
- xet7 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~xet7@85-156-127-25.elisa-laajakaista.fi)03:30
+ xet7 (~xet7@85-156-127-25.elisa-laajakaista.fi)03:30
_Bnumntmn: Will you live stream the ZZ9000 testing so you can have people bug you in chat and ask when you're shipping their card...13:05
mntmn_Bnu: haha no. but maybe fw1.9 debugging13:51
_BnuFIST debugging!16:00
_BnuI finally got around to removing the hard drive from my A4000 earlier today... still don't have a replacement ready...16:01
mntmn1 step out of 2!16:01
Jope_bnu what rom are you running in the 4k16:05
_Bnu3.1, of course.16:20
Jopewas doing more experiments with an idesata bridge and a4k motherboard ide and I just couldn't get it to work reliably with a commodore rom. booting off the 3.2 modules disk made it work better.. urgh16:23
_BnuWell, I don't use the motherboard IDE anymore either.16:50
_BnuI just have it terminated.16:50
_BnuBut Kickstart 3.1.4 and 3.2 both have a patched scsi.device in ROM.16:50
Jopewhich controller do you have?17:16
_BnuFastATA something something 4000.18:00
Jopeok.. want to gamble? :-)18:11
Jopedrop me your address on discord or query here and I'll send you the patasata :-)18:12
- js- (QUIT: Quit: node-irc says goodbye) (~js@2001:470:69fc:105::232)18:36
- emiespo[m] (QUIT: Quit: node-irc says goodbye) (~emiespoma@2001:470:69fc:105::92a)18:36
+ js- (~js@2001:470:69fc:105::232)18:38
+ emiespo[m] (~emiespoma@2001:470:69fc:105::92a)18:41
* js- -> js18:49
+ isoriano_ (~isoriano@
isoriano_Good evening.20:27
mntmnhi isoriano_20:33
isoriano_How you doing guys? All good?20:41
mntmntoday we finally got batch6+7 zz9000s20:55
mntmnafter they were held for 1 month in customs20:55
isoriano_Yeah, i have seen the posting on twitter .. unbelievable it took soo much time to clear customs. 21:44
isoriano_Batch 7? Awesome! Then my A4K will be happy :-)21:45
mntmnyeah it was double batch21:47
mntmni think people who are ordering now are ordering batch 8 though, need to update the website21:47
norlymntmn, do you have any interesting stories about customs, i.e. why the cards were held, and whether there is a way to help them next time?21:47
mntmnto help ~them~??21:48
mntmnthey should better help ME!21:48
norlythey should, but alas, that's how these things work sadly21:48
norlyhelp them release the goods, that is. idk, did you have to provide some weird documentation, and maybe next time you can provide it upfront? any such lessons learned the hard way?21:48
mntmnthis is batch 6/7, not 121:49
isoriano_Cool .. I think I had one for B7.21:49
mntmnmeaning, i did this a few times 21:49
norlyi mean - i suppose they got creative in new and unanticipated ways21:49
mntmnit is random21:49
isoriano_That's customs!21:49
mntmni did not send anything else than last time21:49
mntmni think maybe DHL did a mistake at first21:50
isoriano_They have to be like that ..21:50
mntmnby classifying as PCB21:50
mntmnbut they were like, there are components on them so they're not PCBs, so what are they21:50
mntmnand i'm like, they are parts of products21:50
mntmnetc etc21:50
mntmnwhat is the exact functions, do you have data sheets, do you have manuals, blablabla21:50
norlyok, so random mistake then. still, good to know this kind of situation exists. thanks, that's what i was asking for :)21:51
mntmni even send schematics and BOM at first21:51
mntmnit was like 3 times back and forth with always at least a week of delay21:51
norlyoh my did they ask you to strip!?21:51
mntmnand in the end this never costs any duty anyway21:51
mntmnonly VAT that i get back21:51
mntmnso the whole process is completely useless21:51
mntmnand they know that21:51
mntmnso... whatever.21:52
mntmnrandom acts of government21:52
norlythanks a lot, these random stories are useful21:52
norlyreal life experience that is hard to hear elsewhere21:52
norlyand it can matter even with $5 orders from aliexpress, after all21:52
norlybut yeah, it gets a lot more interesting when doing, say, a group PCB buy...21:53
isoriano_the best thing is providing the wright customs tariff number21:54
norlyoh, good to know21:56
norlyyeah it's funny when they ask "what is this", "well, it does this, and that, and..." - "so it's X", "well..."21:57
norlyis the ZZ9000 a graphics card, or a network card, or a USB card, or a RAM card, or a storage card, or... :D21:58
isoriano_That one .. 22:00
mntmncustoms have very weird classifications.22:00
mntmnhistorically grown22:00
mntmndata entry machines or something22:00
isoriano_8473 30 8022:01
isoriano_or 8473 30 2022:02
isoriano_norly: mainboards (well in german it would be Baugruppen) without CPU22:16
norlyisoriano_, interesting, thanks!22:33

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