
- emiespo (QUIT: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) (uid500588@id-500588.tinside.irccloud.com)02:31
- isoriano (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~isoriano@
- xenial-user (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~puppy@
+ Jope (jope@jope.fi)09:26
Jopehmph. my irssi config is missing too many things09:26
forciefollowed by09:27
+ xenial-user (~puppy@
- xet7 (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~xet7@85-156-127-25.elisa-laajakaista.fi)11:04
+ xet7 (~xet7@85-156-127-25.elisa-laajakaista.fi)11:04
_BnuI wonder how that's a political stance, rather than avoiding this now super weird IRC network that performs hostile takeovers on channels.11:06
_BnuAlso, that's funny, because it's the first commit Geert Hauwaerts has made to the repo in almost five years, haha.11:45
mntmn_Bnu: i know this is #mnt-amiga but i ran RISC OS on MNT Reform last night!13:22
mntmni have to say some of its features are quite neat13:22
mntmnantialiased text for example ;)13:23
_BnuI really like RISC OS, though it can certainly be a bit hard to get used to.13:27
_Bnuhttps://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/792130929942462565/847425679326576651/unknown.png <- I hacked Kick 1.3 to have 128MB of Fast RAM using the PiSCSI boot ROM...13:33
mntmnthat's a lot of fast ram!13:35
mntmndid the designers of 1.3 anticipate this...13:35
_BnuSadly it can't be used on the ZZ9000, since Z2 doesn't have 32 bits of addresses...13:36
mntmnexcept in UAE running on ZZ9000...13:49
_BnuYeah, but I think UAE already has hax to add lots of Fast RAM to 1.3, haha.13:56
+ Fate (~fate@bnc.nordkommission.de)17:11
- xenial-user (QUIT: Quit: Leaving) (~puppy@
- BluRaf (QUIT: Ping timeout: 252 seconds) (bluraf@junkcc.net)18:01
+ BluRaf (bluraf@junkcc.net)18:16
+ Articat (~root@
- Articat (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~root@
+ Articat (~root@
- Articat (QUIT: Quit: Client exiting) (~root@
norlymntmn, nice work on reform :)21:40
norly_Bnu, my A2000 with BigRAM2630 also boots into Kick 1.3 with 112 MB of CPU RAM without problems21:40
norlywith no modifications, stock 1.321:41
norlydid you have to change anything in the kickrom? is it possible to avoid that?21:41
norlyworst case, maybe by having a virtual zorro boot rom that does an AddMem, just like the BigRAM2630 does?21:42
norlymntmn, first RiscOS laptop ever?21:44
mntmnthanks, not sure tbh...21:46
Chain|Qnorly: B2060/B2040 also boots into KS1.3 with Fast RAM available (max. 128MB), although the SCSI doesn't work under KS1.322:21
Chain|Qnorly: you can't AddMem the RAM, on the A2630 it works, because the RAM expansion is directly on the CPU card, which is 32bit internally, but the ZZ9000 is only accessible via Z2 from the CPU, which is max. 24bit address range.22:22
Chain|Qunless one wants to pull a Mediator, and do some MMU trickery and page in the Fast RAM on each access... but god have mercy on your soul if you try to pull that stunt under KS1.3 :)22:24
norlyChain|Q, i was thinking of CPU board RAM of course, not Z2 RAM. But then again, i should probably look up what PiSCSI is exactly...22:25
norlythough if it is a Z2 thing, then yes, i suppose _Bnu did some paging!?22:25
norlyah, i suppose PiSCSI is part of PiStorm22:26
norlysounds like B2040/B2060/BigRAM2630 within PiStorm then22:26
norlyi wonder what's special under 1.3 though - _Bnu?22:27
Chain|QZ2 has nothing to do with the fact it's KS1.3. it's entirely a hardware thing. YOu either have full 32bit addressing from the CPU, then you can just map anything in that address range22:28
Chain|Qor you don't. :)22:28
Chain|Qand in real A2000 with the ZZ9000 stuck into a real Z2 slot, you don't. so you can't map it.22:28
shanshe_PiSCSI -> PiStorm ;)23:16

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