo all out with a 68070!17:33
mntmnhmm i forgot the a3000 jumper settings for warpengine17:34
_BnuExternal internal clock service pack.17:35
Jopefuturistic amiganess17:36
mntmnok we're back17:53
mntmnJope: you had a picky monitor, right?17:54
Claudemntmn: oh fixed it ? 'grats :)18:08
Claudenice wb backdrop18:09
mntmnthanks yeah!18:11
mntmnClaude: i think the main problem was misaligned hsync+vsync edges18:11
mntmnbut also i ~believe~ the number of total columns and rows was off, but i think it doesn't matter much18:11
mntmn(changes the frequency slightly though)18:11
mntmnJope: ping18:16
mntmnok now i need to simplify this algoriddim18:17
Jopewhat up18:23
JopeI have a picky hdmi switch :-)18:23
Jopeand IIRC also my tv didn't like the fhd output from zz900018:24
+ isoriano_ (~isoriano@
isoriano_Good evening18:31
mntmnJope: ok, wanna try experimental FW?18:41
mntmnJope: cool, here you go http://dump.mntmn.com/BOOT.bin-z3-1.9a-20210622a18:42
mntmnJope: my question would be if your switch or tv like this more18:43
mntmnwho was the person here with a picky monitor...18:43
Jopehmm, it doesn't seem to like this fw18:44
Jopeblack screen via hdmi switch18:45
Jopelet's see whether it works straight18:45
Jopehm, it didn't like it at all18:46
Jopesorry, didn't work with my board18:48
Jopereverted back to the old boot.bin and that still runs18:48
mntmnok so it doesn't work at all, even with your regular monitor, yes?18:59
mntmnJope: i'm very stupid sorry19:00
mntmnJope: i didn't actually export the working one19:00
mntmnmy god i should just retire19:00
mntmnJope: if you have the patience, try http://dump.mntmn.com/BOOT.bin-z3-1.9a-20210622b19:04
JopeI do :-D son't worry19:04
mntmnthis one works with both my capture devices19:05
mntmninterestingly, the MiraBox can handle the mode switches with no problem19:05
Jopelet's see what the tv likes19:06
Jopeit does!19:06
Jopetesting all modes now19:07
Jopeall rtg modes show in p96mode19:08
Jopentsc/pal captured modes also work19:09
mntmnoh, that's good news19:10
Jopehmmmm pal scrolling jerks with this firmware19:10
Jopeok, was to be expected then19:10
mntmnthis is possible19:10
mntmni can try bnu's modeline again19:10
mntmnJope: you have 50hz mode enabled yes?19:18
mntmnJope: and this is what is jerky?19:18
mntmn(for pal)19:18
Jopeyeah I was playing pinball fantasies19:18
Jopein pal19:18
mntmnand with fw1.8 this was better?19:23
Jopeyep. not sure actually which fw I had before19:25
Jopebut 1.8 or some intermediate from bnu19:26
mntmnah :319:27
mntmnspecial sauce19:27
mntmnoh i have strange mouse pointer jumps19:28
mntmnah but amiga is in an unhappy state19:29
mntmnlow 5V i guess19:29
mntmni need a more powerful picopsu, this one is getting very hot19:30
JopeI'm not totally convinced about the picopsu to be honest19:31
Jopein a big box amiga19:31
Jopenow a modern sfx psu on the other hand.. 19:31
mntmni have a 120W picopsu in there19:33
mntmni mean without the warpengine it was fine19:33
mntmnbut with it, i'm at 4.6V again19:33
mntmni do have an SFX but naja lets try that one again...19:34
Jope120W should be quite a bit but maybe the WE adds quite a bit of draw on +5due to old simms and such19:40
mntmnah, that one is gutted19:40
mntmnthe question is how much of that 120W is available on the 5V19:41
mntmni suspect not so much19:41
Jopemax load 6A on the 5V line19:45
mntmnugh yeah so that's not enough19:46
isoriano_Wow .. new fw for the ZZ .. any improvement to the alpha i was running with Linux?19:48
mntmnhmm the main issue is in the crimping of the a3000 power connector plugging into the mainboard19:54
mntmndrops 200mV there somewhere19:55
mntmnok with a 5v bypass cable soldered to a capacitor on the motherboard i get now 4.8V using picopsu20:23
- S0rin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 258 seconds) (~S0rin@user/s0rin)21:11
+ S0rin (~S0rin@user/s0rin)21:12
mntmnstill stable so far.21:44
mntmntesting impact of secondary palette on fpga timing22:22
- xet7 (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~xet7@85-156-127-25.elisa-laajakaista.fi)22:30
+ xet7 (~xet7@85-156-127-25.elisa-laajakaista.fi)22:32
mntmn_Bnu: i pushed 2 possibly interesting-for-you things!23:06
mntmn_Bnu: prep for secondary split-screen palette https://source.mnt.re/amiga/zz9000-firmware/-/commit/4d054eedb9afe8e755a881bb8e756fb8a20d305c23:06
mntmn_Bnu: sync tweaks fixing camlink and possibly other devices/tvs https://source.mnt.re/amiga/zz9000-firmware/-/commit/fc689094bdf455a43ff7e471a7057b7a2e899fe623:07
- xet7 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~xet7@85-156-127-25.elisa-laajakaista.fi)23:19
+ xet7 (~xet7@85-156-127-25.elisa-laajakaista.fi)23:23
_BnuSneaky snakes!23:34
- isoriano_ (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (~isoriano@

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