
+ reformer (~reformer@softboy.mntmn.com)00:11
mntmnreformer: test00:12
_BnuIs reformer trying to kill us...00:15
mntmnin case you need to look something up later...00:17
+ BluRaf (bluraf@junkcc.net)00:35
+ truck (truck@
truckI was very, very, very "oh god I do NOT want to lose another channel to discord and matrix sucks00:36
mntmntruck: no worries, we're in the same boat there ;)00:36
mntmnyou can pry IRC from my cold dead hands00:37
truckI'm all "I CANNOT afford to replace freenode right now"00:37
truckanyway joining the other channel00:37
norlytruck, mntmn: there's also #pistorm - let's fill that channel up00:39
mntmnok neat00:39
+ TadeusTaD (tadeustad@psifactor.pl)00:45
truckoh hell yes00:48
norlythis channel has filled up nicely already, good job01:07
truckand I'm basically off of all my freenode things.01:18
+ reformer0 (~reformer@softboy.mntmn.com)01:51
- reformer (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~reformer@softboy.mntmn.com)01:55
+ CottonUndies (~admin@ae069093.dynamic.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp)02:05
+ emiliano (uid500588@id-500588.tinside.irccloud.com)02:22
* emiliano -> emiespo02:23
_BnuACTION begins to rotate and draw balls02:30
JopeACTION revolves with a satisfying granite sound06:53
JopeI must say, that was a surprisingly smooth change of network :-D06:54
Jopepeople just hopped over06:54
+ reformer (~reformer@softboy.mntmn.com)08:13
+ truck (truck@
+ reformer (~reformer@softboy.mntmn.com)08:21
+ Jope_ (jope@galia.arabuusimiehet.com)09:12
- Jope (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (jope@galia.arabuusimiehet.com)09:12
_BnuIch bin Small Snake.11:14
* Jope_ -> Jope12:33
Jopeeine kleine schlange12:35
Jopethought it was schnecke but that's no snake12:35
CottonUndiesFor some reason I count get ZNC to work with both free node and libera, so for now I have lost PiStorm IrcBridge, but will try again later to add...12:43
CottonUndies"I could not"12:43
_BnuCottonUndies: You can connect via plaintext on port 6667, if TLS/SSH doesn't work with your ZNC setup.12:49
_BnuI had to bash around mine a bit for it to actually resolve the server name, but then it worked.12:49
mntmnschnecke is a snail12:51
mntmngumo! (guten morgen)12:51
mntmnoops it's afternoon12:51
mntmnah, plaintext is possible here _Bnu? so AmIRC can connect yeah?12:51
Jopeit can yes :-)12:58
Jopeif libera lets new clients in that is12:58
Jopeseems a bit exciting that way sometimes12:58
+ S0rin (~shaman@ns3078682.ip-217-182-133.eu)13:03
truckjope: yes, discussions about how this transition took place simply, easily, and... well, my brain is now equating it with the Swedish change of the side of the road with automobiles13:15
truck"ok, now we're on the other side. all is the same."13:16
+ Jope600 (~Jope@
Jope600ooh, it works13:18
forciei find it kind of impressive that so many people gave freenode the finger so quickly :)13:19
forciei am using plaintext on port 6667 - but they only advertised TLS on their main website13:20
forciei guess the kind of people who still use irc are also a bit conscious about what is going on with it13:21
- Jope600 (QUIT: Client Quit) (~Jope@
_BnuI have a feeling many of the channels on Freenode were like open source or other projects where the IRC channel has been mostly abandoned, like for instance #obsproject used to be on there.13:22
_BnuBut once they moved their primary chat to Discord, the entire place pretty much died.13:23
Jopeyep, irc channels die the moment the main discussion is moved to a different service13:24
JopeI am on a few where the irc and different sides are alive simultaneously. no bridges.13:24
Jopebut I find myself chatting on the different side for most of those13:24
+ isoriano (~isoriano@
- CottonUndies (PART: Leaving) (~CottonUnd@ae069093.dynamic.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp)14:36
+ CottonUndies (~CottonUnd@ae069093.dynamic.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp)14:38
+ spivvy (575f3238@unknownnetwork-a.clients.kiwiirc.com)14:48
spivvyfound here14:48
isorianoGood afternoon.14:50
spivvymntmn you got my screenshot?15:10
spivvyI have this weird issue with native interlace modes15:12
spivvysee http://www.deadcoderssociety.org/pics/interlace.jpg15:13
spivvyhappens every now and then15:13
spivvyThis is P96 v3.x.y (first v3 series) and 1.8 boot.bin15:17
mntmnspivvy: oh, looks like interlace is not correctly recognized / vertical scaler is not activated15:17
spivvypossible cause?15:22
mntmnnot the expected number of lines? hard to say, i would need a recipe to reproduce it15:46
mntmncustom videomode?15:46
JopeI've seen this on occasion too15:47
Jopeunfortunately I haven't been able to reproduce reliably15:48
Jopesomehow related to switching between rtg / laced custom chip screen15:48
norlymntmn, is there a way to use 2 vouchers in your online shop? i sent you an email about that, but maybe that got lost in your spam filter or something?15:51
mntmnnorly: sorry for ignoring that. i think it's a bug in the shop. i could maybe delete those vouchers and replace them with a bigger one, let me see15:54
mntmnmeh i cannot delete codes15:55
mntmnmaybe via the console15:55
norlymntmn, no rush, thanks a lot!15:55
mntmnrunning this shop is really as lot of work.15:55
mntmna lot15:55
norlyi just wanted to ask before they expire. if you're fine accepting them later on, then there's no rush :)15:56
mntmnnorly: i'll get back to you on this later ok?15:56
norlymntmn, thanks :)15:56
_BnuYeah, it seems to happen on some computers, where they don't realize that the modes have been switched for some reason. It's kind of the bane of my current WIP firmware with the panning stuff, hahah.16:09
_BnuBecause it works fine on my A4000, but randomly breaks for other people when it shouldn't be possible.16:10
truckspivvy: ltns16:12
mntmnmmmm panning, i still need to catch up on that16:15
spivvy_Bnu this is of cos a300016:33
spivvytruck: \o/16:33
_BnuI thought it was a Mac Mini...16:41
spivvynah.. a3000, zz9000, 1.8 boot.bin and p96 v3'16:45
spivvymac mini for morphos  ;)16:46
_BnuWe'll have to format the cloud.16:58
norly_Bnu, go go go!16:59
forciebetter make it fluffy16:59
- xenial-user (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~puppy@
+ js- (~b2c5e111@ircip2.mibbit.com)18:16
js-norly told me I should write here :)18:16
js-and explain what issues I had with libera18:16
js-it seems they call themselves a migration, but policy wisse, absolutely failed18:16
js-they allowed domain squatters, and people are taking nicknames from people on freenode18:16
js-stuff just says "sorry, first come first serve"18:16
js-so, I can't be me here18:16
norlyjust to confirm, this is the same guy who just described this story to me as "js" on freenode18:17
js-combined with spam problems that seem to be worse on Freenode, I think migrating to libera is not a good path, and OFTC might be better18:17
js-*worse than on Freenode18:17
js-s/domain squatters/name squatters/ of course :D18:17
js-it seems very chaotic from the start, and I'm concerned where this is going if things that cannot be undone like name / channel stealing are allowed from the start18:18
_BnuMaybe you should blame the person who took Freenode out of control of the people who were running it? I mean I don't get it.18:18
js-especially given that it would have been trivial to e.g. just say "pick any nick, but if the owner of the nick on freenode complains, you have to give it up".18:18
_BnuAny IRC network you go to that is not your own, you're not going to have control over.18:18
js-but there is no willingness to do so18:18
js-just "we're a migration from freenode, but we are doing absolutely nothing to be a proper migration"18:19
js-aaanyway, just coming here to say that. I am *not* going to be not js here after almost 2 decades of being js on every big IRC network.18:19
js-the most worrying part is that I'm sure that plenty of people here will assume "js18:20
js-" on here is me18:20
_BnuHave you tried messaging the js that is not you and ask them if you can have your nickname back?18:20
forciei bet he will reply with a paypal link18:24
js-_Bnu: I have, but that doesn't change my lack of confidence in how libera runs things18:27
js-(also no response yet)18:27
js-I mean, it's chaotic from the start, and they make unfixable mistakes (allowing name squatting) from the start, meaning they are in a starting position from where it's hard to get to anything good ever18:27
js-if they wouldn't call themselves a migration, it wouldn't be all that bad. but they claim to be the natural successor and migration, and do absolutely nothing for it. they just claim to be it in order to grow.18:28
js-OFTC OTOH has been running smoothly since forever, didn't have any of the issues freenode had, etc., while libera seems to have all the same issues as freenode, but worse.18:29
norlyjs-, maybe there was never a problem with freenode to begin with, and the libera.chat guys stirred up a storm and made people migrate for no real reason18:29
norlyeither way, i'm not in a position to judge18:30
js-norly: it more and more seems like the libera people just like drama, yes. Also given how chaotic and with a lack of attention to detail libera was started, this seems exceedingly like an attemption to start a shitstorm to get attention to libera.18:31
js-also IMO, migrating from Freenode -> Libera fixes nothing. You migrate from one centrally managed place to another, rather than to a decentral place.18:32
norlyjs-, now that's a very fair point18:35
js-I know people are tired of me saying that, but Matrix fixes that ;)18:36
_BnuYes, it also fixes the problem of being able to use it on too many platforms.18:38
_BnuI mean how's that decentralized though? You're running the home server for it, aren't you. Someone's always running it.18:38
_BnuThe only difference is that you will be in control.18:38
_BnuWhich is fair, I can understand wanting that.18:38
js-_Bnu: You can use it on any platform, and via any protocol you like. Like IRC? Join a matrix room via IRC. Like Telegram? Sure, use that. Discord is your thing? No problem.18:39
js-_Bnu: A room doesn't live on a single server, and not a single server can e.g. close it18:39
_BnuGreat okay, let's move.18:39
_BnuSet it all up and tell me how to connect and do everything.18:39
js-can do :)18:40
js-what protocols do you want available? IRC, Telegram, Discord enough for a start? Or also want Gitter, Slack?18:40
norlyjs-, be sure to call it libera.matrix for giggles18:40
norlyjs-, please don't encourage closed platforms :(18:41
norlyIRC is fine i think, maybe a telegram bridge because... people18:41
norlydiscord and slack can stay away.18:41
mntmnjs-: we are here, it works, end of discussion for me18:43
_BnuI would never use yet another webshit client just to connect to one more IRC channel.18:43
js-norly: Well, I thought the same, but the fun thing is, these people join Matrix rooms via their proprietary BS and then actually eventually notice that many rooms they use are available on Matrix and migrate there ;). I've seen many people join a Discord that was also on Matrix and then migrating to Matrix18:43
js-mntmn: k, then unfortunately this is yet another project I need to drop, since I don't want to support this chaotic move from libera18:44
js-this was really done in the worst possible way. invest all time to stir drama instead of getting the network set up properly, have everything as chaotic as possible, etc.18:44
mntmnjs-: ok, see you around then18:45
norlyjs-, interesting, i'll make a mental note that there is hope in people. thanks :)18:45
js-norly: the problem is reaching critical mass ;). and by allowing people to join via whatever means they prefer helps to get that.18:46
js-99.99% of all people do not care about the underlying protocol, the company controlling it, etc. They care where the people they want to talk to are.18:46
norlywell, the classic point made is that it may create critical mass in something else, such as discord18:47
js-I haven't seen a single person signing up for Discord because they wanted to join a Matrix room ;)18:48
mntmnluckily we are not the 99.9%18:48
js-but I have seen plenty of people move away from Discord once a larg-ish server bridged to Matrix18:48
- S0rin (QUIT: Ping timeout: 272 seconds) (~shaman@ns3078682.ip-217-182-133.eu)18:49
js-anyway, this discussion is OT, feel free to ping me on freenode norly :) I'll leave here, this place that fucks up policy from the start so that I cannot even be me and people talk to someone else and think it's me18:49
- js- (PART: !!unknown attribute: msg!!) (~b2c5e111@ircip2.mibbit.com)18:50
mntmni am ~this~ close to turning on my amiga again...18:53
_BnuI would turn on my A4000, if it didn't mean that the hard drive would maybe die forever when it stops this time around...18:54
mntmnpoor 4000s18:55
_BnuACTION continues to format the cloud19:11
+ S0rin (~shaman@ns3078682.ip-217-182-133.eu)19:14
_BnuAt least I have hamburgers. :(19:20
+ Claude (sid304814@id-304814.tooting.irccloud.com)19:44
- S0rin (QUIT: Quit: WeeChat 2.3) (~shaman@ns3078682.ip-217-182-133.eu)19:48
+ S0rin (~S0rin@ns3078682.ip-217-182-133.eu)19:49
mntmnuo Claude 20:08
mntmn"yo" i mean20:08
_BnuACTION powers up20:09
- S0rin (QUIT: Quit: WeeChat 2.3) (~S0rin@ns3078682.ip-217-182-133.eu)20:19
+ S0rin (~S0rin@ns3078682.ip-217-182-133.eu)20:19
- S0rin (QUIT: Quit: WeeChat 2.3) (~S0rin@ns3078682.ip-217-182-133.eu)20:26
+ S0rin (~S0rin@ns3078682.ip-217-182-133.eu)20:26
- S0rin (QUIT: Quit: WeeChat 2.3) (~S0rin@ns3078682.ip-217-182-133.eu)20:32
+ S0rin (~S0rin@ns3078682.ip-217-182-133.eu)20:32
- S0rin (QUIT: Client Quit) (~S0rin@ns3078682.ip-217-182-133.eu)20:34
+ S0rin (~S0rin@ns3078682.ip-217-182-133.eu)20:34
isorianoClaude should rename to Mr Pistorm :-)21:28
isorianoLooks like you and well the bnu-gcc have started a gane changer :-)21:29
_BnuAt this point, you could almost believe that it had something to do with the Max II CPLD shortage.21:34
- CottonUndies (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (~CottonUnd@ae069093.dynamic.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp)21:36

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